Zhang Chulan: "Boss, how is my nephew doing there recently? @Ye Fan"

Ye Fan: "I learn things very quickly and my hands and feet are very nimble. I can start working after a period of training."

Ye Fan: "Come over and get some resources when you have time. @Zhang Chulan"

Zhang Chulan: "Okay! My nephew will leave it to the boss!"

If it weren't for his lack of skills, Zhang Chulan would have sold himself out.

Old horse, old horse, old horse! Uncle, I am really worried about your future.

You have been assigned to the Emperor of Heaven. You have to fight for the successors of our Eight Wonders, and you can't let the Japanese brat Xiao Hongmao snatch away all the weapons.

The piece-rate model is to work harder and earn more, give full play to the spirit of craftsmanship, and sell more high-quality weapons.

My uncle still counts on drawing points from your salary every month.

With tears in her eyes, Zhang Chulan finished a bowl of noodles and said to the owner of the roadside stall, "One more bowl!"

The boss next to him was scrolling through a short video on his mobile phone. The person in the video was an old man with gray hair and a beard, wearing a blue-black robe.

He is very energetic, tall and thin, and he is the old Heavenly Master on Longhu Mountain whom Zhang Chulan is very familiar with.

[There are no gods in this world. All laymen must believe in science. 】The voice of the Heavenly Master came from the mobile phone.

"Boss, add fans!"

"Sorry, here you go."

The stall owner put down his phone, but was clearly distracted.

It’s not his fault. Since the last time Su Lin came to the city under the mountain of Biyou Village to “make great aspirations”, not only the world of aliens, but also the world of ordinary people has also made huge waves.

The company and its top management were trying their best to control the news, but everyone in the city saw the pillar of light soaring into the sky and the "ascending" figure with a halo on its back.

Anyway, it's a mess now. Ordinary people have a great desire for these extraordinary powers. The upper management must guard the population red line of the alien world and prevent the existence of aliens from being exposed.

Lu Mingfei: [Picture]

Lu Mingfei: "What should I do if I get kidnapped on a pirate ship? Wait online, urgent."

Lu Mingfei: "I always feel that these pirates are not in their right mind. They all seem to be fans of their captain."

In the picture, above Lu Mingfei's back is a black flag with a white skull on it.

Song Shuhang: [Live Broadcast]

Song Shuhang: "What are you talking about?"

Song Shuhang: "By the way, Miss Irena is going crazy with alcohol. Senior Bai went to explore the deep sea. The others are drunk. How can I survive?"

Lu Mingfei clicked in and took a look. There was a skull with a straw hat on the white sail behind Song Shuhang. The Sunshine Lion was parked near a small island.

In the sky, there is a woman with gray hair. She is wearing a knight's skirt, with a black ribbon tied on her right arm. She has long flowing hair on her shoulders and has no other decorations. She is simple and pure. She is Irena.

Song Shuhang's eyes were dull, looking at the magic bullets that were as dense as a rainstorm in the sky, and he barely dodged with the help of amulets.

Condensed magic bullets bombarded the beach, hit the sea and the woods, stirred up sandstorms and set off tsunamis.

Irena's face was flushed, and she laughed in the sky, "We are just the last one! Don't run!"

"My name is Song Shuhang. I never expected that my fate would be so bad. I knew that my physique was capable of attracting firepower, but I didn't expect that the biggest danger would be my teammates.'

"Seniors and bosses, hurry up and come across time to save us!"

Song Shuhang roared and shouted in the live broadcast.

Su Lin: "I suggest you apply for a resurrection spell from me. Please keep your body intact and at least leave a skeleton."

Zhang Chulan: "If you hadn't said this, luckily he would have cooled off after saying this."

A huge light lit up the screen, and along with the sound of a sudden stop, the live broadcast screen was cut off.

Klein: "May Song Shuhang rest in peace in the kingdom of the goddess of the night."

Su Lin: " @Luffy, are you drunk? When you wake up, remember to see if Song Shuhang is still intact."

Xiao Yan: "Speaking of wine, Brother Su, Xiao Xiao hasn't drank fairy wine for a long time."

Xiao Yan is so greedy, he has been so greedy in his dreams since he returned to his own world that time. He is not an alcoholic, but he can't stand it. The effect of that thing is so good. He has also strengthened his physical body by increasing his cultivation level. Now he dares to beat the Dou King in his physical body. .

Emiya Shirou: "And that piece of cake."

If possible, Emiya Shirou would actually like to learn how to make that cake. Illya likes sweets very much.

Han Li: "Although Li is too drunk, Brother Su has good intentions, so he won't shirk it."

Su Lin: "?"

Su Lin: "Did I say something strange just now?"

