"Where has Su Lin gone? Why hasn't he come back yet?" Ye Fan looked around at the top of a mountain while carrying the unconscious Ma Xianhong.

There is no need to rush into collecting the eight magical skills and techniques here, and they are not used as a major, but only for reference. Although they have their own magical features, they will not abandon their original techniques.

"He told Xiao Yan to go play for a while and then come back." Zhang Chulan took Lao Ma's bag and collected Qu Tong and his party, planning to find an opportunity to throw it away in the company later.

Han Li flipped through the secret book of Shen Ji Bai Lian in his hand, looked at Zhang Chulan doubtfully, and asked: "Xiao Yan? When did he come?"


"I understand." Ye Fan nodded and said a little unhappy: "These two guys didn't call me when they were setting off firecrackers."

Zhang Chulan took out his mobile phone and refreshed the news website for a while. He found that the news on the homepage had been updated. The first thing that caught his eye was a glazed fire lotus, emerging from the mud but not stained, blooming in the soil of sin.

"Okay, I should be back soon." Zhang Chulan said.

A moment later, Xiao Yan appeared on the top of the mountain with Su Lin with excitement on his face.

There is a saying that men like to play with firecrackers no matter how old they are.

"What's that behind your head?" Ye Fan pointed at the position behind Su Lin and said.

Only then did everyone realize that there was a dim circle of light behind Su Lin's head. At the same time, there were many small and large lights flying towards Su Lin from outside the sky, and finally merged into the illusory and dim round light.

"Oh, this." Su Lin gestured backward with his thumb, "The light wheel of merit."

"Pfft!" Lu Mingfei couldn't help but spit out a sip of drink after hearing Su Lin's words. He was holding a bottle of Pepsi in his hand that he had just bought from the canteen at the foot of the mountain. He just stopped by to visit the world.

"There are merits in exploding latrines." Zhang Chulan stared at the circle of light and muttered to himself, "It seems that it is indeed a merit."

Only then did Xiao Yan react. Only then did he notice the round light on the back of Su Lin's head. He hurriedly twisted his neck and looked behind him, "Where's mine? Why don't I have it?!"

"Did I blow up enough?!"

"You are going to become a Buddha immediately!" Lu Mingfei said in surprise. He naturally knew that Su Lin had cured people all over the world in their world. "Is it possible that you are still practicing Buddhism?!"

"I don't think we can delve into it further." Ye Fan decisively stopped everyone from continuing to explore, "Don't ask, asking is cheating!"

If we dig deeper, someone will definitely want Versailles, so why not interrupt the skill reading progress now?

Han Li deeply agreed with this.

Su Lin shrugged and walked towards the portal.

"Let's go, Lao Zhang."

"Everyone, go slowly~, welcome to visit next time~." Zhang Chulan smiled and waved behind him, "Come back often~ when you have time~"

"If you have nothing to do, you can go to Shuijing Peak to practice." Ye Fan patted Zhang Chulan on the shoulder.


"Speaking of which," Su Lin stopped and said, "I will leave Shuijing Peak in your world for a while."

"I'm going to visit Lao Zhou's world recently. Putting it in other worlds can avoid the time flow synchronization of the administrator's world, which is also convenient for you."

"I can't. I have to conquer the Fallen Heart Flame in the academy recently." Xiao Yan shook his head.

It's almost time to contain the Fallen Heart Flame, and the academy's seal will no longer be able to suppress it.

"Hey~, look at how impatient you are." Ye Fan raised his eyebrows, "Then I have to prepare the red envelope."

"Are you about to climb the ladder of adulthood?" Su Lin ran to Xiao Yan's side in small steps: "Congratulations to you, a great boy in two lifetimes."

"Ahem, I'm leaving first." Han Li coughed twice and walked into the portal with a smile.

Zhang Chulan felt that he should say something, touched his head, and said tentatively: "Well, give birth to a son soon."

Xiao Yan's expression froze, and he almost forgot about this.

"With Klein's yesterday reappearance spell, how could the plot in the book appear without the teacher's intervention? You are overthinking." Xiao Yan sweated in his palms and walked towards the portal.

At this time, Yao Lao's voice came from the ring and said to Xiao Yan: "You rely on the teacher for everything, how can you do it alone? I have consumed too much in alchemy recently and I am about to fall into a deep sleep."

"Teacher!" Xiao Yan glanced at the people behind him awkwardly and hurriedly ran into the portal.

