Damn it, I won’t hit any innocent spiritual creatures!

Su Lin drove a quantum motorcycle from the spirit world to reality and swallowed with fear.

He parked his motorcycle aside and rushed inside regardless of the black smoke surrounding the fireplace.

"Hold on! The doctor is here!"

Zhongli and Klein looked at the white light flickering in the black smoke, and heard the wail of the red angel evil spirit and Su Linliao's slightly confused and confused voice.

"Why is the healing spell useless?!"

"The Embrace of the Holy Spirit is useless? Why is the condition even worse?"

"Wait a minute, brother, don't be impatient. I know you are impatient, and so am I. Let me try again."

There was a faint flash of red light symbolizing resistance and unyielding, but it was covered by white light in an instant.

"Brother, believe me, I don't mean any harm! It's weird, why don't you call JIO for an ambulance?"

The corner of Klein's mouth twitched. If you cast light spell on an evil spirit, if you continue like this, poor Sauron Einhoin Medici will be purified.

"Stop, stop." Klein said and dispersed the black dust.

Zhongli came to the quantum motorcycle and watched with great interest this motorcycle that could enter and exit the spiritual world. Su Lin had taken out this motorcycle with a strong sense of technology next to his body before, and then disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye. Inside.

The slender body has smooth lines, a delicate feel, fine workmanship, and meticulous attention to detail. That part of the body seems to be called the fuel tank. It has a strong aura of divine power and can be driven by energy sources other than traditional fuels. How much can it cost?

There are so many interesting things in the universe.

"Zhongli, close your shield." Su Lin shouted, "He's stuck in the shield."

In order to prevent too much noise, Zhongli put a layer of shield on this single-family house.

"So this is your confidence." The Red Angel Evil Spirit was a little weak and stood up unsteadily while holding on to the damaged wall. Even at this time, he still remained calm:

"Very good, the situation between you, Zaratul and Amon has been reversed."

"The current situation is much messier than imagined, which is very interesting."

[‘What are the Seven Gods thinking in their minds? How did these two guys come in from the stars? ’

‘Two stowaways entered before the end of the day. ’

‘Find a way to escape and attract the attention of the Seven Gods or the Fallen Creator. ’

‘If I had believed in the true Creator, would this have happened? ’

'Shut up! Medici, have you sacrificed your brain to the fallen Creator? Even if your Lord comes here, he may not be able to save you. ’

'It would be great if there was a way to separate you. Their target seems to be you, your descendant and the thing under Bansi. ’

‘If I go to hell, I will drag you two with me. We have been friends for thousands of years. ’

'Pooh! ’ ‘You idiot! ’]

"Sorry, brother, please make up for it." Su Lin took out a sequence five hunter characteristic from the trophies of his previous attack on the Fusac airship team: "We are here to ask you some information, don't worry, we will leave after asking."

"Hahaha." Sauron Einhoin Medici just smiled and didn't say much. At this time, too much words will be missed. As a hunter, you need to consider your current situation clearly. The current situation is obvious. It's prey.

"We need to know information about the City of Disaster that pollutes you, and how to enter it if you come into contact with it." Zhongli stepped forward, and every step he took would strengthen the surrounding seals to isolate contact with the outside world.

"Is this a deal?" Sauron Einhoin Medici asked. He did not reach out to take the Extraordinary Characteristics in Su Lin's hand. He now has another option, to dissipate himself.

"You can think so." Su Lin said: "In exchange, we can tell you the whereabouts of a certain conqueror's characteristics."

"And to ensure that you can walk out safe and sound. Of course, we will take some measures to prevent you from leaking secrets."

The Red Angel Evil Spirit did not reply to Su Lin and Zhong Li first. Instead, he looked at Klein and asked with a smile: "So, what deal did you make with them? Sefirah Castle?"

"Let me think about it." Klein touched his chin and said frankly: "Two Level 0 Sealed Artifacts."

"Damn it, do you really believe it?" Red Angel Evil Spirit cursed and said sarcastically: "I can find a level 0 sealed item even if I work hard. This is simply a cheap coolie price. How about I add some money to you guys?" Just help me get that conqueror trait back?"

Add money

Add money

Add money

Su Lin's eyes lit up and he asked happily, "How much do you want to add?"

"." Red Angel Evil Spirit didn't know how to answer the question for a moment.

Klein felt a little emotional. It was really tiring to deal with such tactical people. At this time, he did not forget to indirectly sow discord and create gaps.

Of course, from a normal perspective, his approach was correct. The two gods who did not know the details must have something big in mind. I may not fall out with these two people, but after He said it clearly like this, some things will no longer be as easy to cooperate with as now.

