At No. 7 Pinster Street, Leonard returned to his body.

Leonard quickly went through the various things that happened today in his mind, organized his language, and planned to communicate with Pales Zoroastrian. He actually wanted to show a calm attitude as usual, but But he couldn't help but said:

"old man"

In his mind, Pales' slightly old voice suddenly laughed: "It looks like something big happened today."

"How do you know?!" Leonard replied habitually.

"Your voice is shaking when you speak."

"Is there any?" Leonard asked in shock.

"Well, it's confirmed now." Pales affirmed.

Leonard, who realized that he had been deceived again, was a little annoyed, and then said: "Old man, what do you know about those ancient gods?"

"It depends on what kind of understanding you have. If you want to talk about Demon Wolf King Fregra and the other seven ancient gods, then I can only know a rough idea. How can I, an old man who lived in the Solomon period of the Fourth Age, know those hardcore people?" Character?" Pales Zoroastrian threw the question back to Leonard: "If you are talking about the unrecorded history that goes back as far as the First Era, I don't even know. ”

Leonard thought for a moment and said, "Have you ever heard of the God of Light and the God of Earth?"

"Almost all the ancient gods in related sequences have light and earth in their names." Pales did not give a definite answer.

Leonard was not too satisfied with this answer and said instead: "This time at Mr. Fool's meeting, I met two ancient gods, the ancient gods who resurrected from a distant era together with Mr. Fool."

"One is the god of light, and the other is the god of earth."

"Their status far exceeds ordinary Sequence 2 angels."

Pales fell silent, and Leonard was a little happy. This news is beyond your expectation.

a moment later

"Are you involved in this matter?" Pales's voice sounded. The Sequence 1 angel's voice was cold and he continued: "The matter involves the true god. If you participate at your level, I'm afraid you won't even leave any scum. ."

"How do you know this matter involves a true god?" Leonard was slightly puzzled. He hesitated for a moment and then said: "George III is preparing to become a god, and war is coming."

"The last time you came back, you said that both Amon and Zaratul were in Backlund, and together with me, a balance has been formed. The relationship between your former colleague and Heiye is more complicated than I thought, and Heiye should be at present. There is no way to interfere with things on the ground. The Fool awakened the two Sequence 1s at this time and broke the balance. Haha, if the true gods were not involved, it would not be so troublesome."

"Have you read the newspaper recently?" Pales sneered and said, "You don't need to answer. I guess you haven't read it."

"You should read more newspapers to understand the recent situation in various countries. Hey, plus what you said, it basically matches my guess."

"But George III haha, Adam must have been planning it for a long time."

"Is it really inevitable?" Leonard asked unwillingly.

"This is the trend of the times, let alone you. Even I can only follow the trend. The trend is inevitable." Pales sighed and reminded: "It is best to find an opportunity to leave, the further away the better."

"Mr. Fool just asked us to prepare to rescue civilians." Leonard stopped pretending and said directly.

Pales obviously paused, and then said in a slightly old voice: "His humanity is richer than I imagined."


Two medium-sized horses with red temples pulled an exquisite carriage carriage, their iron hoofs in contact with the blue-gray stone bricks, driving on this main road that had just received a light rain, and the wheels that were as tall as one person occasionally splashed some water.

On the carriage heading to Meige Manor, the butler Walter and the coachman were sitting in the front. In the carriage were his master Dawn Dantès and three guests who were engaged in port trade on the coast of the Kingdom of Feneport.

Su Lin looked out through the glass window of the carriage. Pedestrians were traveling with umbrellas in case it rained again.

"Why did you pull out that ritual?" Su Lin opened the golden curtain and looked at this world with the style of the European Middle Ages and the Steam Age. It only had similar elements, but the main body was still a style he had never seen before. .

"Zhongli doesn't need any sacrificial ceremony." Su Lin closed the curtains and was about to reach the suburbs. There were fewer buildings, scattered and nothing interesting.

"Just to fit in with the settings of this world." Klein smiled slightly.

According to the previous discussion, the directions of the two people's honorific names are conveyed by Source Castle, which is equivalent to using Klein as the transfer station. Otherwise, the system is different, and it only needs to call out the real names of Su Lin and Zhong Li.

