The Fool is a real god in this world.

He has many titles, including the Lord of Mysteries, the King of Time and Space, the Beacon of Destiny, the Incarnation of the Source Castle, the Ruler of the Spirit World, and the Great Master above the Gray Fog, but his followers generally call him "The Fool".

"It seems that this year's sponsorship advertisement has been very effective. Not long after the game ended, a lost lamb came to ask for guidance." Father Amon tapped his chest four times, but the combination of the other party's expressions really made it impossible to feel the solemnity of a clergyman. .

"Mr. Amen, you misunderstood." Gu Yue Fang Yuan waved his hand and signaled Qu Yanping to come forward, and said: "This brother Qu has a piece of information about the wonder of heaven [Bie Yun Flute] unearthed from the Penglai ruins. He wants to In exchange for a certain amount of reward.”

"I know, I watched that game too." Amon smiled and said with a somewhat regretful tone: "I thought you wanted to know about the glorious deeds of the great savior, Mr. Fool, and maybe you would feel The call also says it’s not certain.”

"I believe in the greatness of Mr. Fool, but I am not used to placing my hopes and ideals on gods. I'm sorry to disappoint you." Gu Yue Fang Yuan refused but was polite, like a gentle and jade-like young man.

"Come with me." Amon nodded, turned and walked towards the inner room.

The group of people followed him through an iron door and passed through a corridor made of bones of various creatures.

"If you don't want to be a believer, you can also consider becoming an employee."

"The benefits of our Church of the Fool are quite good. We have four days off and three days off, nine to five. We also have team building activities before God every week. Internal employees enjoy cross-space transactions and arrivals. Every year, the top three regional business indicators will have angels." With blessing, the top three in the region’s comprehensive indicators will be rewarded with sealed objects every year.”

"It's much better than some unscrupulous chambers of commerce that don't take holidays 24 hours a day and unscrupulous capital that should hang street lights."

Father Amon turned his head and looked diagonally behind him, adjusted the position of his monocle and said:

"So, don't you really think about it? Now that you join the club, you can enjoy a resurrection spell that will restart the time. Lumian, the God's Favorite from the church next door, has agreed to use it."

"Why the church next door?" Qu Yanping couldn't help but ask. He admitted that he was attracted by the offer of a resurrection spell when he joined.

"Because our Lord is poaching." Father Amon said seriously: "To be honest, a talent like Mr. Qu should actually join our Church of Fools."

"Thank you for your love, I have no plans to join the organization yet." Qu Yanping plans not to join other forces until he is fully integrated into this world, otherwise some of his secrets may be exposed.

"What a pity." Amon turned back in disappointment, and everyone was speechless along the way.

The two sides of this corridor of bones were filled with torches, and the road ahead was endless. Come to think of it, some kind of space magic must have been used.

After walking for a few minutes, Qu Yanping began to recall what happened at the spiritual food banquet.

It was said to be a spiritual food banquet, but in fact it was more like a discussion. The flow of time in the private room was completely different from that outside. There was almost one dish a day in the private room, and the portions of each dish were astonishing. After ten days, they Come out of the box.

As for the outside world, less than two hours had passed.

These monks are quite extraordinary. Qu Yanping also gained a lot from exchanging cultivation experiences with Gu Yue Fang Yuan and others. He also imparted some insights on the laws brought by the magical power of the Third Eye.

At the same time, he used the magical power of the Third Eye to guide the three of them on some problems that arose in their practice, and by the way shared some techniques from the Huan Yu Realm. Although they were not excellent techniques, they could still provide inspiration for the development of the human body and the soul.

Under this situation, the three of them were even more enthusiastic towards him. During this period, they also exchanged their views on things and shared interesting things they encountered during their practice. It can be said that this was a banquet where both the guest and the host enjoyed themselves.

Now Gu Yue Fang Yuan, Li Feiyu and Gao Sheng are quite familiar with him.

After communication and testing, Qu Yanping felt that although these monks were smart and resourceful, they had typical righteous thinking. They all cared about the development of people's livelihood when it came to mortal issues, and had no interest in the relationship between monks and mortals. Have some insights.

'It doesn't seem to be a demonic path. Even Gu Yue Fang Yuan, who is a Gu cultivator, is leaning towards the righteous camp.'

Then, on the grounds that he did not understand the monk world, he asked circumstantial questions about the monk world in this world.

These monks told him this -

[On this planet, there are immortals, gods, demons, demons, spirits, spirits, weirdos, cultivators, and mortals living together.

In ancient times, an earth-shaking accident occurred. After that accident, the way of heaven was shattered. Immediately afterwards, the immortal world was shattered, the divine world collapsed, the six realms of reincarnation ceased to exist, and many great powers from ancient times fell one after another. Both the East and the West were in ruins.

The remaining big shots almost no longer interfere in any human affairs. Seventeen hundred years ago, the Lord of Liyue Immortal Court and most of the surviving powerful men went deep into a moving ruins and never came out again.

