I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 458 When I died, the world noticed me

Stewart Island, a volcanic island in southern New Zealand.

Half Moon Harbor is the largest residential area on the island.

The wizard's town is also located near Half Moon Harbor.

In the local Maori language, the wizarding city is called 'Rakiura', which means the vibrant sky.

The Ming Dynasty's caravan chose to set up tents on a hill.

This place was once a sacrificial site for ancient wizards. In the distant years, the sacrificial site served more as a magic laboratory.

There are ruins scattered on the hill less than ten feet above sea level, and there is probably a temple in the center.

In the shape of a pyramid with decreasing levels, in the past, each level here was filled with flowers brought from all over, surrounded by colorful colors and wonderful fragrances. Groups of tall towers are decorated with silver and jade, and cool water flows from the great temple and along the aqueduct day and night.

Over the past few thousand years, time has eroded away all the skin and flesh of the temple, leaving only its stone skeleton, and half of its former glory has faded into ruins. The remains of the ruins that visitors can see today were also restored by the New Zealand Ministry of Magic. There is also a poster next to it, which depicts the original appearance of the temple as imagined by archaeologists.

In the imagination of archaeologists, ancient temples should have been built using granite cut into square shapes, rather than the rude stones seen all over the ground today.

Every place should be carefully carved, and there should be more statues of various famous wizards than trees on the hills. Now maybe you can find some stones that look like some outlines in the surrounding ridges, that is the great and The only legacy of noble times.

The tent was pitched on the remains of the temple for three days.

The International Wizarding Potion Masters Competition passed the preliminary rounds and entered the top sixteen.

Lily Evans.

James Potter.

Severus Snape.

All three of them entered the next competition with excellent results.

However, the difficulty of the subsequent games will rise sharply.

Potions that dare to claim to be original by simply modifying a few previous formulas will no longer receive points.

Contestants must come up with brand new potion recipes that are unprecedented in the wizarding world to gain points.

Of course - it would be too difficult to invent a valuable potion recipe.

The so-called inventions of the contestants were more of the prank products invented by George and Weasley.

But this is already very good.

Great recipes are born from these seemingly useless and imaginative works of little wizards. Those bursts of inspiration are like new firewood lighting the crucible. Maybe one day they will explode into fireworks that can illuminate the darkness. .

Who can guess the future?

Perhaps a great potion master will be born among these young wizards who are only fifteen or sixteen years old?

This is also the meaning of the Masters Tournament.

Geniuses are like square pieces of granite. The great temples in ancient times were built by geniuses.

Even if thousands of years have passed, there are still wreckage to this day, right?


In the tent, red-haired Lily ran down the stairs in a panic.

Her long hair was flying in the air, she was wearing a simple robe, and she had no time to put on her shoes.

She yelled from a distance.

It was raining outside the tent.

It has been raining all day.

That's the thing about islands - the weather always takes a turn for the worse.

After winning the second game yesterday, James originally wanted to invite Lily to the hot springs. He heard that there is a volcano here with abundant geothermal heat and the hot springs are very famous.

But Lily refused without even thinking about it.

She declined for two reasons.

The first is that she wants to prepare for the upcoming competition.

Secondly - she hated that James Potter, who was irritable and arrogant and had the temperament of a second generation ancestor.

She didn't like either Snape or James.

The heavy rain outside the tent cut off part of Lily's voice.

But Dumbledore, who was drinking tea leisurely with Shati, still noticed Lily.

"Miss Evans, what can I do for you?" Dumbledore said.

He and Xia Ti turned their heads at the same time.

The old principal looked at the red-haired girl.

The conflicts between the little guys never stop.

At the end of the summer vacation, the children will go to sixth grade.

It seems that I have to be a little more attentive to help the little ones solve their conflicts. After all, Voldemort is indeed getting more and more crazy. Even if these children cannot become resistance to resist evil, they cannot become lackeys who follow evil. They must unite.

"Professor - it's Diana, go and have a look!"

Lily said panicked.

Hearing the sound, Dumbledore frowned slightly, stood up quickly, walked up the stairs towards Diana's room.

The girl had never gone out since she lived in the tent.

Everyone knew that she needed a peaceful life to heal her mental and physical wounds.

The wizards deliberately left her private space.

Now - Dumbledore had a bad feeling in his heart.

He shouldn't leave that girl alone, she needs company - but Lily has to prepare for the competition, and Professor Zhang Qingqiu needs to deal with the affairs of the caravan, and there is indeed no manpower.

Professor Dumbledore and Professor Shatty walked towards the second floor at the same time.

They came to Diana's door.

Looking up, he saw Sirius and Snape standing in front of the door dumbfounded, and James had just walked out of the room. His face was very ugly and his hands were stained with blood.

Professor Dumbledore stepped into the room with a sullen face.

All the decorations in the tent of Chang'an Imperial College are full of deep and delicate oriental charm.

The interior of the room is elegant and simple, with a large mahogany bed placed in the center. The bed is covered with brocade quilts embroidered with cloud patterns and dragon and phoenix patterns, which are delicate and soft, like clouds. A Chinese landscape painting hangs above the bed, with smooth brushwork and profound artistic conception. There is a celadon vase on the table in the guest room. The glaze on the vase is as warm as jade, with blooming peonies painted on it.

The glass is colored glaze, the curtains are brocade, the floor is black walnut, and several landscape paintings and a pipa are hung on the wall opposite the bed.

Sandalwood was burning in the censer, and the faint scent of blood drifted into Dumbledore's nostrils.

He saw a woman in the corner of the room, wearing a robe, with blood seeping out from under the robe.

That robe - the professor glanced at James, who was wearing a short shirt. His robe was obviously the one worn by the woman.

The old professor walked over.

Slowly opened James' wizard robe.