"In the group, I teach people to open a harem and transform into a love emperor. I, Yan Emperor Xiao Yan, strike hard; offline, I am submissive. Xiao Yan, the kid, focuses on one thing." Su Lin clapped his hands and said.

"Wonderful!" Lu Mingfei applauded enthusiastically. He was one of the victims of Xiao Yan's usual tough talk.

"Put it there with me." Ye Fan said, "It just so happens that I can borrow it for a while. Shirou Emiya also needs an environment with sufficient spiritual energy to practice well."


Eastern Wasteland Star Territory

in a village

Emiya Shirou is holding a green and black ancient long sword in his hand. The sword light flows and the sword rhyme circulates around him. At this moment, he is like a sharp sword blade. If ordinary people see him, they will subconsciously move their eyes away to avoid it. Edge.

He is actually a bit taller than before, not much, only about 3 centimeters, and he has already gained his appearance before he can develop into the height that will be discussed later in the UBW line.


Drawing out the sword, sheathing the sword, in one go, a ray of light flashed across the boulder dozens of meters in front of him, cutting it in half.

The long sword in his hand flicked, and the sword just now was the last mana in his body.

"You can't do this!" Black Emperor shouted: "The sword energy needs to be compressed even more! It's hard for Mr. Dog to trim his claws with such thick sword energy!"

"What have you been doing during this period of time? You've grown up in cultivation but you haven't grown up yet. I've taught you before, compress it to the extreme and then cut it out! Your control of power is not as good as before!"

"Sorry." Emiya Shirou scratched his cheek a little embarrassed and said, "I went to learn alchemy."

"You can't bite off more than you can chew!" The Black Emperor flew to the boulder, lying sideways on the smooth cross-section, supporting his head with a dog's paw, "How long have you been practicing? You are so anxious to learn things. Yours Although your physique is very interesting and you are born with a sword body, your cultivation speed is actually much weaker than those of the saints and saints of the Holy Land."

"That hourglass is very interesting. It interferes with the flow of time, but your life span has actually been used up for several years."

The Black Emperor is actually also very coveted that hourglass. Ye Xiaozi has become more and more mysterious in recent times. He often disappears and then comes back with some strange things. If the red-haired boy in front of him is not a money tree, the higher the cultivation level, the lower the income. The higher it is, the more he will have to share it with Mark.

"I just want to become stronger quickly." Shirou Emiya silently glanced at the sword in his hand, "I think it's always right to learn more."

"The more anxious you are, the more likely you are to make mistakes." Black King licked the other dog's paw, "Who doesn't want to become stronger? If you are so restless, you may not be able to learn anything by the time, and you will be broken by the touch of a strong person! "

"You only need to do two things now, projection and practice! Put other things like alchemy aside for now!"

"Yes." Emiya Shirou agreed with his hands raised.

The Black Emperor is right. He is indeed too impatient now. Since he left his own world and was disturbed by the hourglass, how long has it been since he went back?

‘Shirou, you must come back well. If other worlds are too dangerous, it’s okay to come back and rely on your sister! ’

‘Shirou, should I choose my route this time? There isn't even a single route. Haha, blushing! Lied to you ~ bad boy. ’

At that party, he and Illya lived in Su Lin's world for two months. They lived together, played FGO together, and went shopping together like real brothers and sisters.

Then he sent Illya back to his own world. Since then, Shirou Emiya has never gone back, and he hasn't seen Sister Fuji and Mr. Raihua for a long time.

‘Fortunately, even if I live in other worlds for hundreds of years, less than a second will pass when I return. ’

‘We must guard against arrogance and impetuosity. ’

Emiya Shirou felt that what the Black Emperor said made sense. He had heard other people say before that he had to lay a solid foundation and practice step by step. Everyone in the group followed this step.

Emiya Shirou raised his head and thought for a while, then gave up thinking. He always felt that there were some things that he needed to choose a reference for.

‘Yes, like Brother Han Li. ’

The Black Emperor nodded with satisfaction. A child can be taught. This kid will still listen to other people's opinions. It would be great if his thinking was more flexible.

"By the way, what is that alchemy you are talking about?" Black Emperor asked curiously: "Ye Xiaozi said you went to study, show me how to use it."

"That one is used to refine weapons." Shirou Emiya looked around, "It's not easy to use it now."

The Black Emperor blinked and said, "You mean, weapon refining?"

