I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 256 The Great God of Light is here


This demon cultivator is truly a talent!

Su Lin, who was working overtime to seal magic weapons and rare treasures into stones, felt that it was not an option to continue like this, and he was just being played by this guy as the male protagonist who picked up missing articles.

Bet on games in the morning, collect information in the afternoon, and bet on strange rocks in the evening.

And this guy is also a bit cautious. Even if he bets on the Tiandao Magical Object Competition, he will only place a 1/4 bet, in order to prevent some players who he cannot see through or cannot clearly see the details from suddenly exploding.

"Tsk." Su Lin smacked his mouth in displeasure. This meant that even if he manipulated the game, he wouldn't be able to recover all the spirit stones.

After putting the last batch of strange stones into the intermission shooting scene, Su Lin tidied up a little and prepared to leave the Shuijing Peak personally to create some places for the opponent to consume spiritual stones.

In order to make the props fidelity enough, in addition to the basic compressed spiritual energy, those spiritual stones also mixed a lot of Ye Fan's divine source and pure source. If this guy has to absorb them all, the consumption of the props will be counted on him. .

"Ouch! What are you talking about, you stinky bull-nose? Do you think Uncle Long believes this nonsense that fools a three-year-old child?"

Su Lin had just picked some spiritual fruits to eat on the road when he heard the elegant and easy-going words of the Purple Gold Divine Dragon coming from the martial arts field at the foot of the mountain.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Lord! I think you, a loach, have a fate with me. I gave you the opportunity with good intentions, but you turned the tables and humiliated me. Alas!"

There was an unfamiliar voice. Su Lin turned his gaze downwards and saw a fat Taoist priest in Taoist robes standing in the middle of two portals with the Purple Gold Dragon with a sad face.

Ye Fan on the side was looking at a passerby with an ordinary face and an ordinary appearance.

"Ouch! What a bastard! You were dreaming about your spring and autumn dream in the coffin when Uncle Long was roaming the universe!" The body of the Purple Gold Divine Dragon swelled in the wind, and it was very intimidating with its fangs and claws.

"This is the ancient legacy of the Wanlong Emperor! You only need a hundred drops of blood essence to try to obtain the supreme inheritance. If you think it's too expensive, I think it's too expensive." Duan De showed no fear, holding a bronze jar in his hand. An expression that looks like you've taken advantage of me.

"Expense your grandma's legs!" Zijin Shenlong scolded, and suddenly he smiled obscenely: "Damn fat man, Uncle Long will exchange ten drops of blood for one thing on your body, will you exchange it for me?"

"What to exchange for?" Duan De asked: "I have nothing to gain from this poor Taoist body, only this supreme inheritance can be given to you."

"As for your broken Taoist robe, Uncle Long has a feeling in mind and wants to enter the Taoist sect to practice. Can you give me your Taoist robe?" The Purple Gold Dragon put its dragon head in front of Duan De, with a pair of dragon eyes full of greed.

Before Duan De could reply, Zijin Shenlong started to pull at Duan De's clothes.

"Your uncle! Don't mess with this poor Taoist!" Duan De quickly stopped him. The Taoist robe he wore looked shabby, but the Bagua diagram on it was an ancient treasure!

Duan De was puzzled, how come this weak real dragon didn't have any of the majesty of the dragon clan? !

Su Lin came to Ye Fan quietly and asked: "Fifty-fifty?"

Ye Fan was surprised at first, and then found out that the person coming was Su Lin, and asked doubtfully: "What's 50/50?"

"Didn't you bring Duan De here for me to loot?" Su Lin asked, "This is a fat sheep."

Ye Fan's heart skipped a beat, but he still shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's not the time."

It’s not a good idea to burn bridges right away.

Chen Nan was also shocked because he felt that this young man who suddenly appeared was standing in front of him but he was not in his perception.

He knew that the ruffian dragon would not harm him, but he was still wary of this strange place. These strange and strong men did not seem to have any ill intentions, but he could faintly feel the completely different auras on their bodies.

"What's your name?" Su Lin asked the young man. Although he was inseparable, he still had to ask.

"Chen Nan." Chen Nan thought for a while and replied truthfully. Anyway, he has long been famous on the mainland.

"Do you have a brother named Chen Dong?" Su Lin asked, throwing a fruit to the other party.

"No. Not good!" Chen Nan was sure that no one in his family was named Chen Dong, but before he finished speaking, a ray of light flew out of the pattern on his arm and flew towards the dense mountains.

Forget about Dragon Baby!

