I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 127 Chapter 125 Decisive Battle (1)


Don't panic when you have food in hand. This has been the hard truth since ancient times. Su Lin looked at his 121145 system points, raised the corners of his mouth, and showed a confident smile.

But there was nothing good for Su Lin in the Dragon World limited store.

I don’t like the cheap ones, I don’t want to buy them or even can’t afford them, it’s a simple matter.

To be on the safer side, Su Lin still wanted to increase his combat power.

Well, there is only one answer!

Su Lin opened the interface he was most familiar with.

"My turn!" 5145 points were thrown into the lottery interface.

For obsessive-compulsive disorder, there are still 116,000 points left.

Skill! Skill! Skill!

He called out in his heart, hoping that his thoughts and enthusiasm could be conveyed to create a miracle along with the points.

A gray stream of light appeared in the lottery interface. Along with the ripples in space, the gray light flew towards his inventory.

Su Lin was silent for a second, forget it, just reward yourself once in a while, there is no need to do it one after another.

He opened his system backpack and checked the newly drawn items.

[One-time "Sword Immortal" experience card]: From the Floating Light World, you will randomly get the template of a person who is called the Sword Immortal from the True Fairyland of the Floating Light World. The effect lasts for 1 hour. (Today we will see who dares to say that there are three million sword immortals in the sky, and you should lower your eyebrows when meeting him! - Floating Light Immortal World Sword Cultivator Alliance)

"." There is no loss or profit. After all, the price in the store does not seem to be high for this kind of thing whose power does not belong to itself forever.

What makes Su Lin uneasy is why the word "Sword Immortal" is in quotation marks?


next day

"Are you nervous?" Lao Lu asked Su Lin.

In a two-story cafe in the city of Dawn Island, two people sat under a parasol on the second-floor terrace, looking at the lively streets.

Tomorrow is the day when representatives from various countries will come to the floating island of Dawn to sign a contract. After arranging combat deployments and tasks yesterday, Lao Lu gave all the hybrids in this city a holiday.

In order to wish for the arrival of a new era, the old road has opened a portal in the capitals of various countries. The official agencies of each country manage the journey, and applicants are randomly selected from the Internet to come here for sightseeing. Today, there are about 2.3 million tourists on this island. .

Su Lin kept shaking his right foot and looked at the lively scene of people coming and going on the street. There are about 31,000 mixed-race people in this city, but at least 70% of the mixed-race family members are ordinary people. .

At this time, these mixed races are actually no different from ordinary people. Who can tell the difference among such a large crowd?

Don’t worry about order and crime. Except for toilets, today the entire city is under the supervision of strong artificial intelligence. There will be no blind spots. Police robots patrol 24 hours a day and maintain order. Of course, these are just examples. All hybrids originally in this city know that the Supreme has imposed commandments, and any illegal behavior will be directly punished.

"A bit." Su Lin said honestly, "After all, it's my first time to play this big."

"Take your time, young man." Lao Lu picked up a silver spoon and stirred it in the coffee. "There will definitely be bigger ones in the future."

"I need you to work harder tomorrow."

Su Lin picked up a white ceramic teapot, poured himself a cup of black tea, and said: "I don't think we will lose. When countries around the world sign the treaty and accept your spiritual imprint, your authority and status will be in the human race." If it takes effect in society, Lu Mingze is basically a failure."

"There is only one way to change it, kill you."

"But that is the most difficult way, so they have to find a way to stop and launch an attack before the treaty is signed."

Looking at the bright red and transparent tea soup, Su Lin asked the doubts in his heart.

"But you spent your power to change the laws in this floating island space. Is the original power you can leverage now enough to win?"

Lao Lu put down the coffee cup in his hand and said frankly: "Honestly, no."

"After all, my opponent is my younger brother. I guess it's seven or three. I'm seven and they're three."

"Because we have you on our side, our chances of winning are still very good."

If it were placed between ancient monarchs and ministers, after hearing the words of the master, the ministers would stand up and say a few words modestly, but they would be extremely moved in their hearts, and their loyalty would reach a new level.

Su Lin nodded and said: "You are right, after all, you have drawn the trump card."

"Aren't you embarrassed?" Lao Lu felt helpless.

"What you said is the truth." Su Lin picked up the teacup, smiled and saluted Lao Lu, "I plan to use my body, are you moved?"

"Only your cultivation level at the golden elixir stage?" Lao Lu heard this, hesitated for a moment, and said: "I know you are a good friend, but let's forget it. I'm afraid you will be killed accidentally."

"I don't want to hear the battle report from the front in the middle of the fight."

"Report: The God of Light has fallen!" Lao Lu said this with a bit of drama.

"Do you know what I am best at?" Su Lin asked Lao Lu. He was not annoyed. He took a sip of black tea and felt the aroma before he even took it into his mouth.

"What?" Lao Lu asked following Su Lin's words.

"Cheating." Su Lin put down the tea cup and slowly said two words.

"Brother!" Lao Lu grabbed Su Lin's hand and made a touched expression, "You finally stop pretending!"

"As early as at Shui Jing Peak, I felt that you were a wall-hanger. He was either a biological son of Heaven or a son of fate. A small foundation-builder has such a rare thing as the Dayan Bead in his hands, and he still uses eight poles to practice the system with you. Can’t match the projection ability together.”

"Later, after I came here, I was given a backhand to ascend to the gods. It's not like I haven't seen cheaters when I traveled to other worlds, but you are the first one with such complicated ingredients."

"Don't worry!" Lao Lu let go of his hand and patted his chest, then opened his arms as if hugging the sky: "You are such a buddy, after everything is done, I will give you half of the emperor's hegemony!"

"That's exaggerated." Su Lin said, "Just remember to pay on time."

"Then I'll restrain myself." Lao Lu sat back down, "Then I'll leave Klein to you too?"

"Yeah." Su Lin nodded.

"Sorry for the wait."

Emiya Shirou and Old Tang walked over, followed by Xia Mi and Chu Zihang.

"It's okay, we just finished drinking." Su Lin stood up and said, "Let's go shopping."

What attracts the most tourists in this city is not the spacecraft that can automatically go to outer space for mining, nor is it a one-day trip to outer space that randomly selects lucky tourists like a lottery.

Instead, it is a virtual reality experience center that covers an area of ​​70 football fields in the middle of the city!

Real-life somatosensory games attract most people’s attention.

The group of people did not hide their appearance. Most of the time, many people focused on this novel city and basically did not pay attention to what the people walking by looked like. Only when some mixed-race people saw the group of people He will be stunned for a moment, and then he will carefully avoid it.

When everyone walked to a flying bus stop, a girl came down from the top. She looked at Lao Lu and shouted happily:


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