Do you know that one bottle of that thing can be used for 3 minimum consumption draws? ! My godhood was drawn out for 3,000 yuan, which is a huge sum of money!

Su Lin looked at his current system balance [1373201].

Oh, I'm suddenly rich now, so that's okay.

When I had nothing to do all day long, I opened the system mall as Taobao. It was so exciting that I even bought Amon’s monocle before I knew it.

But what is he doing with these points now? Those one-time character cards and props look awesome, but in fact they may not be cost-effective.

For example, if you redeem a temporary character BUFF worth several thousand or even tens of thousands of points, you have invested the money, but it only lasts for a period of time. It would be fine if you can make enough income within this period of time, but if you don't have enough, The profit will be a loss.

For example, there is a strange one-time prop in the limited store in the current world:

[Original Alarm] Effect: A strong aggregation effect centered on the user, awakening the original creator in the body. Price: 100W (Why are you as sleepy as Azathoth next door?) PS: If you can erase his consciousness, you can become the new creator.

I wouldn't redeem something like this unless I was crazy.

Zhang Chulan: "Fairy wine? What kind of fairy wine?"

Ye Fan: "It's a good thing, but I don't know what I will do if I drink too much."

Ye Fan remembered that he had used the spiritual spring to rinse the jade bottle containing the fairy wine. The remaining wine was mixed with the spiritual spring to trick the Black Emperor into giving him a useless job for more than a month.

Ye Fan: "Administrator, are you there? Want some benefits?"

Su Lin: "Definitely next time."

When I next get elected as administrator.

Su Lin chose to go offline and close the group chat. He looked at the frowning Klein at the window sill and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I always feel that the pirate flag behind Lu Mingfei looks familiar." Klein remembered that Lu Mingfei's big head blocked half of the flag, but the logo on it was very familiar.

"Like Tracy?" Klein's tone was a little uncertain.

The two looked at each other and said in unison:

"The law of aggregation of extraordinary characteristics."

Klein was silent for a moment and said with some sigh in his tone:

"Isn't he going to Banxi? Why did he get on the pirate ship?"

Su Lin was speechless upon hearing this, and then with a hint of uncertainty:

"Maybe witches are attracted to each other."

Klein looked up at the hazy sky outside the window. The God of Storms had previously blown away the heavy smog in Backlund, and because the environmental department had been very strict about the Backlund smog incident recently, the sky would occasionally clear up, but like this This gray genius is the norm.

He struggled for a while and said to Su Lin:

"How about confessing to him."

"I'm afraid he will fight me."

Su Lin tilted his head back slightly and asked doubtfully:

"Mr. Klein, are you asking me? I don't remember being involved in this matter."

"I would call you the best when it comes to having fun."

"You were obviously smiling very happily that day." Klein was speechless and stopped worrying about the topic. Lu Mingfei was not stupid. As long as he took the initiative to understand it, he would know the next stage of the effect of the assassin sequence potion.

As long as he didn't drink the Sequence 7 potion to complete his physical transformation, the worst he could do was use the "Darknessless Cross" to expel the extraordinary characteristics from his body.

‘Let’s compensate him for the potions from other sources as compensation for this joke. ’

"Has that person paid attention to you recently?" Klein was referring to Adam, the survivor of the old era who emerged from the Sea of ​​Chaos, the ancient sun god of the second era, and today's angel of fantasy, Adam.

Su Lin and Zhong Li's actions in Backlund can be considered hidden in theory, and because of their personalities, the possibility of being discovered is very small. However, Adam has been planning for thousands of years. Based on the special way of the audience, When it comes to sex, it is common sense to find a trace of abnormality from clues.

For this reason, Klein had previously formulated corresponding countermeasures.

"There shouldn't be. We pretended that the Psychological Alchemy Society was the work of the Church of the Night." Su Lin recalled it and said, "Even if he senses something is wrong, as long as it doesn't affect his plan, he won't Intervention.”

"Otherwise, the person talking to you now seems to be me, but in fact it is Adam."

Klein nodded.

"Is there no movement on the other side of the night? We showed up on her territory swaggering, and she doesn't want to see us, two unstable factors?" Su Lin looked at the red moon on the wall, which was the emblem of the Church of the Night. .

"Except for my future direction, I haven't hidden much from the goddess." Klein smiled: "This is also a bargaining chip to increase my own weight."

"The goddess has given me the authority to handle it myself."

Klein recalled what happened before. After he sacrificed a bunch of luxuries from "ancient times" to the goddess of night, the goddess met him once in a dream.

While he was half asleep and half awake, he saw boundless darkness. There were clumps of night herbs and deep sleep flowers at his feet. In this environment, it seemed as if his breathing would disturb the sleepers around him.

