In the end, the Church of Fools still held back and did not disclose the information inside the Garden of Eden to the outside world. Externally, they actively cooperated with the Eastern monks, and even took out the talisman body that reappeared yesterday and planned to rebuild the bronze door. However, internally, they formed a small team. Prepare to go to the Penglai ruins through the passage discovered by the Three Waves of Crazy Blade.

This is in line with the competition of interests between different forces. In this way, when the bronze gate of the outside world is repaired and many forces gather, the Church of the Fool has been exploring the ruins of Penglai for several years.

There is a bright moon in the sky, and unlike last time, this time the moon is surrounded by a silver ouroboros.

It is said that it is the Angel of Destiny that Mr. Fool sat down on. It can restart time and space so that everything will never reach its true ending. Only existences of this level have such power. A certain rebirth method obtained by Qu Yanping comes from him.

Without Him, the scars of the moon cannot heal or be repaired.

Without the interference of flesh and blood monsters, this time, several people flew into the sky on the heavenly artifact that was obviously a technological product.

"The attack can ignore the space blockade. Did you rely on this magical object to get here?" Mr. Klein touched the steel wall inside with interest and asked:

"Mr. Sanlang, do you know that you have been offered a reward by the Immortal Court for three Chensong Pots, two heavenly wonders and a magical power?"

"The Nidhogg plutocrat took out a spear of destiny and a power to destroy world spirits."

"The casual cultivators jointly invested three million spirit stones."

"The Douzhan Buddha Sect feels that its reputation has been damaged. In order to hunt you down, I even took out the relics."

Qu Yanping, who was constantly thinking about the dangers and harvest possibilities in his mind, was immediately confused as to whether he had heard something bizarre.

"Are they crazy?" Through the thick glass, Kuangdao Sanlang said in surprise: "I'm so valuable. If you hadn't told me earlier, I would have sold myself to them and killed them several times, and even followed you to Penglai. What’s the secret place for?”

"Isn't your nephew waiting for you to save him?" Klein asked, "And they have joined forces with many monks to make your life end completely."

After hearing this, Kuangdao Sanlang immediately fell silent. What's the point of being banned from the game server? It seemed that he had made a big mistake by accident.

But he really can't control this instinct that makes people love and hate him. No one can die anyway, so the bottom line doesn't seem to be that important.

Qu Yanping's eyes were full of fear. He looked at the man full of madness. The man said that he was being hunted, but he didn't say what he did outside. He didn't want to explore other people's privacy and it didn't look like he was causing trouble. The upper body's mentality has never asked the other party about specific things.


A monk dared to provoke a group of immortals and asked them to pay a reward at all costs. What did he do?

Qu Yanping swallowed a mouthful of saliva. If it weren't for the lack of contact with the outside world, he would definitely spread the news secretly now.

"do not worry,"

"The time has come." The speaker was another angel from the Church of Fools, Merlin Hermes, the god of fools, a man dressed as a magician, and he was also the leader of this exploration.

The air suddenly became quiet, and with a low and silky roar, the steel puppet unfolded its dazzling light wings. In the light particles denser than a blizzard, the cold and huge black muzzle was aimed at the moon above.

boom--! ! !

A white rainbow penetrates the moon, the full moon breaks, and the desolate world appears again.

"I hope that the space here will not be restricted." The three waves of Kuang Dao made a wish towards each other.

"Your wish will be fulfilled." Merlin Hermes snapped his fingers.

Looking at Qu Yanping with some confusion, Father [Amon] smiled and said: "This is the God of Wishes. If you have any wishes, you can try to make a wish to Him."

Before Qu Yanping could think carefully about how to respond, the surrounding scene suddenly changed.

Outside the window was a dark night sky, the broken moon appeared in front of everyone, and in front of them was a barren land. The passage to the Penglai ruins finally appeared.

The steel puppet passed through the star-sized door and descended on this land with a strong sense of decay.

It was only at this moment that Qu Yanping suddenly felt a hint of fear and uneasiness. He was shocked to realize that there was something wrong with his behavior. Was he too carried away by the benefits yesterday?

He clearly saw the scene of the two slaughtering immortal gods, but he still dared to rush here? !

Even if we are accompanied by the Church of Fools, if there is any danger, I am afraid that the people in the Church of Fools will not be able to take care of themselves.

He touched his head dully, and it was only then that he gradually recalled the many things that were wrong when he came to this secret realm.

"It's time."

Kuangdao Sanlang's words brought Qu Yanping back to his senses, and he saw that the surrounding environment changed, the steel puppet disappeared, and everyone slowly fell from the sky, stepping on the somewhat soft soil.

The surrounding trees seemed to have experienced a fire. There were no leaves, only dark branches. The soil under the feet was stained with a beautiful crimson, not as shocking as blood, but more eerie.

"That crazy bird doesn't seem to be here." Kuangdao Sanlang looked around nervously: "Aren't all the golden-winged rocs extinct?"

This is the background setting of the simulated universe that he knows. Many creatures are extinct, and only some remaining NPCs are left in the modern background.