If someone uses this ritual to make a sacrifice, the sacrifice will be made to the great Mr. Fool first. Whose money is it that is lying around? Hehehe...

It can only be said that God is pleased with your ritual preparations.

Klein kept an elegant smile and looked at Su Lin without changing his expression.

"Sir, we have arrived at Mei Ge Manor." Walter, the butler, opened the door and saw a green field outside.

Mei Ge Manor at 6:30 pm

The red moon hung silently in the dark night, and stars twinkled in the night sky.

A rectangular wooden table 7 meters long and 1 meter wide is placed in the garden. A white tablecloth covers the long table, and the host and guests sit around it.

A chef and two assistants were busy in front of a busy open-air stove not far away. Five maids were making drinks at a small table. Klein's marionette, the winner, Enyuni, disguised as a personal servant, was serving the guests. They set the tableware.

Su Lin held a glass in his hand, which contained orange-red liquid. After drinking it, Su Lin smashed his mouth and said, "Do you usually drink so sweetly?"

"Give him a sweet iced tea with less sugar."

Dwayne Dantès, the middle-aged gentleman disguised as Klein, waved, and a maid immediately picked up a small pot, put some sugar in it, and controlled the heat to melt the sugar slightly.

"Sweet taste can effectively relieve tension." The middle-aged man smiled kindly.

The wood burning in the campfire made a crackling sound. The waiter took the suckling pig off the shelf and roasted it until the skin was crispy. The smell of spices on it made his Adam's apple twitch slightly and he swallowed hard.

Then he adjusted his condition and returned to his normal appearance. He placed the roasted suckling pig on a huge white porcelain plate, covered it with some fruits and vegetables, and walked towards the dining table.

One after another, other servants brought tonight's dishes.

Roast suckling pig, braised lamb with peas, baked beans with tomato sauce, grilled steak, crispy squab, grilled Dixi fish, stewed with Sonia blood wine.

"Where's my black bread?" Su Lin asked.

"Guest, here." Butler Walter held a wooden woven basket in his hand and opened the tablecloth. Inside was a dark block with hot steam rising from it. "Freshly baked." Black bread."

To be honest, Walter didn't understand why a person of this status would like to eat black bread. It was bitter, hard, and very unpalatable. But since it was the order of Mr. Dwayne Dantès, he could only follow the order. .

But in order to make the guests eat more comfortably, he specially arranged for a servant to wait in the bakery closest to the suburbs in advance, and asked the bakery owner to bake a piece of black bread according to the time, and warned not to add sawdust.

This black bread also specially adds a little bit of honey to combine the bitter taste, not too much, but it can make the bitterness less. Well, the proportion of black buckwheat has also changed slightly. It was delivered at the right time. The brown bread has not completely cooled down and is not too hard.

Even if the guest just wants to remember the bitterness and sweetness, let him eat a little more comfortably. This is Dwayne Dantes' butler.

"Tell everyone to go down and have a meal." Klein said to Walter: "Leave some private space for me and the guests. We also need to talk about business matters."


Seeing all the servants retreating, Klein arranged for his secret puppet Enuni to cut and distribute food to everyone, while he lifted the stool from the main seat to sit next to Zhongli.

Su Lin raised his gaze to the starry sky above his head. Whether it was the barrier outside the earth or the starry sky, the power was real, majestic and powerful.

Even if Su Lin's current godhead is compared with that group of outside gods, there is still a big gap. Even if he uses all his firepower, he may not be able to break the barrier left by the original creator.

If there is another way to protect the main body from being contaminated, maybe the clone can go out wearing the Tianhe suit, slap the outer god and then run back?

Forget it, don't have such thoughts of seeking death. It won't be fun if you lose your wife and lose your troops.

"Compared with the past, both the livestock raised and the cooking techniques are actually about the same. They are not even as good as the era we lived in."

"But in terms of spices and plants and vegetables, there are some different things. Try them." Klein picked up the tableware and said to everyone.

Su Lin withdrew his gaze, picked up a piece of fat and thin meat and put it into his mouth. The rich flavor of spices and oil soaked into his mouth, a bit like garlic but not as thick.

"Hmm, unique taste." Zhongli commented.

"How much time is left?" Su Lin looked at Klein opposite and asked.

