I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 230 Although I have no intention of being born, I know the suffering of monks

"Hey, is the system here? Can the skill card I bought be renewed for only five minutes?"


It hurts, it hurts too much... System, why, why don't you answer me!

Of course, it is impossible for the system to reply to Su Lin. After all, the system is only responsible for sales and not after-sales. After waking up and rebirth, the system gave itself an instruction manual and a novice gift pack, and then there was no further movement.

It's simply a perfect tool. Well, the system is a tool, and Su Lin is the perfect tool man.

I accidentally over-pretended and forgot to check the time, and ended up spending an extra 3,000 oceans tonight.

Rounding off, there are two bright gods... Xiba. Ah, it should save time.

Ye Fan picked up the array plate next to the headmaster of the Five Elements Palace. Although it was broken, its material was a rare good thing and could be recycled.

He glanced at the imposing Su Lin and said:

"There are still a few lines left to read, what should I do?"

"Although there is no Yu Tuo, it's not impossible for you to call Ye Fan to save me."

"It's not like the Tianhe battle suit I'm wearing can't withstand the damage from the emperor's soldiers." Su Lin replied via voice transmission.

Ye Fan's smile froze and said: "With a plug-in, you can do whatever you want?!"

"Sry~, you can really do whatever you want." Su Lin thought about what other quotations he had not finished reading, but it was a pity that he didn't have a shield, otherwise he could have said, "Destroy the Holy Land with all your power." Forget it, it doesn't seem to be the case. rhyme.

"I'm tired of it." Su Lin was not even in the mood to raise an army to accuse him. He just turned around and left: "Go to the next stone workshop."

The crowd parted with a roar, making way for Su Lin to leave.

I have experienced the scenario of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and I have gained a good reputation. I can almost call it a day tonight.

It's actually not a loss to exchange 3000 system points for a bunch of resources. The things in Jijia Shifang are much better than those in Daoyi Holy Land Shifang.

When Su Lin passed by the little girl, he asked with a smile: "Isn't the big brother handsome just now?"

Little Nan blinked her big watery eyes and asked doubtfully: "Nan Nan just woke up, big brother, what are you talking about?"


The next thing fell into place. Su Lin spent 3,000 points to exchange for the third-generation Yuantian Master's Source Art ability. The details of the Source Art were understood differently, but in essence there was not much difference.

Su Lin and others were in the front, and the onlookers were following behind to witness more. At this time, there was no more red eyes, only respect and admiration.

The group of people flew towards Ji's stone square in a mighty and dark manner.

The director of the Ji Family Stone Workshop, who had already heard the news from afar, gave a wry smile and stopped the disciples who were seizing the time to hide the stones. There was not much left to hide.

It is impossible to close the door. If someone's stone shop closes at this time, its goodwill will be gone. Moreover, the other party is suspected to be the new Yuantian Master, who is a powerful person in the realm of the Saint King. Wouldn't closing the door offend others?

"It just so happened that the second family came to our place." The steward of the Ji family smiled bitterly and went out to greet him on crutches.

Jijia Stone Square occupies a vast area and can be called a city within a city. It has towering ancient trees, giant vines climbing around it, and mountains of Origin Stone piled everywhere.

Accompanied by the steward of the Ji family, the group walked through more than a dozen courtyards, took a rough look, and then went straight into the Tianzihao Sacred Garden and arrived at the most central area.

The outside has been surrounded by water, and the gate of Shifang is almost collapsed.

At this time, although there were dedicated personnel to maintain order, it was still difficult to stop the flood of people. Now there were many more people coming to watch than Daoyishifang.

Many of the Holy Lord-level figures came after hearing the news, including those strong men who had been blown to infinite heights by Su Lin before and then found a way to escape from the Gangfeng and return to the Holy City.

Tonight is the time to witness history!

"Senior An Lan, this is the famous Shifang of the Ji family." An old man from the Ji family said respectfully.

Su Lin nodded and motioned for everyone to step back slightly.

He used the Origin Technique, waves of ripples vibrated in the void, and some unique patterns spread across the ground.

Suddenly, he looked at a boulder. Inside that boulder, a dragon energy was being nurtured in the boulder.

Su Lin randomly selected a few sources with sufficient divine resources and settled the bill together.

"Senior Xian Linglong, Shenyuan, why don't you cut this stone?" A Supreme Elder from the Holy Land pointed at the only stone that Su Lin had not cut and asked tentatively.

"It's not time for it to be born yet." Su Lin explained casually.

The rest of the people didn't believe this statement. They thought there might be something great in it, and Senior An Lan was reluctant to share it with them, just like the nine-aperture stone man in Daoyi Holy Land.

