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Chapter 229 I, An Lan, am invincible in the world!


"How dare you talk like that!?"

"Junior! Do you really think we dare not suppress you?!"

The elders of the major sects had fierce looks in their eyes, while the jealous monks who were watching on the sidelines were applauding secretly, hoping that Su Lin would do something more.

The headmaster of the Five Elements Palace looked back and saw that every hair of the origin magician named "An Lan" was flying, and he was holding an extremely bright spear made of condensed brilliance in his hand.

He vaguely felt that there was some kind of 'power' being aroused here, but he didn't care. Instead, he found it very interesting.

"I was just like you, feeling that the whole world belonged to me." The headmaster of the Five Elements Palace was sure of victory. He waved his hand and signaled the elders surrounding Su Lin to move away, "Unfortunately, reality and There is always an unbridgeable gulf between imagination.”

Those elders who were not from the Five Elements Palace could only keep silent due to the cultivation of the leader of the Five Elements Palace.

"I heard that you have no family and no sect. I can accept you as my direct disciple and teach you the secret knowledge of our Five Elements Palace." The headmaster of Five Elements Palace raised his chin slightly, as if sending a huge favor, "I hope you will be in high spirits one day." without being suppressed by these external forces.”



The elders looked at the behavior of the Five Elements Palace Headmaster, and the sound of the opponent's abacus could be clearly heard in Ziwei Ancient Star!

If 'An Lan' lets go, all the rare treasures offered will belong to the headmaster of Five Elements Palace. Even if the other party does not take it for nothing, it has nothing to do with their sect!

If 'An Lan' continues to be frivolous, then when will the headmaster of Five Elements Palace have any reason to take him away? After all, An Lan has offended him.

The other party is an Origin Art genius, possibly the youngest and most talented Origin Art genius in thousands of years. If such a talent is taken away by the Five Elements Palace, regardless of whether he sincerely submits or not, the Five Elements Palace will be able to gain the greatest benefit.

Shameless! How shameless!

These elders cursed in their hearts, wishing that their holy masters would appear here.

"A joke." Su Lin pointed his gun at the headmaster of the Five Elements Palace and said sternly: "I, An Lan, are invincible in this world, who can suppress me?"

The sound was like thunder, rolling incessantly.

The headmaster of the Five Elements Palace laughed, the monks who were gloating about his misfortune laughed, and even the elders surrounding him laughed. Although the other party's fate was already doomed, this monk named An Lan was so crazy and cute.

"So what if the Source Technique is powerful? He is as stupid as a dog." Someone said disdainfully. They felt a sense of pleasure. Even if the other party had opened so many rare treasures and had a strong Source Technique talent, what would happen? It’s not about being educated.

Prince Daxia and Yao Yuekong shook their heads and seized the time to use their own magic weapons to urge their elders to come. As of now, they had nothing to do.

"Hey, why are you still laughing? You are in big trouble!" Prince Daxia's sister, the beautiful little nun, reminded her with a frown.

Ye Fan smiled happily, even laughing and coughing a few times.

"Ahem, water." Ye Fan took the spiritual spring from Ma Xianhong and drank a sip for himself: "I'm choking."

The Black Emperor also wanted to laugh out loud. His dog mouth kept shaking. It was obvious that he was holding it in very hard. If he wasn't afraid of upsetting the existence that was suspected of being the "Great Emperor", he would be laughing and cursing at the same time. These idiots.

"Headmaster Li, I see that this little girl has good qualifications and is very suitable for cultivating our Yin-Yang Sect. If she joins our Yin-Yang Sect, she might be a saint. Wang is bold enough to ask for a saint for our Yin-Yang Sect. Good seedling." Wang Ke saw that the headmaster of the Five Elements Palace personally took action, so he had to retreat and do the next best thing.

He felt that this little girl had immortal muscles and bones, but the specific situation would not be known until she was brought back.

"Very good." The leader of the Five Elements Palace nodded. He also borrowed the name of the Yin Yang Sect, which was not bad.

"Old guy, you're looking for death." Ye Fan suddenly stopped smiling, his eyes revealed murderous intent, and even the Black Emperor was planning to bite Wang Ke.

The headmaster of the Five Elements Palace looked in a direction outside the Holy City, where there was an aura of the Holy Lord level coming. He smiled and said: "Okay, good disciple, go with your friends to the Five Elements Palace where you are a guest. "

As he spoke, he was about to use his power to cover Ye Fan and others. At the same time, a five-element divine light flashed in his right hand, trying to break the 'momentum' set by Su Lin.

"Senior! Senior!" An old but still energetic voice came from outside the stone garden.

Immediately afterwards, a stream of light escaped, it was the old man in white robe that Su Lin had seen when he first entered the Holy City during the day.

"Lin Laodao?!"

Many people recognized this elder from Daoyi Holy Land.

The headmaster of the Five Elements Palace showed displeasure. The other party's appearance at this time was probably to delay time. He immediately continued what he was doing and ignored Lin He's call to him.