"There are about 10 days left." Klein recalled some of the information he learned from the book. "There are 10 days left for the airships of the Phoksa Empire to attack Backlund."

"Are we going to kill all those airships then?" Lu Mingfei said while chewing the steak. He felt that the food here was quite in line with his taste.

At this time, Secret Puppet Enuni brought a cup of sweet iced tea with sugar and placed it next to Klein's right hand. Klein controlled Enuni and said, "We don't have to take care of anything. We are only responsible for the aftermath and post-disaster reconstruction."

"You can stay in Backlund, or you can go to other places, such as Bailang or Ronde Islands, which are far away from the war."

Lu Mingfei's eyes widened, he stopped moving, and asked, "Why? Don't we stop the war?"

"It can't be stopped." Su Lin stood up and took the basket of black bread from the corner of the table and said, "A certain writer spent two thousand years arranging a script. Even the true gods cannot stop it. They can only adapt to it."

"If the King of Angels wants to participate in it, he can only be crushed into dust by the wheels of history."

Su Lin tore off a piece of black bread and stuffed it into his mouth. It was indeed a bit bitter and not very tasty, but it was still acceptable.

Lu Mingfei was stunned and blurted out: "Why would he become a god if he is so powerful?"

Klein put down the cup in his hand, smiled, and said to Lu Mingfei: "Essentially, it is the accumulation of conflicts between various countries in human society over the years, and the inevitable conflict of interests between gods. He is following the trend and doing what he has done. Some changes and nudges.”

"The various reasons inside are very complicated if you really want to delve into it. This requires a team of experts to analyze and investigate."

"What a terrifying ability." Zhongli sighed: "It can influence the development direction of things subtly, and it takes thousands of years to write the script."

“But what’s frustrating is that this is a necessary sacrifice.”

Klein smiled and shook his head, changed the topic and said to everyone: "Don't discuss this matter. At least the situation is much better than before."

"By the way, what are your plans for the next few days? Are you going to visit Backlund or go out and travel the world?"

Tomorrow, Klein will contact the Queen of Mystery to find the tomb of Emperor Russell. If he wants to leave Zaratul without anyone noticing, Russell's backstab is indispensable.

Speaking of which, does Zaratul have a good relationship with Russell? Klein remembered that Zaratul liked to pull out Russell's historical projection and fight.

"Give me a map." Lu Mingfei didn't open his mouth, and Lao Lu's voice came from inside him, "I heard that there are pirates in the sea here. I will take him to become a Caribbean swordsman."

"No. Won't I stay here to help?" Lu Mingfei asked.

Their voices were almost identical, and it looked like Lu Mingfei was talking to himself.

"Just use your strength. What can you do to help me? Do I need your help?" Lao Lu said disdainfully: "Let's have fun while we're at it."

"You somewhat disrespect the strength of the guy on your left."

Lu Mingfei thought for a while, and it seemed that what he said was right. Unless the old man in his body learned Xiao Yan's Yao Lao possession, he would really be a weakling.

"I will go out for a walk by myself then." Su Lin divided some of the black bread among the other three people and said, "It's right in Backlund. I won't go too far. Call me if you need anything."

"Where is Zhongli?" Klein asked.

"Same." Zhongli thought for a moment and said to Klein, "I will only bother you during this period."

"I'm extremely happy." The corners of Klein's mouth curled up slightly. There would be nothing wrong with Zhongli living with him except that the cost would be higher.

"You need to plan carefully during this period." Su Lin picked up a piece of Disi pie, and the gravy flowed along the edge, "For example, how to use Grossel's Travels."

"I know." Klein nodded. In fact, resurrecting the Fantasy Dragon to contain Adam is also a good choice, but there are still more than ten years before the end, and there is no time to wait for the Fantasy Dragon to continue the game with Adam.

‘At least we have to get something out of Adam, such as the reward for Su Lin and Zhongli this time. ’

‘Whether it is the Aurora Society or the ancient sun god who has walked the world as Adam for so many years, he should have a lot of things in his hands. ’

‘Now I am getting bolder and bolder, but it doesn’t matter, I will face Adam sooner or later anyway. ’

Klein looked up at the blood moon in the sky, raised his glass and swept it across the crowd: "Gentlemen, cheers to our gathering tonight."

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