I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 227 If you don’t worship me when you see me, your true life will be lost

"The top of the source?"

In Daoyi Stone Square, the Holy Land aristocratic families and casual cultivators who received the news surrounded the Tianzihao Stone Garden of this stone square. They stood in layers from the ground to the sky to watch, quite akin to those heavenly soldiers in the Journey to the West TV series that they saw when they were children. The feeling of being a general.

Everyone in the Holy City heard that a madman had appeared in Shifang and wanted all the source magicians to challenge him.

Originally, such a madman could only be regarded as an existence that could be selectively ignored at best, but I heard that Wu Ziming, the eldest disciple of the Five Elements Palace, and Li Chongtian, the son of the Disillusionment Palace, suffered at his hands, so many people came here Come and watch the fun.

This matter was spread among ten and hundreds of people, and even several elders of the Holy Land were alerted.

And it is not the nature of mortals to watch the excitement, and it is the same for monks. From a distance outside the Holy City, I can see the location of Daoyi Shifang surrounded by circles of monks flying in the air. Many of them have just arrived in the Holy City. The monks rushed over as quickly as possible to join in the fun.

This incident was very uncomfortable for Wu Ziming and Li Chongtian.

The incident was caused by them. Originally, they just wanted to tease a group of laymen who had never been to Shifang and treat them as a joke. Who knew that the other party did not follow the routine at all and actually brought the matter to such an extent.

No matter how Su Lin ends up, now everyone knows the embarrassing story of their group.

Wu Ziming and Li Chongtian were both so angry that their heads were smoking. Regardless of whether this madman named An Lan was really crazy or fake, the other party first openly made them lose tens of thousands of kilograms, and then asked them to find someone to fight against.

If they let the other party leave like this, they will be ridiculed by this incident in the entire star field in the future!

"I'm so angry!!!" Wu Ziming saw that among the people who came to watch, there were many talents of the younger generation, and even the elders of some holy places came over.

"Ziming, I heard that there is a Master of Origin Technique here?" A man walking like a dragon and a tiger, surrounded by the imperial dragon energy, tall and straight, is none other than Xia Yiming, the prince of Daxia.

Wu Ziming's face turned green when he heard this, but he was still strong and calm and said: "He's just a country fool."

The other party is the prince of Daxia, so I have to give him some face.

"It's interesting, isn't it? I want to see what confidence An Lan has, who dares to claim to be the top of the source." Yao Yuekong, the young master of Tianyao Palace, slowly fell down, his purple clothes moving with the wind.

Seeing more and more people coming this way, Wu Ziming sneered. He had just received news from Tuoba Chang, who was visiting the Five Elements Palace and was about to come to meet this madman.

‘When the time comes, you will definitely be unable to eat and walk around! ’

He and Li Chongtian looked at each other and made up their minds. After Brother Tuoba crushed this clown in Origin Technique, they would make this country bumpkin and his group understand what "the disciples of the great sect must not be offended!"

I want to promote my reputation by stepping on them, but I'm afraid I will have to pay for my stupidity with my blood!

There were not many people watching around who were Yuan Shu masters, but most of them were not born in the Yuan Shu family. Seeing that Su Lin and his party dared to provoke even Wu Ziming and Li Chongtian, and looked calm, they naturally would not go out to wade into this muddy water.

On the contrary, they were happy to see the results, after all, there hadn't been such a lively thing happening in the Holy City for a long time.

"How dare you claim to be the top of the Yuan with a simple country skill? Even the Yuan Tianshi in the past was not so arrogant!" A man in brocade clothes walked out of the crowd, and there were several four-pole monks beside him to clear the way for him.

"Brother Tuoba!" Wu Ziming saw the appearance of the man in brocade as if he had seen a savior. He quickly stepped forward and said, "This man is really arrogant. Please help Brother Tuoba understand what the true source of truth is." Technique!"

After hearing Wu Ziming's name for Lai, some monks felt that the surname Tuoba seemed familiar.


"I seem to have heard it somewhere. Is it possible?!"

Some people thought for a while, then suddenly their eyes widened and they looked at the man in brocade clothes with disbelief.

"People from the Tuoba family." Prince Daxia was surprised and said, "This is really one of the oldest origin arts families. It is said that they can fix the veins of dragons and lock mountains and rivers."

"I came to the divine city this time just to cut a piece of the divine source back and celebrate my grandfather's birthday. I didn't expect to meet such an ignorant idiot." Tuoba Chang said with an arrogant look, disgust and contempt in his eyes: "The top of the source? You deserve it!"

"Are you a source magician?" Su Lin asked lightly, then shook his head with a flick of his sleeves and robe, and said to Tuoba Chang: "Those who practice source magic and don't worship me will lose their true life!"

Tuoba Chang's expression condensed. It was the first time in so many years that he saw someone more arrogant than him!

"Kowtow every step of the way, and the sins on the way to the source of magic will be cut in half! Protect your path!"

Tuoba Chang trembled all over. These words simply did not put him, the descendant of the four major source magic families, or even all source magic masters in the eyes.

