After experiencing many worlds, they discovered that many worlds have planets called Earth, some with different histories and cultures, but with similar landforms and some of the same information.

Some even have almost the same history, and those characters who have left their names in various eras are commonly found on this type of 'Earth'.

There are different extraordinary systems on these 'Earths', and some have followed the technological school to the end.

"You're not going to say what origin star this is, are you?" A setting he saw while surfing flashed in Su Lin's mind.

"If that were the case, they would not dare to attack."

In the boundless void that truly loses the concept of distance and the size of space, some world information will be transmitted.

"You can think of these worlds as these dust particles in the sun." Su Lin from the future pointed to the beam of light coming through the gaps in the broken walls.

There is a powerful world like motes floating in disorder. If a world is born in their floating trajectory, these nascent worlds will develop towards the traces of the past.

"We are not very lucky in this world..."

This universe is neither a world born on its trajectory nor a world that changes due to the influence of information in the boundless void.

"We are just shadows."

"A shadow of bad luck."

He raised his hand to grab it, intercepted the beam of light and the dust in it, and held it in his hand.

With a slight throw, a beast's shadow appeared on the luxurious purple clothes. Chaos evolved, and gray and white erosion surrounded the two people. Su Lin felt his body light up and floating in this space.

A little bit of light gradually brightened. From a distance, it looked like small white insects. They huddled together, squirming and rolling.

Su Lin from the future swiped his arm, and the picture suddenly zoomed in. Su Lin squinted his eyes. It was not an insect, but a ball of darkness with shimmering fine sand, but there was energy overflowing on the surface, so it looked like something just now. Just a white bug.

"These are..." Su Lin hesitated.

"The world is what we call the universe." Future Su Lin held his hands empty, "Some of them also have many small worlds, such as this one..."

A universe appeared, and Su Lin's perception changed, just like the Droste effect formed by the contrast of two mirrors. The reflected pictures formed countless cyclic pictures. There was a sense of superposition in this universe.

"So a world war caused by these universes colliding with each other?"

"Actually, it wouldn't be the case originally." Future Su Lin adjusted his perspective.

Su Lin saw it clearly this time. Those universes were "converged" into a ball in the boundless void. No... there were gaps and gaps between them. They looked extremely close, but in fact they were far away from each other that was difficult to measure.

Su Lin observed these twisted universes. He looked left and right. Occasionally, there were other universes wandering nearby, but they were pulled and floated towards this pile of universes. Finally, they merged into this lively family and became one of them. One member.

"You can understand that the passing meteorites were pulled over by the gravity of the planet."

"This situation is actually quite common. Some worlds themselves also have the power to repel each other. Although they cannot resist the pulling force of a bunch of worlds, some individuals can still form a force field to repel other universes... Of course, not It is ruled out that the existence of some universes will take this opportunity to do something."

"There are some powerful individuals in individual universes. These individuals can even take the initiative to protect their own universe and take their own universe out of this whirlpool."

"However, you have also seen the situation. Everyone is having a party, gathered together happily, and are reluctant to leave. It is estimated that it will take a long time for the exchanges between those Zhou Emperor-level beings to be completed."

Su Lin nodded and understood something: "So in our world, the little white rabbit has fallen into the wolf's den?"

"No..." Su Lin from the future looked weird and said tangledly: "In a sense, our world is the wolf..."

He pointed at a world in the distance that was slowly flying towards this side.

Su Lin looked at the darkness with endless stars, gathered towards it, and then...

The gaps between the many worlds began to close, and a certain degree of distortion occurred.

With the addition of this new member, those repulsive fields seemed to be destroyed, the balance between the vortices was broken, and they were no longer clear-cut.

This new member who joins the party is like a black hole. A 'tail' appears in those worlds and flows towards the new member, but this tail is blocked before it comes into contact with the new member...

"..." He looks so much like a scumbag who is only responsible for flirting but not playing with you.

Future Su Lin looked at his stunned look and shrugged, spread his hands and said: "This is a picture shown to me by a Zhou Emperor who later joined the party. He came to chase another Zhou Emperor to fight. They are one of the few helpers we have.”

