I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 226 As long as An Lan has me, there will be heaven

Holy Land Stone Square, to put it bluntly, is actually a place for stone gambling, but the customers for this kind of stone gambling are monks.

"Perhaps in this case, Klein should come over and pick out a few pieces." Su Lin picked up a palm-sized white-gray stone and looked at it, his eyes flashed and he couldn't figure out the reason at all, "After all, he is in charge of good luck. The King of Yellow and Black should have good luck."

This is a matter of course. If you can tell what the source of the stone contains based on your cultivation, then there will be no room in the world for the weak to pick it up.

There is only one way to affect Gambling Stone, Source Technique.

The origin technique can change one's appearance, bet on stones, change the terrain of mountains and rivers, cultivate it to the highest level, and even kill the power of gods.

"Come on, the King of Yellow and Black, who is in charge of good luck, lost thirty pounds in gambling." Ye Fan teased.

This is just like the Mora in Zhongli's wallet

——It can be counted on but cannot be fully counted on.

The source stone in this world is a pure energy stone, which is a solidified spiritual energy that monks can use to practice. The high-quality source also contains monsters, ancient creatures, and treasures from countless years ago.

If a living thing is wrapped in a high-quality source, it will fall into a deep sleep and no longer be eroded by time in its body and soul.

For those beings who are unable to achieve enlightenment and place their hopes on the distant future or to avoid powerful enemies, they will take the initiative to bury themselves or their outstanding descendants into the source, hoping to wake up one day in the future.

Time flies, the sun and the moon change.

No one knows what kind of stories will happen in the long years, and what kind of turmoil this universe will have.

The forces that were at their peak ten thousand years ago may fall into the dust of history, and the huge aristocratic families will eventually fall apart. The descendants and forces that originally awakened them in a specific era will disappear due to uncontrollable factors, and these ancient creatures buried in the source will wander into the world. Waiting for the moment of awakening.

And these ancient creatures will also bury their own personal property, such as some magic weapons, magic medicine and other very valuable things into the source.

In some cases, the source will also contain some rare treasures.

"Is there going to be a slap-in-the-face plot tonight?" Su Lin casually threw the small palm-sized stone in his hand into the pile of stones, causing some monks nearby to be displeased.

Even though it was late at night, there were still many people in Shifang, but there was no noise. It was quiet and natural, giving people a return to nature.

"Excuse me." Ye Fan shook his head and said, "We are here to earn opportunities, not to actively cause trouble and slap people in the face, except passively of course."

"What you say from your mouth is even more outrageous than when the sun rises from the west." Su Lin said with a strange expression: "Didn't you count what you did here?"

"It's just to maximize profits." Ye Fan said with a smile.

If there is no benefit, he will not choose to attract attention.

Su Lin was a little regretful that as a system-stream protagonist, he had not yet experienced the pretentious and slap-in-the-face scenario of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

He randomly picked a stone the size of a stone mill and prepared to try it out by himself. The money was naturally provided by Ye Fan. He didn't have the currency in this world, so he just treated it as a consultant fee. Anyway, the wealthy people were not short of money.

Although you lose nothing by betting on dogs, if it’s not your own money, then that’s another story.

Su Lin thought of this and picked up the palm-sized stone that he had thrown out earlier. He looked around in the strange eyes of the monks on the side: "Where can I pay?"

"Is this your first time coming to Shifang?" Several people came to the side in groups. One of them glanced at Su Lin and then at the few people and a dog behind Su Lin. He smiled and said, "Of course it's the person in charge. But this is the first time I’ve seen someone like you dragging your family to Shifang.”

Ye Fan has the image of a young man, and he is carrying a little girl on his back. The big black dog next to him is a bit eye-catching.

In the process of capturing the Holy Body and Red Hair, a dog monster bit many monks, so now the young man and the dog will inevitably attract the monks' attention.

"Thank you." Su Lin thanked him and went to find the person in charge of Shifang, but Ye Fan looked a little weird.

"I want to thank you." The man shook his head and said, "I didn't expect to see the scene of dragging the family out to buy a watermelon stone. It was so funny that it made me laugh for a year."

"Can't I buy souvenirs?" Su Lin raised his eyebrows and said.

"At first glance, he looks like a foolish person who wants to get rich but is extremely stupid." A lean man sneered: "Turn back early. This is not a place for you to come. Brother Wu, let's go."

"Brother Li, wait a minute. I see that he is pitiful and I want to give him some advice." Wu Ziming laughed loudly and said sarcastically: "The watermelon stone can remove only the size of a watermelon seed. People like you shouldn't come to the Holy Land Shifang. Insulting the name of the Holy Land."

"Thank you." Su Lin looked at the other party with a smile, but this thank you was very sincere.

There is actually a pretentious and slap-in-the-face plot in the novel!

Wu Ziming's face was full of pride and he said: "Well, a boy can be taught."

After he finished speaking, he ignored Su Lin and walked towards the depths of the stone workshop with the other seven people.

"Why are you holding me?" Su Lin looked at Mark in confusion, only to see him shaking his head at him.

"I'm afraid that if you go up and beat him to a pulp, I won't be able to slap him in the face." Ye Fan said.

