[After Gao Sheng and Qu Yanping had a friendly relationship with each other, the group learned about Gao Sheng’s experience in the past few years. 】

It has been several years since Gao Sheng came to this world. Like the Three Waves of Mad Sword, he was resurrected and became an immortal directly when he entered this world.

He was confused and didn't know where to go. One day, he met his master in the divine city. Different from the ordinary immortal master in the outside world, the master here was a golden immortal, and he was taken back by the master. Kongyun Sect.

"But I have no memory of the past in this world at all. We, the Kongyun Sect, only have one family in the world. What do you think this Penglai ruins is not an illusion?" Gao Sheng invited a few people to sit down and said with a look of disdain:

"With my master's unattractive appearance, his success as an immortal depends entirely on nepotism. How can he still become a golden immortal?"

"The only thing that I can't figure out is why there is such a real illusion, and some of the things and relationships performed in this illusion are very different from the outside world, while others are exactly the same."

"Have all the Eastern monks who entered this place become immortals?" Father [Amon] asked, frowning.

"As far as I know, except for Brother Qu, all of them have become immortals. Their original strength was that of an immortal, but their strength has improved a lot." Gao Sheng glanced at Qu Yanping in confusion. Suddenly, he seemed to have remembered something, and hurriedly road:

"By the way! There is one thing I forgot to tell you. The immortals in Liyue Immortal Courtyard all turned into demons after entering this place!"

"You may not have imagined that the Great Sage of Conquering Demons here is a golden-winged roc, the same one that appears in Journey to the West!"

According to Gao Sheng's description, they learned that in this fantasy world, countless extraordinary creatures such as immortals, gods, Buddhas, monsters, demons, heretics, dragons, magicians, superpowers, spirits, demons, angels and so on live together here, but there are also Not just one world on the surface.

Putting aside those small planes and caves, there are many forces entrenched in different complete worlds. The place where they are now is just the fairy world, the Buddhist world, the demon world, an area between the three worlds. In order to facilitate communication, Then there was great power that opened up a universe from the void.

But even so, there are still many worlds where the information is incomplete. One is that some worlds have not yet been discovered; the other is that the powers of some worlds have not established diplomatic relations with the forces of the Three Realms.

Two hours later.

Qu Yanping felt as if he had been hit by another childbirth spell. The things the other party said were even more fantastical than fantasy. Even an ignorant mortal would not be able to write such a thing, because writing such a thing would be impossible. There must be something wrong with the person who makes this stuff! If he is a monk, he must have had the ultimate hallucination by knocking too much Magic Ice Grass.

In the words of this world, it is called crazy! Called a lunatic! Call it mental illness!

If he hadn't seen so many unimaginably powerful beings in this world, if he hadn't experienced so many weird events in this world, if the world itself hadn't been chaotic to the extreme, he swore to heaven that he would have suspected madness. That person is yourself.

Because judging from the information he now knows, Gao Sheng's view is wrong! This world is definitely not as simple as a fantasy. Gao Sheng didn't know that the Garden of Eden and the Penglai Ruins were linked together, so he subconsciously thought that this place was not real.


If everything the other party said is true, then their Huanyu world is compared with this world

He couldn't imagine it, and he didn't dare to think about it, because it was not a level he could contact, but he could be sure of one thing.

As long as you stay in this world and survive, even becoming an immortal is just a starting point, a beginning.

6:00 am

Emiya Shirou put on a student uniform, opened the lattice door of the room, and walked out of his room.

At this time in the past, he should have started work.

Wrong, it’s morning exercise, but these days, ordinary exercise doesn’t have any effect.

He came to the kitchen. No matter how long he spent in other worlds, he still remembered the dishes he bought "yesterday" and put them in the refrigerator.

"Illya, Saber, Tohsaka and Sakura said they won't come today. Sister Fuji has to prepare lessons this morning. Plus I and Berserker, there are four of us."

After counting the number of people, he took out four eggs, four mackerel, some yams, tofu, and miso from the refrigerator.

“It seems a bit inadequate”

Saber's appetite is actually quite large.

Although when they were exchanging cooking skills with Sanji, the chef on the spaceship, the other party suggested using Big Eater to mix into the food for big eaters, but in the end both of them rejected this inhumane approach and allowed everyone to enjoy it to their heart's content. Food is also a happy thing.

"Morning~, Shirou~~~." A small figure secretly appeared from behind and hugged Emiya Shirou's waist.

Of course, Emiya Shirou noticed who the visitor was, and he cut the ingredients without thinking and said:

"Good morning, Illya, you came very early today."

"You eat this first. This is the holy fruit I bought, and some sacred springs bought from Ye Fan. Let's drink them together."

The moment the divine spring and holy fruit were taken out, a strong spiritual energy spurted out, but Shirou Emiya had been prepared, and the restrictions that appeared around him prevented the spiritual energy from being revealed in the room.

"I told you not to worry about me." Hearing this, Illya glanced at the precious things on the table with her burgundy eyes, and said angrily: "You should use it yourself, right?!"

When Illya was talking, Shirou Emiya smiled and stuffed the golden fruit into Illya's mouth.

