I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 173 Song Shuhang: I also want to become a reliable senior

"Shuhang, are you tired?"

"Shuhang, are there enough elixirs?"


A Pekingese dog demon held a fruit plate in his hand, his eyes were like crescent moons, and he showed a flattering smile.

The corner of Song Shuhang's mouth twitched a few times, and he felt goosebumps all over his body, and he shrank back silently.

"Doudou, please be normal."

"I still like your unruly look before."

Ever since I read his novel, this dog demon has turned into a licking dog. It was okay at first. Two days ago, Doudou thought about it all night and said that he had figured it out, and then started to greet him.

"What are you talking about? Xiaodou was ignorant in the past."

Look at the sky

"To be courteous for nothing is to be either a traitor or a thief!" Song Shuhang looked at the dog demon with some vigilance.

Last night in the cultivation chat group, Senior Huangshan asked Doudou how he was doing.

King Doudou: "Huangshan, Huangshan! I won't go back!"

True Lord Huangshan replied after a moment: "Don't make trouble."

He has been very busy recently and has no time to pick up Doudou. He wishes Doudou could play around more outside.

King Doudou: "Don't contact me again! I'm afraid Song Shuhang will misunderstand!"

King Doudou: "If you want to take me back by force, I will bite your 'Jade Palace Sky Shuttle' into sieves."

"..." True Lord Huangshan suddenly broke out in cold sweat. The Jade Palace wore a Tissot, but his precious fairy boat was roughly equivalent to a monk's luxury car. The kind that gives you more face every time you drive out.

Doudou is true to his word. He bites when he says he will.

Little friend Song Shuhang, is he giving Doudou some ecstasy soup? Okay, increase your efforts!

But Song Shuhang didn't know what True Lord Huangshan was thinking. At that time, Song Shuhang was so cold that he broke out in cold sweats. This was like putting him on the fire.

"What on earth do you want to do? You didn't tell me that I was going to find Senior Bai." Song Shuhang looked at the Pekingese dog that was approaching step by step and suddenly stood up from the sofa and hid behind.

"Woof! Stop!" Doudou quickly put down the fruit plate and then said a little bit awkwardly: "Well, you see, I haven't transformed after so long, and I still have to rely on you to help me date online."

"I just want you to take me with you when you go to other worlds, and let me transform and come back."

"You take the benefits, but I take the risks, right?" Song Shuhang's eyebrows twitched. He didn't even know why he was so brave in the book. He was so pretentious! The resurrection props are consumed one by one, and those who form a team with him bear the risk at their own risk every time.

"Shuhang, have you contacted me yet?" Senior Bai's voice came from upstairs.

"We are in contact!" Song Shuhang replied.

Ever since he learned that he would become a ripening Heavenly Dao in a year, Song Shuhang was quite happy. His only regret was that he still had not become a reliable senior, just like what Senior Bai said in the finale of the book. In that case, my foundation is too poor.

‘Since you can travel to other worlds, why not go to other worlds to lay the foundation? I will also have time to help you with some tutoring. ’

Song Shuhang could feel that there were stars twinkling in Senior Bai's eyes when he said this. It was obvious that Senior Bai was very interested in other worlds and had read a lot of novels and anime online in the past few days.

Of course, Song Shuhang was also very moved by Senior Bai's proposal. In this way, even if he was promoted to a rank every month in his own world, his foundation would be able to keep up, and he would definitely become a reliable senior by then.

‘You can’t be as transcendent as in the book and still owe me so many spiritual stones, and you can’t even bother to learn the resurrection circle by yourself. ’

When Senior Bai said this, Song Shuhang just wanted to find a way to slip in. Although he really wanted to do this, the pendant on his body really smelled good.

Song Shuhang: "That's it, is there any senior who can accept me? Please, please!"

Ye Fan: "I am special."

Ye Fan: "Let's lay the foundation, right? Come on, come here, I'll teach you how to lay the foundation! Give me everything you have, I won't hide anything."

Shirou Emiya watched Ye Fan take out the Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things, sneered and stared at the void in front of him, praying that Song Shuhang would not come over and become the "foundation".

Xiao Yan: "This is because I am afraid that I will level up too quickly and make it more difficult for myself!"

Xiao Yan: "Is there still heavenly law?! Is there still king's law?!"

Three hundred million years ago, Hedong, three hundred million years ago, Hexi, don’t deceive Emperor Yan to be poor!

Song Shuhang swallowed and spat. If he really wanted to go to Emperor Ye Tian's world, he would be taught a terrible lesson. It was so pitiful. He really just wanted to lay the foundation, instead of getting on the bus first and paying for the ticket later, as he lamented in the book.

Song Shuhang: "I'll change it to an auspicious day and come back to bother the two seniors."

Song Shuhang: "Senior Han Li?"

Han Li: "It doesn't matter, you just come."

Song Shuhang was so happy that he immediately applied to enter.

[Group member "Han Li" is in the world of group member "Ye Fan" and has automatically forwarded your application]

Hiss, hiss

Song Shuhang tore the teleportation talisman into pieces and regarded it as useless.

Song Shuhang was silent. Zhongli, Su Lin, and Lu Mingfei were in Klein's mysterious world. Han Li and Emiya Shirou were in Ye Fan's world of covering the sky. The former was temporarily inaccessible, the latter was temporarily inaccessible, and the rest The world only has.

Luffy: "I don't understand, but you want to come to my ship!"

Luffy: "There's a party today!"

Irena: "I want to come too!"