After another 207 years, the only remaining underworld collapsed, and a supernatural revival appeared. The ghosts were infected by the law of reincarnation. A group of "ghosts" appeared in the world who wanted to devour all life. These ghosts have no intelligence of their own. But there are strong and weak, and they control various laws. The most difficult thing is that they can never be eliminated.

When all living beings were in despair, an ancient powerful man forcibly awakened to turn the tide. He was extremely sublime. Although he was tyrannical, he could not resist the endless immortal ghosts.

As a result, that powerful man took the initiative to accept the influence of the law of reincarnation and turned into a "wonderful object of heaven" that hunts ghosts forever. Having lost himself, he still wanders around the world, hunting and suppressing the remaining ghosts.

739 years later, the great powers returned, and they found a way to gradually restore the world, and Jedi Tiantong appeared.

In the following thousands of years, although the supernatural world and the mortal world overlapped, they were always on parallel lines. All the joys and sorrows of mortals fell in the eyes of the monks, but the monks could only sit on the cloud platform and watch the sunrise. Sunset, full moon and waning moon.

The monks used their own power to repair the way of heaven, recast the three realms and six paths of reincarnation, and the big and small worlds that were broken in the void returned.

It was not until about a hundred years ago that the Three Realms and Six Paths were gradually repaired, the effects of Jedi Heavenly Power began to slowly weaken, and the monks began to return to this world.

But even if we return to this world, the prosperity of ancient times no longer exists. Now is the age of mortals.

Whether they are evil or righteous, all the camps unite and sign a contract.

That is to allow mortals to develop on their own. The monk world still maintains a state of isolation from mortals. Occasionally, some people who have obtained supernatural powers will make a fuss, but they will soon be dealt with by dedicated personnel until...

The immortal emperor and Mr. Guangming suddenly appeared, and the battle between the two tore a hole in this contract. 】

As it is now, it is still the world of monks who have fallen into decline. So what is the world of monks in their Hengyu world? The world of beggars?

Moreover, even though several days had passed, Qu Yanping still felt a little scared when he thought of this, because he asked a question out of nowhere.

["Which Immortal Emperor is the one recorded in the myth? Does it correspond to which one in Journey to the West?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"I don't know. The entire world of monks doesn't know who the Immortal Emperor is. Even the ancient powerful ones don't know him."

Qu Yanping asked at that time: "Isn't Mr. Guangming's body originally one with that person?"

Gao Sheng shook his head and replied:

"When Mr. Guangming of our sect was watching TV, when he saw the Western one, he would say that he deserves to be me. He is so handsome."

"Brother Qu, do you know what he said when he saw the Immortal Emperor?"

Of course Qu Yanping didn't know, but Gu Yue Fang Yuan answered: "He said that I hate purple, and this person is definitely not me."

In the distant history and records, even in the impressions of the great masters, this Heavenly Emperor has never appeared. They have impressions of the Western Emperor but do not know that he has a connection with the Eastern Immortal World]

dong dong dong

A gentle tapping sound sounded, and Qu Yanping turned all his attention back.

Amon pressed the door handle down, and then applied a little force inward. The simple door opened, revealing a library with many bookshelves stacked side by side.

The smell of ink and the fragrance of orchid tea filled the space. A small white table was placed at the innermost side, and a bookish figure sat with his legs crossed on a wooden chair.

The sun shone through the glass where he was, and he just quietly flipped through the pages in his hand while writing on the slightly curled paper with a quill.

"Mr. Klein, this Mr. Qu wants to exchange information about the wonders of heaven with you for some reward." Amon clasped his hands behind his back, turned his body sideways to make way for his position, and said, "This is our ancient scholar from the Church of the Fool. Mr. Klein."

Hearing Amon's voice, Mr. Klein put down the quill in his hand and smiled: "What a good news, Mr. Amon."

He turned his head and looked at everyone. At this time, everyone discovered that the other person also had a monocle carved from crystal on his right eye socket.

"Amon~ Sir, you are indeed very qualified." Klein smiled meaningfully.

Gao Sheng and Li Feiyu subconsciously looked at Amon, only to see the smile on Amon's face frozen as if frozen.

Immediately afterwards, Father Amon kept the smile on his face and turned to look at Gu Yue Fang Yuan and said with a smile: "This is really a surprise. I thank you on behalf of Mr. Klein."

Hearing this, Qu Yanping looked at Father Amon.

"Mr. Klein has been looking forward to the news about the wonder of heaven [Bie Yun Flute] for a long time. For this reason, he has been searching the documents for several months, and now he finally has some clues." Father Amon smiled and said to Qu Yanping explained: "Therefore, I would like to thank you on behalf of Mr. Klein."

"You must have a very good relationship." Qu Yanping replied politely: "You and Mr. Klein must have a deep friendship."

"Haha, cough, cough." Gao Sheng suddenly coughed twice. Seeing Qu Yanping's eyes turn, he immediately adjusted and said, "I'm sorry, I suddenly thought of my junior brother Ling Ye. He is also very interested in the wonders of heaven." Interested, and”

"Our relationship is also very good, eh."

"It's just some information. Brother Gao can pass it on to your junior brother later." Qu Yanping smiled slightly, showing his generosity.