But the opponent didn't stay by his side at all. Instead, he hurried to 'An Lan'.

Lin He said respectfully:

"Senior came to our Daoyi Holy Land, Shifang, and the old Taoist only found out about this matter now. This matter is the old Taoist's fault!"

"I just heard that senior has discovered many rare treasures in Daoyishifang. Congratulations to senior."

"Lao Dao boldly made the decision and gave you a seven-level discount on your consumption in Shifang. I also ask senior to forgive Lao Dao for his offense during the day."

Elder Lin He finished his words without panting or any sloppiness. Then he looked around in confusion and said suddenly:

"Headmaster Li is back from Zishan? Forgive me, I didn't pay attention just now. What are you doing?"

Lin He's words were like a needle that calmed the sea, causing Shiyuan, which had been turbulent just now, to fall into calm.

The headmaster of the Five Elements Palace opened his eyes slightly, and the movements in his hands suddenly stopped. Although the five-color divine light did not disappear, it dimmed a bit.

The elders who had previously opened their mouths to angrily rebuke Su Lin were frozen in place, their backs tensed as if they were facing some great terror.

"Lin Laodao, what did you just call this An Lan, Master, Master An Lan?" Someone from the older generation who had not participated in this incident asked from the side.

"Of course it's the senior, Senior An Lan. Don't blame me for my negligence." Lin He said with a smile. He had a white robe, white hair and white beard, and he looked like a kind and wise man. "Eh? Old weirdo Zhou Cai, old witch Wu Xin , Elder Qin Youfeng."

He greeted all his acquaintances as if they were announcing their names.

"Why do you all look so uncomfortable? I have a few ancient elixirs here, do you want to try them?"

Some monks were already sneaking into the crowd, but these elders were unable to leave. When they heard Lin Laodao calling out their names one by one, they felt very angry but did not dare to get angry.

Impossible. How could there be such a young Holy Lord? !

Not just them, this thought appeared in the hearts of every monk present.

The other party basically didn't hide his aura. Just by looking at the aura, you could feel that the spiritual power in the other party was at most a little thicker than that of an ordinary Taoist monk.

But the attitude of Lin He, the elder of Daoyi Holy Land, at this time

Naturally, the leader of the Five Elements Palace would not just believe in Lin He. He naturally released his aura, and even if there was only a little bit of the terrifying aura belonging to the second level of Sendai, it was fully displayed.

It wasn't hostility, just mild probing.

"Sorry, the injury has not healed and I can't control it. Ahem."

The low-level monks who were watching suddenly felt that their energy and blood were suppressed to the extreme, their spiritual power was hindered, and they were somewhat unsteady on their feet.

Those monks in the Four Extremes Realm could barely hold on, and the monks in the Dragon Transformation Realm could keep their expressions unchanged even though their hearts were palpitating.

There were exceptions. Ye Fan used all his energy and blood to stand in front of Ma Xianhong to resist the momentum of everyone. His bones cracked and he looked at the headmaster of the Five Elements Palace coldly.

Prince Daxia and Yao Yuekong felt that there was a huge terror coming, but they could not be affected too much by virtue of their own talents.

Su Lin frowned and looked sharply, and took a step forward. A wave of fluctuations gathered into a stream and tore apart the momentum of the headmaster of the Five Elements Palace.

‘Did I make a mistake? ’

The headmaster of the Five Elements Palace murmured in his heart. He put away the divine light in his hand and said with unchanged smile:

"I thought I had discovered an unparalleled talent, an unparalleled untouched jade, and I was very happy to see him."

"But I didn't expect that Fellow Daoist's hiding methods were too advanced. Alas, Fellow Daoist An, it was so hard for you to lie to me."

He wanted to stop here, so the magic medicine was naturally put on hold for the time being. The opponent was a source magician and most likely a strong man from Sendai. Although he didn't know the specific realm, he was definitely not an opponent because of his unhealed injuries.

"I am here to apologize to my Taoist friends." The headmaster of the Five Elements Palace cupped his hands and said, and he was about to leave. "I will invite you all to gather at the Five Elements Palace another day."

clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang

A clear voice sounded, and the headmaster of the Five Elements Palace suddenly raised his head to look at the sky. Chains of Order dropped down like phoenix feathers, imprisoning the entire space of the stone garden.

Looking again, Su Lin's palms turned into gold, and he was holding chains of the God of Order in his hands.

"Master Yuan Tian! The divine chain of order from the former Master Yuan Tian!" A well-informed older generation who had seen Master Yuan Tian's demeanor said in surprise.

This is the ability to control spiritual veins with source techniques and materialize the laws of the great avenue. When used to the extreme, this source technique can even temporarily cut off a small world!

"Fellow Taoist, what do you mean?" the headmaster of Five Elements Palace said coldly: "The misunderstanding has been resolved. Could it be that you want to bully me when you see me injured?"

