I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 206 Go to the Southern Continent and ask for the Buddha!

On the road leading from the Land Abandoned by the Gods to the outside world, the golden ocean transformed from the divine blood of the ancient sun god undulated with the scorching sun at noon.

This is something that the residents of the Forsaken Land, who have never seen sunlight, have never seen and cannot imagine.

They should have enjoyed the joy of victory at this moment and enjoyed the wonderful fruits of fulfilling their millennium long-cherished wish.

"What to do with the Worm of Time that Amon gave you?" Pales's voice sounded, "If I really send this Worm of Time to Amon's body, he will immediately prepare the ceremony to become a god."

"Find a place where there is no one for him to stay." Klein thought for a while and said, "We are in the north now. The top priority is to go to the southern continent first. I will give you the coordinates, and you can just steal the distance and send us there."

"What are you doing in the Southern Continent?"

"Please hang up the Buddha and find the God of Light."

"Mr. World, what happened in the Land Abandoned by Gods?" Derrick frowned, his tone was a little panicked, and he looked behind him worriedly: "Mr. Pope, are you okay?"

Does it look like he's fine?

Klein mentally complained and said:

"I have no idea what happened in the God-Forsaken Land."

"Amon used the first blasphemous stone to block the pollution erosion. Mr. Pope fell into self-sealing. There is no problem for the time being."

"Let's quickly pray to Mr. Fool for help!" Derrick breathed a sigh of relief, but his words were still urgent: "Mr. Fool will definitely be able to save Mr. Pope!"

Mr. Fool has received your kindness. Mr. Fool said he is helpless.

Klein sighed in his heart. He could understand Little Sun, and he felt the same way at the moment.

"Mr. Fool already knows about this, there is no need to panic."

After thinking for a while, Klein made a decision. He first went to the Southern Continent to find Su Lin, and then tried to get promoted.

"Are you going to try to be promoted to Miracle Master?" A familiar voice suddenly sounded behind Klein.

In the surrounding ocean, the skeletons of various creatures emerged from it and were piled up at an extremely fast speed to form a skeleton church.

In the horrified eyes of Klein and others, at the position of the prayer platform, a figure wearing a black soft pointed hat and classical magic robes transformed from the air into reality.


He adjusted the position of the monocle, smiled at Klein and others and said:

"Something seems to have happened in the Land Abandoned by the Gods. I can't go back, so I came here in advance to wait for you."


Amon looked at the Worm of Time floating next to Klein with some confusion. He directly stole the Worm of Time and integrated it into his body. In just one breath, he had already obtained the Worm of Time. Information.

"It's interesting that this is the case."

After Amon digested the information, he looked at everyone and said with a smile:

"Pallez, I really didn't expect you to join this organization called the Tarot Society."

"I actually prepared a gift for you in Backlund, but it seems that this gift is no longer needed."

"Isn't this church nice? I just stole it from that bigot yesterday."

After Amon finished speaking to Perez, he looked at Klein without hesitation and said with a smile:

"My previous proposal is still valid. If you become my favored one, I can also find you a copy of Sequence One and Sequence Two extraordinary characteristics."

Amon is very interested in the secrets hidden in Klein, and he is also interested in the way Klein behaves, so this sentence is 90% true.

‘I already have two copies of Sequence 1 extraordinary characteristics, thank you. ’

Klein tried to cover up his true inner thoughts by thinking about other things to avoid being stolen by Amon. He shook his head and said, "Kill me."

Derrick sighed in his heart that Mr. World was so powerful. Not only was he the favored one of Mr. Fool, but even Amon, the ancient king of angels, wanted him to be his favored one. But his loyalty to Mr. Fool was truly touching. .

I don’t know why, but just after Derrick thought about this idea, Amon turned to look at him, his eyes full of teasing.

He and Chief Colin were still in a fighting posture. There was no other reason. The moment they opened the door to the outside world, they had completely dedicated their faith to the Fool. Even if the enemy was the descendant of the Creator, they would Choose your battles.

"Don't rush to refuse. How long can your strange god friend persist in the face of the initial pollution? As long as you agree to the deal with me, I can save him immediately." Amon didn't care about the few people in Silver City. He is not at the level of an angel and does not pose a threat at all. He smiled and added: "Well, after I absorb Pales' extraordinary characteristics."

Amon's words revealed a message that the pollution did not come from the fallen mother goddess, but from the original creator!