Emiya Shirou clapped his hands and said, "Okay, take the medicine obediently, and you will get candy after you finish it."

"Idiot. Don't treat me like a child!" Illya's cheeks turned red and she stood by the stove to help Emiya Shirou.

A faint smile appeared on Emiya Shirou's lips, and he took out a few plates from the cabinet and rinsed them: "Tonight, can you do me a favor?"

"I understand, about Sakura, right." Illya placed the food prepared by Emiya Shirou on the plate and said seemingly casually:

"I thought Shirou would leave for a while and come back only when he can handle it by himself. Hum, I decided to rely on my sister~"

"Shirou's matters are my matters, don't worry~"

"No, actually." Emiya Shirou smiled apologetically and said, "I have been away for a while, and I will leave after breakfast later."

"I clearly agreed to come back and stay for two days, what do you want me to say to you?" Illya sighed.

"I always feel like I'm worried about Sakura." Before Emiya Shirou finished speaking, Illya next to him turned his head.

"Berserker, go kill the old bug now." Illya shouted into the air aside, but there was obviously some unpleasant emotion in her words.

"Eh?!" Shirou Emiya was stunned and stopped him: "Wait a minute, Illya, I need to prepare some things."

"A wedding dress? Then I'll wait for you." Illya picked up the bowls and chopsticks and walked towards the wooden tea table in the living room, saying angrily: "Does Shirou need a rainy day? Sister can also help with the scene restoration. you."

"Where did you think you were going?" Emiya Shirou rubbed his hair helplessly.

[In ancient Greece, your actions might become the trigger for large-scale disputes, such as the dispute over the golden apples. 】

"berserker, even you"

Having said that, Emiya Shirou seemed to have reacted and explained: "Matou Zouken is always a hidden danger. If it is not dealt with early, he will always do anything for the Holy Grail. The same is true for the black mud in Sakura's body. If it is dealt with early, no matter what, You are still good to her."

"Really, do you need to explain so much to me?" Illya turned her back to Emiya Shirou, holding breakfast in her hand.

Indeed, he was really a wooden person in terms of relationships before, and Illya described him as a traditional Japanese male protagonist.

But one day, when he has read all the stories and finished the game, if he still can't notice the current situation, his emotional intelligence will be completely useless.

‘What would Xiao Yan do now? ’

‘No. In Su Lin’s words, he is the king of strong words. ’

‘Do you want to apply for off-field assistance? No, no, no, the longer you remain silent at this time, the less likely your answer will be to meet your expectations.'

At this time, Emiya Shirou suddenly missed the monks in Ye Fan's world. At least most of their styles were straightforward, and many problems could be solved by relying on the guys in their hands.

"What happened before caused trouble for you, Shirou." Illya's voice fluctuated a little unsteadily, and her white silk hair was draped on her shoulders, moving with the trembling of her body:

"Sorry, I actually have no intention of interfering with your feelings, Shirou. Shirou is obviously working hard outside, but I'm just like a child."

"Don't pay attention to me. After all, I have been helped by Shirou. Don't bother me anymore."

Illya looked back at Shirou Emiya, her rubbed eyes were slightly red, and she smiled forcefully.

"That would be annoying."

"Don't worry, I will stand by Shirou no matter what, because"

"I am Shirou's partner."


Emiya Shirou felt that something was broken in his heart. A sense of guilt and self-blame hit the defense line in his heart. In an instant, the huge wave of guilt swallowed him up.

Just when he was about to suffocate, he seemed to grasp a glimmer of hope, his rigid brain spinning rapidly.

"That's right, Illya, I'm filming a movie recently, do you want to come with me?"

Change the subject! It’s time to change the subject! Direct your attention elsewhere!

"Where is it?" Illya was stunned for a moment: "Is Shirou filming a movie?"

"The scene at Su Lin's place is very grand, with many gods, demons, immortals, and powerful people from many worlds participating." Emiya Shirou quickly outlined what he had been doing recently: "After breakfast, we will Let’s go together!”

"Won't it cause trouble for you, Shirou?" Illya hesitated.

"Not at all!" Shirou Emiya took the mackerel out of the oven, "Then, I'll go get Saber to eat first."

Emiya Shirou, who hurriedly ran out of the living room, didn't see that the moment he closed the door, a sly smile appeared on Illya's lips.

Things like rank sometimes require talent.

He even forgot that the reason why he put on the school uniform was to go to school.

"Saber, you are here." Shirou Emiya opened the door of the dojo and saw Saber sitting upright on the floor, her eyes slightly closed, "It's time to have breakfast."

"Shirou, we need to talk." Saber picked up the wooden sword for training and stood up, staring at Shirou Emiya with her clear holy blue eyes, "You have changed a lot."


The sound of breaking through the air came one after another, and the oval sword tip came straight towards the door in front of Shirou Emiya.

The opponent suddenly jumped up, but Shirou Emiya was unprepared at first, so he just subconsciously tilted his head to the side.

"Sure enough." Seeing that her tentative blow was dodged, Saber put away the wooden sword for training and said: "In just a few days, you have grown into a qualified warrior. This kind of reaction speed is ordinary for humans. It can’t be done.”

