I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 273 Director, is the script wrong? !

[After several twists and turns, with the resource support of the Church of Fools, the protagonist’s cultivation finally reached the Nascent Soul stage. On the day when his Nascent Soul was condensed, there was no vision or anything special. Everything was ordinary. 】

[The discovery of the Bronze Gate by the Church of Fools was eventually leaked. Qu Yanping was well aware of the methods of the Church of Fools, but he believed more in the strength and connections of the ancient powerful Purple Gold Dragon. 】

[Surprisingly, the main reason why the Bronze Gate incident was leaked came from a vision, and the movements of the Church of Fools were only traced out. 】

God is dead and the devil is gone.

Qu Yanping shook his head, trying to throw that soul-crushing scene out of his mind. After seeing the scene where the blood of immortals and gods spread all over the world and all living beings perished, he could often see it just by closing his eyes. Broken immortal corpses.

Mortals and many monks on earth may not know it, but he knows clearly that this killing came from the legendary Penglai ruins!

It wasn't that he was spying with his Third Eye. In fact, unless he was really going crazy in that kind of scene, he wouldn't even dare to try to use his magical powers to check it out.

That night, the time in the Garden of Eden was synchronized with the outside world. The bright moon seeped out radiant blood from its arc-shaped outline. The overwhelming evil spirit and hatred accompanied the blood, and it fell on the land of the Garden of Eden drop by drop.

He vaguely felt that something was awakening beneath the Garden of Eden.

Without any reservation, he told Zijin Shenlong everything he knew, hoping to get help from the other party, such as taking him away from here.

"Probe again, report again." Zijin Shenlong told Qu Yanping over the phone: "Don't worry, we have already reconciled the senior leaders of the Church of Fools, and someone will take the blame for this matter, so you can rest assured and be ours." Nei Ying, I have sent you ten different means of resurrection."

Qu Yanping let out a long sigh. He originally wanted the other party to take him away from this mysterious Church of the Fool. The longer he stayed in contact with them, the more he felt that there was something indescribably weird about this Garden of Eden and the Church of the Fool.

All personnel, whether they are in a gathering place for extraordinary people, in the black market, or in a restaurant in the human world, must issue invoices and report accounts no matter what they do, and their preferences are almost the same.

The only difference is that some people wear monocles and some don't.

These people seem to be sheltered. They can see some of their past lives, but a lot of important information has been blocked. Many of them did not wear monocles at all before, but after joining the Church of Fools, they suddenly wore them. Glasses.

Forget it, I can’t dwell on it any more.

Qu Yanping started to pack his luggage, and dozens of minutes later.

"Miss Tracy, I'm sorry, I am always a passer-by." Qu Yanping said coldly but politely: "I will always leave the Garden of Eden. Thank you for taking care of and helping me during this time."

During the time they spent together, the other party showed affection for him. Miss Tracy was indeed a first-rate beauty, both wild and pure. However, it was impossible for him to have thoughts about a cursed creature with a bunch of deformities under its skin. flesh-and-blood monsters, and the Fool’s Church turned these monsters into humans. Or is it that the Fool is the source of the curse?

"Really?" Miss Tracy lowered her head in despair. Different from her usual energetic appearance, now she tried her best not to let her 'sweetheart' see the emotions in her eyes. She took out a box and said:

"Here's this for you. Good luck on your journey."


The wooden door quickly closed, leaving only Qu Yanping standing outside. He looked at the sacred fruits special to the Garden of Eden and smiled, then turned and left without a trace of nostalgia.

[The twilight is getting darker, and it is Christmas Day in the Eden calendar again. But tonight, no flesh and blood monsters appear in the Garden of Eden. When the moon appears, the cold mecha blasts into the sky. 】

"The protagonist entered the demon clan's territory in the Penglai ruins. Why did the Great Sage of Demon-Conquering attack him again?! He had been squatting there for a whole year?!"

"No! Cut the video when you come back. Sanlang's head is mine!"

"The Dust Song Pot that can bring out the simulated universe! Here I come!!!"

On the Water Mirror Peak, each of the technical and logistics cultivators showed off their magical powers, diving headlong into the portal leading to Penglai World like diving from high altitude.

"Ni Datian." Su Lin drank tea, raised his right hand, looked at the cicada in his hand, and said slowly: "Why do creatures like humans always have to fight and kill? You think so, Spring and Autumn Cicada. "

This cicada is like an exquisite handicraft made of palm wood and leaves by a master craftsman, but there is a strong and solemn breath of death emanating from the cicada. It is withered like a ginkgo leaf in autumn.