Although they seemed to be chatting, the atmosphere between the two parties became increasingly tense. At this time, the Bone Church shook violently, and violent banging sounds were heard from the mottled black oak door.


"Klein~, little bastard, are you in there~~." A sweet voice came. Even with the isolation of the Bone Church, this voice still made everyone present feel dazed.


"I've been waiting for this day for a long time~, you have the ability to give potions but not the ability to open the door?"

Klein's inspiration is giving a crazy warning, and a danger greater than Amon is right outside the door! The fear he felt in his mind almost made him faint.

who! ? Who knows my name and the magic potion? ! ! ! ! !


The third impact sounded, and the door symbolizing the entrance to the prototype of this divine kingdom was knocked open by violent force.

It was at the moment when the door was forcibly broken open that Amon's attempt to capture Pales and escape was interrupted.

He originally thought he could last at least ten breaths

Amon pushed up his monocle, with a smile still hanging on his lips, but like everyone else, he looked outside the brightly sunny door.

Click click click, the sound of high heels sounded.

The first thing that caught her eye was a dark gothic parasol. Her arms were as thick as snow, holding the black umbrella. She was wearing a long black evening dress with complicated lace that danced with her steps.

She walked toward the church with the light on her back and an extremely ethereal shadow beside her. The umbrella obscured her face. Even so, with every step she took, an inexplicable pull would urge people to cast their gaze. she.

"Disaster." Amon's monocle reflected the light from the outside world, and every clone he spread out encountered various small disasters.

"Lu" Klein had a bad premonition in his heart. He looked at the lady with long hair hanging naturally on her shoulders in disbelief? !

She raised her parasol back and put it on her shoulders to block the ray of light from behind. Only then did everyone see her face clearly.

She raised her head and looked down at everyone present with her breathtaking golden eyes, like a king.

The slightly outlined smile seems to draw the most beautiful arc in the world, and the beauty of mysticism and human aesthetics is naturally scattered everywhere.

Klein's breathing and heart stopped for a moment, and he suddenly thought of Su Lin's hexagram.

[There is a beautiful woman in the north, peerless and independent]

Damn it!

"So far, Silver Hand has rescued 21,432 victims this month."

"Supernormals use holy light spells to heal 10,000 serious injuries."

In the spacious temple of the Silver Hand headquarters, Su Lin took an ink pen and sketched on a document. About twenty people sat around a large round table, reporting relevant situations to Su Lin one after another.

"The mission target for next month will be increased by ten percent." Su Lin threw the document on the table and said to this group of former Blood Worship Cult executives who had "abandoned the dark and embraced the light."

He has not forgotten that the main task that Klein entrusted him to come to this world is to reduce the casualties caused by the war as much as possible.

"But our current financial resources." A saint with various scars on his face hesitated and said, "With all due respect, if this continues, all our resources will be exhausted within three months."

"It doesn't matter." Su Lin waved his hand, leaned on the bench and said lazily: "Anyway, the God of War has also fallen, and this war in the world is almost over."

This information is true and reliable, because his body just witnessed this scene in the Kingdom of Dark Night above the star realm this morning. The drama of these two best friends teaming up to ambush another god, and the extreme martial arts fight made him dazzled. Three buckets of popcorn.


As soon as he said these words, the place fell into silence.

The Silver Hands only received the oracle's instructions and obeyed the arrangements and instructions of the person in front of them. They didn't know who this person was.

But the war between gods and the fall of the god of war

Is this information something they can know? !

"In addition, teams are directly dispatched to various war-torn cities to provide covert medical assistance." Su Lin continued.

"However, I'm afraid there will be obstacles from the Righteous God Church. We belong to the force of wild supernatural beings and are the targets of the Righteous God Church." The person who spoke was Samuel, the only angel of the Silver Hand and the true manager of the Silver Hand. Gaili, his tone was respectful and he did not dare to slack off in the slightest.

"I have told the righteous gods, and none of them objected to this matter." Su Lin put away his legs on the long table and stood up: "The travel expenses should be reimbursed by the local righteous god church."

"That's it, let's break up the meeting."

Until Su Lin left, the senior staff of Silver Hand still sat in their original positions without saying a word. They glanced at the direction Su Lin left and then looked at Samuel Gaili, whose face was constantly twitching but whose eyes were filled with fear.