"Really? Thank you, Brother Qu!" Gao Sheng said gratefully.

bang bang

Klein clapped his hands and called everyone's attention back.

"So, Mr. Qu, what is your information, and what do you want to exchange for our ancient scholar?" Klein picked up the crutch that was leaning on the chair, and at the same time took out a crutch from somewhere. top hat.

Qu Yanping looked at the dressed Klein and suddenly realized, isn't this the same person he saw when time stopped that day? Except there is an extra monocle on the face.

A strong man who manipulates the laws of time.

‘I just don’t know whether the other party relies on the miraculous objects of heaven or whether I have the relevant abilities. ’ Qu Yanping thought in his heart.

Regarding the Penglai ruins, Gu Yue Fang Yuan's answer was that he found a incomplete "key". If it is complete, it can open the door to the depths of the Penglai ruins.

According to common sense, this key is an item that can never be repaired unless you go back in time and recreate the past.

He took a deep breath, tried his best to be neither humble nor condescending, and said, "Mr. Klein, I would like to exchange permission from you for the use of this heavenly artifact [Spell: Reappearance of Yesterday]."

Heavenly Wonders [Spell: Reappearance of Yesterday]: The unique wonders of the ancient scholars seminar of the Church of Fools have some living characteristics. Scholars who love to pursue the lost history will be given the opportunity to summon themselves. The effect is to reproduce the past state of a thing or person.

This incredible ability is simply unheard of for Qu Yanping, but what he has seen during this period has given him some immunity, and he is now sufficiently interested in the ruins of Penglai Immortal Island.

That is the place where the wonder of Heavenly Dao [Bie Yun Flute] was unearthed. It is said that some powerful people are still wandering in the outer area and unable to penetrate deep. For many monks, it is simply an unexplored treasure land.

Gu Yue Fang Yuan actually valued Qu Yanping's pupil skills, because there was a chaos of time and space in that place, and some broken small worlds were also mixed in, and you would get lost if you were not careful.

‘Since it is a pupil technique that can peek into the origins of heavenly objects, I must be able to find a correct path. ’ Gu Yue Fang Yuan said so at that time.

The reason why Gu Yue Fang Yuan was looking for Li Feiyu was because of the rare artifact of Heavenly Dao [Heaven Palm Vase] in his hand, and the relevant information has always been the history that ancient scholars in the Dongting Lake area wanted to pursue.

Li Feiyu obviously didn't want to expose the information about the heavenly artifacts in his hands, so he made a deal with Qu Yanping.

‘Fellow Daoist Qu has just entered the world of monks and must not have any means of resurrection. I will make a deal with you using two methods of resurrection. You will exchange your information with the Church of the Fool for the right to use the spell. How about it? ’

Qu Yanping briefly calculated the pros and cons before agreeing. No matter how easy it was for ordinary monks to access resurrection methods in this world, what he lacked most at this time was this chance to do it again.

In particular, items and spells related to resurrection methods are often not cheap, and casual cultivators often need to enter a factory for half a year to buy one.

The salary at Zhetian Chamber of Commerce is quite high, and you can buy one in three months, but it is said that the monks who enter often use part of their salary to buy medicine from the Endless Fire Domain Dan League next door.

Klein flashed a smile: "Then, let's sign the contract."

He took out a piece of golden parchment and wrote down the terms in the Chinese language of this world.

"The notarized contract produced by Liyue Immortal Court. Those who break their promises will be turned into stone sculptures and will never be freed. It comes from the rubbings left by the fallen God of Contract Morax. I really don't know where the Lord of the Immortal Court got it. , they can earn a lot of spiritual stones by selling this contract every year." Gao Sheng stepped forward and took a look.

Without much thought, Qu Yanping signed the contract, and Klein also signed his name on the contract.

"I heard a word"

This sentence is not long, and the information contained in it is completely confusing to Qu Yanping. He even doubts that this sentence can really get the permission to use the magical objects of heaven.

Klein was silent for dozens of seconds after hearing this. Finally, under the gaze of everyone, he pressed the top hat on his head and said, "Interesting."


The other party threw something, and Qu Yanping caught it immediately. He opened his palm and saw that it was an engraved stone with a strange pattern on it.

"Take it, it's disposable."

Qu Yanping was a little disappointed. He thought he could hear the other party casually tell the origin of the [Bie Yun Di]. At least it was the information he had obtained through his efforts to disappear.

"Mr. Klein, don't you have anything to say about that heavenly wonder?" Li Feiyu asked.

"Haha, will you give me money?" Klein smiled and said, "Tell me the news about your Sky Palm Bottle, and I will tell you."

Li Feiyu shook his head, turned around and walked outside.

"It's related to a certain Heavenly Emperor." Klein said suddenly as he looked at Li Feiyu's leaving figure.

Li Feiyu paused for a moment, then continued to leave, presumably not impressed.

"Emperor of Heaven." Qu Yanping was stunned. Although he didn't elaborate, this kind of news has been revealed a lot.

The monks in this world are really easy to talk to. Qu Yanping also labeled Mr. Klein as a "good guy".

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