A flash of silver lightning flashed across the dark sky, illuminating the entire Silver City. After it disappeared, there was still light and shadow left in the sky, but it soon faded away, leaving the world in darkness.

This is the land abandoned by the gods, the continent abandoned by the gods, the ruins of the war between gods without light.

Derrick Berg returned from the Tarot Club, got out of bed, picked up "Thor's Roar", opened the door and walked all the way to the Twin Towers in the north of the city.

With a smile on his face and unbearable joy in his eyes, he hurriedly wanted to share his blueprint for a better future with the chief, the elders, and every resident of Silver City.

Along the way, many residents of Silver City came out of their homes with smiles on their faces. Unlike him, the residents of Silver City were happy because this period was the "season" for the harvest of black-faced grass, and it was the time for Baiyin City to offer sacrifices. It is the festival of the ancient sun god. On this day, people who are struggling to survive in the darkness will feel the rare festive atmosphere and relax their tense nerves all year round.

Occasionally, they would meet some familiar people. They said hello to Derrick and shared the black grass amulet in their hands with Derrick. Derrick waved his hand to indicate that he still had something to do.

Seeing the smiles on their faces, Derrick wanted to find the Chief more and more, deliver Mr. Fool's oracle, and share the news that Mr. Fool was about to grant Silver City salvation.

'Wait a little longer.'

'Soon we will see the real sun'

The round tower among the twin towers, in the room at the top of the tower.

Derrick met Colin Iliad, the chief of the Silver City Council.

As usual, the demigod of the demon hunter path stood by the window sill, staring at the Silver City below. When he saw Derrick arriving, he turned to look at Derrick, and Derrick also walked towards the chief at this time. A gift.


Colin Iliad nodded and said, "How are you mastering the 'Priest of Light' potion?"

Derrick answered truthfully: "Not even close."

"Well, don't worry, the rest of the exploration team are not ready yet." Colin Iliad mentioned it casually. He looked at Derrick's anxious expression and asked instead:

"What happened? I see that you look very anxious."

"Yes, Chief, I have good news to share with you!" Derrick said affirmatively.


Derrick suddenly thought of what he heard from Mr. Fool about the death of the ancient sun god. He paused and continued:

"It's not entirely good news. Two things."

"Yes." Colin Iliad, who was tall and strong, said without any waves in his tone. He looked at Derrick and said, "Don't be in a hurry. Let's do it one by one. Let's break the bad news first."

Derrick hesitated for a moment and said, "Your Majesty, I found a relic of the Creator."

Colin Iliad's eyes condensed, and his eyes changed subsequently, containing very complex emotions that were difficult to describe in detail. The tall and strong old man asked in a slightly deep voice: "Relics?"

Derrick nodded with difficulty: "Yes, a relic."

"The angels under the Lord's throne have rebelled against Him."

For a moment, Colin's light blue eyes seemed to lose focus for a short time. After a while, he calmly said: "I know."

"What about the other thing?"

Derrick could tell that he seemed to be less interested in another thing, and his deep voice was filled with fatigue and weakness.

"Mr. Fool's favored one is coming to Silver City soon." Derrick quickly told the news without pausing: "He promised to lead us to the bright world."

A ray of light flashed in Colin Iliad's profound eyes. He was a little surprised and confused, and asked Derrick: "Where do his favored ones come from?"

"Outside." Derrick straightened his back unconsciously, "That bright world!"

Colin Iliad was silent for a moment and asked Derrick: "So, what is the price?"

"In other words, what do we need to pay?"

Derrick did not hide anything and directly stated the mission given to him by Mr. Fool: "Mr. Fool wants me to improve my strength and spread his glory."

"Do we need to change our beliefs?" Colin Iliad was not surprised by this, nor did he have any special emotions. If the Creator has fallen, what's the use of holding on to their faith.

Derrick shook his head and said:

"Mr. Fool said, let us improve our strength as soon as possible and help his favored ones."

"As for faith. That's a matter for later."

Colin looked away from Derrick, walked slowly to the window, and turned his attention to the altar near the training ground.

Many people have gathered there, surrounding the altar of the Creator, either pleasing the gods with ancient dances, or spreading their throats to sing praises to the great existence.

