
Eriki got off the tour bus that could levitate and was very happy to see Lao Lu's face.

His small mouth opened slightly, showing a bright and sunny smile, and his eyes moved slightly, but he noticed a feeling that was both familiar and unfamiliar in this man.

"Is it Sakura from the future?"

Lao Lu looked confused. He didn't understand why Uesugi Eriki appeared in this place.

"I guess you got it through a lottery, right?" Su Lin said, "But it's so fake that I can find you in such a big city. I don't know how she did it."

"Sakura?" Eriki called softly.

"What should we do now?" Su Lin poked Lao Lu and asked.

Lao Lu shook his head, walked towards Eri Yi, and said, "What else can I do? Just change my number."

Just after he finished speaking, his whole demeanor changed, and the confident temperament that had been at its peak for a long time became dull. He quickened his pace and walked towards Eriki.

Lu Mingfei's face was full of joy, and he happily approached the red-haired girl. Under the surprised eyes of passers-by, he hugged the girl tightly in his arms.

"Tsk, tsk." Su Lin looked at Lu Mingfei hugging Hui Liyi and said, "I have been holding it in for a long time, and I have become bolder. I dare to hug other girls."

"She looks a bit like Chen Motong." Jörmungandr glanced at the girl's appearance and said.

"What are we doing now? Being light bulbs?" Old Tang asked.

"Let's go first." Su Lin said, he could watch the live broadcast anyway.

Su Lin led a few people on the street and headed towards the virtual reality experience center. Two Dragons were very addicted to the Internet, and he was similar. There were so many more players in the game today, and large online games were more interesting to play. .

Not far away, underneath a holographic projection advertisement, there was a person waving to them at the intersection.

"Good guy."

Su Lin was a little puzzled as to why Klein got in here.

"Are you so brave?" Su Lin looked at Klein approaching suspiciously and said, "What do you want to do, play a sneak attack?"

Even if the opponent launches a surprise attack at this time, they are prepared and have no fear at all.

"I'm the only one here." Klein smiled implicitly. He used the ability of the Faceless Man to sneak in today.

I found a person with a medium number and traded with him in exchange for the tourist status.

He pointed with his thumb towards the virtual reality experience center at the back, "There are too many people in line, I'm looking for someone to take away the privileges."

After all, from a God's perspective, they are not as nervous as the local residents of this world. Although it is not regarded as a game, after all, it is related to their own ultimate profits, but in a sense, the higher-ups on the opposite side are their own people.

"Aren't you afraid that I will leave you here?"

"I believe in you, good buddy."

What is here is just a marionette. His history is projected in a restaurant 2 kilometers away. Next to the restaurant is the teleportation gate. The main body is hiding in the historical pore next to the gate. He has made preparations in advance. If something goes wrong, use the paper man as a substitute to get out of the way.

"I can't help it. I really want to play the game you're promoting." Klein looked at the crowded virtual reality center and said, "The Queen also needs someone to accompany her, right?"

"Speaking of which, was it your backend operation that assigned her the number?" Klein asked curiously.

"Didn't she draw it herself?" Su Lin looked confused.

Klein was stunned for a moment, then he felt relieved after thinking about it. After all, the probability was much higher than buying a lottery ticket.

From the corner of his eye, he saw a young and beautiful girl next to Chu Zihang. His eyes lit up, he stretched out his right hand in a friendly manner, and said to Jörmungandr: "This is Xia Mi, hello, noon Have you eaten?"


"Why are they missing?" Lu Mingfei turned around and found that Su Lin and others were gone. Only some tourists walked by and looked curiously at the young couple stuck together.

"Sakura, will you take me to play?" Eriki said softly. Her bloodline has now been gradually stabilized, and she doesn't have to worry about causing great damage if she speaks.

"Come on, I'll take you for a walk."

He suddenly had the hallucination of taking his girlfriend, whom he had not seen for many years, to visit his huge family business.

Although these family properties have nothing to do with him, it does not prevent him from feeling a little inflated.

This technologically-rich city naturally does a good job in greening. On the green streets, there are occasionally gardener robots pruning flowers and green leaves.

Not far away is a weightless park. The gravity inside is only 1/4 of the outside world. The moment they step into the park, visitors can move lightly inside.

Lu Mingfei took Eriyi's hand and walked along the street, showing her these novel things. Of course, Eriyi's favorite things were games and animation.

When they come out of the mall with large and small bags, there will even be a special drone to deliver the purchased goods to the address they filled in.

