dong dong

"Come in." Tracy's unique, cold and sweet voice sounded. She flipped through the books in her hands, which was one of the few forms of entertainment on the sea.

Inspiration had already told her who the person outside the door was, but Tracey still glanced subconsciously, but it was precisely because of this glance that her heart skipped half a beat.

Different from the previous two days, her long black hair lay naturally on her shoulders, her airy bangs were slightly slanted in front of her forehead, and her delicate face was as cold as ice. This did not deduct points for her. On the contrary, she seemed like she should not exist. Artworks in the world should be separated from the world.

The black evening dress she is wearing has a slim-fit design that makes the dress full of lines. The hem is surrounded by hollow lace, and a few black roses are distributed on the dress, neither dense nor distant.

"Ha ha ha ha."

After all, Tracy had seen a lot of the world. She broke away from the brief strangeness and burst into laughter. Gradually, a tear seemed to appear in the corner of her eyes.

"Even I was almost moved. Not bad."

"As expected! You are a rare good talent." Tracey closed the book and supported her head with one hand, staring at Lu Mingfei with burning eyes: "I am very happy that you can adapt to the role quickly."

"Next, you will follow me as a personal servant, and I will teach you how to control some spells."

Lu Mingfei felt a sense of irritation in his heart but had no expression on his face. He just nodded in agreement and asked calmly: "You said before that your mother is also a witch?"

Tracy was in a good mood, so she didn't mind talking to Lu Mingfei about these things. She pointed to the bed aside and motioned for Lu Mingfei to sit down and talk.

"Yes, that's right." Tracey lazily leaned on the high-backed chair with her legs crossed, as if she was missing:

"My mother is the White Saint of the Witch Sect, a big shot in Sequence 3."

"Haha, she has lived for thousands of years, and what she likes to do most is to be merciful. My father and I are just one of them."

"After giving birth to my son, she left. After a few years, she came back and taught me this power."

Tracy's tone changed slightly here, like hatred and complaint.

"She clearly had several low-to-medium sequences with different paths, but she still let me take this path."

"I now have a mother and a mother, you know what I mean."

"." Lu Mingfei was a little unhappy with Tracy at first, but after hearing these things, the thoughts in his mind couldn't help but blurt out: "You city people are really good at playing."

It’s not easy for everyone.

"Hmph." Tracy didn't care and said teasingly: "I'll give you a piece of advice. After you advance to Sequence 6, even women can become the target of pleasure, so you don't have to find a man."

"For the sake of our similar aesthetic in liking girls, if it were anyone else, the pirates on this ship would be in great hands."

"Then I really want to thank you." Lu Mingfei said calmly.

It doesn't matter, anyway, your "old lover" Gehrman Sparrow will come to see you in a few days, and it's almost time for me to leave by then.

There used to be a God of Weather in Bansi Port who accepted the original blood sacrifice and was probably in Sequence 2. I found him and with the help of that little guy, I stripped him of his extraordinary characteristics for my use. Maybe it won’t take long for me to turn back into a male. .

Lu Mingfei was thinking about the next plan in his mind. After reading this book, he took the time to sort out the future direction.

But City of Disaster, I feel like that place is a bit too scary compared to Sefirah Castle.


two days later

"Lu Mingfei said he was looking for the God of Weather." Su Lin said to Klein while holding a can of historical ice cola: "But what does our staying up late at night have to do with this?"

"Have some patience, my friend." Klein took out his Sequence 4 demigod self from history and transferred his consciousness into it. Suddenly, the historical projection came to life and was indistinguishable from the original body.

"You may have forgotten that the God of Weather is a descendant of the war angel Medici."

"To find the God of Weather and learn more about Bansi's situation, wouldn't it be best to find the Angel of War first?"

The God of Weather is a descendant of the Medici. His long-term presence in Bansi Port may have been influenced by the City of Disaster. That kind of cruel blood sacrifice should have a certain connection with the City of Disaster.

The City of Disaster is an unstable factor, and it is also related to the sealed Western Continent, which was Klein's former homeland in the east.

Rather than solving the investigation in the future, Klein hoped that Lu Mingfei could investigate something.

Su Lin rolled his eyes, then glanced at Zhongli who was standing aside and said, "Yes, but those who don't know better would think that you want to get rid of the trio of Deyun Club by dragging us along."