There are obvious smiles on the faces of the residents, and their eyes are full of longing and expectation. It seems that if they persist for a few more years, the mythical Creator will return and all suffering will end.

Such expectations have been shattered time and time again in the past two or three thousand years, but they have risen again and again, supporting people's hearts and fighting against despair and depression.

“Silver City’s Long-cherished Wishes for Thousands of Years”

Colin Iliad stood by the window, looked at it seriously, and said: "If that day really comes, my flesh and blood, my soul, and my will."

"Dedicate them all to the Great Fool."


Early the next morning, Hermit Cattleya conveyed the words of the mysterious Queen Bernadette to Klein:

"This afternoon from around 15:00 to 15:30, Serenzo Restaurant, Golden Theater."

‘Golden Theater’ is the name of a box.

Su Lin and the other three arrived at 14:58. The waiters along the way automatically ignored the three of them and arrived outside the target room without any obstruction.

"I heard that this ice cream is very famous." Su Lin looked at the tray in the waiter's hand. The white ice cream was topped with strawberry jam, and said with a little greed, "The fake ice cream you tricked the Snake of Destiny came from. This store?”

"Please respect the historical projection." Klein adjusted the top hat on his head. "Ice cream is not good for the baby's health. I did it for his sake."

Zhongli looked around at the decoration in the restaurant. Both the lighting and the oil paintings were unique.

Outside the golden theater box.

Klein took out his gold-case pocket watch, clicked it open, and took a look. It happened to be 15 o'clock. He raised his hand and knocked on the opposite oak door of the box.

If this was a meeting alone, he would use the secret puppets Qunas and Enuni to distribute in different parts of the city, hiding in the holes of history and swapping places, making it impossible for people to make accurate judgments. This is a soothsayer Basic literacy.

But now, with two "gods" accompanying him, it would be too cowardly to do so, so Klein just drilled into the historical pore and let a historical projection stay outside. The main body and Su Lin's main body were inside Playing two-player poker in the interstices of history.

It's a pity that Zhongli doesn't have this skill, otherwise he would be able to fight the Landlord.

"Please come in." Bernadette's voice came from the box.

Klein turned the handle and pushed open the door.

The first thing that caught his eye was a large expanse of gold, like ripe ears of wheat in autumn. The lines on the wall matched this piece of gold with a visual difference, forming an ocean of rising and falling waves.

In the center, a chestnut-haired woman sits at the top of the dining table. She is wearing an Intis-style women's white shirt. She sits there quietly. Her long chestnut hair hangs down naturally, and her straight eyebrows are spread out just right. She is somewhat professional from the earth. The feminine temperament, and the kind that has been in high positions for a long time, is none other than the mysterious queen Bernadette.

Su Lin immediately thought of the fear of being dominated by his supervisor, and the social animal DNA in his body moved a few times unconsciously.

Su Lin looked at it and found that Russell still had a great influence on his daughter's aesthetics. This style that was incompatible with the Middle Ages made him feel a little confused.

Klein took off his hat, put it on his chest, bowed slightly, casually pulled out a chair with Su Lin and Zhong Li, and sat down.

Bernadette's eyes like the blue sea swept across the faces of the three people, and her voice sounded soft and calm:

"Why did you meet me this time?"

"Are these two the priest and the pope mentioned in Cattleya's letter?"

Before Klein opened the door, Bernadette was completely unaware of the two other beings outside the room. It wasn't until the moment the crazy adventurer opened the door that she saw the other people who came with them. There are two other beings whose facial features are completely consistent with the resurrected ancient gods that Cattleya mentioned in her letter yesterday.

She concentrated her attention and thought about the purpose of Gehrman Sparrow's actions today.

If she was facing two angels with malicious intentions, she would have to use her trump card to find a way to escape from here. With the two former ancient gods and the ability of the diviner sequence to reappear yesterday, the situation will be very dangerous.

But out of previous trust, Bernadette only took some precautionary measures and arranged responses to negative possible situations in just a few seconds.

"Hello." After Su Lin said hello, he politely picked up a few white porcelain cups and poured three cups of black tea for himself, Zhongli, and Klein. "Can I order some ice cream?"

