The sun shines on the lake, making the waves sparkle. The spring breeze blows off the petals of the peach blossoms and falls on the water. The lake trembles slightly, as if there are countless small insects jumping on the water.

Several ducks raised by farmers chased on the lake, making curved water marks.

In a water pavilion by the lake, everyone is sitting around a mottled wooden table. This traditional Chinese-style building for tourists to rest and enjoy the scenery has been built for some years.

"I see, it seems that the world here is not peaceful either." Zhongli passed his fingers across the blue and white tea cup on the wooden table and looked not far away. He was digesting the information he got from Su Lin.

The long branches of a willow tree by the lake hang down into the water, swaying and swinging together with the reflection in the water.

"How could the world of Taiping produce a fool like Su Lin?" Xiao Yan bit a piece of winter melon candy in his mouth. This sweet ancient snack was quite common before he traveled through time, but in Su Lin's case, It is rarely seen in the era.

After lunch, Su Lin vaguely talked about the current situation in the group, roughly describing the plot of his world and the time travel that people in the future had recreated.

Su Lin: "That's it. In order to win the trophy at the pinnacle of the World War, I'm going to launch the Wandering Heavens Plan."

Emiya Shirou: "Welcome to join."

Han Li: "Everything in the world is unpredictable. I never thought there would be such bizarre things."

Han Li closed the portal he had just summoned. At least now he didn't have to leave this place of right and wrong in a hurry.

Lu Mingfei: "Wonderful!"

Lu Mingfei: "I strongly recommend that we arrange a harem Shura field for you!"

Su Lin didn't want to talk to Lu Mingfei, who was shouting. He was drunk and timid. The stupid Qing who fell in love was always confident unconsciously. The strong secretion of hormones made Lu Mingfei seem drunk. It seemed that he could get something by doing this. I like compliments from girls.

[Lu Mingfei has been banned by the administrator for 24 hours]

Su Lin sat on the side of the water, glanced listlessly at Irena, who was holding the hem of her skirt with her little hands, and said, "Speaking of which, I'm not embarrassed, why are you embarrassed?"

"As a modern person, is it weird that I liked paper people in the past?"

"I just feel a little awkward hahaha..." Irena was a little embarrassed, "Forget it about strangers, people I know hang up my portraits in their rooms, ah~, I always feel quite embarrassed."


She patted her chest, straightened her back and said, "It's normal for you to fall in love with a beautiful girl like me. Well, this is the charm."

"You are me, that word is called fan. I am very happy that you are my fan, but I still have to reject you."

"You're a nice guy, but we're not a good fit."

Su Lin: "No...I have no idea about you either."

As soon as Su Lin finished speaking, Xiao Yan came over and poked Su Lin's head twice with his finger, and said:

"This is called being tough. You have posters hanging in your room."

"Xiao Su, men should be more frank. You see, she is single and you are single, so it would be nice to have a cross-world blind date." Ye Fan fanned the flames.

"I have already burned the poster." Su Lin's expression did not change.


Irena slapped her hands on the table and said, "Liar!"

"It's not that paper people are unattractive to me." Su Lin pushed Xiao Yan away and replied: "People have flaws, paper people are perfect. The moment you leave the two-dimensional plane, we They got divorced."

Su Lin actually meant that Irena didn't have to worry too much and that he wouldn't cause any trouble to her.

"The words you said are very offensive to an unmarried beautiful girl in every sense of the word..." Irena's right eyelid twitched twice unconsciously.

But she was relieved in her heart. What she liked was traveling and seeing the scenery along the way. She was not interested in either a boyfriend or a girlfriend.

"You're not stupid because of that skill, are you?" Ye Fan felt that Su Lin's appearance was still different from the first few times we met, "Have you been too forgetful?"

"I just don't know who in this world is worthy of a man like me." Su Lin ignored the looks of several people and canceled the scene he was broadcasting. This was a small spell he got from Song Shuhang.

Of course, because it involves talking within the system, it is almost silent.

"Where's your little girlfriend from the future?" Klein asked.

"I'm looking for her to find out something." Su Lin answered the question.

"Then what are you going to do next? Are you really going to wander the world?" Xiao Yan asked

Su Lin nodded. It would be great to jump around and earn some points.

Klein took the lid of the bowl and gently stroked the tea that was almost overflowing in the cup, and said, "Adjust your mental stress appropriately. If it doesn't work, I can recommend you to my psychiatrist."

Su Lin didn't understand what Klein was talking about and looked confused.

"Of course, if that is your own hobby, I won't judge it. Personally, I still like your artistic creations."

"what are you saying?"

"Aren't you working on some..." Klein considered it and said cryptically: "Aren't you an advanced Renaissance?"

Su Lin: "?"