Su Lin didn't intend to say it explicitly. There was only one stone dragon bead in it that was restricted by the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. If it were placed in the immortal world, this stone dragon bead would be able to turn into a 'real dragon' born as an immortal when the time comes. Unfortunately, the path to immortality is gone. In short, it will be 720,000 years later when Ye Fan leads Heavenly Court into the Immortal Realm.

However, just because there is no fairyland in this world does not mean that there is no fairyland in other worlds. Although the laws are different, what if?

Directly cultivating an 'immortal' that can cover the world, that's just... tsk tsk tsk tsk.

Su Lin waved his hand again, and a golden ancient creature was picked up before everyone could take a closer look.

"Is this Master Yuan Tian?"

"I'm afraid he has taken the magic medicine, and he is already in his second life."

"He shouldn't be a person of this era. I have never heard of a person named An Lan. I'm afraid he fell into a deep sleep in the distant past and only woke up not long ago."

"This kind of character must have left his own glory even in ancient times."

Everyone was talking about it, trying to figure out a reasonable explanation for An Lan who suddenly appeared.

They watched eagerly as Su Lin pocketed some rare treasures. Fortunately, this time the other party handed over many things to Tianyao Baoque, and now everyone still had a chance to compete.

There are many treasures such as holy medicines, even if they are incomplete, they are still very useful.

"Okay." Su Lin tidied up and walked in one direction.

Everyone originally thought that Su Lin was going to sweep through other stone workshops, but they didn't expect that the other party did not go towards the exit, but instead entered a messy courtyard.

"Senior, this is where waste is piled."

"It doesn't matter."

Su Lin observed for a while, then used a moving magic power to move all other stones away, leaving only a broken stone one meter high.

Likewise, he said that the stone was taken away but not released.

"There is no charge for this stone." The steward of the Ji family said: "Everything here is waste. Senior, just take it if you like it."

Su Lin was stunned. The other party's emotional intelligence was so high. He knew that there must be treasures in this stone but he retreated to advance.

"No reward for no merit. Come to the Zhetian Chamber of Commerce in the future and I will give your Ji family a 20% discount." Su Lin used this to throw out the name of the Zhetian Chamber of Commerce and advertise for Ye Fan. He looked at the people behind him. The crowd of onlookers said:

"Everyone, a few friends and I want to establish a chamber of commerce in the Holy City. If you need it in the future, you can come to the Zhetian Chamber of Commerce to have a look."

"Senior, is it possible that you want to sell the things you sell in this chamber of commerce?" A Holy Lord was full of expectations. Except for the few stones that the other party took away and whose details were unknown, everything else was the same. Great product waiting for you!

Moreover, is it possible that this senior’s friend still has several saints or saint kings walking in the world? !

When did such a group of old people appear in this world? Could it be that these guys were opened from the divine source by some source magician? They actually chose to join the world at this time.

Some people are worried that the other party may set their sights on Purple Mountain, but they are just worried, not to the point of fear.

Although the opponent is a Saint King, it is still far inferior to the Holy Land Family that possesses extreme weapons. As soon as the Imperial Soldiers come out, no matter whether he is a Saint, Saint King or a Great Sage, they are all in ashes.

"There are some, but these products are not the main products sold by the Chamber of Commerce." Su Lin said with a slight smile.

He left these people with a sense of expectation. After all, Ye Fan was also a Yuantian Master. Things he would develop in the future that were no longer needed could be put up for auction.

"Senior, what does your Zhetian Merchant Guild mainly sell?" an elder at the peak of Dragon Transformation asked quickly.

"Magic weapon!" Ye Fan came out at this time and said: "We sell magic weapons!"

As soon as Ye Fan said this, some people didn't think there was anything wrong at first, but when they saw a young man and a big black dog, they subconsciously glanced at Ma Xianhong and confirmed again and again that the other person was not a red-haired man.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

"Magic weapon." An elder from the Yaoguang Holy Land suddenly lost all interest and had no sense of expectation: "Little friend, is this magic weapon you are talking about a serious magic weapon?"

When he spoke, the people around him started talking.

"Magic weapon"

"He's selling magic weapons again."

"This man also brought a dog, please let me go, I don't have any money left in my pocket."

"What nonsense are you talking about? This is the Chamber of Commerce of Saint King Anlan. How can you compare your predecessor's property with that pickled holy body and offal red hair?!"

"But I no longer have enough savings to buy a magic weapon."

"Old man Liu, didn't you say you wouldn't change the magic weapon? Why, you were also fooled?"

"Shortly after I helped the Holy Son hunt down the holy body, I went to the Zifu Holy Land to communicate with my friends, and saw a shop there selling weapons of the king."


There were endless comments, most of them were relatively normal, and the other half were either scolding Ye Fan or Shirou Emiya.

"Seniors." Ye Fan stepped out from the discussion, cupped his hands and said, "It was because of the Holy Body matter that my seniors chose to be born and go to the Holy City to open a chamber of commerce that sells magic weapons."

