In the lounge of Gao Tianyuan Nightclub, Chu Zihang looked at the rain falling heavier and heavier in the sky, feeling a little depressed.

"Where do you think Lu Mingfei has been with the head of the Uesugi family these days?" Caesar walked towards Chu Zihang with a cigar in his hand, and said jokingly: "There is no way he is taking the two of us. Let’s elope with the funds.”

Chu Zihang was silent for a moment and replied seriously: "He has no way to leave Japan, and the money is not enough."

He opened the window, and the cool wind hit his face with some cold raindrops, blowing away the smell of cigar smoke.

"I'm just kidding." Caesar shrugged, that's why he sometimes didn't like getting along with Chu Zihang, "But you said, Lu Mingfei wouldn't really like that She Qiba family's secret weapon, right? "

"I can't say for sure." Chu Zihang leaned against the window sill, thinking, "It would be pretty good if that's the case."

He suddenly glanced at Caesar, which made Caesar confused. Caesar always felt that there was something else in Chu Zihang's eyes.

"Huh..." Caesar exhaled a puff of smoke, looked out the window, and muttered:

"Indeed, judging from the aesthetics of the Gasotou family, she is definitely a first-rate beauty."

"If I were Lu Mingfei, I couldn't help but fall in love with that girl. Besides, that girl has a strange trust in Lu Mingfei."

"Perhaps we should prepare a bowl of red bean soup or red bean rice for the S-class to ascend the adult ladder? I don't quite understand the customs here. Maybe, I can be their child's godfather. Do you want to be his child's godfather?"

Chu Zihang fell into deep thought after hearing this. After a while, he said leisurely: "The academy may not allow them to combine. Their two bloodlines..."

Caesar's hand holding the cigarette suddenly trembled. He had not noticed this problem before. A super hybrid with the blood of the White King, and an "S" class hybrid with lightning walking. If these two things have a child, What is the probability that the child born here will be human?

The scene became quiet for a while, and Caesar even thought about finding Lu Mingfei and buying him a box of condoms.

The rain gradually became heavier and Caesar finished smoking his cigar. Chu Zihang wanted to close the window.

At this time, the clouds that were still dark just now were actually rendered with gold, and the light shone through the clouds and reflected on his face.

Caesar also saw the changes in the sky from the corner of his eye, and his attention was immediately attracted.

Under the gaze of the two people, they saw...

A sharp metal object broke through the clouds and slowly fell from the sky. It looked unpleasant, but in a few seconds the whole thing was in front of you.

Caesar thought it was an alien invasion, considering it was such a big metal object.


It was a golden rock spear as huge as a mountain. The spear cut through the sky, and the tip of the spear was still wrapped in clouds and smoke. It was falling straight towards the city below. The clouds centered on the spear were pierced, and the golden glow of the setting sun shone on the earth.


The golden light visible to the naked eye came like ripples from the location where the spear fell, covering their location and even the entire city.

"What happened over there?!"

Interlacing of light and shadow

In an instant, Zhongli was slashed several times on the spot. Su Lin was nowhere to be seen, only the light on the shield was constantly lighting up and the sounds of gold and metal clashing like rain.

Some cold sweat broke out on Xiao Yan's head. Even with Yao Lao, it was extremely difficult for him to keep up.

The immortal power suddenly gathered at the tip of the spear and turned into a ball of light.


The air stagnated for an instant, and after a moment, unparalleled power burst out.

Su Lin fell into a moment of floating stiffness.

The spear intertwined with gold and black metal then penetrated Su Lin's chest.

Everything happened too fast. Before anyone could react, Su Lin's pierced body turned into a stream of light and disappeared. Four Sus holding knives, axes, swords, and guns appeared in front, back, left, and right of Zhongli. Lin.

The light was concentrated to the extreme, and countless slashes and slashes struck Zhongli non-stop like waves again.

Zhongli's spear was swung, showing off his demeanor as a god of war. Every time the Jinxuan spear struck the enemy with its tip, the handle of the spear could resist attacks from behind when it was retracted.

Emiya Shirou watched Zhongli's spear skills infatuatedly. There was no unnecessary movement, and each attack could achieve multiple effects.

But gradually, the speed became faster and faster, and his naked eyes could no longer keep up with the movements of the two people. Even the figures of Su Lin and Zhong Li disappeared from the same place from time to time, and reappeared in the sky, streets, rooftops, and alleys in the blink of an eye.

Su Lin still hasn't had enough time to practice. He can fight with Zhongli not by martial arts, but by the BUFF blessing of divine power and light spells. The ninth level and above spells [Holy Glory] [Sound of Heaven] [Revenge of Light] [Glory of Enlightenment] ] Stacked to the upper limit of the effect, the four clones formed by condensing light elements continued to fight with Zhongli.

The shields on the street buildings kept lighting up, and violent rumbling sounds were heard one after another.

‘What did he experience after going to Han Li’s world? ’

As someone who directly fought against Zhongli, what Su Lin felt most profoundly was not the perfect martial arts that reached the divine realm, but the use of talismans and spells in the battle. The magic power could be turned into talismans in the void, and he could slash and stab. While pricking, a spell is cast.

