The earth-shattering battle outside did not attract the attention of the customers in the restaurant. Relaxing classical music was still playing in the room. The kitchen staff were preparing delicious dishes for the customers in an orderly manner. Even looking out from the glass window, there were still people on the street. Pedestrians come and go.

Lu Mingfei sat on the chair. Judging from the expression on his face, he was not very happy.

"The stakes involved have been made clear to you, Mingfei." Lu Lincheng cut off a piece of salmon and stuffed it into his mouth. His voice was gentle and magnetic. Unlike the fat uncle outside, this man had gray hair and wore a Thick plastic-framed glasses added a lot of wrinkles to the corners of his eyes, but he still looked elegant.

Lu Mingfei followed Ange to the back of the screen, only to find two familiar and yet unfamiliar people. When he occasionally looked through the photos, he would tell himself that these two people were his parents.

Although until now, Lu Mingfei still doesn't know whether these two people are his biological parents, how can two human beings give birth to a 'monster', and he has a younger brother like Lu Mingze, but these do not prevent Lu Mingfei from giving birth to a 'monster'. Fei always had expectations, because Qiao Weini undoubtedly loved him. As for Lu Lincheng, he had feelings, but his rationality made people feel terrible.

There is also a girl named Wu Yuxiang, whom Lu Mingfei doesn't know. According to Ange, that is his blind date tonight, but the little girl's face is almost red, and she doesn't even know why. Dare to look at him.

"I thought you were here to have dinner with me today as a surprise." Lu Mingfei's tone was a little disappointed.

"I also want our family to get together, but the whole world is in chaos." Lu Lincheng looked at Lu Mingfei seriously, with persuasion in his tone, "The war is still only between the mixed races. , but it will soon sweep the world.”

"Is it because of me?" Lu Mingfei picked up the glass goblet. The red wine in the glass reflected the chandelier hanging on the ceiling, as well as his own face. He looked at himself in the glass with drooped eyelids.

"It is indeed because of you, but that is the future." Giovanni said softly:

"The future has changed, Mingfei, it won't be that bad now."

Nuonuo and Ling remained silent. Except for Su Xiaoqiang and Eriki, they already knew what the extra memories in their minds were about.

"Everyone knows that there is a future version of me that traveled back in time?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"No, most people only know that the Supreme coexists with you and think that you are being parasitized." Angers said.

"Actually, I am in favor of polygamy." Lu Lincheng pushed up his glasses, "When we first established the Nibelungen Sanctuary, I proposed a personnel ratio arrangement with more boys than girls."

"Son, if these girls are willing..." Lu Lincheng was speechless when he saw Qiao Weni's cold, knife-like eyes mid-sentence, "I mean, for the sake of world peace."

"The other world, the future, is really messy." Su Xiaoqiang said. She suddenly felt that this sumptuous dinner made her uninterested. "I thought I was the special one."

"We are all special." Nono looked at Lu Mingfei, "To him, we are all special."

Through the profiling ability, the Lu Mingfei in his memory truly fell in love with himself. It was strange that the self in his memory would do many things for Lu Mingfei that were not in line with his current thinking.

Only Eri Yi, from the time she first sat down until now, she only half-understood and didn't quite understand what was going on.

"If it weren't for him, you wouldn't be here, right." Lu Mingfei shook the cup, "I think those words were meant to be told to him, not to me."

"You know, I also know some things in the future, including what you are doing in that Nibelungen, and those committees."

"I also know what will happen in the original future, dad. To be honest, even if he doesn't show up, sooner or later I will set foot where you are and kill those elders." Lu Mingfei said this. He was very calm at the time, but no one suspected that he was telling lies.

"Mingfei." Ange said aloud: "The future has changed."

"Principal." Lu Mingfei raised his head and smiled, "Is there a sniper outside aiming at me with a Philosopher's Stone warhead?"

"That won't happen, I promise." Ange opened the steak on the plate, "They don't dare. No force dares to hurt you now."