Unfortunately, the reality was far from what He thought.

"There is also friendship." Klein added with a smile: "So this is the price of friendship."

At this time, Zhongli, who was standing aside, said to the Red Angel Evil Spirit: "The influence of what is behind the gate of Banxi Port is still there on you. Maybe you can't feel it now, but as your strength gradually recovers, sooner or later, that pollution will Will be back."

"It's better to leave this matter to us. No matter what, your situation will not be worse than now."

"That's an interesting statement." After the Red Angel Evil Spirit finished speaking, he was silent for a while, and the three personalities in his body communicated several times. Finally, he sneered: "You're right, the situation will not be worse than it is now."

He took the Sequence 5 Reaper Extraordinary Characteristics from Su Lin's hand and devoured it. His weak state improved a little, and he changed from a candle in the wind to an oil lamp inside the screen.

"My useless descendant has also been affected, and his situation is much worse than mine."

Without any hesitation, Medici sold his descendant.

Medici's entire family has been contaminated by the City of Disaster. The higher the sequence, the greater the impact. Even if Medici has fallen once, the influence is still latent.

Just like the current Emperor Russell, the pollution from high positions is not so easy to solve.

After getting the relevant information, Su Lin didn't care how much false news the information contained. Maybe 90% of it was true and 10% of it was false, but it didn't matter if he thought about it.

It doesn't matter how many tricks this old hunter hides, just leave it to Klein and Zhong Li to analyze.

"George III gave a copy of the Sequence One Conqueror traits to the Witch Sect. You can start from this aspect." Su Lin informed the Red Angel Evil Spirit of the news, and then worked with Zhongli to place some restrictions on him.

"Tsk, Chick has already started planning." The Red Angel Evil Spirit smacked his mouth in displeasure. These short words had already revealed a lot of information. The original witch Chick began to want to gather the high-level characteristics of the adjacent paths.

"Can I go?"

He felt that the confinement around him had been touched, and now he could enter the spiritual world.

"Please." Zhongli extended his hand to signal.

Without lingering, the Red Angel evil spirit disappeared in the flame vortex, but took a final deep look at Klein and the machine that had just knocked him away.

The red angel evil spirit traveled quickly in the spirit world, and a familiar rumbling sound came from behind.

He stopped, and the surrounding spiritual creatures had already taken the initiative to avoid leaving a vacuum area.

"Have you regretted it?" His eyelids twitched, and the extremely fast machine stopped less than two meters in front of him.

"No, I'll leave you my contact information." Su Lin turned around on the increasingly familiar quantum motorcycle and turned his back to the Red Angel Evil Spirit and said:

"If the price is right, I'll help you get the conqueror properties back."

"Haha, that characteristic may have been sacrificed to Chick. Are you going to find Chick to get it?" The Red Angel Evil Spirit regarded this as a joke, thinking that the existence in front of him would not easily start a war with Chick.

"It's not impossible." Su Lin paused and said seriously: "You have to pay more."

A three-part honorific message was transmitted to the Red Angel Evil Spirit. The buzzing sound sounded again. Su Lin rode the motorcycle and left a straight white light in the spiritual world.

The red angel evil spirit frowned and left in one direction again.

['Sauron, Einhorn, what other assets do you two have to share? ’

‘Isn’t Einhorn’s heir very up to date? Ask Fusac to ask for a confession? ’

‘Haha, merging with you two will simply tarnish Einhorn’s glory. They will purify me directly. ’

‘It’s better to find a way to remove the marks on your body first! ’]

In the magnificent palace above the gray mist.

"All the preparations are almost done." Klein thought about it in his mind and looked at Su Lin and Zhong Li: "I'll leave the rest to you."

The aura of gray mist enveloped Su Lin and Zhongli, and Klein tried to grant basic permissions to the two.

He took out a piece of the audience's extraordinary characteristics of a Sequence 4 operator, and at the same time let go of his spiritual island.

"What do you think about me implanting in you a subconscious mind that refuses to eat sweets at this time?" Su Lin glanced at this extraordinary feature and asked out of curiosity.

"Kill me." Klein replied without hesitation.

Didn’t you know sweets can relieve stress? You devil!


Klein was writing quickly with a rather dull, simple-style feather pen in his hand. He only had one minute.

The story written by "0-08" Alsuhod will definitely be played out.

[George III plans to use this speech to fish out all the enemies who want to destroy his ritual, but if everything goes well and no accidents happen, he will also take the opportunity to take the magic potion, reveal his trump card, and attack the level of the gods. 】

[After all, there are too many unknowns in the future, and there is no guarantee. Moreover, his current preparations are complete and appropriate enough. 】

"This is a very reasonable development."

