"Mr. Qu, your pupil skills are very interesting. You can actually spy on this level of information." Klein turned the cane in his hand in a circle and knocked it on the black floor tiles with a bang:

"If you are interested, I would like to entrust you to use your pupil skills to explore the origins of several heavenly artifacts owned by the Church of the Fool."

"Please rest assured that we have a professional team of angels who can ensure your safety as much as possible. We can turn back time, restart your destiny, and Mr. Light from the Church of Fools can make arrangements for you."

"As for the reward, it will definitely satisfy you."

The other party's attitude was very sincere, and Qu Yanping was very moved when he heard it.

If Mr. Guangming is here and there are so many ways to revive him, I might as well accept this commission.

"Can I see what kind of heavenly artifact it is first?" Qu Yanping asked curiously.

Klein pushed the monocle on his right eye socket and smiled: "Of course."

Qu Yanping was a little curious why everyone in this church wore monocles? Could it be some kind of symbol? It feels a bit strange.

"Mr. Amon, could you please entertain a few guests? Give Mr. Qu and I some time. It's not yet time to get off work, so you don't have to leave in a hurry." Mr. Klein's mouth also opened in an exaggerated manner. Just like Father Amon before.

Father Amon had already walked to the door without knowing when. He showed a formulaic smile: "Okay."

"Brother Qu, be careful. If you encounter some unique backlash, you won't even have a chance to be resurrected." Gao Sheng warned before leaving.

"Thank you, Brother Gao, for reminding me." Qu Yanping nodded. He was suddenly curious and wanted to see what kind of miraculous object it was.

Each of these heavenly wonders can be regarded as a treasure from heaven and earth in the Huanyu Realm. Even the immortals in the Huanyu Realm would probably fight to the death if they saw these things.

He had heard those three people say that some of the wonders of heaven and earth were the remnants of a powerful person's dao fruit or the foundation of an ancient force. Even if a mortal accidentally obtained them, they could reach the sky in one step and directly become immortal existences.

The Sun God is the best example. Although some heavenly wonders may have side effects, they are not unacceptable.

Under Qu Yanping's gaze, Mr. Klein began to pray to the strange symbols behind him.

Not long after, a gentleman-looking gentleman wearing a Western-style evening dress appeared out of thin air and floated in the air holding several boxes of different sizes. Likewise, he also had a monocle on his right eye socket.

Qu Yanping thought that his perception was blessed by the supernatural power of the Third Eye, and he was still very sensitive even if he did nothing. However, he did not expect that the other party appeared without any warning, and he had no idea where it came from.

Mr. Guangming glanced at the watch on his wrist and said:

"Hurry up and call it a day. There are still 28 minutes until get off work ends at 5 o'clock. I won't help you with treatment and resurrection for more than one minute. You'd better hold on until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Sorry, it's 9:05. After punching in, I have to make a cup of health tea before working."

"Well, after saying this, there are still 27 minutes left."

Qu Yanping's face tightened. Having absorbed the memory of modern people, he certainly knew what it meant to clock in and clock out. Whether he was a rare creature of heaven or a monk, this Mr. Guangming's character was too ridiculous.

Klein placed the box neatly on a larger brown table. He opened the box and took out a card, a blue sword, an orange ball the size of a glass bead, and a flower. Almost transparent flowers.

"Let's start with this business card." Klein showed a business card in his hand and said, "This business card has the characteristics of being indestructible. It has a type of text that has never appeared on it. You can use your pupils to Let’s take a tentative look at it, um, tentatively.”

Qu Yanping took the business card and felt that there was nothing special about it except for the strange material.

Do you really want to explore the origin of this kind of thing? If there is no chance, he suddenly changes his mind. Compared with the benefits obtained, this risk is not worth mentioning.

After signing another contract, Qu Yanping decided not to use his power covertly, which would allow him to better control his magical powers during his exploration.

Runes containing the principles of Tao gathered on his forehead, forming a vertical pupil along with his will.

"Erlang Shen?!" Mr. Guangming's voice was a little surprised: "You have opened your eyes."

"Please don't disturb Mr. Qu, No. 110." Klein reminded.

The sound in his ears became smaller and smaller. Qu Yanping's sight was covered by the card in his hand. In a daze, he seemed to see a universe.

Testing, just testing, don't take the initiative to explore.

"Are there any customers coming to your door?"

An exclamation came. It was not a language that living things could understand, but under the translation of the Celestial Eye supernatural power, a huge flow of information that broke through dimensions was forced into his mind.

"This brother, eh? There is a sister here, do you want to buy her?"

"I see there are quite a lot of people over there, sister. We only need thirty rays of Hongmeng Purple Qi, we Feng Ling"

bump! Qu Yanping's head exploded into a pile of blood mist, and his third eye turned into a ray of light reaching into the sky.

Mr. Guangming suddenly fell silent when he looked at the light, and the 3-second countdown didn't even arrive.