Su Lin: "In your eyes, am I the kind of person who, if someone offends me, will destroy him physically and mentally?"

Ye Fan: "Well, no, but this is the custom here. I'm afraid you will do as the Romans do."

Su Lin was speechless.

There are eighteen floors in Daoyi Shifang. The group of people moved towards the depths, aiming for the Tianzihao Stone Garden among them.

Ye Fan didn't expect that even if Wu Ziming was chosen late at night, he would bump into them. This guy was a professional villain, and his dedication to duty really made him feel ashamed.

There's no reason why he shouldn't be slapped in the face if he is sent to his door.

There are many ancient trees. The further you go, the more lively the stone square becomes. The bright lights are floating in the sky, and together with the stars falling from the sky, they illuminate the entire city that never sleeps.

"Brother Li, look at those bumpkins here." Wu Ziming pointed at Su Lin and his group next to a clear spring in the eighteenth-story stone garden.

"Haha." Li Chongtian smiled, waved to Su Lin and his group and said, "Come on, come on, I'll give you some watermelon stones. Take these watermelon stones and go back quickly."

A long path is paved with cobblestones, and a gurgling spring pool flows.

The conversation and actions between Wu Ziming and Li Chongtian still attracted many monks who knew them.

"Wu Ziming, the eldest disciple of the Five Elements Palace, and Li Chongtian, the son of the Disillusionment Palace." Someone recognized their identities and turned their attention here.

"Aren't you afraid of causing trouble for your father when you are so crazy?" Su Lin asked curiously: "Do you know who I am?"

"Joke!" Wu Ziming sneered, with a fearless expression, and mocked: "Betting on stones never relies on background but skills. I think you are so pitiful that you are not even a layman. I will give you a few watermelon stones as a souvenir. What? Who are you? Want to bully others and tell them so that everyone can see which sect you are a disciple of?"

They both knew the saints and saints of the major holy places. So what if they were saints? Could their identities make them afraid of him?

"My name is An Lan." Su Lin said sternly.

Seeing his attitude, Wu Ziming and his group looked at each other.

"Do you know him?"

"I don't know him, but I do know that Zhongzhou Anjia is quite famous."

"An will not have anything to do with An Miaoyi..."

"Do you think he looks like that and is worthy of being related to Fairy An?"

"But I think he's quite good-looking."

"Brother Zhang...you..."

Anlan Sulin's self-reported family is really powerful, even Ye Fan didn't expect it.

"Oh? You are very confident in your achievements in stone gambling." Ye Fan put the little girl on the Black Emperor's back, arranged a spell, and then stepped forward and said: "Do you dare to take a gamble?"

Wu Ziming: "What are you betting on? Do you deserve it?"

"Bet on who can get the good stuff tonight." Ye Fan said calmly: "You can feel free to ask someone to help. After all, I don't think you two are very skilled people."

"It's a joke, you bumpkins holding watermelon stones are really getting into your noses." Wu Ziming laughed angrily and said, "Look, you don't have much resources like that, can you afford it?"

Wu Ziming and Li Chongtian were still talking to Ye Fan, seemingly quarrelsome, but one party gradually became serious. As the old saying goes, if you are serious in a quarrel, you will lose.

These two dudes have fallen into the emotional trap set by Ye Fan for them.

Su Lin felt that the familiar feeling from the shop was back, back, all back! That traditional plot is back!

"Okay, then you two open a watermelon stone and let us have a look. If you can open something, I will give you all the five thousand kilograms of energy on me." Wu Ziming waved his hand to interrupt Ye Fan's words. It turned out that he was already irritated by these ignorant guys in front of him.

Li Chongtian also echoed: "I will give you all the three thousand kilograms of water here."

Ye Fan curled his lips disdainfully. Today's dudes don't know how to bring more money when they go out. Eight thousand kilograms of yuan is just their daily income in the store.

"Okay." Ye Fan looked like you were making a lot of money.

"Wait a minute, if you lose, what will you pay us?" Wu Ziming looked at how many seconds Ye Fan and Su Lin were counting, and said, "How many resources do you have?"

Ye Fan showed it off a little and said, "You are going to win. We will pay you as much as you bet."

When Wu Ziming and his party saw someone cutting watermelon stones and giving money, they quickly followed suit. Even the passing monks followed suit.

Seeing Ye Fan's posture, Wu Ziming and Li Chongtian felt something was wrong, but it was too late. Before he could think about it, Ma Xianhong next to him had already started promoting.

"Fellows and fellow villagers, this is the ultimate stone gambling showdown!" Ma Xianhong held a loudspeaker and shouted: "Come and see, come and see, this is a stone gambling battle that only happens once in a thousand years. Don't miss it if you pass by."

Someone among Wu Ziming's group scolded:

"What's the name of the ghost you're holding that strange magic weapon with?"

"Don't shout in Daoyishifang! Be quiet!"

‘I’m just asking you to attract attention, why are you so down-to-earth? ’ Su Lin was a little surprised when he saw Ma Xianhong’s shouting. Although the effect was achieved, that’s probably what it meant. But, old Ma, don’t you want to lose face?