"It's unexpected. I was quite surprised at first. Our earth is the victim, but our world is like a foolish king, pulling all the 'little girls' into his arms."

Su Lin thought for a while and said: "What is special about the people on earth? What is the Zhou Emperor? What is the shadow?"

"Let's talk about the shadow first. This thing cannot be confirmed yet..." Su Lin from the future said slowly as he looked at the scene in the picture.

After a long period of investigation, they discovered that there is a powerful world that does not exist in this void, or in other words, does not exist in this void now.

But there is no doubt that at some point in time incalculable to all eternal creatures, this mighty world disappeared.

Many worlds have relevant information, but it is not the ontology of this world, it is just a material representation affected by intervention.

After Su Lin's world appeared, those Zhou Emperors discovered a possibility.

"It's like a piece of white paper. We are now on side A, that world is on side B, and our world is the shadow of the white lamp shining on that object, passing through the white paper and appearing on side A."

"Guess how long those Human Universe Emperors have stayed in their current realm?" Future Su Lin smiled.

The emergence of that world means the emergence of the way forward. In their eternal years, they have found the direction of progress on the road of evolution. After deduction, they have determined that the way forward is in that world, and they only need to find a way to get there. .

"Do you know why they want to replace the existence of people on earth?"


"Every person on earth is a ticket! At first, they didn't react and didn't understand the special nature of this world. So at that time, some existences really wanted to protect the planet by the way, while some were purely for killing and conquer."

Later, Emperor Zhou tried to find the way to that world on the reflection, but in the end he found nothing until...

"He used a ray of consciousness to seize the body of an Earthling and begin to deduce it."

After the end of this world, its existence will return to that world, and then appear as a new projection.

They are foreign objects and do not belong to this universe. Even if they come to an end, they will not return to the original sea of ​​birth with the tide.

As a result, more than 20 years have passed. Gradually, the world is full of righteous partners, and all the evil alien races that invaded the earth are being beaten and wiped out.

"I don't know when, even the chaotic creatures will pick up fallen earthlings from the bottom of the sea. By the way, they will help you call the sword fairy or the mage to take you home, and even give you an octopus as a souvenir."

"With the size of Emperor Zhou, the existence of a few earthlings is not enough, so they thought of a way."

"cause and effect!"

Existence is the sail, cause and effect is the boat, and the race and blood who are deeply entangled in the world are used as the oars to cross the sea of ​​suffering and enter the other shore.

And this universe will use destruction as a key to open the door for them after they are ready.

"Ordinary lives are firewood, and those with the highest qualifications and talents are their containers and talismans, depriving them of their fate and flesh and blood souls and replacing them. If their true bodies unfortunately perish in other worlds, they will restart next time. Become the life of the earth and return again.”

"Ha, so... I will definitely be targeted." Su Lin sneered, and he understood what the strange record in the diary was about.

"The most delicious destiny and talent must be reserved for yourself and your close associates. The reason why they didn't plunder all the people on the earth at the first time is not because they can't do it. Those who are left behind are all the top products selected." Su Lin from the future also laughed, but there was a trace of ferocity on his face, "After Xiaoying told you the truth, you must have looked through my diary, right?"

‘No…I turned it over early in the morning. ’ Su Lin thought for a while without interrupting him, and nodded as if he recognized his statement.

"Like us, even if we escape to any place in the world, they will persevere in chasing us, because I am the first-class among the first-class, the top-class in the container world.

"Mi Ruinian, Lao Mi is an upright person. In other words, the Taiqing Sect is almost all a group of righteous monks, but his ancestor is not, nor is the Immortal Emperor at the Zhouhuang level above them..."

"Emperor Zhou, is it difficult to kill?" Su Lin thought of the description he saw in his diary. He seemed to have killed the same Emperor Zhou 21 times.

"What makes Zhouhuang powerful is not only its power, but also their indelible characteristics. Every second they experience can become their anchor point. If you kill him now, he can also learn from any past years. Return from China."