"Forget it, I am the avatar of the God of Time and Space, please be happy." The cicada turned into a misty light and headed toward the Penglai world.

Su Lin shook his head and turned his attention to the chat group.

Xiao Yan: "Is Huo Wang here?"

Xiao Yan: "Okay, I won't be here today either."

Emiya Shirou: "If it were me, I wouldn't believe this is true. It's good that people are not crazy."

Lu Mingfei: "Is it possible that he has gone crazy? Speaking of which, it's Brother Wolf. Do you still have time to read novels during work hours?"

Emiya Shirou: "The orders have been cleared, and I am already on vacation. And my name is Emiya Shirou."

Lu Mingfei: "What? Are you so efficient recently?"

Irena: " @Ye Fan, the account has arrived. Shirou Emiya has sent the money."

Ye Fan: "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

Su Lin: "???"

Xiao Yan: "Huo Wang, we are all real. You have to believe it. If you don't believe it, you come to this world. Brother Yan will take you to play League of Legends."

Xiao Yan: "I, Udyr, am a fierce thief."

Su Lin: "Anyone who went to the Internet cafe to play video games after eating hot pot last night should stop talking."

I don’t know if it was because he took on the role, or because Huo Wang burst into tears when he saw Huo Wang, Xiao Yan was particularly concerned about Li Huowang’s affairs.

But there's nothing that can be done about it. This big brother hasn't been online at all since he went online for a few days. Maybe in a few days, when he can't find a way to clear the chat group and starts trying again, it will be fine.

In fact, Su Lin was very curious. If Li Huowang used the cross-border talisman, would people in the past go to the world projected in the modern world or the collapsed world?

Maybe see when to use it?

Su Lin: " @Xing, come to test the simulated universe."

Xing: "I'm already taking the test. It seems that I chose the wrong destiny. It's over."

Xing: "Besides, yours is not a simulated universe at all. I suggest changing its name to a death-defying universe."

Su Lin: "Don't worry so much, come here quickly, I'll put in some Star God patches."

[Private chat interface:

Su Lin: I have complete urban public facilities here. What a real city has, we have here, such as sanitation and logistics.

Xing: You probably have some misunderstanding about me.]

Song Shuhang: "Master Tunyun and Gao Moumou are going to cry, really."

Su Lin: "Back Mountain, the spiritual fruits in my medicine garden are self-service for ten minutes and are not allowed to be packed away."

After a while, Master Tunyun passed by not far in front of Su Lin carrying a twisting and struggling sack. His destination was the big white house on Shuijing Peak.

Su Lin and the other party gave each other a thumbs up, as for the grunts in the sack

Isn’t it normal for monks to release some wild curly baboons?

Su Lin put down the tea cup, intending to wait until the cup of historical enlightenment tea was finished before joining the hunt. Wrong, he joined the shooting.

I don’t know if the audience on the other side of the screen can provide a larger wave of point harvest. Judging from the current situation, Klein’s Eden Garden can provide some, but not a lot.

As for Lu Mingfei, try to think of a way to treat his blood as a treasure of heaven and earth and throw it to the other party for identification. After all, you can't expect this to come up when you meet your parents, "Missy Missy, I feel sick, my stomach hurts." He was a coward, and suddenly showed off his royal aura to intimidate the opponent.

It is better to hope for this than to hope that one's own world consciousness can understand human speech, and turn on nitrogen as soon as possible to speed up and run out of the circle surrounded by a bunch of worlds.

"Mr. Su Lin." The other party's voice was soft, melodious, and like the cold moon in the mirror lake, giving people an illusory and unreal beauty.

Su Lin turned around and saw Kaguya Horaiyama, who was dressed in modern clothes. The clothes she was wearing were given to her by Irena. There was not much difference in their body shapes, so they seemed to fit well.

"There's no signal at all here." Horaishan Kaguya pointed to the signal grid on her phone with some distress: "The stand-alone mobile game I plan to take back to Gensokyo hasn't been downloaded yet."

"." Su Lin took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and said helplessly: "Although it was temporarily opened, it can be regarded as another world. It is normal to have no signal. How about you use WIFI?"

There is no base station, but there are network cables pulled by space technology.

"Mr. Klein said that he is in arrears and asked you to help pay the Internet fee." Kaguya Horaishan subconsciously covered her face with one hand, but she soon realized that she was not dressed like usual today. She thought about it and put down her hand. , smiled and said:

"Speaking of which, when I first searched for it on the Internet, I was shocked. I didn't expect that there are so many works related to Gensokyo, and the characters are also very complete."