In this simulated universe, all participants are not allowed to talk about players, NPCs, or tasks, and are required to regard themselves as real aborigines.

When all monks enter the simulated universe, a status bar similar to the online game interface will appear in front of them. On the simulated universe monk forum above, there will be administrators announcing what large-scale events and sect tasks are.

"Not surprising, there must be rich species diversity here." Gehrman Sparrow said sternly: "The first rule of adventure in the wild is not to stay in the same place for too long."

Crazy Blade Sanlang nodded. After finally arriving at a brand new copy, he naturally wanted to walk around and find an opportunity to leave the "protagonist" behind and go wander around on his own.

If he failed to control himself and accidentally committed suicide, that senior would definitely not let him go.

Again, he likes to seek death, not to seek death.

The ancients said: To do things without dying is to be a prodigal, to deliberately seek death is to be a fool.

When I said this in front of the Lord Henghuo, he was criticized for a long time and insisted on giving him a nine-year compulsory Confucian education.

Come on, if he could read with a brush at the desk, where would he go?

If the simulated universe is heaven, the Confucian school is hell.

Kuang Dao Sanlang took a deep breath, raised his spiritual power and used his escape technique to keep up. The next moment.


Bang bang! ! !

His eyes immediately went dark and he crashed into a pile of rocks. The scenery in front of him was just like when a high-speed train enters a mountainous route with many tunnels, sometimes bright and sometimes dark.

By the time Crazy Blade Three Waves reacted, he was already lying in a mountain range thousands of miles away.

He reacted for a long time, and the spiritual energy in his body was like a sea, constantly venting a terrifying aura outwards, and an extremely powerful force traveled through every meridians.

[System prompt: You have entered the Penglai world. Since you have not yet become an immortal in your previous cultivation, the cultivation level of a true immortal has been automatically loaded for you. 】

[Free exploration mode is on, main mission: survival. 】

[Countdown to the opening of the large dungeon "Relics of the Sword": 10 days, 5 hours, 3 minutes and 24 seconds (this time uses the Horlai calendar, one year is equal to one day in the outside world)]

[Special reminder: You cannot re-enter after exiting the instance midway, so please choose carefully. 】

[To improve your favorability, you can learn new system skills from NPCs in the dungeon. This skill can bring out the simulated universe and can be submitted to Wangshu Pavilion to exchange for points and redeem different levels of real-life props. 】

[Point rewards have been refreshed: [Level 5] Blessing of Light (1W), [Level 6] Communion of Light (2W), [Level 8] Mr. Bright’s Holy Spear Projection Strike (5W), [Level 9] Resurrection Coin of Light (10W).】

[The top three in the points ranking list will each receive [Sixth Grade True Lord Combat Power] Angel Puppet, a piece of Enlightenment Tea, and a Wangshu Pavilion Seat]

The Three Waves of Crazy Sword were stunned for a moment, then they were delighted and shouted towards the sky:


The copy has been trapped in the Garden of Eden for several years. Do you know how he has been living these past few years? ! Be a savage! He has been a wild man in the Garden of Eden for several years. If he hadn't met the protagonist, he doesn't know how long he would have stayed there.

Before he could be excited for too long, people from the Church of the Fool teleported to him with Qu Yanping.

"What are you doing? Catch me to collect the reward?" Kuangdao Sanlang was a little wary.

"Why did your power soar so suddenly?" Merlin Hermes' eyes were full of curiosity: "Have you become an immortal?"

"I don't know." Kuang Dao entered the state in three waves, and said with an expression that tried his best to suppress his excitement: "I feel that now I am omnipotent and can beat a hundred thousand Ah Qi."

Qu Yanping was surprised at first, recalling in his mind the state described by Gu Yue Fangzheng - "When I first entered Penglai, I was an immortal with considerable strength. After hundreds of years, I have become extremely powerful."

His heart kept beating like a drum, thump, thump, thump. His breathing couldn't help but slow down, and he checked his status with both anticipation and worry.

It's a pity that he is still the Nascent Soul monk.

This made him feel a little relieved when he was disappointed, but why? Is this an opportunity? !



A harsh sound rang in everyone's ears, coming from Crazy Blade Sanlang.

Kuangdao Sanlang looked at the storage bag on his waist, and something seemed to be arching and making a sharp sound at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, a green light burst open his storage bag and flew towards the sky. Less than a second later, the wind roared, and several storms with a diameter of thousands of kilometers were set off near the mountains. The strong wind flew out of it and sank into the rocks. .

A green light dragged a long tail and cut through the space from the distant sky.

"Thieves! Punish!!!"

It's night, on a snow-capped mountain.

A scarred hand with visible wounds held a long knife and plunged it into the cliff.

"These twenty-five young men from the Church of the Fool" Kuangdao Sanlang struggled to climb up from the bottom of a steep cliff. They tried their best to turn over to the cliff, breathing heavily:

"When they found out that the other party was targeting me, they sold me."

"Where are the teammates we agreed on?"