There were more and more people watching, and Wu Ziming and Li Chongtian couldn't care less. They immediately laughed and said: "It's the first time you see something embarrassing and you rush to get out of it. Okay, then I will help you!"

Li Chongtian said fiercely: "You guys drive!"

The people who come and go in Daoyi Stone Square are all monks. Especially in this area, usually only people with rich wealth come here, and most of these people are descendants of aristocratic families, holy places, and divine dynasties.

"Let me come." Su Lin stopped Ye Fan. He already knew what Ye Fan was here to find today, but how could he miss this rare moment.

Moreover, it may be difficult to find the Stone King with Ye Fan's current source skill level, so the Stone King may not be in Ye Fan's plan.

In this case, it would be better to let him slap this face. At least he has the means to drive out the Stone King at this stage.

Under Ye Fan's surprised gaze, Su Lin walked forward, standing with his hands behind his back, his brows full of unruliness, changing his previous lazy and easy-going look.

"Ignorance is the emboldening medicine of the ignorant, and arrogance is the death charm of the incompetent."

Su Lin snapped his fingers, and a transparent rectangular card about twenty centimeters immediately appeared in his hand. He wrote lightly:

"To deal with you, this card is enough."

Ye Fan squinted his eyes. When he was in Lu Mingfei's world, Su Lin also took out a slightly different card and turned into a sword fairy.

This is the temporary skill card [Fourth Generation Yuantian Master (Yuanshu)] that Su Lin just redeemed from the limited store in Zhetian World: the effect lasts for 30 minutes, does not provide additional attributes and skills, and sells for 3,000 Holy Manifestation Points.

"give it to you"

The skill card in Su Lin's hand seemed to be burned by invisible flames and quickly disappeared without a trace.

"Powerless defeat."

Su Lin's words made the scene quiet for a moment, and everyone looked at the young man named 'An Lan' who appeared out of nowhere with curiosity.

"That's ridiculous." Li Chongtian kicked a half-human-sized watermelon stone over and shouted, "I'll wait!"

Su Lin didn't care about them, but said to Mark: "I stole the limelight."

"Don't be polite to me, it's better to say" Ye Fan looked at him with a smile and said, "I wish you could do it! Let's see your performance."

As discussed before coming, Ye Fan wanted Su Lin to make a name for himself in the Holy City so that they could use the Holy City as the base for the Zhetian Chamber of Commerce to conduct serious business in the future.

Ma Xianhong now has no problem with the technology of making ordinary magic weapons. When the time comes, it will be left to him to take care of it.

Magical weapons made with Shen Ji Bai Refining and other world's refining technology must be able to attract the purchasing power of the low-end monk market, and large-volume orders can be handled by a flowery assembly line and some craftsman monks.

The projection can only wait until Shirou Gong's cultivation is improved before he can deal with the senior officials of the Holy Land and the ancient royal family.

'Yin Yang Holy Land, Wanchu Holy Land, Fuyao Holy Land, Zifu Holy Land, Ji Family Ji Hui's lineage.' Ye Fan silently thought about the Holy Land and the aristocratic families who had hunted him down. They were either coveting the Xuanhuang Mother Qi Cauldron, or some were Because he is greedy for his own secret skills.

These holy places and aristocratic families are key customers in the future!

"Hey, what are you muttering about?" Wu Ziming urged: "With so many people watching, you are not scared, are you?"

Su Lin glanced at the watermelon stone at his feet and ignored it. Instead, he walked straight to a nearby grassland.

Yuantian Technique resonated with his soul. His eyes lit up and he picked up a piece of watermelon stone that was recognized as a waste material. Without saying anything, he lightly scratched it and the stone shattered into pieces.

The dreamy blue light is like twinkling stars, which can attract the attention of others in the holy city that never sleeps.

"Xenogeneic origin!?"

"Although this amount is not large, it is a large amount. I am afraid it can be worth more than 2,000 kilograms of pure source."

Next to him, many people showed strange expressions, and they all felt incredible.

This probability is not impossible, but it is almost the same as the probability of jumping off a cliff and entering a secret realm.

The number of watermelon stones is much greater than the population of the Holy City. Is this young man very lucky to be able to extract this kind of heterogeneous source from the watermelon stones? !

Wu Ziming had a gloomy look on his face, as if he had eaten a bite of a fly, and everyone traveling with him also had ugly expressions.

"I know you are not convinced." Su Lin put one hand behind his back and pointed out of the stone workshop with the other hand: "Go back and find the source magician you know to fight me."

"Why?!" Someone asked in dissatisfaction: "Why do you dare to make such a noise if you just have some source of energy?"

The same was true for Wu Ziming and Li Chongtian. They had already endured their anger and handed the Origin Stone to Ye Fan. At this moment, they heard Su Lin making such nonsense and couldn't help but curse:

"I'm not afraid of the wind flashing my tongue when I talk big! Do you know who the source magician I know is?!"

They didn't know that this was a country source magician from there, and he dared to speak like this.

"Whoever they are, you just need to know one thing."

Su Lin shook his head and said proudly:

"The top of the source is proud of the world. With me, Anlan, there will be heaven!"

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