Although the Blood Worshiping Sect was not surrounded and suppressed by the Righteous God Sect like the Rose School of Thought, and everyone shouted and beat them, it was not considered extremely evil. But now they are actually asked to go to the Righteous God Church for reimbursement of funds? !

Samuel Galli suddenly thought of the day when the Lord of his faith, Farbuti, transformed into the Messenger of Light, the Lord of Holy Light.

That day, there was a bright sword light heading straight to the star realm.

"Do as that person said and send out all priests and paladins except apprentices." Samuel Gailey ordered all senior officials: "From now on, treat that person's words as an oracle, do not ask questions, do not refute ,understand?"


Of course Su Lin didn't know what was going on in other people's heads, and he was not Amon.

He walked along the long corridor to the central square of the "Silver Hand", found a bench at random and sat down, looking at the sun in the sky, he thought a little about the authority of the eternal blazing sun.

As soon as the idea came to him, he took out a piece of black bread from the historical projection and stuffed it into his mouth. This could effectively prevent him from being too drifting and disconnected from reality sometimes.

【Broadcast gymnastics! The times are calling! 】


【one two three four! 】

Su Lin opened his arms on the bench and looked at the priest apprentices who were strengthening their bodies. In order to prevent them from being in poor health due to studying spells for a long time, Su Lin specially brought them treasures from the old era. .

Under the leadership of squad leader Anduin, the priest class performed uniform movements.

Su Lin nodded with satisfaction, and then turned his attention to the live broadcasts in the chat group. There were two live broadcasts today. One was Xiao Yan's live broadcast of surrendering to the Fallen Heart Flame to prove that he had changed his future and became the King of Pure Love.

【Watch carefully! This anchor.]

Su Lin closed the live broadcast room directly, planning to wait until Xiao Yan finished reading his lines before entering.

You shouldn't have given him a cell phone, what things have he come into contact with?

Su Lin looked at another live broadcast. It was Song Shuhang's live broadcast of overcoming the tribulation and preparing to enter the second level.


Second grade?

Su Lin counted on his fingers that today was the month since Song Shuhang joined the chat group.

He clicked into the live broadcast room and asked: "Are you kidding me? Are you still in the first rank?!"

Song Shuhang was preparing to overcome the tribulation. When he saw Su Lin's words, he immediately showed a hearty smile, pointed at himself with his thumb and said: "Senior Su Lin, this time I am no longer the same person as I used to be!"

"I have learned three attack spells, two defensive spells, and one escape technique! Of course, the most important thing is that I am trying to practice swordsmanship!"

"Who says I can't become a graceful and handsome swordsman! Destiny is meant to be broken!"

"I believe hard work pays off. By going to other worlds to lay the foundation, I will definitely be able to become a reliable senior!"

He touched his head when he said this and laughed: "Now you don't have to worry about advancing too quickly and causing an unstable foundation, hahahaha."

"Eh? Senior Ye Fan, why did you come to my world? I'll entertain you after I get through the tribulation."

Ye Fan: "Open the door! Open the door for me, kid!"

Ye Fan: "I must lay the foundation for you today!!"

Ye Fan: "Give me! Open the door!!!"

Su Lin closed the live broadcast room. Come on, everyone else's access to the chat group is a positive benefit. It's just you, Song Shuhang, whose chat group is dragging you down from upgrading.

Su Lin covered his head and thought for a long time, and finally choked out one word:


He turned off the live stream and chatted in the group for a while, then raised his head and looked at the sky with the black bread in his mouth. The sky was so blue and cloudless.

The war between gods is over, and the war has come to an end. Everyone in Silver City is freed from the land abandoned by gods today.

What a peaceful day.

Su Lin looked at the blue sky and was thinking about whether to draw a prize tonight to celebrate, how much it should cost, and whether he should go to "Snake of Destiny" Will to get some blood, when suddenly there was a mass in the sky. Black spots, this group of black spots is getting bigger and bigger.

"Su Lin!"

They were a miserable Klein, Derrick, an old man, and a woman. They were taller than Derrick, but except for Klein, they all fell into a coma.

Klein snapped his fingers as he fell in mid-air and led everyone to Su Lin's side. With Su Lin's confused expression, he shouted:

"No! Zhongli was captured by a monster, no, the fallen mother goddess!"

Su Lin opened the chat group, sent a question mark to Klein, and said at the same time: "What are you talking about?!"

"The original has revived in Zhongli's body!"

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