"Those nicknames are also very interesting and appropriate, such as Bayi Yonglin and Zi Old Woman."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I said something irrelevant, so you should know my character, right?"

Su Lin's eyelids twitched, but he still nodded.

Kaguya Horaiyama stretched out and sat directly on another chair, leaning on the back of the chair with one hand, sitting in a loose posture, looking at the live broadcast in the sky boredly, and said:

"Then I don't have to pretend anymore. I haven't seen anyone else for a long time. It's very tiring to have to pay attention to your manners when talking. Anyway, Yong Lin is not here."

"Hey~, neet, just neet, those things are fine no matter what."

"Su Lin, do you also like to watch anime and play games?"

"It's okay, just a little bit. My usual hobbies are very single." Su Lin always felt that the other person's eyes looked at him from time to time when he spoke.

Generally speaking, when normal people face this situation, they will have the three major illusions of life, their heartbeat will speed up, and their hormones will begin to be secreted involuntarily.

"Then have you read my book?"

"." I knew it would be like this.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party would also stop and have the ability to stay forever and for a moment, he would really want to leave the scene now.

Do normal people have this kind of brain circuit?

"Do you have Shitu? Share some with me."


I really want to see if there is a personality modification device in the omnipotent system store.

Su Lin was silent. The side of his face trembled spasmodically. His toes were on the ground, and he put one hand on his forehead and rubbed half of his face.

Could it be that he used the name Penglai Ruins, so he chose someone with Penglai in his name to join the chat group? Or is it that Klein's bad mouth is so powerful?

"Hiss—" A girl with gray hair, wearing a black coat and a white dress underneath took a breath of air and said in surprise:

"The atmosphere in this world seems to be quite open?!"

"Sorry, I came at a bad time. Can you continue?"

"You came at the right time. It's our first time to meet you. I'm so glad to meet you." Su Lin opened his eyes slightly. He couldn't cope with it at this level. He said with a toothache: "For the record, I have never seen that kind of thing. I It’s not on the phone either.”

"Don't you know everything about it?" Penglai Shan Kaguya said with a smile: "I have seen a little bit, and it's really scary, human desire."

Su Lin stood up and changed his appearance into an ordinary image, with black hair and black eyes. The ink-like eyes were like dry wells: "He is just a weak person who is addicted to sex."

A truly strong person will not let desire defeat his will, Tian Wang, Kai!

Horaishan Kaguya was stunned. She was good at telling what was hidden in a person's style and demeanor when speaking. Although she couldn't read minds, she could still tell that the other person was a little embarrassed.

Originally, I wanted to tease the other person, and at the same time, I wanted this friend to share some of this world's works and resources. However, it turned out that it was like a different person, and even his temperament and tone became far away from the world.

"You can actually think of this as a real online game, but everything is random and there is no fixed program. Apart from the main line, I don't know what will happen in it." Su Lin condensed a map of the Penglai world in the void: "Demons, immortals, gods, humans, demons, heretics."

Let’s draw the attention of these two people to this first.

In just such a moment, the dungeon world below did not know how many weeks had passed. After all, the God of Time and Space had disrupted the time and space inside according to his requirements.

After a while, Kaguya and Hoshi from Horaishan, who were a little excited, decided to go with Su Lin to experience the replica world described by the other party.

"That's right." After Su Lin lifted Tian Wang, he asked Xing behind him a question: "Can you jump?"

"What?" Before Xing could react, he saw Su Lin jumping directly into a whirlpool-like portal.

She was a little confused and looked at each other with Horaishan Kaguya, then walked into the vortex together.

Su Lin entered the world of Penglai and appeared on a snow-capped mountain. He decided to copy the memory of the Star God in Xing's head later and then dropped the two of them in the copy city below.

Those creatures who enjoy the resurrected life are already familiar with the rules and have built this place into a complete city. Since there are creatures of different ages in the tomb of gods in Chen Nan's body, the style here is a fusion of many.

"The scenery is quite beautiful." Xing walked out from behind and looked around. There was sunshine in the sky, so the snow-covered mountain top was not too cold.

Horaishan Kaguya turned around, moved his eyes slightly, pointed in the direction of the southwest sky and said, "Is that also an NPC?"

When Su Lin heard this, he looked in the direction of the other person's finger. There was a shadow of an ordinary-looking Confucian scholar sitting in the clouds. Although he looked ordinary, he had the air of a master when he sat there.

"What is love"

Su Lin's eyes widened, as if he heard something incredible.

Where is the director! ? Is the script wrong? !

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