In his free time these days, Qu Yanping will also go to the Church of the Fool to communicate with Mr. Klein. After helping him identify some historical items that are not heavenly artifacts, he got some opportunities to experiment.

In addition to the wonders of heaven, he can actually explore many things, including the strange visions in front of him.

It was a scenery I had never seen before, as if I had entered the realm of time that never changes, and the immeasurable light showed the divine awakening from eternity.

Not eye-catching, not brilliant, not dazzling, but extremely holy, like entering the most beautiful dream.

It wasn't until he came into close contact with the powerful men in this world that Qu Yanping realized that in the face of true power, his adventures and pride were as fragile as a thin layer of window paper.

This world is far more exciting than Huan Yu World, and it is also far more dangerous than Huan Yu World.

Everyone could see that the shadow of the dragon covering the sky was just a false shadow, but it was this shadow that made him see great destruction in this soft dream-like atmosphere.

The third eye composed of mysterious runes automatically opened from the center of his eyebrows. His soul left his body, time, and this world. His perspective increased infinitely, and he followed the dragon shadow above the sky to a place. ocean.

This is the ocean where all the information is deposited. He can't control himself. He is like a lone boat drifting along the wind to an unknown place. The dragon shadow is in front, as if it is pulling him or chasing him.

Time is meaningless here. A moment is eternity. I don’t know how long it took before his ship sank.

The feeling of suffocation came, and he subconsciously wanted to struggle, like a drowning person who wanted to return to the water instinctively.


He broke away from the endless information and leaned out from under the water.

The ocean disappeared.

The beast claws that cover the sky and the sun slaughter the gods, and the endless gods and demons kill each other.

Gods and Buddhas have fallen, heavenly dragons weep their blood, and in the northernmost part of the devastated continent, three strange stone statues stand in the void, conceived in chaos, and born from heaven and earth.

A peerless demon and a sacred dragon cooperated with each other to attack these three strange stone statues.

But the endless chaos was squeezing in, and the surroundings were like a cage of chaos. In the constant confrontation, this demonic dragon fell at a disadvantage, and then, the light of endless chaos shone.

This vast sky shrunk infinitely, trapping the big demon and Tianlong. In an instant, a giant hand shattered the void and turned into an extremely huge black palm to grab Qu Yanping.

When Qu Yanping came back to his senses, the huge stone statue also looked towards him, as if traveling through time and space.

No, it's not looking at him, it's not attacking him, it's the dragon and the big demon nearby!

He could do nothing but watch as this terrifying giant hand was about to crush him with the aura of destruction.

The next moment, a divine light shone in the third eye. This divine light penetrated the black hand, making it seem to be melted by the snow-covered sun.

There was chaos in front of his eyes, and Qu Yanping felt like he was sinking under the water again. In a daze, there were many double images in the surrounding scene. When the many double images merged into one, Qu Yanping was surprised to find that he was back at the monks' gathering in Dongting Lake.

He stood there until the strange image in the sky completely disappeared, then he opened his hand and put it in front of his eyes and stared blankly.

A sense of urgency came over him, and he desperately longed to have more powerful power. If he couldn't have more powerful power, then no matter how good his talent was, no matter how many opportunities he had, it would be empty talk.

After all, they are just ants who cannot even control their own life and death.

The scene just now made him step out of his comfort zone. Not long after he came to this world, he unconsciously felt that he had entered a 'loose' comfort zone.

More favorable conditions and a better future were like a blueprint in front of his eyes. Although it would come true sooner or later, he almost forgot the person he used to be.

The useless man who once left the Qu family and used all means to pursue power.

A smile appeared on Qu Yanping's lips. He no longer focused on the weird magic weapons and propaganda on the streets. What he needed most now was to accumulate strength.

Otherwise, you will not be able to ensure your harvest during this trip to Penglai Ruins.

After returning to the inn, he adjusted his breath slightly, placed three spiritual stones in front of himself, and used his third eye to quickly absorb the high concentration of spiritual energy into every meridian throughout his body.

By the time he finished today's short practice, the time had already reached 2:00 in the morning.

As a monk in the golden elixir stage, sleep is actually dispensable. He thought that after going out to collect some resources, he would find an inn with a time difference array.

Although he can absorb all these spiritual stones sooner or later, there are only a few days before the agreed time to go to the Penglai ruins. He must try his best to improve his cultivation in the limited time and increase the power of his Third Eye supernatural power.

After making up his mind, Qu Yanping planned to go to the night market first.

The gathering here is very lively no matter what time it is. I heard from some monks that it is mainly because this is the venue for the annual Heavenly Dao Rare Object Competition, and their respective sects have many activities and internal tasks of many sects. Come here to do it.

Qu Yanping tried to find out what kind of activities and tasks they were, but most of the monks were vague. This was normal, after all, it was an internal matter within the sect.