What Lu Mingfei didn't expect was that he would actually enjoy a handful of zero-yuan purchases in the mall.

‘Have you realized the benefits of power and strength? ’

'To be honest, I'm still a little used to it.'

'hehe. ’

Eriyi held an ice cream in her hand, licked it for a few times and then put it towards Lu Mingfei's face.

"Want to eat?"

Lu Mingfei's face immediately turned red. He looked at the melted spot on the chocolate snowball and swallowed. Eliyi raised his hands, waiting for Lu Mingfei to make a move.

He looked at Eri Yi. This girl was very close to him. Her soft and smooth red hair exuded the fragrance of shampoo. Under her long eyelashes, her rose-like dark red eyes were looking at him quietly, without a trace of shyness, as if this It's a normal thing.

"Sakura don't want to eat?" she asked doubtfully.

‘Why didn’t I encounter this CG when I first fell in love? ! ’

‘Who taught her this? ! ! What a great idea! hateful! ’

‘If you are in a daze again, I will take control of your body and lick it! ’

Lao Lu's voice echoed in Lu Mingfei's mind. Lu Mingfei hurriedly bit off a piece of the chocolate snowball. It was clear that there was coldness in his mouth, but the blood in his body surged uncontrollably with the slight coldness. In the struggle, he even had the illusion that the ice cream in his mouth was warm.

A group of middle-aged couples passed by, covering their mouths, smiling at the corners of their eyes, and scanning their eyes.

Lu Mingfei hurriedly swallowed the ice cream, but felt that it was a pity that he swallowed it too quickly.

"Eriyi, you"

She held Lu Mingfei's hand, pried open Lu Mingfei's palm with her fingers, held his hand tightly, and interlocked their fingers.

"I heard from Yara...I heard that couples do this. Am I doing the right thing?" Eryi felt a little uneasy and looked at Lu Mingfei to get his approval.

‘I really don’t want to admit that you are my past, but my brain is overloaded? ! ! ’

‘Come to your senses! Although I don’t know who taught her, this person is simply a genius! ’

‘Hurry up, unlock the next CG scene! ’

Lu Mingfei felt that he had spent the day in a trance. He looked up at the night sky, where the stars were twinkling. His palms were slightly sweaty, but Eriyi still held his hand tightly without any objection, and his heart did not rest. passed, still beating at high speed.

The male hormones that have been useless for more than 20 years in life seem to have found a suitable stage today. They can’t wait to perform the drama that has been prepared for many years in the audience. The actors on the stage are tirelessly continuing to perform. .

A square robot painted with blue paint walked towards the two of them and scanned their faces.

"Hello, great Supreme Being."

"Would you like to grant this tourist permission to stay temporarily?"

It is already 9:00 in the evening, and the robots on Dawn Island are searching for tourists who are staying, urging them to leave as soon as possible. If they have not left after 10 o'clock, then a hybrid law enforcement team will be dispatched to force these people to leave. .

After the robot recognized Lu Mingfei's existence, it analyzed the existing situation and raised questions.

Seeing that Lu Mingfei didn't speak, the robot automatically transmitted the situation to the hybrid responsible for maintaining order for decision-making. It involved the person with the highest authority. The AI ​​level and authority it was loaded with were not enough to allow it to handle the existing situation alone.

The mixed-race Augustus and two other people on duty were playing mahjong with a second-generation species that had been exposed and surrendered from human society. The electronic pen on the side vibrated and projected a few words in the air.

"Detected stranded people? Shouldn't a law enforcement team handle this kind of thing? Come on, wait a minute." He picked up the electronic pen and said: "Just deport it, that's it."

"Send a deportation mission?"


"A squad of Enforcers has been dispatched."

The picture was projected and he took a look at it.

"Stop it!!!" His eyes were broken, and he looked at the projected picture and yelled: "Reject! The mission is cancelled!!!"

"Get the law enforcement team out of that area!!!"

The tube held in the other hand was crushed. The first generation on the opposite side looked at the cards in his hand that were still missing and smiled. He shuffled all the cards and took out a new pair of mahjong.

'It's time for her to go home. ’ Lao Lu reminded him in his mind: ‘It’s time for me to take over this body again. ’

'hold on'

This feeling is really addictive.

Lu Mingfei felt the warmth coming from the palm of his hand, thinking about today's date with Eli Yi, and was shocked.