"What you have to do is actually very simple. You just need to separate from these girls for a while, go to the Nibelungs, and wait for us to figure out a way to remove his alchemy matrix, because you are the hub and they are the anchors."

"The reason why they can get together with you now is because the interference matrix with the Philosopher's Stone as the core is at work, but sooner or later the Philosopher's Stone will be used up one day."

Eriyi took out a notebook and it read:

"Sakura wants to stay with Eriki."

"My dear lady, of course I agree with you being together forever. Well, I seem to have said the wrong thing." Angers glanced at the other ladies and smiled helplessly, "In fact, tonight is also your blind date. Mingfei, we can make good plans for your life events."

"To be honest, I don't want to rule the world or have a harem." Lu Mingfei was like a deflated ball, "How long is this time?"

"It's impossible to say for sure." Angers said truthfully: "We can't give you a guarantee."

"It may be one year, or it may be more than ten years. Of course, I suggest you have a good chat with Him in your body. This can save a lot of time."

Lu Mingfei had many questions in his heart. Anger and his parents said that in the future, he would place not only memories but also alchemy matrices in the bodies of these girls. But why didn’t Eriyi have future memories?

Lu Mingfei glanced at Huiliyi. Do you want to separate from her? For the so-called peace?

Eryi's eyes were a little flustered. Lu Mingfei smiled at her, turned to look at Ange and his parents, and said:

"Until now, you haven't told me everything, but I don't care that much."

"Are those guys scared now? Duden and the elders are trembling with their captive guinea fowls?"

"The Doomsday Faction and the Secret Party have united together. I heard that there is also a Dragon King. Let me think about it. Caesar's father? Principal, I heard that you are enemies."

Angers' hand holding the knife and fork clenched slightly, and then he smiled with relief: "I will cut off his neck sooner or later, but not now."

"But what should you do if you lose this weapon of mine?" Lu Mingfei smiled and said, "I'm fed up with this kind of life! I'm fed up with those rats crawling in dark corners!"

"What will they do after my future self disappears?"

In the future, he has exposed his fangs. Even if this incident goes smoothly, these people will have trouble sleeping and eating. If Lu Mingfei sleeps well, these people will not sleep well. If these people sleep well, Then Lu Mingfei will definitely not be well.

Angers couldn't answer this question, and neither did Lu Lincheng. They all knew that Lu Mingfei would definitely become the subject of key surveillance by then, and even...

Giovanni has also considered this issue. From her perspective, it would be better to let her son rule the world than that ending.

Lu Mingfei put down his cup, stood up and said, "I will try my best to prevent him from ruling the world, but I will not obey your arrangements!"

Having said this, he suddenly looked at the other girls with a slightly guilty and flattering smile: "Everyone, I'm sorry about the memories. They are all things that have not happened in this world."

"What do you think?" Nono looked at Lu Mingfei sideways: "Dear."

Of course, she was joking.

"The boss will fight me tooth and nail when he hears this."

"It's okay. Anyway, I was snatched away by you in that world line." Nono ate her dinner indifferently. She and Eri were indeed very similar, because at this time, they were the only two who were still putting the food away as if nothing had happened. Sweeping it away, "Just do whatever you want, come on, Lu Mingfei."

"Do what you want." Su Xiaoqiang sighed. Anyway, as long as you are not married yet and there is no corner that cannot be pried, a harem? Haha, I want to eat shit.

"Whether you have that memory or not, I will always be with you." Zero said to Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei looked at the few heroic women who "understood the righteousness" and "don't remember the faults of the villain". Just as he was about to express his gratitude, the waiter suddenly dragged a silver covered plate to Lu Mingfei and whispered softly: "Sir, someone has sent you a letter."

There is really a plain envelope on the silver plate, without any signature on the envelope.

Lu Mingfei took out the letter from the envelope. It also had no signature, just a few beautiful but scrawled pen words: "Quickly! Hongmen Banquet! There is an ambush!"