The girl named Diana was wearing her ragged linen clothes. It was clear that the new clothes prepared by Professor Zhang were on the table, but she did not move at all.

She held a knife against the collar of her coat and brutally slit her throat.

The wound was so hideous that almost one-third of the neck was severed.

The spurting blood was blocked by her collar, and the blood stained her fingers. The blood stained her chest and abdomen from between her fingers, and flowed out along her exposed waist and abdomen.

Diana was curled up—in the manner of a baby in its mother's womb.

With a peaceful smile on his face and relief, he left this world forever.

Professor Xia Ti walked into the room.

The old eyes moved from Diana's body to other parts of the room.

The beds are clean and tidy.

Not a trace of previous use.

The table was spotless. The clothes sent by Professor Zhang Qingqiu were also left intact.

The desk in front of the window shows signs of use.

Because there were several pages of parchment on the table.

The ink bottle was opened, and it was believed that the quill had been soaked in ink, but now - the ink bottle was capped again - the quill was rinsed clean, and even the chair was pressed against the edge of the table and returned to its original position.

It looked like no one had ever lived in the room before.

"We made a wrong choice." Dumbledore said seriously, then slowly put James' robe back on Diana's cooling body, stood up with a heavy expression.

"She committed suicide?" Sirius' face outside the door was full of shock and confusion. Although they often fought at Hogwarts, this was the first time he saw a dead person. He couldn't accept that a life that was still alive a few days ago was gone like this.

Involuntarily, Sirius looked at James.

I saw that he also looked heavy.

Professor Xia Ti stood in front of the table and murmured: "It is human nature to have a mental breakdown."

"Only those who are too weak will collapse." Snape said disdainfully, not taking this poor Muggle girl to heart at all.

After hearing Snape's words, Dumbledore turned his head and looked at him deeply. Didn't say anything immediately. He just exhaled again, paused for a moment - and then said: "One day, you will understand that no matter how strong a person is, he will be defeated by life!"


Snape's expression changed several times. He wanted to talk about the tragedies that had happened to him, her mother, father, family, and the home next to the smelly ditch.

His world has never been brighter.

Until—he looked at Lily with dancing eyes—that was his light.

"Some people have never seen the light." Behind Dumbledore's half-moon-shaped glasses, his blue eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts. He seemed to see what Snape was thinking, and then spoke with complex and complex words. The elusive tone said, "When she saw the light for the first time, she would only regard the light as fire, and run away in fear, afraid of igniting herself."

Hearing the sound, Snape fell silent.

He finally began to think about Dumbledore's words.

That Muggle woman - she may be even more miserable than herself, because he still has magic, Hogwarts, and - Lily.

Even if these brought him more than just happiness, at least they once brought him happiness.

Seeing Snape's thoughtful look, Dumbledore stopped talking.

He walked to Professor Xia Ti's side and read the letters on the desk together.


——Sorry about the dirty floor.

Choosing to die is not difficult.

For the record, I know nothing about death.

I said to myself, why are the stars twinkling in the sky always so out of reach?

Perhaps only death can reach the vast galaxy!

It's late at night and I'm getting ready to go to bed.

Good night and good luck!

Sincere regards, my beloved - Diana.


Professor Xia Ti's hands were trembling slightly, as if they were carrying too much weight and grief. He took a deep breath, trying to calm down his emotions, and then handed the letter in his hand to Dumbledore.

"What a kind child, so kind." Professor Xia Ti murmured unconsciously, with a hint of trembling and emotion in her voice.

"God is so unfair."

Dumbledore took the letter, his eyes filled with complicated emotions. He unfolded the letter and read the words Diana left carefully.

this letter--

A suicidal person.

A man who suffered a lot.

A man who has seen all the darkness of human nature.

A person who has never encountered light in his life.

With what passion did she write this letter?

She takes the pain she endured throughout her tortured life and sublimates it into compelling beauty in just a few lines.

Pain can easily make people sink and go crazy, but using gentleness to fight against the pain of this world is a feat that is indescribably touching and joyful.

As Professor Xia Ti said.

"Yes! What a good kid!"

The letter was seen by Lily.

She was next to the two professors.

This touched her greatly.

At the same time, it also made her feel disgusted from the bottom of her heart at the injustice of the world.

She looked at Snape and thought of the Death Eaters who were traveling with him.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart - how many kind and gentle people are still oppressed by evil in the world.

But he still chose to go along with it without regret, which puzzled her and made her feel angry at the same time.

Then Lily's green eyes fell on James again.

Look at the short shirt on his body and his thoughtful face.

Suddenly she discovered that this arrogant and domineering guy was not hopeless.

"Albus - look at this!"

At this time, the temperature in the room suddenly dropped a few degrees.

Professor Shati coldly handed the rest of the letter to Dumbledore.

The girl made a confession at the end of her life.

All the truth lies in those few lines.

Dumbledore took the letter and read it quickly.

As his eyes moved slowly, his face became colder.

Until I read the last word.

Known as the greatest white wizard in the world, the always calm and wise legend, Albus Dumbledore. The face is now as frosty as ice.

"What do they think of people!"


"Is this how they treat the goddess?"

Professor Xia Ti took over, "They treat people as magic materials!"

"Suck blood—suck blood!"

"I thought it was just an adjective!"

"There will definitely be someone showing off at the competition," Dumbledore said.

"Too slow." Professor Xia Ti said, "Since we all know that there is a problem with the Selwyn family, we must uproot them immediately!"

"Three days have passed. They must know that Diana is in our hands. Perhaps, they have already started to move."

"Transfer?" Dumbledore said coldly, "No - no, they have no chance. Professor Horace Slughorn has been following them."

"He--he always likes to deal with those pure-blood nobles and powerful people."

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