‘I feel like I’m going to become a love brain’

It's so fascinating. He suddenly doesn't want to worry about the future of this world. He just wants to turn this moment into eternity and quietly be with the girl next to him.

‘That’s why I said, you are not that dedicated. ’ Lao Lu said: “Many days ago, you didn’t even like this girl, and you thought about Nono every day.”

‘Even after you knew the future, you silently stuffed the photo album of Nono that Lu Mingze gave you into a box and took it to Japan. ’

‘You wanted to change the future at that time, but you felt guilty, moved, and sympathetic toward this girl, but you didn’t like her. ’

Lao Lu's words made Lu Mingfei wake up a little from the existing atmosphere.

‘What do you want to say? ’ Lu Mingfei asked in his mind.

‘I want to say that love is like Schrödinger’s cat, always uncertain. Of course, love also has two sides: compatibility and selfishness. ’

'However, in this regard, humans or most living creatures have double standards. So do you, and so do I. ’

'You just regarded Eri as a girl from the beginning. You didn't treat her as a humanoid weapon like I did at the beginning. So you naturally discovered her good qualities and her advantages. When she relied on you, you Feeling needed, when she fell in love with you, you lit the firewood in your heart to respond to her. Slowly, Nono's shadow in your heart turned into Eri's. ’

‘I am you in the future, I still don’t know what you are like? ’ Lao Lu’s tone was mocking.

‘You want me to have a harem again? ’

'We are all good girls, it would be a pity to let any of them go. Lao Lu said: "Didn't I show you that world line? Everyone is willing to be with me. We live in a big bungalow. As long as you follow the steps I gave to guide the strategy, everything will fall into place." "

'Those loves should all be mine and yours. ’

‘I have double standards, and so do you. The most important thing is that you have to fulfill the promise I made. ’

'Eri will accept it, believe me, although she is very possessive, she is not a yandere.'

'alright! you shut up! ’

Lu Mingfei interrupted the guy in his mind and wanted to brainwash himself. Haha, what a beautiful thought.

"Eliyi, it's time for you to go home." Lu Mingfei looked at the people walking over on the other side.

"Sakura, won't you go back with me?" Eriki's voice was very low, tactful and crisp, and a sense of reluctance overflowed from her words: "I have a father, and my brother is really my brother, and there is another one. Brother, I want to introduce them to you."

She held Lu Mingfei's hand with more strength, her expression a little confused: "Did the future Sakura not want to be with Eriki? Did the future Eriki do something wrong?"

Lu Mingfei felt that something in his heart was about to break. He raised his hand and gently brushed Eri Yi's face, "I want to be with Eri Yi forever, but it is precisely because I want to be with Eri Yi forever. Together, I am here of my own volition.”

"Wait for me, Hui Liyi." Lu Mingfei said, his temperament changed a little.

Su Lin and others stopped and did not get closer, leaving a little space for the two of them.

Su Lin felt dazzled and rubbed his eyes. He seemed to have seen a double image of Lu Mingfei just now? He looked at Klein and looked at him to make sure it was not an illusion.

old road?

"Soon, no one in this world will covet you anymore, and the fate that is entangled with me will be cut off." He looked at Eriki tenderly and said, "At that time, we can always be together."

"Whether it's dragons or hybrids, by then they will no longer be a threat."

Eriki looked into Lu Mingfei's eyes, and she seemed to see another person in them, "Is it Sakura or Lu Mingfei?"


"At that time, was it Sakura or Lu Mingfei who was with me?"

He knew what Eriyi cared about, so he threw out the fixed sentence pattern he had used before: "Lu Mingfei belongs to everyone, but I am Sakura who will always belong to you."

He knew that Eri Yi would agree with this statement.

Eriki let go of her hand, looked at the other person seriously, and said softly: "I'm going back."

Lao Lu nodded, used his authority to summon a portal, and watched Eri Yi leave.

'Is this an illusion?'

‘You always feel something is different? ’

He rubbed his chin and thought.

Seeing this, Klein over there nodded towards Su Lin and vaguely disappeared into the air.

Lao Lu combed his hair with his right hand and said to Su Lin: "Tomorrow's protagonist is you, please."

"Don't worry." Su Lin said with a smile, "I'm very good at large-scale online games like this."

The alchemy matrix of Dawn Island began to operate, and the shadow of the Kingdom of God emerged, overlapping with this city half the size of Tokyo.

Everyone said that the Dragon Clan chapter will be over this week. It’s impossible to just skip it without finishing it. QAQ, it’s coming soon, new members are coming too.

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