Bernadette nodded and said calmly and politely: "Please do it yourself."

Seeing this, Su Lin pulled out a historical projection and asked him to go out and take the order and charge it to the owner of the box.

Bernadette turned to Klein, hoping that the other party could give her an explanation.

Klein pondered for a moment, then asked without answering:

"Have you finished your work in Backlund?"

Bernadette glanced at him, shook her head slowly, and said with a slight sigh:

"No, but it's arguably destined to fail."

She spoke neither too fast nor too slowly: "The Sequence 2 potion of the Secret-Peeping Path is called Sage. If you want to be promoted to this level, you must prevent a disaster involving high-level power."

"After learning the relevant secrets from Cattleya yesterday, I understood that this promotion is doomed to fail."

"That person's script is not something I can stop at my level."

When it comes to the True God, the Son of the Creator, and the King of Angels, even if the Hidden Sage is personally involved, it will be difficult to make a difference.

Klein sighed in his heart, who told you to run into Adam's script? Originally, this promotion was not difficult or too difficult, but unless you also spent thousands of years to make arrangements in advance.

"You don't have to be discouraged. For you, this war is also an opportunity. There will only be more high-level disasters in the future. You can make some preparations in advance."

"You should have a 'Level 0 Sealed Artifact' in your hand. This kind of thing is not difficult for you."

Bernadette nodded slightly, looked at Su Lin and Zhong Li and said, "Which one also wants to stop George III?"

Bernadette wanted to confirm again that the Black Emperor of Sequence 0 can return from annihilation countless times. This is a resurrection that follows the rules. The only way to prevent the Black Emperor from being resurrected is to have a new Black Emperor appear. emperor.

Her father, Russell Gustav, did not return for some reason, but once George III became the new Black Emperor, there would be no possibility of Russell recovering.

Su Lin nodded slightly and said, "That's right."

"." Bernadette wanted to ask why, but there was no need for mortals to interfere with the actions of gods. At least in this matter, they had a common goal. But she also thought about whether her father really chose the path of the Black Emperor. Maybe he was a fool.

Klein knows what Bernadette is thinking. Unfortunately, you guessed wrong. I am your Uncle Zhou.

Su Lin's historical projection opened the door and came in from the outside, placing about a dozen cups of ice cream of various flavors on the dining table.

"We voted to pass the motion proposed by the world." Su Lin picked up a spoon and put the ice cream in his mouth.

"Why?" Bernadette asked without changing her tone.

"Some ridiculous reasons that are not worth mentioning." Klein raised the corners of his mouth and smiled: "We can cooperate on this matter."

Bernadette's eyes stayed on Klein for a few seconds, then nodded and said, "I will try my best to cooperate with you in this matter."


"So, let's talk about the first thing first." Su Lin gently tapped the ice cream glass with the iron spoon, "Do you want to come with us to meet your father?"

After hearing the words from Su Lin's mouth, Bernadette fell into a brief silence. The sealed object hidden in her hand unconsciously tightened her grip. She restrained her doubts and thoughts of escaping from here, her eyes fixed. Lao looked at Su Lin.

"You mean, my father?" Bernadette spat out a few words without hiding her emotions. She began to think about whether this matter was really what she had imagined.

"On an island, there is Roselle's last mausoleum." Su Lin listened to Bernadette's voice and felt the eyes of the mysterious queen in front of him flicker clearly, "We are going to a short-term tomb." Wake him up, he may be happy with your daughter here."

Bernadette was indifferent for a few seconds: "Why is it short?"

"He is contaminated, but you'd better not ask too many questions, otherwise you will be in danger." Su Lin looked at Bernadette with a smile.

"Can you help Him?" Bernadette had such a guess, but after this guess was confirmed, she still felt unspeakable sadness, "I am willing to pay everything for this."

"I will in the future." Su Lin glanced at Klein, raised the corners of his mouth, and said to Bernadette: "You don't have to pay the price, your father and I are fellow villagers."

"Do you remember this word?"


Under Bernadette's surprised eyes, Su Lin slowly said:

"You can call me uncle."

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