After signing the last sentence, Klein no longer maintained this false historical projection. He took a breath. He had more spirituality than expected. No, it should be that the consumption of 0-08 was not too great. I might even be able to hold on a little longer.

"But it's too tiring to do this, and it consumes a lot of money, but it's acceptable." After staring for a while, Klein folded the paper and stuffed it into his pocket, "I hope it will be useful."

He could not write and arrange the direct fall of George III, which would definitely attract the attention of Amon and his brother.

"It's too bad that I have to buy ice cream for Will Auceptin. Backlund is too dangerous now, otherwise..." Klein then shook his head: "Be honest."

Backlund, Saturday, December 3, 1350.

The sky was gray and foggy, and both the weather and the situation were depressing and breathless.

Haze days are a common sight in Backlund in late winter. Although this year's weather is not as thick as last year's haze and pungent smell, the harsh factors accumulated in the past as well as the geographical environment and climate characteristics determine that Backlund's environmental management will not be overnight. Great results can be achieved within a short period of time.

Similar situations are bound to exist for a long time.

"A total of 9 pounds, Mr. Mora." The waiter bowed at the front desk and said.

"Charge it in Earl Hall's account." Zhongli picked up the scented hot towel and wiped his hands. "The price has increased again?"

"Well, vegetables have gone up by one-fifth, meat has gone up by one-sixth, and wheat has gone up by a quarter." The waiter took out a receipt and put it on the table: "Please sign it."

"Miss Lucia hasn't come to work yet?" Zhongli asked.

"Her brother was killed in battle. I'm afraid he won't come to work during this period." The waiter hesitated and said, "We have another new pastry chef."

Zhongli was silent for a moment and said, "Next time."

Nightingale Tavern

Elsa is cleaning up her books. During this time, the business is sluggish and the boss does not allow layoffs.

This store has been in deficit for two weeks, and the war on the front line is becoming more and more urgent. Originally, as Mr. Delen's direct subordinate, she should have participated in some special operations.

But since Mr. Delen came back that day, his attitude towards the boss has become more and more respectful, which can even be described as humble.

"No one came to spend two weeks in a row."

A strange yet familiar voice sounded.

"Ah?!" Elsa tensed up and then gradually relaxed. She took a breath and said, "Yes, there are no guests during this time."

"You are back from the Southern Continent."

bang bang bang bang

"these are?"

Elsa saw the boss who suddenly appeared pouring out many gold coins and gold jewelry from a bag that resembled a magical item, with some gems inside.

"The kind members of the Rose School donated the materials. We are all good people."

Su Lin put away the storage bag and ordered: "Save part of it for daily maintenance, and donate the rest to Dwayne Dantes' charity foundation for me."

"Where are those male employees?"

He looked at the financial details on the table and found that a few names were missing.

"They got the draft and went to war." Elsa sighed, and she saw Su Lin walking outside: "Are you looking for Mr. Delen? He is attending the King's recruitment speech in Memorial Day Square today."

"It's okay, I came back just to listen to the King's speech." Su Lin said without looking back, waving his hands.

Coming to the street, Su Lin walked forward silently with the flow of people. More and more people came out of the alley, from the house, and from the street where they were.

These people may be wearing formal attire, holding a cane, and behaving like gentlemen, or wearing dark dresses, sweaters, jackets and trousers.

They are like droplets of water that gather into a dark-colored stream. These streams intertwine into a majestic torrent at the entrance of the square.

The torrent surged slowly, flooding the square.

Su Lin looked around, his eyes sweeping across the faces of these people.

Numbness, sadness, pain, anger…

There was a different feeling in his heart. He was like a bystander and a participant. He could leave at the touch of a finger and escape at any time. The roots of these people were here.

Su Lin calmly walked through the gap in the crowd and came to the center of the square. He looked at the center of the high platform, where the king in ceremonial clothes came out from behind the scenes and was about to start his speech.

Zhongli was invited by Earl Hall and a group of nobles to come to the high platform not far away to watch King George III's speech at close range. He looked down and his eyes met Su Lin's.

On the gray-white stone pillar in the center of the square, a speaker painted with dark blue oil paint was connected to a cable. It made a rustling sound, and after a moment it turned into a deep voice:

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am your emperor, the ruler of Loen, East Balam, and the Rhoad Islands, George Augustus III."

Audrey turned around, and the figure of Mr. Pope had disappeared at some point. She looked forward again, where George III was giving an emotional speech.

The undercurrent has begun to surge, and the judgment is coming.

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