"Oh? There is such a thing." Everyone became interested when they heard it, and the voice of the exchange was obviously much quieter.


Ye Fan looked upright, clapped his hands violently, and said loudly:

"In the current Northern Territory, low-quality magic weapons are rampant, and the magic weapons circulated in the Holy Land have no trace of mortal iron at all!

Among the younger generation, there is a Holy Body who is doing evil and oppressing everyone.

Within the world of weapon refining, there is a world of red-haired counterfeit cholera monks.

Holy King Anlan summoned all his friends to return a peaceful world to the Northern Territory. "

Ye Fan spoke with great emotion, and his brows were very upright, as if he had the attitude of a young man who had just barely experienced the world but still retained a sense of justice.

Wait, why does this line sound so familiar?

"Saint King Anlan once said..."

"Although I have no intention of being born into the world, I know the suffering of monks."

"I just want to bring order to the chaos and turn everything around!"

It smells bad!

Su Lin's body is completely in the state of "subway, old man, mobile phone" in the fog of history.

unbelievable! I, Su Lin, would like to call you the strongest.

"So that's it." An elder from the Purple Mansion Holy Land said with tears in his eyes, "Senior, you are so righteous! You realized that we were suffering from the poison of the Holy Body and the red-haired heretics, so we chose to be born. Long said with tears in his eyes!"

Ye Fan looked at Elder Long with a little embarrassment. If it were anyone else, Ye Fan would never believe it, but this...

It was the elder of Zifu Holy Land who had vouched for himself and others before.

You can't blame him for this, Ye Fan. When Elder Long was in the Eastern Wasteland, he was the first person to plot against his Black and Yellow Mother Qi Cauldron. He repaid evil with kindness and gave Elder Long a genuine royal weapon. It was completely the virtue of repaying kindness with evil!

Elder Long is willing to turn conflicts into friendship, and there is nothing wrong with being a guarantee for himself and others. If he hadn't been teleported to a bunch of enemies by accident, he and Emiya Shirou might not be exposed now, and you can't blame him.

"Since senior is so righteous, we should support him." The headmaster of the Palace of Disillusionment stood up first and said. He had just learned about the good deeds of his eldest disciple and elders, and now he was afraid that Su Lin would settle the score with them afterwards.

The Palace of Disillusionment is not a holy place with extreme weapons.

"It's over here, I'll leave first." Su Lin glanced at the crowd of onlookers and said, "Everyone, please."

After Su Lin finished speaking, he stopped staying and flew towards the sky with Ye Fan and others.

After he left, the crowd of onlookers gradually dispersed. Most of them were sighing and thinking about what Master An Lan had done today, while the other monks in Shifang breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they may not be able to develop rare treasures, if they are placed there, they will at least have a chance to wait for their source magicians to grow.

For example, the stone shop that was visited today, if no new stones arrive, the business may not be as good as before. Who can pick up the big leaks when the good things have been taken away.

On the earth, above the sea of ​​clouds 10,000 meters high, the sun sets over the western mountains. Bundles of colorful ribbons fill the sky. There is a distinctive emerald green in the haze. It is the Shuijing Peak that has moved from the sky to the earth.

Ye Fan looked at Su Lin and asked:

"Why are you doing a live broadcast in the group?"

Su Lin replied matter-of-factly: "Give you a chance to show yourself."

The footage of his previous speech in the Holy City was exposed by Su Lin in the chat group, and the plagiarism was revealed.

Lu Mingfei: "This line sounds so familiar. I downloaded a mobile game in Su Lin's World some time ago and an NPC seemed to have said this line."

Su Lin: "I am Chao, Yuan?"

Lu Mingfei: "?"

Su Lin: "I'm Yuan too, so it's okay."

Zijin Shenlong: "Let Uncle Long participate in such a good thing! I'll give you some goods, and Uncle Long will help you auction them off @Emiya Shirou"

Irena: "Although I heard that the old man almost cried."

Irena: " @Shirou Emiya, aren't you a partner of justice?"

Klein: " @Zhongli, I suggest charging royalties."

Zhongli: "Well, Tian Tiezui should collect the copyright fees."

Luffy: "It feels like they all hate red hair. Why?"

Emiya Shirou: "Have I entered the world of cholera monks? I'm sorry for making fake magic weapons."

Emiya Shirou: "I'm so sorry for being hated by everyone. I'm sorry."

Song Shuhang: "I believe you are still a righteous partner, Shirou Emiya!"

Song Shuhang felt that Shirou Emiya was unexpectedly depressed today. Everyone had teased him and Mark in the past, but it was not like this today.

Song Shuhang: "I heard that you have returned to your own world. Are you okay?"

Song Shuhang tried to change the topic.

Emiya Shirou: "When I woke up this morning, everyone looked at me like I was a scumbag."

Song Shuhang: "."

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