I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 178 Hermann and the Three Female Pirates

In the luxuriously decorated office, Su Lin looked helplessly at the employee in front of him.

There are two situations for sequence promotion in the mysterious world. One is to take the magic potion according to the ritual and sequence and grow in steps; the other is to drink it directly and not go crazy or lose control and become a monster, which is considered successful.

The girl in front of her was just a lucky girl. She drank someone else's Sequence Seven potion and didn't go crazy.

Su Lin flipped through the information on the original moon worshipers on the table, silently noted it down, raised his head and said:

"You are an extraordinary person, why do you do these things?"

"Don't talk to me in a coy tone, and don't use your extraordinary abilities to guide me to let you go."

McCarrou replied without thinking: "This is the fastest way to make money!"

"You don't have to risk your life to join any organization..."

Su Lin took out a cup of coffee from the historical projection and took a sip.

McCarrou's magic potion came from an accidental drinking. Although Su Lin didn't know where to drink this kind of thing under normal circumstances, but who cares, Su Lin is not a super detective who likes to handle cases seriously and can create profits. Employees are good employees.

"I don't know if your former boss is too lazy to care or if he didn't notice, but if you do this, sooner or later you will meet someone who can't be hypnotized." Su Lin lay on the chair and glanced outside the door. There were more extraordinary people coming tonight than expected. If there are more, there will be three saints.

"The salary I paid you is already very high." Su Lin picked up the financial expenses from the drawer and thanked Russell for "inventing" the DuPont analysis chart, which allowed him to quickly understand the financial details of the world, "I will try my best to Possible wants to be an entrepreneur rather than a capitalist, so I share 60 percent of my profits with my employees."

"It stands to reason that you can earn more than before. You just need to properly induce customers to consume, such as a fruit plate that costs 3 pence and sells for 5 soles."

"In other words, private label beer that costs 10p and sells for £1."

McCarrou didn't understand what Su Lin meant by entrepreneurs and capitalists. She was just a little nervous and uneasy, and looked at Su Lin pitifully: "Please, boss, let me go this time!"

She didn't know much about the circle of extraordinary beings, but McCarrou knew that the new BOSS in front of her was something she couldn't afford to mess with. As a psychiatrist, she could detect the unhidden details of this boss. To a natural indifference.

It’s not that he is indifferent, but he has enough confidence. Many things are not very important in his eyes. What he cares more about is an experience? Like an aristocratic master who is very well-educated, well-educated, and knowledgeable.

They were lucky, as this noble man happened to be kind and charitable.

Su Lin glanced at her and waved her hand. As if she had been granted amnesty, McCarrou jumped up like a child and left the office happily.

It wasn't until 4am before dawn that the Nightingale Tavern gradually dispersed.

McCaro changed into his daily plaid shirt, put on a coat, picked up a hair tie to tie his hair, and after receiving this week's salary at the front desk, he faintly erased his sense of existence.

The colleagues on the side did not notice that McCarrou was leaving with them. Even at work, they felt that McCarrou was inconspicuous and had no sense of existence. Although this girl was very beautiful, they always subconsciously did not want to have anything to do with this person. Too much communication.

There are always people who aren't so gregarious and they don't want to waste their time socializing with her, which makes sense.

McCaro walked onto the street, her high heels hitting the stone bricks. It was still a foggy night outside. She relied on the dim light of the street lamp and walked towards the suburbs. The cold wind blew in her face, causing her to wrap up her clothes subconsciously. A little tighter, and the pace quickened.

After walking for more than an hour, she arrived at a house with green vines covering the walls in the suburbs of Backlund. She looked back at the sky. Fortunately, the sun had not come out yet, otherwise today's good mood would be ruined. .

She stared at the sky for a few seconds, and then she realized what made her feel uncomfortable about the new boss.

McCaro took out the key and put it in the keyhole, but the door was opened halfway, with a look of disgust on her face.

"elder sister."

The door opened, and there were five or six children wearing linen clothes inside, ranging in age from about 8 to 15 years old.

McCarrou gritted his teeth, showed a stiff smile, and said softly: "I'm back."

"What's going on with McCaro?" Su Lin fiddled with the silver harmonica in his hand, which was a sealed object called "Dark Night" given to him by Delen Esso.