"I'm leaving first!" Lu Mingfei said goodbye in a panic, pulled up Eriyi beside him and walked out along the corridor. As he was leaving, a waiter happened to be walking over with desserts, and he passed by him.

What he didn't know was that the waiter put down the tray behind the screen, revealing his golden eyes. Together with the previous waiter and Wu Yuxiang, they looked at Anger, Lu Lincheng and others warily.

The long and slender corridor led straight to the elevator. Lu Mingfei originally thought that there would be no Herzog clone blocking the way this time, so he went to the back kitchen and opened the iron door unimpeded.

The moment the iron door opens

"I rushed here after confirming that those people had disappeared. I originally thought it was too late, but it seems I came just in time."

It was already dark outside the door.

A pale mask was fastened on the face of a man with disheveled hair. The face of an ancient Japanese minister was painted on the mask, with vermilion lips and iron-black teeth, and a dignified smile on his lips.

He took out a pair of black wooden clappers from his arms.

Eriki's eyes turned a burning red gold, and she stared at the waiter, her hands trembling slightly.

‘Herzog! ’

Lu Mingfei was about to fight back, but saw——

Blood spattered, and a curved spear pierced the masked man's chest. In the masked man's disbelieving eyes, he dragged him to the right of the door.

Before Lu Mingfei could realize what was happening, he only heard the clatter of horse hooves coming from the right, dense and crisp.

There were urgent footsteps on the left side, like someone was trotting, and then there was the sound of car doors slamming shut. People got out of the car one after another, and the sound of trotting suddenly weakened.

Grasping Eli Yi's hand, Lu Mingfei stuck his head out.

To the left were two mixed races holding different weapons and confronting each other. The smaller party was wearing a black suit, while the larger party was dressed in different styles. Some were even wearing the uniforms of Cassel College.

When Lu Mingfei turned to look to the right, he couldn't believe his eyes.

Standing in the white light is a horse as majestic as a mountain. It is covered with heavy armor with interlaced metal patterns. Its white fur is flowing with a spar-like glow. Its eight majestic legs are larger than an adult's body. The horse's face Wearing a mask, thunder flashed through the nose while breathing. Every time the dark golden horseshoe stepped on the ground, it made wounds on the cement road.

A huge black shadow sat on the horse, covered in heavy dark golden armor. The orange light from the street lamp cast a shimmer on the armor.

He was holding a curved spear in his hand, and the arc of the gun body was like the trajectory of a meteor across the sky. The Masked Man King, Herzog, was hanging on the curved spear, and blood trickled down the tip of the spear. Flow down and fall to the ground.

There is a metal mask on his face, which is different from Herzog's ferocious look, but more majestic. He has a blue cape on his back, and his only golden pupil illuminates the surroundings like a giant lamp.

That should exist in written stories, in Norse mythology, the main god of the Asi clan, Odin!

In this world of dragons, his true identity is the image played by the Dragon King of the Sky and Wind.

With a wave of the spear in his hand, Herzog was thrown out of the spear and hit the ground.

On the side of the crowd in black suits, several young people walked out of the crowd. Scales began to grow on their bodies and their eyes turned red gold. They walked towards the existence on the eight-legged horse. When passing by Lu Mingfei, he said:

"Please go ahead, Your Majesty, and leave this place to us."


The words just fell

The left and right sides started a fierce battle.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Lu Mingfei quickly took out the Wu Gong Sword and flew towards the sky with the Eri Yi Sword, wanting to get away from this place of right and wrong quickly.

But just as he was flying a hundred meters high in the air, the wind picked up.

Before he had time to react, the storm took shape in just a few seconds. A strong wind of level 12 appeared in a very small area instantly, blowing him away from his sword.

Eriyi was ten meters above her, with a full moon behind her. Under the cold moonlight, a silver-white dragon claw appeared and grabbed Eriyi in her hand.

The silver dragon emerged from the storm in full form. His golden pupils stared at Lu Mingfei closely, with murderous intent in his eyes. In the end, he gave up and spread his wings and soared.