"Well, that's right." Shirou Emiya nodded and added: "It is actually a very complicated subject, but I have only learned blacksmithing techniques related to spirit and matter."

After hearing this, the Black Emperor was silent for a moment, and then said: "I take back what I said before. I will put aside the practice for the time being. In alchemy, it is recommended to increase the intensity."

After all, practicing cultivation is not as important as making money.


The man and the dog stared at each other for a while. Suddenly, a girl's voice came from outside the yard.

"Brother, you are back!"


"What are you doing here? I was going to find you."


On the Water Mirror Peak, Su Lin looked at Klein, who was wearing a brown windbreaker and a top hat. He was wearing black leather boots, and the toes of his right foot kept tapping on the stone slab, making a thick sound.

"The plan has changed." Klein's eyes were full of weirdness. He stared at Su Lin intently, as if he wanted to see this guy thoroughly.

"What?" Su Lin was confused.

"Why can't I pull out your God of Light clone from past history?"

He originally planned to use Su Lin's historical projection of the God of Light and Zhongli's historical projection to ambush a wave of Zaratul and Amon after clearing the copy of George III. With his current spiritual capacity, he could at least support a short-term battle.

As a result, it now appears that not only was SSR not drawn, but the ordinary version of Su Lin in the card pool simply had no combat effectiveness!

"." Su Lin didn't expect that Klein would only discover this problem now.

At that time, when I picked up the bulk skill of historical projection, I made a note about this skill. Everything produced by the system cannot be used for glitchy free prostitution with historical projection. Otherwise, he would not be able to use his own body when he was in Lu Mingfei's world. Take action.

"Otherwise? If it's projected from history, why would I waste the durability of my godhead?"

"Thank you, Sherlock, for not even discovering this point."

Klein was speechless, covering his mouth with his left hand as he was thinking about a new plan.

He admitted that he was a little greedy before and wanted to keep Zaratul, Amon. Not to mention that Amon himself had many weird methods. Amon who came here to Backlund was not even his true body. His true body was still in God's mind. Abandoned place.

Klein knew in his heart that the decisive battle with Amon was destined to take place on Source Castle, and only then would Amon risk everything to come to Source Castle. Before that, he also needed Amon to steal' Only Amon's theft can prevent Mr. Men's godhood ceremony from being contaminated by the moon.

Since then, the only option is to find a way to attack Zarath, but the feasibility of this idea itself is also very slim, and the probability of success is low. It is just an attempt to use itself as bait.

Klein still has to find a way to get to the land abandoned by God. In the original arrangement, the historical projection of the God of Light Su Lin would be his trump card after being parasitized by Amon. After enduring the fear brought by Amon, he would be abandoned by God. The land gives Amon a raid.

It's a pity that Amon's order cannot be changed with Zaratul's, otherwise he can use all his strength to deal with Zaratul.

‘Well, if a Sequence Three wants to deal with a Sequence One angel of the same sequence, I have gained a lot of confidence since I got the chat group. Of course, the most important thing is the friends I know. ’

‘The better the relationship, the easier it is to pull out historical projections, which rely on interpersonal communication and emotional intelligence management. ’

‘But in the current situation, if it is impossible to project the version of the God of Light, Su Lin, and Zhongli’s historical projection is contained, I am afraid I can only protect myself, but cannot keep Zarath. ’

‘In this way, I, who have exposed one of my trump cards, will definitely face Zaratul who is more prepared next time, a mysterious waiter who has made arrangements in advance. ’

Seeing Klein lost in thought, Su Lin hesitated for a moment and said, "Should I just come forward?"

Klein denied this, "If you are exposed, your next actions will definitely be restricted. A true god who is outside the star realm and walks in the world will be targeted. Those countries also have hidden angel power and sequence 0 Sealed Artifact, with the support of the Zhengshen Church, you will become the target of public criticism."

"What's more, doesn't your godhead have durability?"

A god with limited strength may not be able to cope with such a situation.

"I have solved the durability problem." Su Lin said.

Klein's eyes were blank and he stared at Su Lin, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You didn't even ask." Su Lin said matter-of-factly.

"It still doesn't work." Klein stopped thinking about it. "It doesn't matter. Just do what I said before. I can protect myself."

"Self-protection? Hmm."

A magnetic voice sounded.

"Are you in any trouble?"

The two of them looked upward. At the entrance of Wangshu Pavilion, Zhongli was walking down the steps.

"If you have any difficulties, you might as well talk to me."

"Maybe it can help."

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