I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 459 The half-hidden truth

"In the old days, this temple was dedicated to a god named Diana."

"Legend has it that gods have the ability to heal any injury. As long as you are alive and have a breath, you can be healed."

Outside the tent, an official from the New Zealand Ministry of Magic was introducing the mound of gravel in front of Dumbledore and Professor Shatty.

There are two of the most powerful legendary wizards in the world.

There was little commendable resistance during the Selwyn eradication.

The Ministry of Magic, who learned the truth, chose to get involved and wanted a piece of the action.

There is no conspiracy, no unity, only the trees falling and the hozens scattering. In the face of absolute power, Selwyn's resistance is even a bit ridiculous.

"In the past half month, all strongholds belonging to the Selwyn family, including in Australia and New Zealand, have been uprooted."

The official said with some fear.

He looked at the two old men beside him with some awe.

One is the president of the federation.

The other is a university principal who has unimaginable influence in Southeast Asia.

When these two people joined forces, the power they unleashed made the entire Southeast Asia tremble.

The official took a deep breath and looked back at the rubble on the ground in front of him, "I never thought that the legendary god would be real."

There is a new grave there.

This tomb stands alone among the rubble of the hill.

There is only the gentle wind around.

"What a poor man!" Professor Xia Ti said with deep emotion. People are easily infected as they get older.

"Perhaps - in the past, the so-called god had other abilities, and this temple was the proof of her glory, but later." Dumbledore stopped talking, "We don't know the first person who was imprisoned. When did the gods begin to intermarry with Muggles, which should have caused most of the power inherited by the goddess to be lost."

"It's just their remaining abilities that have led to them being imprisoned for who knows how many years." Professor Xia Ti said, "How can this powerful power be passed down from generation to generation, and it will only be passed on to their female offspring, and as their daughters grow older As we grow older, our mother’s power will slowly diminish until she dies.”

"Albus, I don't know much about hiding in other parts of the world. Is there such a strange magic in the magical world?"

"Unheard of," Dumbledore responded.

"Really? You don't even know?"

"About the goddess Diana, I only know that her flesh and blood can make life tougher. It not only repairs injuries, but also makes the human body more 'strong'." Dumbledore said, "I never knew about Diana's The truth will be this."

"We underestimate the dark side of some people." Professor Xia Ti looked at the temple on the hill.

The temple and the god are one.

One person becomes a god, one god becomes a city, and the god and the city stay together for thousands of years. Now the rubble on the ground is responding to the god's broken destiny.

"The battle will come to an end soon." The New Zealand official said with a smile, "You should know that the Ministry has overcome huge difficulties for this matter. After all, the Selwyn family has been entrenched in the local area for hundreds of years. The branches are luxuriant and the influence is deep-rooted.”

The man looked serious and said.

Deep down in my heart, I have completely opposite thoughts.

Being entrenched means that more people are unhappy with them because they block the way forward for others.

Just like if the Malfoy family falls, the entire British wizarding family will be happy to step on it.

It would be better if they could get a piece of the action.

Dumbledore glanced away from the man's face, which could not suppress his smile.

He knew exactly what the Ministry was thinking.

All they wanted was Diana's child.

That day outside the city of Lachiura, the reason why Higman Selwyn took out the photo to him was not to deal with him at all, but to secretly threaten Diana.

The power of the goddess is automatically inherited by her daughter when her mother dies.

Higman Selwyn had no intention of getting Diana back from them.

He was forcing Diana to die.

Threatening her daughter.

Because the children who inherit the power of the goddess are valuable to them. Although they will be tortured in the future, they can survive.

If they were ordinary children, it would be of no use to them. There would be only one end, and that would be death.

Dumbledore speculated that Diana might not know that her girl was still alive.

The Selwyns must have snatched her daughter away as soon as she was born for later use.

Taking that photo was probably the only time she held her child.

Diana finally chose to commit suicide, which was naturally related to the persecution of Higman Selwyn.

As a mother she naturally wants her children to live.

As the heir to the goddess, she naturally knew that as her daughter grew up, her power would slowly decline and she would eventually die.

Her longing for a lifetime of freedom is only illusory. Death is like the sun that will rise the next day. For her, it is destined to come.

Yes - she could choose to confess to Professor Dumbledore.

But she couldn't guarantee that the wizard named Dumbledore wouldn't be the next Selwyn.

She doesn't understand the world and doesn't dare to put her hopes in a few strangers.

Even if they act very friendly.

All she could do was prepare with both hands.

Suicide - to save one's children.

Be honest – pray the other person is a good person.

At least this way, she would not be tortured by Dumbledore and others who might be hypocritical and deceive her after learning the truth.

And her daughter would survive.

Today's old principals still know this.

Naturally, the New Zealand Ministry of Magic does not want such a child with the power of a goddess to be taken away.

They will definitely try their best to keep it.

"Hmph." Professor Xia Ti on the side let out a short sneer.

The Ministry's ideas were laughably childish.

The inner calculations were openly displayed.

How could they allow Deanna's daughter to remain in this place that had caused her so much pain?

Just like the temple in front of you, since it has collapsed like this, don't think about repairing it.

Finding another place to build a new one is the right choice.


"Professor Dumbledore!"

In the distance, a group of people came.

Lily, James, Sirius and Snape.

and Professors Zhang Qingqiu and Horace Slughorn.

There were also several federation officials.

Lily was holding a baby about one year old in her arms.

"Yes." Professor Dumbledore watched them approach, a complicated expression flashed across his face. He looked down at the sleeping baby in Lily's arms, a trace of tenderness flashed in his eyes,

As for the Ministry of Magic official next to him, his expression suddenly changed dramatically and darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

how come?