Sauron, Einhorn, and Medici, the three of them were originally absolute mortal enemies, not only because Sequence 1, who were on the same path, longed for each other's extraordinary characteristics, but also because of personality factors.

It's basically the kind of thing where there is no me without you.

He died in the hands of "Blood Emperor" Tudor together with the two Sequence 1 angels Sauron and Einhorn. They couldn't stand each other's presence in life, but after death they couldn't distinguish each other and merged into one to form an evil spirit.

Popular hot pot base

"After all, I am just a Sequence 3 ancient scholar. I am weak, pitiful and helpless." Klein left a sentence and jumped up. He controlled the historical projection to glide in the night sky.

Su Lin and Zhong Li watched the figure flying quickly on the roof and jumping until it became smaller and smaller.

In a sense, Klein and Sauron Einhorn Medici are comrades who can make use of each other in the trenches and will not stab each other in the short term.

Zaratul had a grudge against Sauron, and Medici wanted to cause trouble for Amon. If Einhorn's conditions allowed, he would probably be willing to stab George III a hundred times to provide some help to his descendants in the Feysac Empire.

After about a few minutes, Klein used a flame jump to disappear.

"Okay, let's start work." Su Lin said to Zhongli.

Zhongli nodded slightly and drew a talisman in the void.

"The great god of war, the symbol of iron and blood, the master of turmoil and strife." Klein chanted the honorable name of the Red Angel while remaining vigilant.

He vaguely felt that his historical projection was marked, and then he used a flame jump.

The flames disappeared, and a spacious living room appeared in front of them, with an ordinary easy chair, on which lay a tall, thin, young man with good facial features, half leaning and half lying on it. His face was pale and without a trace of blood.

"Your courage is commendable. You are probably the most courageous fortune teller I have ever seen. "Red Angel" evil spirit, Sauron Einhorn Medici extinguished the flame in his hand and said in a mocking tone:

"But I'm starting to wonder if I made the right choice by choosing you. The maggots in your head probably need a little sugar."

"If I were you, I would choose to use a marionette. Your trust in me makes me feel more stressed. Oh my God, there are soothsayers like you in this world."

The corners of the red angel's mouth turned up a little bit, and his face was split into two mouth-like openings.

'It's a pity that you don't know Rosago, he is much braver than me. ' Klein complained silently in his mind, and said slowly with a polite smile: "I just have some things I want to ask you, so that I can show my sincerity."

"Sincerity~~~" Red Angel smiled frivolously: "It's so sincere. I think Amon, who is two blocks away, likes this kind of sincerity."

Upon hearing this, Klein took out something from his pocket, raised the corners of his mouth, and responded happily: "I really like this sincerity."

As he spoke, he breathed at the monocle in his hand, put it on his left eye and adjusted it.

Soren Einhorn Medici's smile suddenly solidified.

For a moment, the surrounding space seemed to be about to burst into flames, and there seemed to be rolling lava surging around.

Soon, it all calmed down.

The red angel evil spirit looked at Klein up and down and smiled: "I'm very impressed with you. It's a pity that you didn't take the provocateur's potion."

"When Zaratul digested the 'Obvious Mage' potion, he didn't dare to pretend to be Amon in front of me."

Following his gaze, Klein felt the cold gaze of a poisonous snake. Even though his true personality had reached Sequence 3, he still felt like falling into an ice cave, and a chill filled his heart.

‘Is this the King of Angels who was just one step away from ascending to the throne of God?’

Klein smiled and took off the monocle and rubbed it in his hand twice: "I want to ask about one of your descendants, the weather god of Bansi Port."

"Is there any way to find Him?"

The red angel evil spirit was stunned for a moment, then sneered and asked: "Haha, you didn't find any trace of the White Witch and instead you came to ask me about Banxi Port?"

"That's right."

"Why do I feel that you don't have a sense of urgency now?" A mouth appeared on the right face of the Red Angel Evil Spirit and said.

"Maybe I don't need to be in such a hurry now?" Klein took off his top hat and sat on the sofa nearby, with a leisurely look:

“I have a friend who always says that the journey has an end, so there’s no need to rush.”

"I believe that being elegant might solve most problems."

He looked at Klein with a strange look on his face, and the three personalities in his mind were communicating with each other.

[‘Is this guy out of control? ’

'It feels like a scam. It's too crazy.'