"The breath is well controlled, the lower body is stable, and the concentration in the face of emergencies is also very fast. When faced with an attack, your body subconsciously wants to fight back. At that moment, you are like a sword about to be unsheathed. .”

"This kind of growth rate is simply unheard of, and the magic power you provide me is no longer almost there as it was at the beginning, but is very stable."

"Shirou, what happened to you?"

Emiya Shirou smiled helplessly when he heard the other party's inquiry. These things really couldn't be hidden from the other party.

In fact, the changes revealed in him were far more than he imagined.

Most people may not be able to see it, but Saber and Emiya Shirou have a close relationship between servants and masters. Starting not long ago, that is, the day after being attacked by Berserker, Emiya Shirou has been changing almost every day.

This is also because Emiya Shirou did not deliberately hide it and wanted to provide Saber with magic power that can restore herself, but who is the other party? The legendary King Arthur of England, the Red Dragon of Britain, a powerful warrior who has experienced many battles.

In her eyes, Emiya Shirou seemed to have pressed the fast forward button. Although it was good for her to have a strong master, she thought she should understand what was going on.

"Shirou, I'm very angry." Saber pointed her sword at Emiya Shirou seriously, "Pick up the sword and let me see your current strength."

"Sorry, Saber." Shirou Emiya picked up a wooden training sword from the shelf nearby, "But please believe me, I didn't mean to hide it from you, it's just..."

Emiya Shirou once thought about this problem. It was not because he was worried about Saber that he didn't tell her the whole story, but it was precisely because he knew Saber's wish that he remained silent until now.

He didn't know what to say. Could it be that he told the other party directly, stop pursuing the Holy Grail? I saw the truth about the Holy Grail in the works of another world. The Holy Grail has been contaminated. Even if it is not contaminated, you Stop clinging to your own desires and try to change the history of England's demise?

He would not impose his own thoughts and ideas on Saber. That attitude was extremely arrogant!

It is precisely because he respects this girl named Artoria, the young knight named Saber, that he wants the other party to witness it with his own eyes. When all the truth comes to light, at that time, the other party will make his own choice. .

But now it seems that this idea is not entirely correct.


A crisp sound came, and the clash of swords came from the dojo in the Emiya residence.

"This kind of swordsmanship cannot be learned in a day or two!" Saber shouted softly: "Don't be distracted!"

Emiya Shirou put away his thoughts and took this time seriously.

The footsteps moved quickly on the floor, and the rapid friction sound and the violent sound of wooden blows became more and more intensive. As the two fought, the wooden sword used for training screamed, as if it could not withstand this inhuman power.

The moment Shirou Emiya sheathed his sword, Saber swept upward from below and knocked the wooden sword from Shirou Emiya's hand away.

"I lost." Emiya Shirou smiled awkwardly and raised his hands.

Saber put away the sword pointed at Emiya Shirou, but the expression on her face did not relax, and said:

"Illyasviel has always been an enemy, Shirou. What really pisses me off is that she obviously knows the reason for your change and you are hiding something from me."

"I am your sword. The trust between us should be stronger than other masters and servants."

Emiya Shirou looked at the knight in front of him and said solemnly:

"I promise you, Saber."

"I trust you completely, but this is a long story, please give me some time!"

"Really." Saber nodded and said, "I believe you, Shirou, your sword is a sword that cannot deceive others."

Emiya Shirou breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Besides, Illya too."

Bump bump bump!

There was a knock on the door.

“Breakfast is cold!”

Klein: "Director, it has been several days since the world view was implanted. Can we just start working on it?"

Xiao Yan: "Brother, you are already ranked first, but we haven't advanced yet? Can you be a nanny for a few more days?"

Ye Fan: "Indeed, this is a rare opportunity. With the misaligned time and space of the God of Time and Space, we can also practice well."

Su Lin: "Actually, there's no conflict. It's the same as finishing the movie first and then practicing. My stupid Ou Doudou, hurry up and enter the copy."

Xiao Yan: "I hope there will be a scene where I stab you."

Song Shuhang: " @Su Lin, senior, Master Tunyun is already losing his eyebrows, are you going to add another drama?"

Although Tun Yun and Gao Moumou were only responsible for the rigor and outline of the framework, and the specific filling was completed by many monks, they could not afford to run towards the time difference house with higher magnifications one after another.

Su Lin: "What? I don't know. When did it happen?"

Song Shuhang: "Eh?"

"Please! Master Tunyun!" Shirou Emiya bowed ninety degrees and said sincerely: "Just make a brief appearance."

Tun Yun was a little embarrassed: "Donor Wei, the poor monk has no problem, but the script cannot be completed by the poor monk alone, Gao."

Master Tunyun was silent, and Shirou Emiya handed something out with both hands.

A few minutes later.

Su Lin, who was checking today's results and preparing to leave in person, saw that Tun Yun was carrying a twisting sack in one hand and holding several magic weapons in the other hand, with an obvious expression on his fair and round face. Smiling and walking briskly from a short distance away.

"I want to go home! I want to go home!!!"

The sound in the sack is an illusion.

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