tutwal street

Emlyn White ignored one thing. Human beings' work and rest schedules were different from his.

As a traditional Vampire, he is usually in a state of not sleeping until the moon does not sleep, even though he is now a Vampire Viscount and can resist the sun, when that light seems a bit uncomfortable to him.

Generally speaking, whoever dares to knock on the door of Emlyn White, the great savior of the blood race, in broad daylight, even if it is the postman who delivers the wrong newspaper, Lord Emlyn will not look upon him well.

"Mr. Priest, this is it." Emlyn White smiled and pointed to a small shop not far away.

The green wooden board is hung on an iron pole extending horizontally, and the white letters read "Doyle" in the common language.

Outside the glass showcase facing the road, several lifelike dolls were dressed in exquisite mini-dresses or fashionable Loen-style aristocratic costumes, with their hands folded in front of them, looking dignified and elegant.

It almost looks like the real thing, but under the sunlight, there is a trace of reflection on the face of the doll, making it a bit distorted.

Su Lin nodded and walked towards the store under the leadership of Emlyn White.

Above the gray fog, Klein picked up a concrete pen and thought about his next plan.

‘Su Lin is now very vengeful because of the fall of the Mother Goddess. Even if I don't have to pay extra, he will take the initiative to cause trouble for the Fallen Mother Goddess...'

'Well, abbot, no, sometimes it's a good thing for the leader to be small-minded...'

'What I need to think about now is how to go to the Land Abandoned by God, and minimize the risk while being parasitized by Amon. Maybe I can find a way to go to the Land Abandoned by God without being parasitized by Amon, but only in Amon's affairs I don't want too many variables...'

'This is a very troublesome enemy. Compared to Amon, Zarath's threat is not a little bit smaller. I don't want him to realize that the existence of Su Lin and Zhongli is related to me, otherwise he will do something in the future. Different strategy adjustments...'

'On Adam's side, I should restrain myself from trying to do anything in front of a writer, but I would be unwilling to hand over Grossell's travels to him directly. After so many years, he should have a lot of savings...'

'It's not that it should be, it's for sure. The leader of the Twilight Hermits and the Rose of Redemption must have many high-ranking extraordinary characteristics and extraordinary items...'

‘If the War Angel Medici keeps him, the angels on the Artificial Death God’s side will definitely suspect that there is something wrong with the Artificial Death God, which will affect the goddess of the night’s tolerance of passing by during this period. ’

‘Even if there are two Sequence 0 warriors on my side, there are still too many constraints. There are some things that I have no choice but to do.’

Klein looked at the empty hall and sighed deeply, but all in all, it was a lot better to be able to make changes.

There are still seven days until Backlund's bombing.

"Sir," the butler Walter brought a cup of coffee to Klein in the study and called after hesitating.

"What's wrong?" Klein rubbed his temples, "Is it the batch of munitions from East Balang?"

"No." Walter bowed deeply and said to Klein: "This is the bill from your guest Chris Mora. Please take a look at it."

Walter handed over a blank page of paper, which recorded Zhongli's shopping record yesterday. Klein skipped the trivial items above and jumped to the total column - 133 gold pounds, 7 sulers and 9 pence.

Klein suddenly remembered that the weekly salary of a lecturer at Tingen University during the internship period was 2 gold pounds, and after becoming a full-time teacher, it was 3 gold pounds and 10 sulers. Mr. Azik's salary was only 5 pounds.

However, it is still acceptable. The money for a bottle of low-sequence potion on the black market is more than this. Except for the currency provided by Miss Justice and Mr. Hanged Man yesterday when they prepared sacrificial items for the 'God of the Earth', his The actual expenditure was 52 gold pounds.

Everyone in the Tarot Club should be encouraged not to give up this rare opportunity. The opportunity to trade with the gods using some not too precious things is very rare. I originally thought that other people would actively participate, but I didn't expect the total income in these days. It's less than 200 pounds.

Let's organize an operation in the name of the world. By the way, let's hint that they can trade more with the God of the Earth and hold more sacrificial rituals. Well, guide them to exchange items for help from the God of the Earth as much as possible, or exchange some Blessings and strength, if that doesn't work, you can still learn from Mr. Hanged Man and Miss Justice to remember and accumulate them, and don't use money to tarnish this sacred and great transaction.

This is so that everyone can gain something, Zhongli's travel experience is satisfied, other people in the Tarot Club get help from the gods, and the great Mr. Fool achieves income generation

A win-win situation.

"Yes, I understand." Klein nodded and asked Walter, "Is he coming back for dinner today?"

Walter looked strange and said to Klein with some doubts: "Mr. Mora received an invitation from the chef of Serenzo Restaurant and will taste new dishes tonight. Sir, it seems that your guest is a Big foodie.”

Great, I saved money on dinner today.

Klein looked out the window. The sun was shining brightly and there were a few white clouds floating in the blue sky. In this weather, Su Lin actually took a vampire out shopping.


"Have you finished stocking up the supplies?" Klein suddenly asked.

"According to your instructions, cured meats and some vegetables that can be stored for a long time have been stocked in large quantities. By the way, there are people in the market recently who are purchasing these things like us, as well as our cash flow. ." Walter didn't understand why Mr. Dwayne Dantes had to hoard a large amount of supplies and even sold the red wine in the cellar at a low price. However, since it was the master's arrangement, he could only do his best to implement it.

But the current cash flow used to maintain the daily expenses of the chamber of commerce has been somewhat affected. If this continues, I am afraid that even the operation of the industry will be a problem.

Plus Mr. Mora's expenses.

"It doesn't matter, continue the acquisition, it will be fine after this period of time." Klein naturally knew these situations, but this war did not really end until the fall of the God of War and the defeat of the Feysac Empire. During this period, a large number of hungry victims die.

If we don't hoard food now, when the war comes, the nobles who are engaged in the grain business will not miss this opportunity to increase prices. Maybe some sympathetic nobles will help some victims, but it will only be a drop in the bucket.

Even the food he is hoarding now can only be distributed to some people in the early stage. It will be the most difficult time in the middle and late stages of the war. However, by then the food pressure will gradually ease, and the major righteous churches will also have enough. Time to come to the aid.

Actually, there is another way, but it is a little dangerous.

Klein originally didn't want to use this final weapon's connections, but it was always right to make some back-up preparations in advance.

After the butler Walter bowed and walked out of the room, Klein took out an ink pen, took out a piece of letter paper from the drawer inside the book, and wrote -

[My friend Frank Lee: During my recent travels in the Southern Continent, I discovered a conflict between two large tribes. It is regrettable that innocent lives were involved]

[As you know, the indigenous people can only accept ordinary-flavored mushrooms. If there is a smell of barbecue in the mushrooms, they will be afraid. So, is there anything you can do?]

After Klein reviewed the letter, he signed the last column.

【Your friend, Gehrman Sparrow】

I'm stuck. I only have 2,000 today. I'll make up for it tomorrow. Sorry.

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