This harmonica can induce anyone other than the user who hears the singing into eternal sleep. If it is played continuously for different times, it will set off a howl and summon nightmares. The side effect is that it has to devour a soul after use, otherwise it will play some weird music in the user's ears to make the user insane.

After Delen Esso heard that he wanted to collect some interesting sealed artifacts, he took the initiative to take out this sealed artifact. No wonder he was able to reach this position. He was full of emotional intelligence.

"An unlucky lucky person." Delen Esso considered her words, "She met a Sequence 8 mind reader. The mind reader is talented in reading girls' minds, so she stepped into the In love."

"That mind reader is a psychopath. He likes to play with these girls and then sell them. Well, he also likes to tell them the truth before selling them. The girl before McCaro just collected enough for him to buy promotion materials on the black market. money."

"But the way he tied people up was unprofessional. McCaro broke free and drank the magic potion that the guy treated like a treasure."

Delenn Esso found McCarol while investigating the human trafficking related to this mind reader. He originally invited her to join his team of extraordinary beings, but it turned out that the girl was too timid, so Delenn Esso invited her to She introduced a new business, and she only needed to hypnotize ordinary wealthy businessmen and nobles to complete an order.

Su Lin was silent for a moment and said to Delen Esso: "Human trafficking?"

"Yes, human trafficking." Delen Esso nodded, and he gave a wry smile: "My people have been tracking human trafficking for more than a year. During this period, there were also various cases, large and small, and those involving extraordinary people will be prosecuted. Report to me."

"It turned out that this matter had something to do with a member of the royal family, you know, the prince."

"I was also severely punished by His Majesty the King for not doing things well and finding out too late."

"The competition for minister should have nothing to do with me."

Did you know that your king is the biggest buyer?

It seems that this guy is not a key member of the king's faction.

"Collect interesting sealed objects for me. The sequence doesn't need to be too high. The focus is on information about the worshipers of the original moon. The higher the sequence involved, the better. If you can't figure it out, come to me." Su Lin glanced at this person. A middle-aged man with many nasolabial wrinkles on his head. What he just said caused two more wrinkles on the forehead of the deputy minister who had been tortured by work for a long time.

"I will give you the Sequence Three potion formula in a while. Based on your performance, I will find potion materials for you." Su Lin said lightly.

Delen Esso's pupils trembled when he heard this, and then his forehead relaxed and his facial features seemed to soften a bit.

Su Lin said no more, Delen Esso bowed to Su Lin, walked out of the room, and left quietly.

The first floor of Nightingale Tavern

Delen Esso called his confidant, and the girl waiter with wavy hair and wine came over and said solemnly:

"Elsa, during this time, you must take care of all the trivial chores for that adult."

"He is also connected to the Church of Dark Night, but it seems that he is not from the Church of Dark Night, but no matter what, this is my opportunity and your opportunity."

Aisha nodded, understanding that her boss had finally made his decision.

In just two days, this store floated from the water to the shore, and more celebrities came to visit than before. According to their investigation, the Church of the Night played a certain role in this, and their gold pounds also became regular. legal income.

The angel didn't know what his purpose was, and it seemed like an "accident" to find them, but as his leader said, this was an opportunity, an opportunity to go further.

The fact that Delen Esso, who has no senior background, can become the deputy minister proves that he has outstanding abilities, but this has almost reached the limit. It has been 13 years since he became a demigod in Sequence 4, and the Loen royal family probably has not. He might be given the opportunity to be promoted to Sequence 3.

Not to mention her, if there is no accident, she will not be able to become a Sequence 4 demigod through normal channels in this life.

Since this matter does not involve the royal family, but is instead related to the Rose School of thought that everyone is shouting about, then why not do it?

Risks, there are definitely risks.

From the first day they set foot on the extraordinary path, risk has been with them when the sun rises and they sleep with the sunset.


There are still three days until the Fusac Empire launches a major bombing campaign on Backlund.

"Jack said he loves the captain more than you, but brother Bunian, in the entire fourth fleet, who doesn't know that you are the one who is most obsessed with the captain!" Lu Mingfei looked sad and angry, adding that human and animal The harmless face looks like a young man with a pure mind fighting against injustice.


The wine bottle filled with liquid hit the wooden table hard, making a heavy sound.

"Jack is nothing!" Bunian said viciously: "When I followed the captain to fight in the Sonia waters, he didn't know where to drink milk!"