"Arrogant!" someone yelled from the side.

Ye Fan: "Arrogant!"

Su Lin and Ye Fan looked at each other.

Ye Fan: "You continue"

In the eyes of other bystanders, Su Lin looked like an idiot who had lost his mind. Did he know who was on the other side?

That's a member of the Tuoba family! And this person actually dares to challenge all the ancient Origin Arts families. Doesn’t he know how valuable the Origin Arts family is? !

"Where is the person in charge of Shifang in Daoyi Holy Land! Why don't you expel this troublemaker?" A monk asked loudly. He wanted to leave a good impression on Tuoba Chang.

As soon as he said this, there were waves of echoes.

At this moment, the steward of Shifang of Daoyi Holy Land was being grabbed by an old man in white robe.

"Don't go! That's at least a Holy Lord-level figure!"

It was the elder of Daoyi Holy Land who wanted to stop Feizhou for inspection when he entered the city. He was holding the disciple responsible for managing the stone workshop here, and at the same time ordered his disciples: "No one is allowed to interfere in this matter!"

He remembered the sea of ​​light that almost swallowed him up before, and his legs trembled uncontrollably.

Unless the Holy Lord comes in person, no one can do anything to this man.

"I see that he is very young both in spirit and body. He is actually a powerful person at the level of a Holy Lord?!" The disciple's pupils trembled. He was born with clairvoyance and could sense the true age of others.

"Perhaps I have taken some magical medicine. Fortunately, I accidentally offended that person and was warned by him. Otherwise, I would be afraid because of your temper." The old man in white robe shook his head.

Cold sweat broke out on the head of Shifang Steward, and with his temper, he took action directly at this time.

"Where are the stewards? Where are the people in Daoyi Holy Land?" Someone else was shouting.

However, Dao Yi Holy Land was uncharacteristically uncharacteristic. Neither the steward nor the other Dao Yi Holy Land disciples showed up.

Some thoughtful people, such as Prince Daxia and Yao Yuekong, sensed something was wrong.

Although Daoyi Holy Land's style is not extremely domineering, they will definitely not allow others to sensationalize in their own territory, nor will they leave it alone for the sake of Shifang's customer flow.

They looked around, and at some point no one could see any of the disciples from Daoyi Holy Land.

"Follow me to Tianzihao Stone Garden."

Su Lin walked with his head held high, his feet clean of dirt and mud, and his whole body walked towards the Tianzihao Stone Garden with a cold temperament that was different from ordinary people.

This is not a sensory illusion, but his use of source magic to change the aura.

"You're the kind of thing..." Some people in front wanted to stop him, but before they could finish their words, they turned into ice sculptures.

The onlookers were stunned, none of them noticed when Su Lin took action.

Some monks were horrified to find that these frozen people were still alive and could even hear their wails and screams from the cold air, but these people could not break free from the extreme ice no matter what.

"A small punishment."

The next moment, Su Lin turned into an afterimage and went straight to the Tianzihao Stone Garden. His voice echoed within the scope of the eighteenth-story stone garden.

"The pinnacle of Origin Technique cannot be humiliated!"

His move made many monks who wanted to follow Yan's influence feel frightened, especially those who had just spoken rudely. They already wanted to retreat after realizing that the other party might be a monk with advanced cultivation.

"The method is good." An old man said with a smile, following Su Lin into the Tianzi Stone Garden.

The prince of Daxia laughed loudly and walked towards the Tianzi Stone Garden with his sister: "I won't be bored tonight."

"Brother Tuoba." Li Chongtian became nervous when he saw Tuoba Chang frowning.

"It's nothing. The method of mobilizing spiritual veins and directly freezing them with Source Technique is very precise, but I can also do it. From this point of view, the other party is not some crude technique." Tuoba Chang lived up to his arrogance, but the confidence in his eyes did not diminish.

"This" Wu Ziming became more and more depressed, his expression as if he had swallowed a toad alive.

"But he should never say that he is the top of the source! I will go and meet him!" Tuoba Chang coldly snorted and walked towards this famous stone garden.

Wu Zhiming, Li Chongtian and his party felt that they had grasped a life-saving straw and followed suit one after another.

At this time, no one paid attention to Ye Fan and the others, and they all walked towards the Tianzihao Stone Garden.

Ye Fan took the storage bag from Ma Xianhong, clicked on the Origin Stone he had just placed, and followed the crowd slowly.

If Su Lin had to give a score this time, he could only give 6 points. If it were him and Li Heishui, he would definitely continue to show weakness, making everyone regard him as a rookie, and let the other party have a psychological feeling of "I can beat him casually. I can beat him, I have a chance to beat him, I can’t beat him” progressive illusion.

In fact, if he hadn't met Su Lin and the others, he and Li Heishui might have been playing tricks here today and gambling with others.

With Su Lin's demonstration like this, as long as the monk is not too stupid, he will definitely not lose without thinking.

Tuoba Chang, a kind man, will not give away the source of the gods like his previous fate. It is a pity that at least more than three months of sales have been lost like this.