In an instant, the world stopped. Everything that had just happened was like a movie tape played in reverse. The light returned to the third eye, the blood mist formed the skull, and Qu Yanping returned to the state before the explosion.

"Ah!!!" Qu Yanping fell to the ground, as if he had a nightmare, an extremely real nightmare.

That kind of phantom pain was separated from the current safe and sound state, and he couldn't be sure whether he was still alive for a moment.

He was trying to get rid of that state while trying to calm himself down as soon as possible. Different from the state of being seriously injured on the field, he had indeed fallen just now.

"Mr. Qu, I should have told you to just try and check it. Do you want to work so hard?" Mr. Klein sighed with emotion: "You are doing your best."

"That's right, how much money a month, why are you risking your life?" Mr. Guangming threw a blessing to Qu Yanping, which helped his mental state stabilize quickly.

Qu Yanping: "."

He wanted to say that he had no intention of exploring deeply at all, but a force came to him on his own.

That voice couldn't remember what that voice had just said. If he could recall it, he would probably die again.

After adjusting his breath, Qu Yanping relaxed his clenched teeth and clenched palms.

"I heard a voice, but I can't remember what he said." Although Qu Yanping's voice was calm, it was a bit hollow. He had been prepared to seek enlightenment, but the sense of emptiness after experiencing it in person made him feel sad. He had some difficulty adapting. "

"You said you heard a voice?" It was Mr. Guangming who spoke. He looked at Klein and said, "It seems that the legend is true. There is a living heaven."

The way of heaven?

Qu Yanping was startled. He was sure that he had heard correctly. What the other party was talking about was the way of heaven.

Klein smiled and then picked up the item in another box, the long sword.

"Next is this weapon." Klein's face was filled with joy, as if Qu Yanping had brought him a lot of help: "Mr. Qu, you are very good."

Qu Yanping was silent. He suddenly realized that what he promised before was a bit reckless. Obviously he only needed to practice slowly in this world, and the great road would be just around the corner. Why did he work so hard?

There is an indescribable feeling of awkwardness, but I tend to ignore this feeling subconsciously.

"Is there any known information about this sword?" As soon as Qu Yanping finished speaking, he immediately shook his head and said, "No, don't tell me, I gave up on this commission."

According to the contract, he can give up this commission at any time.

He had a hunch that none of the heavenly wonders here were simple. Those heavenly wonders either had no clues to be found, or they were the most dangerous ones in prehistory by following the clues.

"Sorry, Mr. Klein, please ask someone else." Qu Yan bowed in parallel and turned to leave. He did not mention the reward. In this case, it is good that the other party does not bear grudges against him.

"After get off work, get off work." Mr. Guangming's voice rose slightly, he snapped his fingers and disappeared together with the heavenly objects in the boxes.

"According to the contract, I need to pay you equivalent compensation." Klein said softly: "Please wait a moment, I need to think about what to give you."

Qu Yanping stopped and waited for the other party quietly.

"Did you just use the Sky Eye? Or a similar magical power?" Klein asked.

"Absolutely." Qu Yanping said, the 'Celestial Eye' spread among the monks in this world is very similar to his own 'Celestial Eye Magical Power'.

"I'll give you a piece of information, which should be a great opportunity for you, if you have the chance to meet him." Klein took a thread-bound book from the twenty-meter-high bookshelf: "Take it. "

The book was spinning and flying towards Qu Yanping. He grabbed the thread-bound book and took a closer look. There were several words written with a brush on the blue cover.

"The Biography of Qingyuan Miao Dao Zhenjun"

Qu Yanping was stunned, what kind of information is this?

"Okay, the deal is done." Klein sat back on the chair and returned his attention to the book in front of him.

Seeing that the other party said no more, Qu Yanping put away his books and opened the door to leave.

At the gate of the Church of Fools.

Qu Yanping, who finally came out from inside, asked everyone about the deeds of the Qingyuan Miao Dao Zhenjun.

"After the ancient heaven was shattered, this divine king disappeared along with the other immortal gods." Li Feiyu said: "Some said he fell, some said he was reincarnated, and some said he"

"Said he is the one who single-handedly stopped the disaster of immortal ghosts."

Qu Yanping was shocked and confused, because in the myths circulated in the mortal world of their Hengyu world, before the Taiqing Immortal Emperor became an immortal, there was a figure with a very similar name in the ancient times.

He originally just asked a few people, but as everyone told them, he felt an inexplicable sense of déjà vu, and he couldn't help but feel fear in his heart.

"But this cannot be verified. Mr. Dongting has met Zhenjun Erlang before and also met the [Tiandao Miracle] who wanders around hunting for undead evil creatures. He personally said that he did not know him." Gao Sheng was adding on his mobile phone. Qu Yanping's WeChat: "In the distant ancient times, this world was too glorious and too huge. I don't even know how many powerful people there were."