Eliyi stretched out a hand to touch Lu Mingfei, but it was getting further and further away.

Lu Mingfei understood at this moment that if the alchemy matrix thing was true, then the target of the secret party might never have been him, but to take these girls away from him, and the effect would be the same.

'I told you I have no interest in the King of the World! ’

‘I also said that I would try my best to stop him! ’

‘Do your ideas matter? ’ A voice echoed in Lu Mingfei’s ears.

'Your friends cannot make them respect your ideas, they can only make them respect your life. ’

'But they will still do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Once they have the right opportunity, they will take everything from you, just like you saw in my memory. ’

‘Thousands of years of planning, hundreds of generations of accumulation, they have tried their best to grasp the power and power in the world, isn’t it just to take the world from your hands? ’

'The only thing respected by the wolves is your strength, your pleasing, your obedience, and your kindness can only make you food. ’

’ Without power and power, you can’t do anything. You were supposed to be a monster roaring in the world, but you chose to restrain your minions and become a waste. ’

‘You can’t escape. ’

Lu Mingfei began to fall from a height of 100 meters and looked in the direction where the dragon had left. There was only a small dot left there.

Lu Mingfei wanted to get rid of the voice, summoned the flying sword, stepped on it under his feet, and chased in that direction.

‘How many years do you want that girl to wait for you? Will those rats return her to you after I disappear? ’

‘Are you sure they won’t study her bloodline and use her as a guinea pig? ’

‘Anyone can step on you in the past, and no one likes you, but that girl is the only one who doesn’t care how bad and useless you are. ’

‘That’s the first girl who fell in love with you! ’

‘Always together? fraud! ’

The voice spoke faster and faster, and there was sarcasm in the language.

'Shut up! ’

Lu Mingfei chased with all his strength, and the sound of breaking through the sound barrier continued to sound, leaving behind circles of white mist.

‘She thought you were omnipotent. In her original destiny, that girl was calling your name at the end of her life. Oh, that was still a fake name. ’

The black spots ahead had disappeared, leaving only the night sky and the stars in the sky.

‘Have you ever told her your name is Lu Mingfei? ’

‘Do you expect others to save the person you love? ’

‘You let her believe that you look handsome, but you look like I’m looking for help behind the scenes. Haha. ’

These words were like knives piercing Lu Mingfei's heart, cutting into pieces the fine clothes of his immortal cultivator and chat group member, revealing the thin body and bones underneath.

It wasn't until Eri's clothes were taken away that he realized his powerlessness.

“Which is a sadder ending, to live as a monster and die as a good person, or to live as a good person and die as a monster?” ’

"Then tell me what the hell you're going to do!" Lu Mingfei shouted angrily, as the spiritual energy in his body was about to run out.

'Remember that cheat code? Read it out! ’

"Something for nothing! Get her back for me!"

Deep in the soul, a black dragon's head protruded from a golden sphere, and its closed dragon eyes suddenly opened.

The clothes on Lu Mingfei's back held up two bulges, and then the huge dragon wings spread out, and the world in front of him stopped at this moment.

Su Lin stood in the crater of the moon, and the light door thousands of meters high swallowed stars one after another.

Zhongli, holding a gold and black spear in his hand, stood opposite a terrifying crack and stopped what he was doing.

The two of them looked at the Earth at the same time, and saw a shadow of a black dragon lingering on the blue planet. Then the shadow disappeared, and a throbbing from deep in their souls made the two of them look at the Earth involuntarily. a location on.

"So that's it." Zhongli put away his spear, "It seems like everyone was deceived by him."

"That alchemical matrix is ​​a false inducement."

Su Lin smiled and said, "If he were a little later, I would have used a god-level spell. That would be such a loss."

"I don't want to waste my durability."

Su Lin opened a teleport and waved goodbye to Zhongli.

Zhongli shook his head and turned into particles and disappeared.

Today's update is a bit late, sorry.

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