"Lu Mingfei has already accommodated the City of Disaster. He entered the Land Abandoned by God to inspect the situation."

"I am about to prepare to be promoted to Miracle Master. But to be honest, I don't know if Derrick and the three of them alone can bring a period of history back to the present." Klein said with a wry smile, speaking quickly but clearly.

"Mr. Ke, I know you are in a hurry, but please don't be anxious yet." Su Lin pulled out a chair and a table from the past history and placed them in front of Klein, and asked, "What would you like to drink?"

"Whatever." Klein replied, "Do you have coffee? Add more sugar."

Su Lin snapped his fingers to the side and continued to ask: "You are talking about the Fallen Mother Goddess. She couldn't even enter the barrier before, let alone now that I have conquered her. Logically speaking, she should still be soaking in the hot springs in the starry sky."

"Also, the original one you mentioned. Well, I'm sorry, I don't quite understand."

Klein was about to say something when someone brought a white porcelain plate with an ear-hanging white porcelain cup on it.

A familiar voice came: "Can only black tea be used?"

"Thank you..." Klein took the tea cup and subconsciously thanked him. His pupils suddenly dilated and he looked to the side.

"You're welcome." Amon adjusted the monocle on his right eye socket and said politely: "You seem to be talking about something very interesting. Mr. Soothsayer, can I participate in this topic?"


Klein looked at Amon, and then at Su Lin in front of him. He just didn't feel the presence of the Thief Path Transcendent at all, but instead sensed a warm and soft light force.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Anduin, the most outstanding priest apprentice in our Hogwarts class." Su Lin pulled out another chair and said to Amon: "Sit down, you're welcome."

Klein was silent for a while and said:

"Anduin has yellow hair, can't wear a monocle, and can't attend classes at Hogwarts."

After Amon sat down, he was not polite, poured himself a cup of tea, and said:

"Looking at your expression, you seem to know me, or do you know other me?"

"Plus the fortune teller, the place abandoned by the gods, I almost guessed it. I didn't expect you to escape."

"Of course, those things are not important anymore. Mr. Ke, I am very interested in the original and fallen mother goddess you just mentioned."

Klein knew that Su Lin had created the "Silver Hand" with the ancient god of the Second Era, but he never expected that this guy would kidnap an Amon to be a priest.

"Don't worry, the previous connection between me and the main body has almost been severed. Now I am an independent individual." Amon pinched the monocle on his right eye socket, grinned and said:

"I can act as a consultant for you on matters that don't involve the ontology."

"It's interesting what you're saying, isn't it?"

Klein thought about it and realized that what Amon said did make sense. He took a deep breath and said, "Don't be afraid of what I'm going to say."

"No, Mr. Ke, I am a professional." Amon sat upright, took a sip of black tea and said, "No one knows the land abandoned by the gods better than me."

"Zhongli helped me push open the door to the King's Court of Giants, and let his avatar be actively corroded by the remaining pollution in the King's Court of Giants to study it." Klein told about his experience in the Land Abandoned by the Gods, hiding some things that could not be destroyed by Amon. information learned.

A few minutes later.

"Finally, we learned that the pollution in the Land Abandoned by the Gods comes from the original, but the bloody robe and the shadow of Mr. Men we saw should be the fallen mother goddess."

"These are the things I generally know." After Klein finished speaking, he glanced at Amon. He did not tell Amon that the "original" information came from Amon's body.

Amon smiled and used the Holy Light spell to outline a picture in mid-air: "To be on the safe side, let me confirm first. Are you talking about Him in the original?"

It was a woman with a vague face and an excellent figure, but her hair was like thick venomous snakes.

"It's not the original witch, it's the original one!" Klein corrected: "That's the one."

Su Lin raised his hand to interrupt, and took out a mobile phone and a poster from the historical projection. He pointed to a game on it and opened the poster to reveal the girl with green twin tails.

"It's not Genshin Impact and Hatsune!!!" Klein slapped the table and shouted, "Hey! I've tolerated you for a long time, so stop making such bad jokes now!"

"Original! The original that created the entire universe and lives in each of us!"

Su Lin removed the historical projection and said with a strange expression:

"So, this is what I'm curious about. Why did the original resuscitate in Zhongli's body instead of the God of the Sea of ​​Chaos? How did the fallen Mother Goddess, a fragile body with residual blood, enter the barrier?"

"The Fallen Mother Goddess." Amon said with a smile on his lips and put his hands on his raised knees: "If my guess is correct, the Hanged Man is not in a good condition now."

He is speaking of the true Creator who controls the God-forsaken land.

Klein has also speculated on this, no, this is almost certain.

According to the original history, the True Creator should eventually use the whispering seed buried in Klein's body to compete with Amon for the "first blasphemous slate."