Su Lin raised his head, his eyes turned into white gold, and a towering tree made of light elements appeared above the holy city!

The giant tree was torn from the middle, creating a beautiful world of day and starry night.

"What kind of vision is this?! It seems to be real!"

Many people were surprised by this vision that had almost become a reality, and at the same time they were extremely frightened in their hearts. If a person at the level of the Holy Lord started a war, would they be able to survive here? !

"I said it," Su Lin said sternly, holding a spear made of condensed light, "if you take one step forward, the world will be turned upside down!"

"The king must not be humiliated!"

The ultimate light bloomed in the blink of an eye, and the extremely pure light element shot up into the sky and hung upside down along the waterfall of star power in the sky.

The headmaster of Five Elements Palace barely had time to react before he was attacked from below by Su Lin holding a spear.


That was the sound of the barrier of his magical weapon "Five Elements Mirror" constantly breaking. It was only then that he realized that he was suddenly attacked!

There was no time to be frightened, and he fired a five-element divine light to resist the spear on his chest, but saw two real dragons, one black and one white, appearing below, thousands of feet long, with thick scales and shining metallic luster.

The roar of dragons resounded throughout the world. They flew past the headmaster of the Five Elements Palace, and then the huge dragon head turned back and attacked from high in the sky.

During the attack from the front and back, a simple array flew out of the wheel sea of ​​the Five Elements Palace Master. On it, the wind, water, and fire were flowing, and the two fishes of Yin and Yang were rotating.

Boundless air waves exploded high in the sky, just like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, and the starlight swallowed by the Holy City disappeared without a trace.

Too fast, it all happened too fast.

Everyone saw a figure falling straight in the sky, and the monks below quickly moved out of the way.


The solid stone garden was sunken, and the leader of the Five Elements Palace was lying in the center of the pit with a spear stuck in his chest. Beside him was a fragmented array disk.


"Then that's the Holy Master! Even if he comes back from Purple Mountain with injuries, he shouldn't leave it like this."

All the monks looked up to the sky, the divine power was imprisoned, and the figure holding a spear above looked down at the people below.

He didn't say much. He swept the crowd with his spear and pointed at Wang Ke of the Yin Yang Sect.

Almost at the same time, Wang Ke was pierced by a spear, and there was a bloody hole between his eyebrows. The spear condensed with light elements gradually dissipated behind him, and a great master of the Dragon Transformation Realm fell like this.

Su Lin continued to look for Li Yishui, the elder of the Palace of Disillusionment, in the crowd. Although the people he swept with his spear knew that the target was not him, they were still frightened and their feet were weak.

At this time, several figures flew from all over the Holy City.

"Stop!" One of the handsome men in brown robes came first and said, "Who are you?! It is forbidden to act cruelly in the Holy City!"

"Palace Master, save me!" Li Yishui turned into a stream of light and flew towards the Palace Master of Disillusionment Palace.

"Hmph." Su Lin snorted coldly. The light elements moved with the wind, and the bright storm rose out of thin air. With the help of the fourth generation Yuantian Master's source technique, the space moved, and Li Yishui appeared in the center of the storm.

The next second, a figure with a weak aura fell out of it. Su Lin did not kill him. After all, this man bullied others but did not show any killing intent towards him.

Su Lin continued to look for the people who had the most murderous intentions.


Several more Holy Lord-level figures arrived. They were surprised at the current situation of the Five Elements Palace leader and also surprised that Su Lin did not act rashly.

Su Lin ignored it and flew toward the crowd with several spears in his hands.

"Rampant!" Someone shouted loudly, and the long sword flew out from his hand and chopped Su Lin's spear into pieces: "Below is the Holy City of the Northern Territory. Are you going to make us enemies?! Please note that there are many monks below!"

This man is an extraordinary person, wearing a dragon crown on his head. He is majestic and breathtaking. He is an imperial monk.

"Arrogant?" Su Lin repeated and said loudly: "Even if I have Tianyuan on my back and have to support the Holy City of the Northern Territory with one hand, I, An Lan, am still invincible in the world!"

Endless light bloomed, and Su Lin dominated the general trend of the world with a devastating force. Several strong men were like withered leaves, and the strong wind that suddenly appeared suddenly blew up into the infinite sky.

When Su Lin fell from the sky and gathered all the divine light, the old women and old men who had made rude remarks with murderous intent fell to their knees.

Lin He was shocked. He had underestimated Su Lin's strength. The person in front of him was definitely not a saint-lord level being. He was a legendary saint or even a saint-king!

"Welcome to the Holy King!" Lin He was the first to speak out.

"Welcome to the Holy King!" The other monks responded and saluted respectfully regardless of the turbulent waves in their hearts.

At this time, Su Lin felt that the skills belonging to the fourth generation Yuantian Master were fading, and he only had one thought in his mind.

'It's broken, you have to renew it.'

It's a little late. Sorry, I changed it first and then changed it because it was too late. The result was still 0.0 in the end (refresh to display the following content)

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