"Okay, Brother Qu, if you have any questions, please contact me via WeChat or call me. Are you really not going to be a guest of our Kongyun Sect?"

Qu Yanping smiled kindly and said: "Thank you, Brother Gao, for your kindness. I'm still used to staying in the city. As a modern person, I can't live without a computer."

This was just an excuse. They agreed to gather in seven days, watch the last game of the Heaven's Path Strange Object Competition together, and then follow Gu Yue Fang Yuan to the Penglai ruins.

He needs to spend a day or two thinking alone and analyzing his current situation and the information he has obtained.

"Brother Qu, you are so prejudiced." Gao Sheng scolded with a smile: "Do you believe that our sect's WIFI is several times faster than yours?"

"Fellow Taoists, let's say goodbye." Li Feiyu doesn't like to be sloppy in his actions, and every word and deed is full of efficiency.

"Come to my house in seven days. The address has been sent to all fellow Taoists." Gu Yue Fang Yuan tapped his finger on the phone screen a few times, then raised his head and said with a smile: "Then, I'll take my leave."

Unlike the monks in the Huanyu world, several people left by riding bicycles, taking online taxis, or taking buses.

‘It’s really low-key.’ Qu Yanping naturally followed the locals and turned back to the monks’ market.

He has ten spiritual stones on his body, so it is not a problem to stay in a hotel here for a few days. This place where the monks gather is very suitable for him to collect more information for comparison to prevent the three people from giving him incorrect information.

Cheap hotels also require one spirit stone per day.

"The price is too expensive." Qu Yanping was still a little distressed. After all, the value of the spirit stones here is much higher than that of Hengyu Realm: "Huh?"

He was looking at the storage bag and suddenly froze.

"One, two, three-seven. Seven?"

Why are there three spirit stones missing? ! Qu Yanping suddenly looked at the ground around him, and then glanced at the faces of the monks passing by.

"Been robbed?"

Behind the scenes, the Shuijingfeng crew resting place.

Su Lin put away a spiritual stone and took out the thief's extraordinary characteristic card of the demigod path from his body. How can I put it, this ability is quite fun.

Not far away, 'Klein''s facial features gradually changed. The only thing that remained unchanged was the crystal-carved monocle on his right eye socket. He walked towards this direction throwing a spiritual stone.

'Amon' dressed as a priest appeared next to Su Lin. He changed back to his bookish appearance, still maintaining the posture of holding his hands behind his back, but in the heart of his right hand held behind his back, a spiritual stone was firmly fixed. Hold it firmly in your hand.

"Okay, the first act has been completed successfully. The exploration of the secret realm in the second act is scheduled for seven days. Thank you for your hard work."

Klein: "."

Klein looked at Amon in front of him and asked Su Lin, "Why did you call Amon here? The competition between him and me is not over yet."

"Amon? Where is Amon?" Su Lin stood up from the chair, looked around and asked: "Anduin, have you seen Amon?"

"I didn't see Amon. You were probably too into the drama." The thin-faced man adjusted the position of his monocle.

Klein: "Aren't you Amon?"

Amon clone: ​​"I am Anduin."

Klein: "You are Amon."

Amon's clone: ​​"I am Anduin, a priest who came here from another world to spread the glory of the Holy Light."

Klein rolled his eyes.

"You don't have to worry. The connection between me and the main body has long been severed. I became an independent individual under Adam's intervention. Even when I come here, I am always being watched." Amon's clone smiled: "And Do you think I would want to return to my true form when encountering such a fun thing?"

"Instead of worrying about me, you should prepare the promotion ceremony as soon as possible. If he doesn't take action, you have no chance of winning. Of course, if you become his vassal, I can even write a surrender letter for the main body."

Amon's clone looked at Su Lin when he said this. It was obvious that he wanted to stimulate Klein.

"I'm just sorry why it's not your true form." Klein didn't care and replied: "Then the Church of Fools might really have an extra Father Amon."

If hugging the thigh can solve Amon's true form, Klein won't care about his face. Anyway, he is a faceless person.

In this world, Su Lin could probably suppress Amon with just a raise of his hand.

Amon's clone shrugged and waved his hands leisurely: "Whatever, you are Father Amon now, and I am Klein."

Klein sighed silently. The marionette he left in the scene was unknowingly stolen by this guy. This was a big surprise. Fortunately, it was not his true body.

"Don't ruin your character. Mr. Klein has no habit of stealing." Klein's figure faded little by little.

Hengyu Fairyland

"Di Ji, do you really want to continue the investigation?!" Mi Yilong wanted to stop it, but there was no way. Among the people present, only Ju Chang had the highest status and seniority.

From the sound just now, a being at the level of an Immortal Emperor actually followed the puppet's gaze and saw them.

"Keep checking." Ju Chang said coldly: "The person just now is not in the world where the puppet is, so it doesn't matter."

She always feels.

There is something unreal about that world.

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