The few that can be found out are mostly about some weird or unknown competitions.

Spiritual Food Big Eater Competition: The spiritual food made by the spiritual chef can be eaten and drank at will, but it cannot be digested with magic power. During this period, the whole body's strength must be blocked and the competition relies on physical fitness. The first ten people are free of charge, and the rest will be given 50 spiritual stones.

Yang Wu Lei Strength Competition: The contestants are all anonymous monks, and I don’t know how they compete.

What else are there besides: self-explosion fireworks contest, looking directly at the ancient gods contest, a concert jointly organized by the Biomedical Association of the Immortal Cultivation World and the King of Creation, etc.

Qu Yanping always feels that the monks in this world are too idle, and their life and cultivation are too casual. If he had to describe it, there is a word that belongs to this world that is very suitable - entertaining until death.

But it would be wrong to say that the monks in this place have no intention of cultivating at all. He has seen with his own eyes that many monks try all kinds of weird things to make themselves inhuman in order to create new techniques or go further. Ghost or not, the only way to get out of the state is through resurrection.

Moreover, the monks here are never secretive when discussing the Dharma. Even if you sit in a teahouse for an afternoon, you can overhear a lot of practice experience, and even learn some tricks such as using magic to charge your mobile phone. .

In the end, Qu Yanping could only attribute this to the fact that these monks were under too much pressure during cultivation and had more ways to relax.

"Have you heard? Mr. Guangming was upgraded today."

Qu Yanping looked aside and saw a couple of monks walking by, holding hands intimately.

Male cultivator: "I heard that someone helped him find breakthrough materials, and the treasure house in his body has been updated accordingly. Now he can even directly exchange spiritual stones for bright commemorative coins."

Female cultivator: "I have never understood why all the gentlemen of Guangming dislike each other, but when they upgrade, they upgrade together."

Male Cultivator: "Who knows, maybe he is schizophrenic, hahahahahahahahahahaha, pfft——!"

The male cultivator spurted out a mouthful of hot blood, and a spear of light pierced his heart.

The female cultivator exclaimed: "Who?!"

A gentleman wearing imperial robes, Mr. Guangming, passed by in an ox cart and said scornfully: "Guangming must not be insulted!"

"I just happened to meet this middle-class personality." The male cultivator cursed again and his head was cut off.

After the bullock cart left, the blood splashed on the street and the fallen heads returned to the male cultivators as if they were traveling back in time.

"The resurrection item I just drew from Mr. Guangming No. 067 has been used up like this. Alas," the male cultivator sighed helplessly: "Why is Mr. Guangming No. 233 not included in the negative rare items list?"

"Stop talking, find Mr. Guangming to smoke again. Anyway, it's just a matter of spending some spiritual stones." The female cultivator dragged the male cultivator towards the southwest.

Qu Yanping thought for a moment, then naturally followed not far behind the two of them.

There are many stalls selling late-night snacks at night, and many of them sell talismans and magical instruments on the carpet. Although it is a place where monks gather, it has the same strong smell of fireworks as a place for mortals.

Not long after, Qu Yanping came to a place he had never visited before. Different from the neighborhood where he lived, most of the items sold here were some Western magic weapons, including some with powerful-looking names such as "Star Magic" and "Time". "Magic" and "Dimensional Magic" were placed randomly on the wooden board, with a price tag of 100 spirit stones.

A woman dressed as a classical magician was sitting in the shop, munching on watermelon and scrolling through short videos on her mobile phone. She seemed to have no interest in running the business.

Of course, these things are not the focus of his attention. What he is paying attention to is that next to this shop, a Mr. Guangming dressed as an explorer is squatting in front of a Taoist stall, carefully looking at the objects in his hands.

On the side, there was a long team standing in front of a floating machine, and the monks kept putting white coins into the machine.

"Mr. Guangming, 800 spirit stones, two ten rounds." The male cultivator took out a storage bag and handed it to Mr. Guangming.

"I've just left and come back, can you go back and exchange it for the Shamate of your sect Taixu Sect?!" Mr. Guangming, dressed as an explorer, impatiently threw a few white coins to the male cultivator.

"He went to the top of the Forbidden City for a decisive battle with you from Lizhu Cave." The male cultivator said quite speechlessly.

"Crazy!" Mr. Guangming, dressed as an explorer, cursed.

"That's right, that's true." The male cultivator nodded and pulled the female cultivator to the side to line up.

As for Mr. Guangming, his eyes were always on the bronze object in front of him.

‘It seems like you can extract resurrection items from this machine? I have heard of Bright Commemorative Coins, but generally only corresponding items are scattered in the secret realms of some heavenly wonders, or they can be found in the ruins of the Garden of Eden. ’

‘Now you only need spirit stones to redeem it? And it’s only 40 spirit stones. ’

‘But why does Mr. Guangming keep staring at the equipment on this stall? ’

Just as Qu Yanping had this thought, a thunderous dragon roar came from the sky.