The mountains and plains here are filled with elixirs and spiritual fruits. The liquefied spiritual energy falls along the water and mountain streams, and the fairy energy on the mountain peaks is swirling and surging. In addition, this place is shrouded by an invisible and powerful formation. In his mind, the danger level is higher than that of the demon clan. The Kunlun Mountains are even more powerful.

The ray of light flew straight towards the medicine orchard, and there was a trace of amusement in the eyes of Ruffian Long who was arguing with Duan De.

Sure enough, Su Lin's face remained unchanged, and he grabbed the space beside him with his left hand. Su Lin grabbed the head of a chubby divine dragon. His big watery eyes were wondering why he couldn't fly.

Chen Nan's heart skipped a beat, this method was probably not at the level of those legendary old monsters!

"Please don't be too familiar with him!" Chen Nan was very anxious, fearing that something might happen to the baby dragon in Su Lin's hands.

He knew the speed of the baby dragon. Even at the same level, he could not catch up with the opponent. The other party ignored the space and grabbed the baby dragon directly with one casual hand. It was really terrifying!

I secretly cursed in my heart that the ruffian was pretending to be a ghost and didn't explain what was going on here clearly in advance. It's okay now. If this strong man is offended, it will be difficult to be kind today.

"Here's the Great God of Light, I can smell a lot of fruits." Baby Dragon's eyes rolled around, and he said with a cute expression: "This handsome brother, why are you grabbing me? I'll give it to you." Pick some fruit here."

What is acting? This is called acting! Su Lin had to say that this dragon could deceive a lot of viewers just by its appearance.

Wait, what did he just say?


"The face is quite fleshy." Su Lin held the little guy in his arms. Seeing how cute the little guy was, he didn't want to argue with him: "Want to eat some fruit?"

Baby Long nodded his head and said angrily:

"God says to be honest with others, and I do want to eat the fruit."

"God also said that regardless of species, regardless of high or low, all living beings must respect each other as they respect him, so you should be generous or not to prevent Kaiwu!!!"

Baby Dragon's rhythm was disrupted. This man was rubbing his face and pulling at his wings. It was so uncomfortable that he couldn't beat him.

"God said that if you want to eat fruit, you must exchange it for equal value." Su Lin didn't understand why some people like RUA pets until he tried the RUA dragon himself. The elastic feel, the soft belly, the fleshy wings and dragon horns, It's like opening the door to a new world.

"God never said that, don't touch my tail!" Baby Dragon was really about to cry, because the other party's hand was too strong.

"What God just said, God also said that you are destined to my Tianyi Sect, why don't you join my sect?" Su Lin said in confusion.

"Great God of Light, God has never said this." Baby Long looked at Chen Nan and asked for help with his eyes.

The ruffian Long beside him was rolling in the sky with laughter and did not pull Duan De's Taoist robe anymore.

"Senior, this little dragon is ignorant, please forgive him this time." Chen Nan's eyes narrowed and he said with a frown.

After taking a look at the Purple Gold Divine Dragon whistling over there, he thought about countermeasures to get Su Lin to let the baby dragon go. He was worried that the other party would take the baby dragon away by force just by saying "you are destined to me". After all, a divine dragon is very powerful. It's rare. The Light Church had paid attention to Long Baobao before when they were in the West.

"Senior, as the saying goes, a strong person is not sweet." Chen Nan thought about it and said, "I must be easy to discipline."

Baby Long muttered dissatisfied: "God said that his people are kind and loving, and it is wrong for you to bully the weak like this."

"That's right." Su Lin nodded.

Baby Long felt happy. He felt that the strength in the opponent's hand had weakened a bit. Although he still couldn't break free, it was always a good thing.

But at this moment, a warm force came from behind him, and this force made him feel very familiar.

On the opposite side, Chen Nan subconsciously took a step back. His eyes were wide open, first full of horror and then immediately replaced by worry and vigilance. He had already begun to prepare to use his trump card.

Baby Long was confused at first, but not long after, he saw through the reflection in Chen Nan's black eyes that the guy holding him became dazzling and dazzling, and six light wings appeared behind the guy.

"But the people of God must be kind and loving, but that doesn't mean that God must also be kind and loving~." Su Lin turned the baby dragon over and held it high:

"I just remembered that I am also the God of Light."

"It's different from eating and drinking under the guise of others, the God of Light is the real God."

He grinned and smiled brightly.

But Chen Nan and Long Baobao on the other side didn't know the situation yet, and they only had two words in their minds - broken.

They had previously stolen, taken, robbed, and smashed all the treasures of the Church of Light in the West. They also took away the hand bones of the God of Light, which were sacred objects of the Church of Light!

‘This is hitting the creditor! ’

The moral aspect was unreasonable, and the most critical force seemed to be difficult to work. The aura and power emanating from the other party made Chen Nan complain in his heart and at the same time scolded Zijin Shenlong again.