Immortal power is flowing in one place, formations appear under the feet, and thousands of rock elements fill the sky.

Su Lin's four clones instantly seemed to have entered a swamp, and there was great resistance to their actions.

‘The formation was arranged in advance? ! ! ’


Several long spears of gold and black colors penetrated Su Lin's four clones.

Except for his head, the rest of Old Tang's body had transformed into a dragon. Facing an opponent who could tear apart space, he naturally did not dare to fight with his physical body, so he used the power of fire. A horizontal flame tornado appeared in the entire street, killing Xiao Yan. Shrouded in it, the real power of the Dragon King of Bronze and Fire lies in the control of concepts or authority!

Old Tang squinted his eyes and looked at the green and white strange fires in the tornado. The flames had unique properties and could interfere, but they did not belong to him. It was interesting.

Hua Hua Hua——

Hearing the sound, he looked back and found that four Su Lins were pierced by spears, but chains formed by condensation of light elements appeared one after another in their bodies. Countless chains were heading straight towards Zhongli in mid-air, entwining themselves. Bind it, confine it.

Zhongli tried to break free, but found that the chain conveyed a sense of peace and tranquility, his spirit was disturbed, and the power he could summon was reduced.

buzz buzz

It sounded like the sound of a sword, or the sound of something vibrating.

A long white line instantly slid from a distance towards Zhongli, breaking into two sections when it reached and passed through Zhongli's body. The remaining white line hit the building almost at the same time.

The sound of broken jade was heard, and at this moment Zhongli's shield was cracked with glass mesh, which was densely packed.

That was the third time Su Lin used the offensive spell [Ninth-Level Spell Evasion of Light] in this world. Huge light elements gathered on the sword edge and slashed out. There was no grand scene, just a sword light. Although it was It is defined as a ninth-level spell, but its practicality and destructive power are real, not to mention that Su Lin uses divine power to drive it.

"It's interesting." A smile appeared at the corner of Zhongli's mouth, his hands were closed and opened, and a rock ridge was inserted into the earth.

"." Su Lin understood why Xiao Yan, Ye Fan and others felt sick when they fought against him before.

The power continues to spread from the rock ridge, and every resonance of the rock ridge automatically refreshes a layer of shield for Zhongli, Xiao Yan and the surrounding buildings. Not only that, the coverage of the shield is still expanding this time, and it seems that it wants to cover the entire The city is enveloped.

The dark clouds in the sky were instantly rendered golden, and first appeared above. What broke through the clouds was the tip of a rock gun as big as a mountain.

"I hope your shield is strong enough..." Su Lin murmured to himself, glancing at Zhongli who was looking down in the sky, "I can't help but turn it up."

"Then add another layer of defense."

The soft light shoots straight into the sky, and the world is bounded by this. Countless rays of light bend and twist, weave and twist, and turn into a giant tree in the universe that supports the heaven and the earth.

The branches of the giant tree of light swayed and grew, and then the giant tree split from the middle and fell to both sides. At the split position, the space was distorted, as if a pair of doors were opened and widened outward.

The whole city seems to overlap with a mirage. At a glance, in addition to the streets and buildings of the city, you can also see a bright and beautiful green world. On the sacred plain, there are green grass, the sky is divided into two, and half of the day is blue. , just like the dawn of summer; half of the night is full of stars, dotted with stars, and occasionally shooting stars streak across the sky, two colors coexisting.

【The coming of the Kingdom of God】

This area has been covered by the Kingdom of God, and everyone present seems to have entered the phase space. All battles take place within the Kingdom of Light.

"Old Tang! It doesn't matter if you use the World-Destroying Word Spirit! This is my kingdom of God, you can do whatever you want!"

There was already Yao Lao on the line. Without the use of Destruction of Words, what Old Tang could do was limited. Even Rhine didn't dare to use it, and he was suppressed miserably.

"I'm still here!" Emiya Shirou shouted, holding his head.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was also covered with a golden shield.


One, two, dozens of mountain-sized rock guns followed closely behind, covering the entire Tokyo.

Countless light elements materialized and floated around Su Lin.

"For the sake of the stars and the sea of ​​all mankind, I will launch an awesome attack!" Su Lin's voice echoed throughout the city, and the system points increased again.

The glow of the six light wings appeared, and the Sword of Judgment appeared in the hand. In the Kingdom of Light, with Su Lin's wave, countless torrents of light elements rose from the ground and turned into blazing dazzling spirals to attack Zhongli.

The world lost all its color. I don’t know how long it took. When the infinite light was extinguished, the sky was cloudless, leaving only a red sun, spreading the afterglow of the setting sun towards the city.

Pompeo Gattuso was sitting in a Lincoln car, the coffee in his hand spilled all over, and he stared blankly at the two people standing in the sky, unharmed.

"MD, two monsters!"

Old Tang glanced at Xiao Yan (Yao Lao) opposite him, "I think it's enough to just watch them fight."

Thanks to "Cool Teng" for the huge reward of 2000 points, thank you to "Han Xi" for the huge reward of 1500 points, thank you to "Living like this for 3 years", "Qi Muqing" and "Book Friends 20230130170814244" for the huge reward of 100 points. !

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