The wind and clouds changed, the sky and the earth lost color, and bursts of thunder came from high in the sky.

A purple-gold divine dragon, one hundred feet long, with purple light shining all over its body, hovering and flying high in the sky, its roar shaking the sky.

"Real dragon!?"

Another dragon, and the aura of this dragon was countless times more powerful than the seriously injured green dragon he saw back then!

The opponent obviously restrained his dragon power, but even so, the aura coming from the opponent was enough to make him unable to even use his spiritual power.

The other party soared into the clouds and flew straight towards this direction.

Qu Yanping's heart tightened, but he saw that the other person kept shrinking, and finally turned into a tall and burly young man.

He is tall and tall, two heads taller than an ordinary person. His long purple hair is blowing in the wind, emitting a faint purple light, and his eyes are as bright and bright as stars.

The peerless strong man!

He has felt this kind of breath before! Through the images of his Heavenly Eye supernatural power, he had once "feeled" this profound void-shattering cultivation! That is the strength that only immortal gods have, and

This aura is unmistakable, there was his aura in that battle! This is a great man who survived the ancient times!

Before Qu Yanping could recover from the fear and shock in his heart, the young man quickly passed by him, causing a gust of wind and waves.

"Hey, isn't this 067? We haven't seen each other for a few days, why are you so angry?" The young man in purple is like a bohemian and unruly young man.

"I heard that you have been upgraded. I will give you three hundred commemorative coins." The young man in purple threw a storage bag and threw it on the ground: "Hey, come and eat."

Mr. Guangming 067 was obviously stunned for a moment, looking at the storage bag on the ground with a dull look.

Qu Yanping's eyes widened. Is it possible that these ancient beings have such a high status?

[In the chat group]

Irena: "Hey, come and eat hahaha."

Irena: [Picture]

They were Su Lin squatting on the ground and the ruffian Long who dropped his money bag from above.

Emiya Shirou: "Is this picture?"

Ye Fan: "Let you restore your own personality and not let you surpass your own personality. @Purple Gold Shenlong"

Klein: "It is recommended that administrators put the overall situation first. (laughing)"

Xiao Yan: "It is recommended that administrators put the overall situation first. (laughing)"

Zhang Chulan: “It is recommended that administrators put the overall situation first. (laughing)”

Su Lin: "I will."

【Genesis of Light】

Qu Yanping felt that he might have to explain here today.

Infinite light and immeasurable heat suddenly erupted from Mr. Guangming's body. Qu Yanping felt that his eyesight turned white and he could no longer perceive anything. Only pure white remained between the sky and the earth.

The third eye moves on its own, but nothing can be seen in this endless white light. It is impossible to discern destiny, trajectory, or origin.

"If you want to fight, go fight in the universe, don't go wild in my little Dongting Lake."

After a majestic voice appeared, the white light gradually dissipated, and the color returned to the sky and the earth. The night remained dark, but the sky was cloudless, and the sky was dotted with stars.

Did that Dongting Lord take action? That's right, otherwise he would have been involved in this force immediately.

Qu Yanping looked forward and saw that all those people in line dispersed.

"There is also Mr. Guangming in Zuixian Pavilion, so go over there."

Many monks left one after another. Except for a few brave ones who were still lining up, most people left. Of course, many monks came around to watch the fun.

At this time, the purple-haired young man and Mr. Guangming squatted in front of the fat Taoist's stall as if nothing had happened, carefully looking at the various items on the stall.

Only then did Qu Yanping understand why each of the Western dolls [Mr. Guangming] could be called a [wonderful object of heaven]. In addition to being a mobile treasure house and capable of making resurrection spells, they also His own strength is also terrifying to this point.

The purple-haired young man touched his chin and said, "Isn't this what's in our Dragon Tomb? Where did you get it from, you stupid fat guy?"

"Loach, of course it's the Taoist priest who visited your ancestral grave." The fat Taoist priest said with a smile.

How dare he? ! Qu Yanping, who was watching, was shocked by the fat Taoist priest's words.

"Wow! You just fucked this damn fat man!" A dog demon who was taller than a human and walked upright in red underpants also cursed at the Purple Gold Dragon: "Where did the loach come from? Get out of the way, the dog master wants to see the goods. "

"Ouch! A dead dog and a dead fat man are a perfect match!" Zijin Shenlong cursed and then picked up the object: "Uncle Long took it from his ancestral grave, right? Now it has returned to its original owner."

Su Lin looked at this scene, silently stood up and left, standing with these three things, it was unlucky.

script? There is no script for these three things.

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