"Teammates are here." Merlin Hermes led a few people out of history and sighed: "Your life is really hard, Mr. Sanlang, the opponent's immortal killed you for two days and two nights. .”

"Have times." Kuangdao Sanlang's body was covered with wounds that were constantly healing. If it hadn't been delayed until the cooldown time of the wonders of heaven had ended, I'm afraid that his pile of resurrection methods might have been blocked by the opponent. .

"What hatred, what resentment!"

Before I could experience the power of a true immortal, my arrogance was suppressed by an immortal. The gaming experience was extremely poor!

"Don't you know him?" Merlin Hermes smiled and said, "That is the Demon-Conquering Sage of Liyue Immortal Court."

"What the hell?!" Kuangdao Sanlang's breath was stagnant, and he shouted: "He is the Golden-winged Dapeng? Isn't the Golden-winged Dapeng a monster?"

"Your Sun Wukong in the East can be the Monkey King, so what's wrong with the Golden-winged Dapeng being the Monkey King?" Merlin Hermes said to himself:

"In the past two days when you were being hunted, we got a lot of interesting news. The group of people who first hunted you and your nephew all came to this place."

"In other words, there should be a third entrance to enter here."

"You are quite insidious. Ling Ye is known as a lucky person. You even dragged him along in the name of traveling. Tsk, tsk, now you have tricked me all here."

Kuangdao Sanlang's face turned dark immediately. He was just acting, but these people were serious about killing him!




Shouldn't the door be welded shut with immortal-level talisman seals in the first place? ! No, no, no, the witch from the House of Everything should not be entrusted to create a dimensional maze in the emergency exit.

It's over, I'm really going to be banned this time.

I wanted to go to the Penglai ruins in the closed beta in advance to dig out more resources, but I saw how helpless they were while waiting for the open beta, but I ended up going the wrong way!

Is the sign that was damaged at that time and said that it is under construction a symbol of the Garden of Eden?

"Oh, by the way, the Dharma King of Creation attained Arhat status and built the Great Electronic Sound Temple. This is what he wants to thank you for. He also said that although he doesn't know why so many fellow Taoists are yelling at you to beat and kill you, but Please don’t go to him.”

When Kuangdao Sanlang heard this, two rays of warmth flashed in the corners of his eyes. He didn't know whether it was because he was moved or sad.

Dharma King N@#! $

In the extremely cold environment, the hot tears on his face quickly turned into ice. Three Waves of Kuangdao looked at the protagonist who had been silent from beginning to end. His pupils were dilated, his mouth was slightly open, and his soul and body occasionally touched each other. Occasionally separated.

Crazy Blade Three Waves: "What's wrong with him?"

[Klein] pushed up his somewhat broken monocle and chuckled: "I heard a song from the other party. It's very interesting. Father Amon, thank you for your recommendation."

[Amon]: "You're welcome, Mr. Klein."

Suddenly, Kuangdao Sanlang felt like a dark cloud was weighing on his heart, and a monstrous murderous intention filled the air.

"I wish you good luck." Gehrman Sparrow said coldly, "I think you are the crazy adventurer."

The figures of the few people gradually disappeared. The three waves of Kuangdao carried the confinement technique in their hands. The hands that rushed forward were empty, and there was only cold wind and flying snow in their hands.


People from the Fool's Church may not necessarily be the best at fighting, but when it comes to starting methods, they must be number one. Kuangdao Sanlang originally wanted them to take him away.

He turned his head and looked up at the sky. There was a young woman with gray hair and childlike face holding a spear. She was wearing clothes that looked like ancient robes, but her delicate face was a little distorted at the moment.

"After all these years, I have been deceived into such a tragic situation by a junior." Gritting his teeth, his words were full of resentment: "You call that kind of sound the sound of nature?!"

"This fairy, who are you?" Kuangdao Sanlang did not remember this person.

The other party didn't reply, but golden lights lit up on the mountains nearby. Giant deers bigger than the mountains walked out, and cranes spread their wings and flew out. The surrounding storms indicated that a certain existence was coming.

That wasn't what chilled him the most.

In the sky, Su Clan's Ah Qi, Beihe Sanren, Young Master Phoenix Slayer, Master of the Seven Lives Talisman Palace, and many other Taoist friends with grievances or not, all came. They stood in the east, each with their temperament coming out of the dust, holding various magic weapons in their hands. , whose descendants wore standard armor, like an army.

And the leader of the Dou Zhan Buddhist Sect appeared in the western sky with a group of monks with solemn treasures, and the clouds under him were dyed with auspicious gold.

"That's not the case!" Kuangdao Sanlang felt that his tears had dried up, "Did I break the rules of heaven by riding on a horse?!"

What is this for? Isn't this a scene to deal with Monkey Sun?

"Bold Wave Three." A coercive voice came like thunder.

Langsan is his real name.

"Do you know your guilt?"

The line was snatched by a lively and beautiful fairy, Yurouzi, who gave Sanlang an apologetic look.

Kuangdao Sanlang was silent for a while, and under the gaze of gods and Buddhas all over the sky, he clenched his fists and said loudly:

"I have no regrets in my career!"

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