How could Dumbledore move so fast?

There are so many people looking for those losers in the ministry, but they are not as fast as these little wizards in front of them.

Dumbledore took the child from Lily's arms. He was also a little surprised, "How did you find the child so quickly?"

You should know with your toes that the Selwyn family will definitely do everything possible to hide this child. Whether it is to make a comeback or to cover up their own evidence, they cannot be found under any circumstances.

"It's Professor Slughorn." Lily responded immediately.

In this competition, Professor Slughorn is their instructor.

I have been busy cooperating with the organizers, so I have not been with them.

"It was one of my students who helped." Professor Slughorn said with a proud smile on his face, "Weston Selwyn, a great boy, is now the batsman for the Montrose Magpies. He is also a member of the Selwyn family, but he belongs to - well - the British faction. They seem to ignore the main line of Oceania and always want to break away. I asked him to help a little. "

"Of course - Albus, you can't hold them accountable for their previous mistakes. This is the price we agreed on."

"Of course - it's good for Mr. Weston to turn from darkness to light. As long as he can keep his brother away from the Death Eaters, I will never pursue them." Dumbledore said calmly.

His blue eyes looked at the baby girl in his arms.

Her small body was tightly wrapped in soft swaddling clothes, her face was as delicate as the most delicate porcelain, and her skin was fair and smooth.

She has silver hair, just like her mother.

Maybe it was because of running around for a few days, but the child had already fallen into a deep sleep.

"You can't-" Professor Slughorn's face changed, "I made an agreement with them that Mr. Weston can't control his crazy brother."

"So I should watch him make another mistake?" Dumbledore said seriously, "You know the things they do."


Professor Slughorn still wanted to argue, but Dumbledore no longer looked at him.

He turned around and handed the baby girl in his hand to Professor Xia Ti.

"What are you?" Professor Xia Ti was very surprised by Dumbledore's choice, "Are you sure?"

"You are right, Voldemort's power is growing. Mr. Weston's brother - I can't guarantee that he didn't tell his master what happened here. This child is not safe in Britain. After all, the Selwyn family He still has some influence in the UK." He said calmly, "Moreover, the child's father seems to be a Ming Dynasty man."

"I understand." Professor Xia Ti looked down at the baby girl in her arms.

The girl didn't know when she opened her eyes.

Waving her hands in the air, she suddenly pulled hard and grabbed the old wizard's beard.

"Haha -" the professor suddenly laughed, "it seems we are indeed destined."

He stretched out his old fingers and pinched the girl's cheek.

"From now on, you will be my student, Old Master."

After many days, Dumbledore finally smiled.

He turned to look at Lily. "Well done, Miss Evans."

"I actually didn't do anything." Lily shook her head and said.

"Oh, you did. You got Horace to follow you to New Zealand. Did you like him?"

It's time for them to return to England.

That child would never be harmed by his wife Xia Ti from Chang'an Imperial College.

Perhaps after being trained by her master, she will grow into a powerful witch.

Because the child's father was no longer a Muggle - but a wizard.

The passing of the goddess' power from generation to generation made the Selwyn family realize that they should no longer allow Muggles to combine with the Dianas.

They superficially believed that the thin blood of the wizard caused the goddess's power to fade.

Therefore, the descendants of this generation of goddesses have fathers who are wizards.


Dumbledore, Lily and the other three young men walked towards the tent.

Professor Slughorn was a little angry because Dumbledore did not agree to his bargaining chips, so he had already gone to the town of Rakiura one step ahead.

Most likely he went to buy wine.

"Well" Lily wasn't sure whether she liked Professor Slughorn. She felt that Professor Slughorn was not so good in some aspects. He liked to divide young wizards into three, six or nine grades.

"Horace likes material comfort," Dumbledore continued, "and likes to associate with famous, successful, and powerful people. He likes the feeling of being at his mercy. He never wants to be in power, but I prefer to take a secondary position - that way the world is wider and I am more at ease.

At Hogwarts, he always liked to pick his favorite students, sometimes because of their ambition or intelligence, sometimes because of their charm or talent, and he had a very unusual ability to always pick those who would become People who will excel in all walks of life.

Horace built a club with himself as the core, composed of his best students.

He allowed them to get to know each other and establish useful connections, and in the end they always got some kind of benefit, such as getting a box of his favorite pineapple preserves for free, or having the opportunity to recommend a clerk to the Goblin Liaison Office. "

"Professor, what do you want me to do?" Lily blinked her clear green eyes.

At this time, several people had come to the tent.

The three boys went upstairs very excitedly.

They are packing their things and preparing to leave New Zealand.

Of course - also to leave enough space for Dumbledore and Lily.

"It can be seen that Horace likes you very much." Dumbledore continued, "You are very talented. Although you did not win the championship in this competition, your invention of potions was very constructive. Lily, you will become him A gem among collections.”

"But Professor - Severus' talent for potions far exceeds mine. Why do you think Professor Slughorn would recruit me?"

"Mr. Snape is too close to the Death Eaters." Dumbledore said bluntly, "He may have made a mistake once, and naturally he will not make it a second time."

Lily's eyes were full of doubts, and Dumbledore continued, "Horace has been a professor at the school for many years." He blinked and said, "Who do you think his best student would be? Bit?"


The old principal had already said it so explicitly that it was impossible for Lily not to guess.

"Of course, you will be in sixth grade this September, and you still have two years to go. Lily - you just need to get on well with Horace."

"Build a good relationship?"

"That's right. I still need to prove some of my guesses. Maybe those are just my delusions."

"Okay, Lily. Go pack your things. We—it's time to go back."

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