Klein threw the phone to Su Lin, who picked up the phone and looked at the video above in confusion.

[Oh baby~, your mother said I was too old-fashioned, so I went to Master Cunkou Wang to learn how to cut my hair...]

【Stinky tofu, pickled cucumber...】

[Bring your own cement and meet at the entrance of the village! 】

【Braces girl...】

[I admit that I am envious of those who are proud of me.]

[Why are you shouting so loudly? If you have the guts, go find the property management! 】

[My tolerance is not your presumptuous capital! 】

Su Lin used his mobile phone to scroll through videos one after another. Each video had one thing in common, that is, the little heart and collection in the lower right corner were at least six digits.

At first, he only felt that the voice was a little familiar, so familiar that he was used to it. After all, his mother couldn't recognize the person with the killer hair style and smoky makeup.

[Hot pot base stews on its own, fellow veterans, it has a special function! I only play real things! 】

[Please pay attention to my new account, Su Yulin! 】


[Hi, hello, this is a human high-quality male courtship video...]

That familiar face was fair and handsome, and he was wearing a business suit. The only thing that didn't match him was his greasy hair, his bangs were cut at an angle to the left, and he wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

[My name is Su Yulin, I am 23 years old...]


Who am I, where am I, what am I doing?

The above video has finished playing and the playback of the next video has automatically started.

[I dried my silence and regretted it impulsively~]

Su Lin's eyes were dull, and he had already wandered away.

"Su, you still have this hobby." Ye Fan took out his mobile phone to search on the software and clicked on it, "I usually don't see that you have such a talent for comedy, so I can only give you a rocket Let’s keep up the good work.”

【Everyone looks at me! I have something to announce! My name is Su Yulin! I'm a cowhorse! Su Niuma! 】

Xiao Yan suppressed a laugh, placed his fingers on the video interface and clicked to download.

"So you are Tony Su!" Irena's eyes seemed to be shining with stars, "Can you give me a haircut and design a hairstyle?! I am your fan!"

"Tony?" Su Lin spoke slowly, his voice a little hoarse, "Su?"

"Haha, Tony...Su..."

"She is your fan, and you are her fan. Well, that's good." Ye Fan commented on the video and said with a smile: "This is the so-called two-way rush."

Zhong Li looked at Su Lin's appearance, then looked at the videos on his phone and the upload dates, looking thoughtful.

Inside the Yunshan small temple

Su Lin asked the purple-robed figure: "Why did you create those live broadcasts and videos?"

Sutoni thought something had happened, but it was just for this reason, and he said casually: "You already know. I thought you couldn't let go, so I just wanted to help you."

"Dignity is precious, and face is worth more. If it's for points, both can be thrown away."

"Do I need you to do these things?" Su Lin was a little dazed, gritted his teeth, and said loudly: "In the final analysis, how many points can you earn by doing this kind of thing?"

"If you don't accumulate small steps, you won't reach a thousand miles." Sutoni patted his immature self, "Some things have a second time after a first time. Just get used to it."

Su Lin has never been a social person. He can accept that he appears with a very high status and even does bad work, but if he is not forced to have no choice, he really will not put down his little face to work under his real name.

And for him now, the effort and benefit of doing these things are not proportional.

"Can't you disguise yourself or hide?"

What Su Lin couldn't understand even more was why this future self would use his real appearance to shoot these videos, and even use the same name.

"The world of flowers is so charming, more sincere and less false." Sutoni's eyes were full of sincerity.

Su Lin glared at him and yelled: "Didn't your diary say that after you attained enlightenment, you will kill off all the evil you have done in the past?!"

Sutoni was stunned for a moment, and the memory that had been buried for a long time was revealed. He said in surprise: "I almost forgot about this."

Indeed, once upon a time, he did have such a thing as shame. It was a stormy night. With shame, he looked at the system points that broke through zero and reached a significant single digit, and wrote down with all his strength. That vow.

But people always change.

"It doesn't matter. Just clear the Internet records and the memories of relevant personnel when the time comes." He said lightly.

Clear? Related personnel? What the hell are you?


"Are you sure there is no extraordinary power in this world now?" Su Lin suddenly changed the subject.

"Yes." Sutoni nodded and affirmed: "Let's go and find a big city first to make a big move."

country road

Su Lin is now multitasking, and his body and two historical projections are synchronizing.

Su Lin and Luo Shengying were walking on a gravel road in the countryside. He didn't expect Luo Shengying to be able to hold back her curiosity and not ask a question, but she answered whatever Su Lin asked.

Apart from…


"The weather is really nice, isn't it?" Luo Shengying said with a smile.

‘Okay, I didn’t expect that I, Mr. Su, would have the opportunity to experience this kind of plot, but I just wanted to gossip. ’

He was a little curious about what he might have experienced.