"Can't we kill the original him directly along time?"

"It's useless, every frame of them is in an independent anchor point state that does not interfere with each other."

"Hiss—" Su Lin took a breath, it was a bit prickly. How long would it take to wander in the heavens before he could lie down again?

Seeing the shocked look of his past self, Su Lin in the future put his hands behind his back and stood proudly upright. His face was divided between disdain, pride, honesty, and calmness, and said:

"When I was at my peak, I single-handedly killed 27 Zhou Emperors, burned all the anchor points, ended the chaos of all realms, brought peace to my realm, and made me the only one in the world..."

"Then why are you acting like this?" Su Lin interrupted the spell casting, why are you pretending to me? My life soul is incomplete, my true spirit is unstable, and only the remnants of my personality are left, which makes me feel outrageous. For those who don’t know, I thought I would be beaten violently by Emperor Zhou in the future.

"..." Future Su Lin's smile seemed to be frozen suddenly.

How did this guy figure it out? !

[Tianhe Battle Clothes]: There are past and present in the past, but ancient relics remain in Tianhe. The natal Zhu Yuan of the twelve holy beasts born in the eternal universe is used as the dye, and the Tao is the thread. It takes 108 lifetimes to weave the record robe. Effect: record/reproduce (one lifetime is ten thousand and eight hundred years, I spent one hundred and eight lifetimes weaving this dress for Him, you owe me wages? Wait for the resurrection of the holy beast to get you! - An Such as embroidery)

'Although I don't have enough strength to activate the full power of this piece of clothing, and at most I can only reproduce the power equivalent to the peak of the Earth Immortal in the Immortal Dao system, how did he see my state? ’

"Sakura told you?" Doesn't this little girl know how to keep the film secret? It took three hours to activate the reproduction function of this piece of clothing just to make him look up to him like a returning king.

If he was just an ordinary person, he wouldn't have to bother so much, but his past self had already started practicing.

Su Lin took out his ears and said calmly without explaining, "So, what's going on?"

"Not enough time..." Future Su Lin was a little discouraged: "Not counting the points I used, I have hundreds of millions in savings alone."

"How much?!" Su Lin said in shock.

"Several hundred million."

"Damn it, can you lose?"

"I won! My head was crushed by them, and the timeline was blown up by them!" Future Su Lin's eyes bulged and he corrected:

"If it weren't for lack of time, let me develop for a thousand or two thousand years, let alone Emperor Zhou! I can also find the way up there!"

He threw out a stream of light in his hand, and a stream of information appeared in Su Lin's mind.

[Extreme sublimation: All the depression, unwillingness, forbearance, hard work, plainness... just for the ultimate sublimation of this moment. Effect: 10,000 points rise, 10,000 to 100,000 points increase the corresponding combat power; 100,000 to 1 million points, even if there is only one drop of blood left, you can return to the peak, and the combat power is greatly improved; 1 million to 100 million points, for a short time In the time, it is perfect; more than 100 million, in an instant of time and space, unique in all worlds, attracting attention from all worlds, burning itself, shining to the extreme. Side effects: The greater the improvement, the greater the cost (if you are indecisive, just sublimate to the maximum and you’re done!)]

"Actually, I don't know why you still exist." Future Su Lin's eyes were full of doubts: "Logically speaking, my last wave of stud burned away all possibilities of my past and future. .”

Su Lin broke out in cold sweat, you little bastard, you really dare to burn yourself.

"What do you plan to do in the future?" Su Lin asked.

According to him, there are still twelve years to go, or maybe even less than twelve years, and some universes may gradually begin to come into contact, and the gap in the outer layers will gradually become smaller through continuous squeezing and wear.

"Teach you well. Although the earth is small, it is enough for us to have a good time. From now on, I will guide your training. Do you know how to maximize the points?"

Future Su Lin thought, the surrounding space began to fade, and the two returned to the small temple.

"You might as well just give me a bunch of techniques and I'll figure it out myself." Su Lin half-squinted his eyes and almost memorized the useful information.