The turbaned pirate picked up the glass and poured it into his mouth, cursing Jack and spitting out a few drops of spittle.

"You know, the captain rewarded me with a sleeve to bandage! How many people in the entire fleet have such treatment?! Does Jack have it?"

"Is it the patterned sleeves?"


Lu Mingfei wiped his face and said in surprise: "Huh? So those red sleeves belong to Brother Bunian?"

"Humph." Bunian raised his chin, his eyes full of disdain and arrogance.

"That day I saw Jack come out of the room holding a red sleeve. I thought it belonged to him." Lu Mingfei scratched his head, with some confusion in his tone: "But why did Jack take it to the bathroom?"


The glass fell to the floor and shattered.

Bunian stood up staggeringly, his face turning red and green.


He ran out like crazy, and after a while, there were noisy quarrels on the deck, and the sound of some fists hitting flesh.

There were more and more people watching, and most of the pirates were watching the fun, and some were even drinking, making noises, and placing bets.

"Brother Bunian, it's useless for you to slap him in the face like this. Jack said that his face is as thick as a city wall."

Lu Mingfei's voice was somewhat bewildering, and penetrated into Bunian's ears over the noise. Blood splashed onto the floor and seeped into the gaps.

Lu Mingfei felt that his potion had been digested for a while. These guys were not good people anyway, especially Jack and Bunian.

"Stop fighting! The captain is here!"

The pirates dispersed in a hurry and quickly stood on both sides of the deck, standing in order from tallest to shortest. Their efficiency and order were no worse than those of the regular army.

When Lu Mingfei saw this, he immediately found a row and stood up straight, with his hands on his sides.

A main ship larger than the No. 2 ship docked aside, with a wooden plank placed on it, and a graceful figure wearing a white coat walked down from above.

Her eyebrows are long and straight, her blue eyes are sharp and bright, and her figure is slender and graceful.

This is the first time Lu Mingfei has seen the captain of this fleet since he boarded the ship. Even Lu Mingfei, who has seen many beautiful girls, has to admit that this captain is indeed a first-class beauty.

Of course, not as good as his girlfriend.

'too exaggerated.'

Lu Mingfei saw that the pirates on the opposite side looked like they were facing their first love, with their faces as red as children who had just discovered their love.

Is it so charming?

The captain named Tracy has the title of "Vice Admiral of Disease" in this sea area. There are four kings and seven generals on the sea, all of which are powerful extraordinary pirate groups.

She glanced at Jack and Bunian, who were lying on the deck after fighting each other, and then glanced at the pirates on both sides like a hawk.


Lu Mingfei couldn't help but feel nervous when he saw that the other party seemed to be focusing on him. The extraordinary people in this world have all kinds of outrageous rules and abilities, and the higher the sequence, the more outrageous they are. Now that he doesn't know the details, he really can't win for sure. other side.

‘So the other party saw it? ’

‘If I shout out that Herman and I are friends, will he be more gentle? ’

Lu Mingfei thought of what he had heard about "Gehrman and the Three Female Pirates" before, and the image of the other party feeding him to sharks after learning that he and Gehrman, a heartless man, had known each other, appeared in his mind.

‘Calm down and take a deep breath, maybe it’s because I look different from these ugly pirates beside me? ’

The moment this thought flashed through her mind, Tracy walked towards him, with a confused expression on her face.

‘Lu Mingze! Help! My good brother! ’

‘Hurry up and use your invincible The World to think of a solution! ’

The guy inside me is sometimes inactive, so I can't rely on it at all. I said I went out in the morning and now I don't know where I'm going.

"Where did you come from?" Tracey's voice was very nice, with a hint of coldness in the air. "Where did you come from?"

"Report to the captain!" John Proto came out from the side and shouted loudly: "He is the new man I recruited on the ship from Damier Port! He knows nothing about this sea and is receiving my training!"

"John, I didn't let you say anything. Jump down and swim for an hour without stopping." Tracy ordered casually without looking at John Proto who was standing aside.

"Yes, Captain!" John Pluto said, and after a run-up, he clasped his hands above his head and jumped off the ship.

The sound of splashing into the water was heard. After Tracy glanced at Lu Mingfei, a pleasant smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Come to me after digesting the potion."

After that, he turned around and left.

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