Su Lin said to Luo Shengying on the side: "So, he also has an account on the Internet?"


Su Lin was silent for a while and said, "For your sake, I will give him some peace of mind."

Substantial light elements emerge from the earth, sky, and forests. Unlike golden sunlight, their light is pure white.

"You don't want to silence us..." Klein joked. As Backlund's great detective, he naturally discovered the clues, but instead of breaking them, he was happy to see them.

If nothing else, it might be related to the future incarnation Su Lin mentioned.

"Zhongli." Su Lin's eyes were as cold as winter, "You should be able to shield this planet now, right?"

"..." Zhong Li felt the aura coming from Su Lin and said, "Yes."

"Help me put a shield on the earth as a guarantee." Su Lin nodded and turned around. Not long after the six light wings appeared, they turned into particles and integrated into his body, and mellow divine power emerged from every corner of his body.

"I'll give you some reward when it's over."

After saying this, Su Lin closed his eyes.

If Su Lin in the golden elixir stage coerces God's will, the power of the blessing will also have a certain limit.

And now the existence that God’s will will bless is...

[God’s blessing. God of Light]

Su Lin closed his narrow rational eyes, and his consciousness fell into darkness.

The boat has passed away, leaving the rest of my life in the river and sea. In the interconnected realm of life, the boat is gone, and I have become one with the sea. Ups and downs alternate, ups and downs change. This is the natural principle among all things. Everything about Su Lin returns to the world. among.

In an instant, the sky was majestic, the clouds were treacherous, and everyone present felt that something was brewing. This was just a sign before the storm.

The resonance of the laws is completed, the truth of the world is clear, the innate Qi evolves, and a trace of the original power of the universe begins to become a substitute for power.

The figure in front of him was integrated with the world. He was clearly right in front of him, but he seemed to be seeing the boundless sea of ​​clouds.

At the moment when light arises in the darkness and chaos, Su Lin returns to the world and comes again, and the infinite eye of life is opened.

Su Lin opened his eyes again, "I" and the world merged into one, the relationship between all things was natural, everything was so natural and free.

Why use the power of Godhead?

Surrounded by thunder, flying lightning surrounds the body.

Wind and fire flow, light and darkness coexist.

The boundless water does not touch cause and effect.

Mountains, rivers, sun and moon, time and space are ever-changing.

"Do you want to do something big?" In the temple, Su Lin asked himself with a smile on his lips.


The 'Earth Immortal' who was about to reach out and grab his past self felt a kind of fluctuation. In the blink of an eye, the rich golden and earthy energy swept through like a wave.

The power in his body condensed slightly, isolating himself from Su Lin.


Not finished yet

Time and space seemed to have frozen.

All sounds seemed to have disappeared.

The platinum eyes, the lines and outlines of which are slightly changed, resemble the same face. The eyes are as cold as ice, as cold as snow, like an immortal white-clothed god, crossing the void and arriving here.

"The light of the three realms is my bestowal for life."

The white-clothed god punched out, and a powerful and pure light surged from the fist and penetrated the sky. After a short time, the light pillar exploded in the sky like fireworks, and countless tiny light points fell from the mid-air, pattering like The sky is full of light and rain, exuding a holy atmosphere.

"One thought of darkness, and the whole world will perish!"

At the same time, in some countries the sun rises, while in other countries the moon shines brightly in the sky.

People are busy at work, struggling to make a living, or have just woken up, cleaning up their faces in front of the mirror; some have just fallen asleep to relieve the fatigue of the day.

There are young people in their teens reading aloud on campus, and there are also young people of the same age who are exchanging labor for reward.

It is said that everyone is the protagonist in his own story. The story may be lively and interesting, it may be boring, it may be miserable. Some stories are bright and great, while some are dark and cold. In the limited fleeting years, time is used as the basis. Ink writes the story called life.

But no matter how the prologue of this book begins and how it ends, the page of January 23, 2023 is destined to be added with a thick title page before writing the subsequent content of the book.

Boundless darkness enveloped the earth in an instant, covering the sun, moon and stars. At the same time, gold and jade lit up the sky and earth, and then light appeared out of thin air like fireflies and began to play a sacred symphony.

The palace lantern illuminates the world at night, and its flash in the pan appears for another life.

Half awake and half drunk day after day, flowers fall and bloom year after year.

Suddenly gold and jade appear to protect the mountains and rivers, only then do we know that there are true immortals in the world.

A shout of surprise filled the sky, and it turned out that the light fell into darkness.

I'm typing, I'm typing, I really don't like broken chapters, there was no way I didn't have time to type on the Friday before last

Try to make up for it next week and update more.

Everyone was confused after taking the test yesterday

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