Luffy: "Hehehe, welcome! There will be lots of wine and meat!"

Irena jumped out of bed excitedly, sleeping? No need to sleep!

Song Shuhang burst into tears and said in the group with emotion, "Here he comes!"

"Senior Bai, let's go sailing!" Song Shuhang's eyelids suddenly twitched and he saw Doudou rubbing his paws with a human expression, "I will definitely take you with me."

"Woof! Ouch~!"

You are so excited that your species has changed!


Backlund, King's Avenue, square fountain location.

The three people were speechless for a while when they saw the chat content in the group chat. Even Zhongli was silent.

"Some people are born in Rome, and some people are born as cows and horses." Klein thought of his past IT career that he couldn't look back on, and said to Su Lin, "You think so, Su Niuma."

Su Lin glanced at Klein and walked out.

"Where are you going?"

"Discuss a good price with Amon."

"I was wrong, you come back first."

Klein envied that kind of life. Before he "traveled", he worked as IT Fortune 996. After "traveling", except for the time in Tingen, the rest was like 007. He could only enjoy it when he occasionally disguised himself as Dwayne Dantès. enjoy.

"Speaking of which, what were you doing before time travel?" Klein asked Su Lin.

"Finance, Mr. Zhou, do you need to know something about financial management?" Su Lin said in a professional tone with a blank expression, "Buy funds now with annualized interest rates."

"So you must be making a lot of money?" Klein was curious.

"Haha, I volunteer to work overtime after six o'clock." Su Lin took out a pocket watch and checked the time, "Well, it's six o'clock, it's time to work overtime."

Zhongli turned and walked towards the carriage on the left. The butler on the side had been waiting for a long time. He was responsible for taking this guest from afar to visit the Queens District of Backlund at night.

Zhongli will randomly arrange some spells to slightly reduce Backlund's losses when he is bombed. It cannot be too much and can only affect some insignificant parts, otherwise it will be noticed by Adam.

But even a minor impact can save hundreds or even thousands of lives.

Su Lin and Klein walked in opposite directions. When they reached a corner, facing the red light of the setting sun, the two of them flickered and disappeared.

full moon night

In a room illuminated by crimson light, the witch Triss stood in an altar, surrounded by rubies, sapphires, emeralds, diamonds, pearls, lapis lazuli and other ritual materials.

I just received a letter from Gehrman Sparrow. If you want to destroy the ceremony of George III, you must summon Mr. Door to gain access to the nine secret mausoleums built by the Blood Emperor Tudor to promote him to the Black Emperor. method.

Prince Edsac is a bad guy. He knew she was a man before but still made that choice. It was so stupid that it made people feel helpless. He probably didn't expect that the main messenger behind this was his aloof father. Hahaha, if he learned the truth alive, his expression of collapse would be particularly interesting.

‘It’s a pity that good people don’t live long, but bad people like me and George III get higher in rank as they live longer. ’

After everything was ready, Triss took a deep breath and lit the hair in her hands.

Triss took two steps back and recited in giant language with a solemn expression:

“The great gate of gates;

“Leader of the endless starry sky;

"The key to all mysterious worlds..."

The various gemstones in the ceremony shattered into fragments of light and gathered into a sparkling river, heading towards the candlelight in the center of the altar. The fire expanded rapidly, intertwined together, and became darker and darker.

An illusory door appeared, as if it could lead to another world. It was dark and deep, and the scene inside could not be seen.

The fire expanded again, and a vortex appeared inside the door. At the same time, a misty voice came from inside the door.


This voice penetrated Triss's head, like countless steel needles piercing her brain. Her skin instantly became transparent, and veins and blood vessels popped up, densely packed like broken glass.

"No, you are her favored one."

Triss remembered Gehrman's reminder and did not let Mr. Men miss the past for too long. She said with a distorted expression: "Dear Mr. Men, I need a way to enter the tomb of the Black Emperor. Please give it to me." My method."

"Haha, it's easy. You just need to hold the symbol I gave you."

Mr. Door drew a symbol and told Triss to use the blood of extraordinary people from different channels to weave a special symbol with spiritual contamination, which would lead to the secret passage inside the Black Emperor's mausoleum.

This is related to George III's use of Tudor remnants.

"Thank you, I have one more thing I want to sacrifice to you." Triss felt the pain of tearing her ninja spirit body, and took out a charm in her hand, which was entrusted by Gehrman to give to Mr. Men.

"Oh? I accepted it." In that state of almost mumbling, the charm with the seraph engraved on it passed through the vortex and was delivered to Mr. Men.

'It's now! ’

Triss forcibly interrupted and closed the ceremony, and the spell that traveled through the vortex to the starry sky suddenly burst out with endless dazzling light.

The awe-inspiring power of order bloomed on the back of the moon, and a storm of light swept across, surprising the existence hidden on the moon. The scorching light turned into countless tiny sharp blades and inserted into the chaotic black ocean.

Messages echoed in the starry sky.

"Fallen Mother Goddess! You are a XX. When I break the seal, I will kill you within three days and tear the source matter to pieces!"

"You don't want your mother's nest on earth to be given away by me, right?"

"Sooner or later, one day I will let you feel what love is!"

"I'll be waiting for you at King's Avenue in Backlund on Earth. If you dare, enter the barrier and chop me down!"

"As a fellow pillar, you are really embarrassed. Please quit the group."

at the same time.

For some reason, people on Earth found that tonight's full moon was particularly bright red.

It's a little late, sorry

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