Duan De sorted out his clothes and had a clear understanding. It seemed that this was the saint king who gave Ye Fan the secret. However, he was also considering whether to grease his soles and escape first. What the other party just said to Ye Fan was all in. ears.

"Holy stick! Oh no! God of Light, I am the most pious!" Baby Long immediately concealed his panic and said obediently: "Whatever you say is what it is."

The God of Light is a dead man, but why did this guy come back to life? ! Even if Baby Long is confused, he understands that he cannot offend him at this time.

"Haha." Su Lin felt that he was almost done, and he was almost done teasing the little guy, but his eyes flickered, and a golden light flashed in front of his eyes: "What's going on?"

A sudden change occurred, and the baby dragon's forehead glowed with golden light, emitting an extremely bright and bright light.

The small golden bead embedded in the center of Xiaolong's forehead, born from the hand bone relics of the God of Light, flashed out like a third eye.

The power of the brilliant white light behind the golden light emitted fluctuations of different frequencies. The frequencies of the two lights were not the same at first, but soon, the two lights gradually reached a resonance and began to merge without distinguishing each other.

A majestic holy aura and an incomparable sacred light attribute constantly set off the gathering and surge of light elements from the Water Mirror Peak, like long waves and streams.

The bright gentlemen who existed as NPCs scattered all over the world also began to shine completely differently from usual.

The monks who were accepting tasks or wanted to use the Bright Commemorative Coins to win prizes were quite shocked when they saw this scene. They could clearly feel that the powerful power of the other party was increasing.

"Interesting, Ruffian Dragon, stop your brother, I'm not free now." Su Lin said to Zijin Shenlong.

Before anyone could ask questions, Baby Dragon also showed changes!

The roar of the dragon that broke through the chaos of nothingness sounded from him.

Huge sound waves swayed in the sky, causing the virtual sky to ripple with broken ripples. A dragon shadow appeared in the high sky, seeming to want to reappear but unable to move from illusion to reality.

The fierce wind carries the rich spiritual energy on Shuijing Peak to form tornadoes.

Su Lin took a look and said softly to the tornadoes: "Quiet."

The tornado dissipated. This change was not uncontrollable for Su Lin, but he still went with it and did not intend to interfere too much. This was his home field anyway.

The only reason to prevent the tornado from taking shape is to worry about the spiritual plants in the medicine garden and the spiritual fruits all over the mountains and plains.

Not long after, this resonance gradually weakened, and in Su Lin's clone, the cracks on the light godhead were still there, but there seemed to be some more light laws that were not there before.

He could clearly feel that the quality of this godhead seemed to have improved a bit.

"Is there resonance between the powers of light? I'll just say that you are destined to me." That's what Su Lin said, but he was full of doubts in his heart. He couldn't understand that the guy opposite was obviously the god of light who was eating and drinking. The main body is a heavenly dragon, can this also resonate?

The power in the opponent's body has increased a bit, and the durability of the godhead in his own body has become a bit stronger. This situation is not bad.

Su Lin glanced at the little guy, let go of his hand, and let him flap his wings and fly in the air.

"Chen Nan, I've become stronger again!" Baby Long said happily as he felt the increase in power within his body.

In fact, this statement is not accurate. The baby dragon is recovering its strength and repairing itself.

In the world of Zijin Shenlong, Baby Dragon is a great virtuous and mighty dragon in ancient times, the first generation god of light in the West. After his death, he did not actually reincarnate, but dragged his broken body into a strange state. His true form has become the current baby dragon and he is seeking to slowly recover.

‘Whether the god of light is a decent person or a villain, it seems to be a high-risk profession.’ For some reason, Su Lin suddenly had such an idea in his mind.

"Thank you, senior!" Chen Nan observed and put down his guard.

"Let Ruffian Long explain to you later, I have something else to do." Su Lin stepped forward and wanted to leave. The demon cultivator didn't know what kind of stimulation he had, and seemed to want to practice in seclusion.

What are you practicing, consuming! Don’t you want to consume so many good things? !

"Wait a minute..." Su Lin suddenly stopped and asked Ye Fan, "Where is the Black Emperor?"

Ye Fan was stunned and replied: "Eating."

Dead Dog is having a lot of fun during this period. He will only come back from Su Lin's world with his little girl when it's almost dinner time and when it's time to go to bed at night.

"Let him come here, Duan De, Ruffian Long, do me a favor." Su Lin waved his hand and projected Qu Yanping's real-time monitoring. He pointed at Qu Yanping on the screen and said, "No matter what you use, The solution is to take out all the spiritual stones in his pocket for me."

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