But now, the gibbering seeds left behind by the true creator just made him leave the land abandoned by the gods quickly, while Amon stayed in the land abandoned by the gods, and the clones close to sequence one were also contaminated.

The situation is not optimistic.

"After so many years, Zhenzao has been fighting the pollution of the fallen mother goddess in the land abandoned by the gods without any problems. Why did the problem happen at this time?"

"It's related to the original again."

Su Lin also frowned and was thinking. After thinking for a while, he decided to give up thinking and shouted directly into the air beside him:

"Comrade Adam, are you there?"

A figure wearing a simple white robe and a pale golden beard covering the lower half of his face was outlined in the air.

"Yeah, I'm here."

Klein subconsciously wanted to run away, but then he relaxed. With Su Lin here, he didn't have anything to worry about.

Moreover, I have already met Adam before. Amon's true form was rescued by Adam, who had become the Sequence 0 True God. I hope he won't talk too much.

Adam felt something in his heart, showed a warm smile to Klein, nodded imperceptibly and said:

"From the current point of view, it seems that the fallen mother goddess tried to revive the original in her body and used the original part to achieve something."

"Including affecting the other self in the God's Abandoned Land, and causing pollution to flow out of the God's Abandoned Land."

When Amon's clone heard Adam's words, the smile on his lips suddenly stiffened: "You are."

Adam looked at Amon's clone and said, "I woke up after Leodro and the others betrayed me."

"Haha." Amon was silent for a moment and smiled: "Awesome."

When Amon fell into the shock of 'my brother is my father', Klein thought of something based on Adam's words.

Unlike the "Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun" and "God" who are both three pillars, the "Fallen Mother Goddess" is not a certain personality aspect of the original creator, but an existence directly born of the original creator.

In other words, He, like everything else in this universe, has the conditions for the original Creator to awaken.

"But isn't he afraid that the original will awaken completely in his body?" Su Lin asked: "At his level, isn't it very risky?"

The existence of this world bears the risk that the higher the sequence, the easier it is to lose control.

There is no need to worry about the Lord of Mysteries and God because they are originally "original" personality aspects. It is just the aggregation of instincts caused by accommodating too many sources.

Is the fallen mother goddess so brave?

Adam explained calmly:

"For Him, now is an opportunity."

"He suffered the most serious damage and it is difficult to recover, but this also reduces the risk of awakening the original for him."

"Although it is still dangerous, compared to not being able to fully recover and enter the earth more than ten years later, the choice now happens to be the best solution."

Su Lin was stunned. In other words, the fallen mother goddess has now reached a delicate balance by relying on her incomplete recovery and the original influence.

In the past, apart from the Sea of ​​Chaos, the only pollution in the Land Abandoned by God was the influence of the Fallen Mother Goddess. It could be suppressed by relying on the True Creator to pay some price.

But now, this pollution comes more from the original, and the true Creator can only protect itself to a certain extent, and even this self-protection cannot last long.

As someone who is directly exposed to pollution, Zhongli's condition is probably even less optimistic.

'So it seems that this situation now has something to do with me.' Su Lin wiped away the non-existent cold sweat and thought in his heart: 'If I had known, I would have been directly exiled to another dimension by the fallen mother goddess. ’

Tearing him into pieces too much resulted in him being able to use some skills that he couldn't use before during the process of reorganization.

Su Lin knocked on the table, frowned and asked Adam: "Can't you resist through the Sea of ​​Chaos?"

"In fact, my situation is almost the same as that of the mysterious one. I haven't had time to merge with the other me in the future. The current me is incomplete." Adam said solemnly:

"And the level of Mystery is too low now, and it cannot effectively use Source Castle."

"As for the root cause of the disaster, He does not have enough extraordinary characteristics and lacks uniqueness, so he may not be able to turn the tide."

Adam didn't know what the new "source of trouble" was, but judging from the current situation, he belonged to the mysterious side.

Klein fell silent. The smile Amon's clone showed at this time showed that he knew what Amon wanted to say.

If things really only reach that point in order to save Zhongli.

Bang bang——

Su Lin patted Klein on the back and said, "It's not a big problem."

Klein felt a lot more at ease when he heard this. He knew that Su Lin would not disappoint! It is indeed a hanging Buddha!

"In the worst case, I'll just wake up Yuan Chu and tell him to get up." Su Lin raised his thumb and pointed at himself: "I still have a trick to live as long as the world."

Klein's expression froze. He thought Su Lin was being naughty again, but he saw a change in Adam's expression sitting opposite him.

Adam was silent for a rare moment, his warm smile disappeared, and he said, "He is telling the truth."

Klein's lips twitched, and he looked at the two people opposite him indifferently and said, "Let's talk about the price of Origin Castle."