A figure comes from the high hanging red moon or the stars. He is wearing a layered but not complicated black dress, dotted with countless dazzling lights, as if the starry night is draped on his body.

His head is vague and difficult to see clearly, and he can only be sure to be a woman.

"I thought you had suffered some unknown contamination."

"This item." She said calmly, holding a handbag in her hand, "It was produced by the company I used to manage."

"That's not the past, is it?"

Klein had learned that the Goddess of the Night was an executive of a company in Europe before she hung on Source Castle in the previous generation.

Unexpectedly, this brand covers various industries such as catering, medical care, women's products, and finance. Its annual net income in 2022 will be 27.1 billion euros, which is really amazing.

"No." Klein paused and said, "It's just a similar world, and there are no same people in the same era."

The projected voice of the goddess of the night is as soft as a nocturne: "It's so good."

In the ripples like water waves, the figure in front of him quickly became blurred, and the night herbs and sleep flowers under his feet flew up one after another, filling the darkness.

Klein woke up from his sleep, with the words of the goddess of the night lingering in his ears.

"Try not to bring too many things from other universes into this world, but other than that, you can just go with it."

Klein retracted his thoughts and said to Su Lin:

"When necessary, we can act in the name of the Church of the Night."

Su Lin thought for a while, then took out a card and handed it to Klein.

"What is this?" Klein asked.

"Invitation letter." Su Lin said slowly: "I took over an underground nightclub from the Deputy Minister of Justice of Loen. Can I let the Church of the Night clear my name and come aboard for me?"


Is Loen's judicial system so corrupt? No, didn't you go to find the followers of the fallen Mother Goddess?


There are still four days until the Fusac Empire launches a major bombing campaign against Backlund.

In the basement of Nightingale Tavern

"Why are you standing there stunned?" Su Lin activated the retro gear limit switch, clapped his hands and said to the guests and waiters below the stage:

"Keep playing music, keep dancing!"

The music was playing loudly, and the novel chandeliers emitted colorful lights on the ceiling.

After Su Lin took over this underground industry, he integrated and utilized the space below and divided it into two soundproof areas. While continuing the previous model, he also added some new tricks.

The turnover in the store has increased a lot in the past two days, especially because of the sales of new light beer. This thing has been a huge profit in any era. Especially because the members here are all upper-class people who are not short of money. They are not short of anything. , especially money, the only thing missing is new ways to provide fun to life.

Su Lin crossed the dancing crowd, and the attendants on both sides of the door immediately opened the door respectfully.

Different from the carnival dance floor just now, elegant classical music is played here. The customers are mostly in their thirties and forties. They place bets silently or chat quietly with the people around them in front of the gambling tables. .

Su Lin looked at a Texas Hold'em poker table not far away. The croupier was handing out poker cards. Mr. Dawn Dantès, who was wearing a woolen coat, was chatting with Delen Esso and Amyrius at the same table. The Admiral was sitting at a gaming table.

Two Sequence 4s and one Sequence 3. Three saint-level transcendent beings are secretly using some means to harvest other participants at the card table, these three old six.

Su Lin snapped his fingers and dispersed the extraordinary power of this place. In an instant, the eyes and expressions of the three people showed a slight change and then returned to normal.

He nodded slightly, preparing to check the bills of the past few days and the news about the members of the Rose School from the Southern Continent.


Su Lin frowned. There was a waiter in front of him who was wearing a standard long skirt and walked to a private room with a guest on his arm and then closed the door.

He walked forward and heard the sound of undressing coming from inside the door. He opened the door and found a middle-aged man with a fat figure, thick cheeks and a slightly bald head sitting on a sofa, looking at him with obsessed eyes. At the same time, he took off his clothes and exposed his belly.

The service staff was sitting on a chair not far away, eating fruit and watching the scene quietly.

She has medium-length blond hair, which naturally falls down to her shoulders. The curled and permed hair hangs down her back. Looking at Su Lin who pushed the door open, she was first shocked and then shrank back in embarrassment. head.

The waiter said timidly: "Boss, please listen to my explanation."

Su Lin sighed: "Miss Mairuer, I have warned you twice not to hypnotize guests."

This extraordinary person was the first extraordinary person Su Lin met in this tavern, a Sequence 7 psychiatrist.

"And our store no longer provides that service."

Since Su Lin took over this industry, some services have been stopped, but Miss Mairuer is obviously unwilling to do so. She sometimes takes orders privately with regular customers. Su Lin originally thought that someone was still doing illegal operations, but found out She hypnotizes her customers every time.

"It's only three things." Su Lin shook his head and glanced at the customer who didn't know what he was fantasizing about. It was a bit eye-catching: "You can come to my office later."

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