I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 160: One hundred and fifty-nine I’m going to survive a catastrophe

Inside Wangshu Pavilion

Zhongli and Han Lizheng were placing the exercises collected during this period in the grid of the free bookshelf.

The current Wangshu Pavilion is no different than when Su Lin first took it. It only has one method of becoming an immortal. Putting aside the original humanities, history and other related classics of the Xian Ning Sect, just looking at the exercises has more than quadrupled the number.

The entire Shuijing Peak is now covered by the Spirit Gathering Array, and the small green bottles of spiritual liquid provided by Han Li for the spiritual plants on the island have catalyzed the growth of the spiritual plants. Even if a mortal comes to stay for a few days, he can live to 150 Age is not a problem.

For any casual cultivator, today's Shuijing Peak is a veritable paradise of cave heaven and a secret treasure of the Immortal Family.

"Take this." Zhongli handed the storage bag on his waist to Han Li, "There is an item called the Gravel of Time in it, as well as an hourglass. Put it in the hourglass and use it to create effects on you. The flow rate of time within its own scope.”

"To put it simply, if one day has passed in outside time, dozens of days have passed in your cultivation."

"This" Han Li looked at the storage bag handed over by Zhongli and shook his head in rejection: "Brother Zhongli, no, you will not be rewarded without merit."

"Besides, Han Li has benefited a lot from being accompanied by Brother Zhongli these days."

It's not that Han Li doesn't want it, it's just that during this period of time, Zhongli took him across the Xinghai and even the Jin Dynasty, and raided many hostile sects that he would encounter in the future. With Zhongli's control over the earth, the two of them We also visited some secret caves left by our predecessors.

But no matter where he went, Zhongli only collected the secrets of the techniques, and left all the resources and treasures to Han Li. He even gave advice on Han Li's cultivation.

Although Han Li was not thin-skinned, with such help, Han Li was really embarrassed to take Zhongli's things again. Since he got the chat group, Han Li had benefited a lot.

"It doesn't matter, just take it." Zhongli lifted one of Han Li's hands and put the storage bag in Han Li's hand, "These gravels are of little use to me. Thank you for accompanying me around during this time." travel."

"Thank you." Han Li stopped delaying. Postponing again and again would be a bit pretentious. At this moment, he could only keep his gratitude in his heart.

"But please forgive Han Li for being curious, is this something from Liyue?"

Zhong Li pondered for a moment and said, "Where did you get this from Su Lin? Actually, Han Li, if you had stayed on the Water Mirror Peak that day, maybe he would have owed you a share."

"Due to the contract, I cannot go into details about what happened that day."

“Sometimes if you are too cautious, you will miss opportunities.”

Zhongli had a smile in his eyes and raised his lips slightly.

"I'm afraid it's hard to change for a while." Although Han Li was curious about what happened that day, he didn't ask any more questions. For Han Li, the only way to survive is to survive first. Although he may miss some opportunities, it can also reduce a lot of troubles. Things.

"I'm going back to Liyue, so I'll leave you to tidy up this place." Zhongli nodded and walked out.

"Walk slowly."

As soon as Zhongli came out of Wangshu Pavilion, he heard the sound of Su Lin and Klein talking. The two did not cover up, and he could naturally hear the movements hundreds of meters away clearly.

"It doesn't matter, just do as you said before. I have no problem protecting myself."

Hearing this, Zhong Li looked down with a little doubt: "Are you in any trouble?"

Seeing the two people turning their attention, Zhongli walked down and said:

"If you have any difficulties, you might as well talk to me."

"Maybe I can help."


"I see." Zhongli clasped his hands on his chest and said seriously, "Indeed, this situation is very embarrassing."

"If there is only my projection, it will inevitably be restricted by Zaratul's historical projection. Adam is waiting for the opportunity, waiting for you to go to Grossel's Travels."

"In this way, except that the risk is smaller, your future will not change much from what is described in the book."

The only difference is that when Su Lin was walking in Backlund, a god intervened. In this trend sweeping the world, the suffering suffered by ordinary people may be smaller.

Su Lin thought about it carefully and said to Klein: "If Zhongli's historical projection cannot kill with one strike, Zarath will be more prepared next time, and you group of soothsayers, even if you face a sure winner The situation, if it is not necessary, is too tiring to be timid."

“Sudden surprise can have a poor effect.”

"Haha." Klein pressed the top hat on his head and did not refute Su Lin's words. He just replied: "You are not bad either."

The historical projection summoned by the ancient scholars of Sequence Three will use its own customary way to fight, which is the so-called fighting instinct.

He didn't know anything else, but Su Lin was definitely a talent in the diviner's path.

"In that case." Zhongli raised his chin with his right thumb and index finger. After thinking for a moment, he said, "How about I go and do a favor?"

Klein said: "Mr. Zhongli, the pollution in our world may be difficult even for you to deal with."

It’s not that Klein hasn’t thought about this plan. He only invited Su Lin because he had his own concerns, because there are too many hidden dangers and uncertainties in his world, even Zhongli, who is currently the most powerful in the group, , he was also worried whether Zhongli would be contaminated by some unknown factors.

Ordinary extraordinary beings, if they do not have the power of Sequence 2 or above, just knowing certain knowledge will be polluted. Even if Klein is Sequence 3, he must delete this knowledge every time before returning to his own world, leaving a trace of this knowledge. The Spiritual Insect is on the Water Mirror Peak so that he can accommodate it and think about some things when he goes to other worlds.

The Outer Gods are outside the barrier of the planet, eyeing the Earth with eager eyes. Among them are many old-level Outer Gods, such as the Mother Tree of Desire, and even an incomplete pillar-level Outer God - the Fallen Mother Goddess.

These are representatives of the dark, disordered, filthy, and chaotic side of the laws of the universe. Even if these existences cannot physically enter the earth, they use various channels, such as beguiling believers, polluting gods, interfering with characteristics, etc., to remain on the earth. There are many traps and back-up tactics left behind.

If Zhongli goes there in his true form, he might attract the attention of these beings. If he notices the special nature of Zhongli himself, that kind of pure power without the negative effects of madness and chaos, it will inevitably attract the covetousness of many parties.

At that time, if an outside god is desperate and spends a huge price to pollute Zhongli, that outcome is the last thing Klein wants to see.

Besides, Klein doesn't know what level Zhongli has reached now, but there should be a lot of risks when facing the Zhengshen.

He couldn't put Zhongli in danger for his own benefit. The risk was too great and he couldn't afford the price.

As for Su Lin.

Anyway, he is hanging on the wall.

"Indeed, if I were to face the past, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to escape being polluted." Zhongli nodded, and Klein's concerns were certainly justified. "But if it's just within the starry sky barrier, it won't be a problem."

"Hold on."

Zhongli walked towards the portal in Han Li's world.

"I'm going to get through this."

Speaking of which, why didn't I find the setting that seeds are needed to practice the Zhetian method? Isn't it true that only the ancient perfection of Zhetian world needs to be planted with the body?

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