'Shut up! I know, please be quiet. ’

‘The hunter treats every prey with all his strength. ’

'So you were the first to fall prey. ’

'That was just an accident! ’

'Can you two bitches please be quiet? ’]

The red angel evil spirit smiled, with a hint of danger in his eyes: "So if you want to face Amon gracefully and dance a ballroom dance with him, the scene must be beautiful."

"At that time, your right eye should elegantly wear a monocle."

Klein nodded and gradually opened his mouth, revealing two rows of neat teeth: "Like this?"

He put the monocle in his hand on his right eye socket.

Soren Einhorn Medici subconsciously stepped back, and Klein felt that danger was coming from all directions again.

At this moment, Klein took off his monocle and said apologetically: "Just kidding."

Real murderous intent overflowed from Red Angel's eyes, and his tone was low, with murderous intent: "Very good, there has never been a magician who has provoked me like this. Do you think I don't dare to kill you?"

Klein's inspiration began to give warning, but he did not panic at all and even took out a table with a set of teapots from the history beside him.

Add a few delicate little cakes.

"I want to correct something." Klein's true body walked out of the historical hole on the side: "I am an ancient scholar, not a magician."

It's so cool, even though it's a bit fake but so what? I, Mr. Fool, have been so stubborn all my life that I can’t be reckless even once? !

This scene was obviously unexpected by the Red Angel Evil Spirit. His pupils shrank slightly and then returned to normal.

"It's interesting." He was silent for a rare moment, and then Klein felt a trace of unknown danger in the space around him.

"Then what?"

The red angel evil spirit is like playing with a prey, "Let me see which angel you have a bad relationship with."

The trap had been activated, and before he could even wait for Klein to say the next word, several thunderbolts appeared in the space around Klein. As the space tore apart, ice appeared under Klein's feet and even threatened to freeze his soul.

Although Klein was a little nervous inside, he still calmly added some sugar to the sweet ice tea in front of the table.

When these attacks were about to crush him, with Klein at the center, some symbols lit up and began to twist and spread, like wildly growing vines.

The attack was neutralized, and these "vines" twisted towards the Red Angel Evil Spirit.

Klein took out a historical projection from his side. He had brown hair, golden eyes, a slender dress, and a cane in his hand. It was none other than Mr. "Mola", Backlund's most outstanding geologist, Zhongli.

His eyes were dull now and then lively and full of energy.

When a wave of flames appeared in the room and burned the symbols of power, Zhongli tapped the ground lightly with his staff, and rock spears sprung up from the feet of the Red Angel Evil Spirit like mushrooms after rain.

Without any surprise, Sauron Einhorn Medici was pierced into a hornet's nest.

He currently does not even have the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 2, and has no personality. Although he can definitely defeat the White Witch in Sequence 3, it is difficult to face an angel, let alone Zhongli.

The remains of the body on the rock gun turned into a little bit of magma and dripped from above, causing flames on the floor.

In the spiritual world where various colors are intertwined, red angel evil spirits are flying.

[‘Do you think I will fight a Sequence 3 fortune teller now? madness. ’

‘This kind of thing that relies on connections is really disgusting! ’

‘When was he promoted? It was too fast. ’

‘Regardless of when he was promoted, now he is an uncontrollable factor. ’

‘Oh, so you two are both successful and failed. ’

'There is another way, believe with me in the True Creator and get help from my Lord,'

‘Sauron, join forces with me to control him. ’

‘I would rather be that boy’s marionette than believe in your true Creator! ’]

Just when the evil spirit of Red Angel was about to stage another scene of 'before you fight outside, you must first settle inside', there was a roar in front of the spirit world.

Sauron Einhorn Medici's pupils shrank and he hurriedly wanted to run in another direction.

A man with six white wings of light on his back was riding on a strange mechanical creation with two huge wheels. The roar came from the machine made of cold steel.

The man shouted: "Get out of the way! I don't have a driver's license!!!"

Su Lin's eyes were about to burst and he hurriedly held the brake, but it was too late. When he injected his divine power as energy, the quantum motorcycle under him took him out instantly.

This speed meant that he had just passed his destination, and now he was driving back from a distance, so there was no time to stop.


Klein and Zhongli watched as the Red Angel evil spirit flew out from the spirit world and hit the fireplace of the house, raising a pile of smoke and dust.

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