Su Lin, who was in the Tianzihao Stone Garden at this time, didn't know what Ye Fan was thinking. He just wanted to be the greatest saint in the limited time, live up to his time and his points.

Tianzihao Shiyuan.

There are experts sitting here. Ordinary people are not allowed to come in and can only watch from the outside. Only those who select stones can enter. After all, the stones here are too precious.

Except for the wealthy geniuses such as Prince Daxia and Yao Yuekong, most people consciously abide by the rules and watch in the nearby woods and in the sky.

They stopped making noise and gathered around the Tianzihao Stone Garden. Although the vegetation was dense, everything could be seen.

There was an old Taoist nun in the garden, sitting cross-legged on a futon. She couldn't tell how old she was. When she saw Su Lin come in, she smiled bitterly but remained motionless.

At this time, Su Lin was using the perception brought by the fourth-generation Yuantian Master's Yuanju skills. The stones under the green bamboos, by the springs or among the ivy all had different Taoist charms, which were not the ones outside at all. Ordinary stone can be compared.

He nodded with satisfaction. After all, appearing holy in front of people at this time is not the most important thing, but these stones are the most important.

The items sold in it may be sold in the system store for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, and even more outrageous ones may even cost millions!

Su Lin sighed with emotion, is this the gold content of a top fantasy world? !

He suddenly thought in a divergent way that if he traveled to a fantasy world from the beginning, it might be a mindless and cool plot where he pretends to be cool and slaps his face again and again.

Of course, all this requires at least start-up capital, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve compound interest.

"You want to bet on stones with me here?" Tuoba Chang said in a deep voice after walking into the stone garden: "I can bet with you, but the condition is that the loser must give everything he has made. Let's work together. Open, whoever opens a treasure that is not as good as the other will lose."

"Strictly speaking, this is a tutorial. Are you the only one from the four major families?" Su Lin restrained his thoughts, shook his head in disappointment, and said indifferently: "Yuan Wang Nangong, Tuoba Ouyang, you missed the opportunity. .”

Tuoba Chang was not moved by Su Lin's words. He immediately looked around and took the lead in looking for stones. His index finger kept pointing out. Every time he landed on a stone, it would turn the stone into gold, just like it was made of gold.

This is the origin technique, the red gold magic hand, which can see things inside the stone.

Whenever Tuoba Chang points to a stone, his whole body will be covered with a light golden color.

Some old men from the big sect gathered together and commented: "Master Yuan Tian had this method in the past, and it was said that he could see through the stone."

"He is indeed a genius of the Tuoba family. It is said that he has opened the source of the gods on his own before, etc. That is the Source Heaven Treasure Wheel!"

They Tuoba Chang stopped in front of a stone as big as a hill, and a five-color treasure wheel appeared under their right hand.

"I choose this one."

The treasure wheel shines with divine light, and the inside of the stone reflects a small bottle that is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom.

"Could it be some ancient relic?!"

Everyone was talking about it, and the elders in the stone garden gathered around excitedly, wanting to witness the birth of this strange object! And there are already people secretly sending word that they want to buy this thing.

Tuoba Chang did not continue to move. Instead, he turned to look at Su Lin. He saw that the other person had no expression on his face, and his indifferent eyes were like a high-ranking person looking down on a lower-ranking person.

"It's your turn!" Tuoba Chang said displeasedly. He was the only one who looked at others like this. When did anyone look at him like this? ?

In full view of everyone, Su Lin did not choose the stone, but just walked towards the old Taoist nun on the futon. Just when everyone was confused, ripples spread under his feet and spread in all directions.

It can be clearly seen that there are many lines on the ground. These lines are like the shape of lightning cracks, spreading on the ground and in the void, extremely bright but not hurting people or things at all.

"This!?" Ye Fan was also slightly surprised at this time, and the divine sense of the origin pattern was extended. This is the origin of the origin that only the master of origin can control!

Where did he find the skill card possessed by Grandpa Yuan Tianshi?

Ye Fan opened his mouth and put on a smile. This was equivalent to entering a novice village where a group of krypton gold players were killed.

"Hey, why are some stones glowing? Even the stone Tuoba Chang picked out is glowing. Could it be that these are all!?"

Before anyone could react, Su Lin waved his hand, and about seven glowing stones flew up and then landed in the open space between Su Lin and the old Taoist nun.

Su Lin swept the stones coldly and said calmly: "I want them all."

The old Taoist nun got off the futon and arranged a barrier in the stone garden. She smiled bitterly: "One million and one million pure sources."

For Shifang, this is a disaster rather than a blessing.

"Wait a minute." Tuoba Chang's lips turned white and he stretched out his hand to stop him, but Ye Fan immediately ran up and handed the storage bag to the old Taoist nun.

At this moment, Su Lin snapped his fingers, and the source patterns entered the knife, and the shell of the stone peeled off layer by layer.

A series of extremely dazzling lights and shadows flew into the sky, some were like flying immortal figures, and some sword lights were like lightning, and the entire night sky was reflected in the crystal brilliant light.

The Taoist rhymes resonated in unison, and the dense mist burst out from the stone!

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