But Su Lin frowned unconsciously. He originally thought he could live a peaceful life, but now he really had to run around.

Forget it, it is better for people to be content than to be inactive and stick to the ordinary life in the past.

"My life is quite exciting." Su Lin from the future came over, "My only regret is that I can't protect my friends and family."

Su Lin nodded. If his family was safe and he had faced such an ending without knowing it, he would definitely have regrets in his heart, but it was not unacceptable.

From babbling to beginning to understand the concept of ‘I’

From starting to go to school and getting in touch with the world, learning the three views created by others, to forming self-preferred cognitive likes and dislikes

Life is too short, there are too many rules and regulations, life span is limited, resources are limited, what you can do is limited, and even others are limited. As an ordinary person, there are too many things that you cannot ask for, and there are too many things that you must do.

At the end of the day, I just want to live and...

Live better.

On the last day before Su Lin traveled through time travel, he was urged by his family to participate in a blind date. There was no cliché plot. The other party was just an ordinary girl with an ordinary job and an ordinary family. Just like him, Being urged by parents to find a partner.

For a thirty-year-old social creature who has never been in love, perhaps this is a part of the life process. There is no such thing as love or dislike. It’s just that everyone makes do together and then faces the future fertility, economy, offspring, aging and even --die.

But Su Lin always felt uncomfortable. It was a kind of discomfort with fear and unwillingness as the main tone, and then mixed with many kinds of negative emotions.

The human body is very magical and can adjust itself. When he fell into this emotional whirlpool, his fatigue gradually increased. Su Lin understood that in the end, all the emotions were nothing more than a sigh in his heart.

So, after that blind date, he fell asleep at home early.

When he woke up the next day and learned that he had traveled through the current situation, he still remembered the feeling——

It's like being reborn!

Su Lin believed that even if it was difficult for him to gain points in the early stage and he was forced to work in the sea to attract attention, he would definitely be happy in his heart.

Because at least there is a hope.

Those Zhou Emperors want him to live an unhappy life, so just wait and see.

"Wait a minute." Su Lin suddenly thought, "According to your statement, haven't you killed all those Zhou Emperors?"

"Maybe there will be reverberations of time?" Su Lin in the future raised his eyebrows and said: "If I don't go back to this point in time, I will naturally have nothing to worry about in the future. But after coming to this point in time, this branch will What will happen to the tributaries, who knows.”

"I can't understand your current situation."

Su Lin couldn't deny it.

"Let's go."

"Where to go?"

"Of course I'm training you."

"Forget it, no need." Su Lin waved his hand and prepared to go back, but found that his feet seemed to be poured with cement. He looked at his feet and then at the guy next to him.

"You are just a golden elixir, how can you waste your time like this." Future Su Lin looked very disappointed, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Please humbly accept the teachings of your seniors."

This is a good opportunity to have some fun on your own, there is no chance of running away. Of course, making him stronger is the main purpose, really.

"I will take you to show yourself to others and let the world feel what power is."

"." Su Lin didn't want to talk, why not see what kind of evil moth he wanted to do?

Generally speaking, the two of them got along relatively happily. There was no suicidal plot like Emiya's style, and there was no twisty plot like Lu Mingfei's You Give Me, I Don't Want, which is gratifying and congratulatory.

After all, we are all our own people.

"Wait a minute." Su Lin suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance, which was the direction he came from.

He was silent for a moment, his expression changed from the puzzlement at the beginning to a bit distorted, and his facial features were almost twisted into a ball.

"What's wrong?" Future Su Lin was puzzled.

Su Lin's hands naturally placed on his sides suddenly froze, and then his five fingers opened into claws, tremblingly bent, and gradually formed into a fist.

He raised his head, the expression on his face changed from indifferent to normal, then his eyes widened and his lips moved slightly.

Su Lin pursed his lips, took a deep breath, and looked at the guest from the future next to him with troubled eyes.

"Why? Is your name Tony?"

Well, I have an exam tomorrow, so if I don’t have it, I’ll make it up next week. Will resume normal updates next week

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