If Su Lin uses that trick, everything will be over.

"Don't make trouble, there are other ways." Su Lin pulled Klein, restrained himself slightly, looked at Adam solemnly and said: "Origin Castle will not let him out, but in this matter, temporarily put aside the sequence How about the dispute?"

Adam was not surprised by Su Lin's proposal. In fact, this was also the purpose of his coming today. On the matter of fighting against the foreign gods, many disputes could be put aside for the time being.

Regardless of the extent to which the original consciousness within the body of the Fallen Mother Goddess has awakened, the Fallen Mother Goddess came for the source of essence. Now that Klein has escaped, His eyes will almost be set on the Sea of ​​Chaos.

If the plan of the Fallen Mother Goddess succeeds, the seal of the God's Abandoned Land will not be able to contain Him, not to mention that the God's Abandoned Land is still connected to the Western Continent.

Adam nodded, looked at Klein and said, "You can prepare for promotion."

Adam waved his hand, and Derrick, Chief Colin Iliad, and Lovia woke up from their drowsiness. After a brief period of confusion, they immediately woke up and made preparations for war, and finally began to look around.

"Mr. World! Mr. Priest!" Derrick was still a little nervous when he saw Amon, but then he relaxed slightly after seeing Su Lin and Klein: "We are."

Derrick was stunned before he finished speaking, because at this time, illusory figures emerged from their bodies and turned into entities.

Some of this group of people are wearing the traditional costumes of Silver City, some are wearing hunting leather clothes, and some are wearing armor. They are old or young, men and women, adults and children.

Derrick was stunned on the spot, and the giant ax in his hand fell with a clang. Not only him, but also Chief Colin Iliad and Elder Lovia also fell into a daze.

A pair of tall men and women stood in front of Derrick. Their faces were somewhat similar to Derrick's. Their faces were kind and they looked at Derrick with relief.

Those were his parents who were executed by his own hands.

After the Bergs came out of Derrick's body, they stood in front of him. His mother held him in her arms, and his father stroked Derrick's hair and whispered:

"You have grown up, Derrick."

"Mom, Dad." Two lines of tears welled up in Derrick's eyes unconsciously, and his chest heaved violently. He gritted his teeth and wanted to speak, but found that his throat was blocked and he couldn't speak.

Colin Iliad looked at the middle-aged man next to him who was a few centimeters taller than him. He was the former chief of Silver City, and he once lost control trying to change paths.

"Colin, I'm proud of you!" The former chief patted Colin on the shoulder: "I knew you could take on big responsibilities, hahaha."

Colin Iliad was silent. He couldn't tell whether what he saw was an illusion or reality, until he received a moderate blow from the other party on his shoulder. He seemed to be back to his childhood, except that at that time he would be slapped. on the ground.

Lovia sat on the ground hugging her knees like a little girl. She wanted to bury her head and cry but was afraid of missing the figures walking out of her body one by one.

"Lovia, how many times have I told you, don't sit down anywhere when you're not fighting in the wild, your clothes will get dirty again!"

She didn't know when a man with a long scar on his face walked out beside her. Just as the man finished speaking, another thin woman walked out of Lovia's body. She gave the man a hard blow on his head. one time.

"It's not a habit you brought up!"

Klein looked at this scene in surprise, and Adam also released his psychological invisibility at this time, allowing these "people" to be seen by the outside world.

The students in the square and the "Silver Hand" executives who had just walked out of the conference room discovered that a large number of people had appeared in the station out of thin air, and there were many extraordinary people, and there were even demigods among them? !

If that adult hadn't been among them, they would have thought that the place had been attacked by a hostile organization.

Seeing someone rushing over to inquire about the situation, Klein seized the opportunity to return to the gray fog and waved to take two items.

They are the extraordinary characteristics of the "Miracle Master" and the "Star Worm" from the "Saint of Secrets" Botis.

Immediately afterwards, he summoned Pales' "Insect of Time" from the fog of history and used 300 ml of blood from the "Dark Demonic Wolf" as supplementary materials.

Klein threw these materials into a crucible one by one. While waiting, he used the real vision provided by the gray mist to look below. Those "people" who had imagined themselves from the sea of ​​subconsciousness and the forces separatizing the southern continent. Contact was made.

The history that has been sealed for thousands of years meets the current era!

"That's what a visionary is."

Klein stared for a few seconds before coming back to his senses and poured the prepared potion into the glass bottle.

Klein's eyes flickered for a few seconds. In the current situation, even obtaining the angel rank may not have much effect, but no matter what,

He wanted to hold on to that tiny bit of wonder.

Without hesitation, Klein picked up the bottle of magic potion and poured the liquid inside into his mouth.

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