I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 407 On the other side of the curtain

While Dumbledore was deep in thought, Harry and Owen also came to the stone arch.

The door that separates life and death.

Sounds mysterious, doesn't it?

But Owen knew that there was no way back to death behind this curtain.

Or not just.

He had seen too many stone arches, curtains and other buildings before this, and most of the time, they were related to outer gods.

Who could have known that the building in front of him was the gateway to the ultimate freedom - death, rather than the tongue of an outer god.

Owen looked at the arch carefully.

No runes could be seen on the stone walls on both sides, as if they were just ordinary stones, and the curtains were so light and fluttery that they seemed not to be real objects.

Owen stretched out his hand, and the curtain passed through his fingertips.

The next second seemed like a camera flashing.

It flashed before his eyes at an extremely fast speed.

He seemed to see a wilderness.

There was only one frame, then another of a wilderness cabin on a ridge.

"This is--"

Although the picture flashed very fast, Owen still recognized where the scenery in the picture came from.

"Harry - come here." After thinking, Owen pulled Harry over.

Then he dragged his hand and let the curtain touch.

"Did you see any strange scenes?" he asked urgently.

"Picture?" Harry was a little confused. He responded blankly, "No, these curtains don't seem to be solid. My hand went directly through it."

"No?" Owen was very surprised, then frowned and began to think deeply.

Could it be——

Once again, he took Harry's hand, but this time he first used ancient magic to sink into the curtain, and then touched it with his hand.

This time it was really different.

A picture immediately flashed before his eyes.

It's Hogwarts!

But there's something stale about Hogwarts.

Just like in Harry's dream.

"So that's it -" A sudden flash of inspiration occurred, and Owen understood everything instantly.

"What happened?" Harry was confused, because he also saw Hogwarts flash by.

"Nothing?" Owen suddenly chuckled at Harry, "I want to say that we may be going on a great adventure."

"What adventure?" Harry was a little uneasy.

"Death." Owen raised the corners of his mouth.

Then he took a step back, raised his palm, and the majestic ancient magic power poured into the curtain like a rushing river.

The pure white sandy curtains are like ripples on the water, and the ripples outline the appearance of the wind.

"Owen—" Dumbledore noticed Owen's movements.

He looked at the curtain in surprise.

I already have some thoughts in my mind.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Professor." Owen smiled and looked at Dumbledore, "If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't have been able to wake up from the coma last time."

He was talking about the incident in February when he and Coatl were in coma.

However, after Owen's affirmative answer, the old headmaster was still worried. He came over and took Harry's other hand.

"Maybe I should go and have a look." He blinked. "I'm a long time old. If I don't sleep at night, I won't be able to wake up in the morning. Death - it's a great adventure worth facing bravely."

"You can live another two hundred years." Owen suddenly smiled and then shook his head. "Professor, you should worry about how to deal with Barty Cratchit who is coming soon."

"This is my home court!"

The long hair seemed to be shining with silver light and danced.

Accompanied by the young man's confident and flamboyant smile, it was as if the wind of early spring swept across this prison buried deep in the ground.

Everyone felt that the colors in front of them seemed to be more vivid.

They couldn't help but cast their eyes on him.

"Ten minutes! Maybe less, but it will be quick anyway." Owen stared at Dumbledore, extending his thumb towards him with his free right hand.

"Really?" Dumbledore smiled.

In a daze, he saw the shadow of another boy overlapping Owen.

It’s just——that one has light golden hair.

He let go of his hand stiffly.

Is it reluctance? Still feeling? He couldn't tell.

I always feel as if I have suddenly grown old, and the chicks no longer need him to shelter them from wind and rain.

On the other side, Owen's interest was quite high.

He raised his head like a brave man about to challenge the copy.

He couldn't let Dumbledore follow him, for no other reason. Entering the veil was only a spirit, and his body would remain in this world.

And this Ministry of Magic has long been infiltrated into a sieve by Voldemort.

If the three of them entered together, it would look to outsiders as if the three of them had died suddenly.

Who will protect their bodies?

We can’t let Kingsley!

Does he have this ability?

So only he and Harry could enter, and only the two of them could enter. There was no better combination.

"Okay!" Owen roared in an encouraging tone, "Punch!!!"

After that, he pushed hard.

Harry stumbled and fell directly into the curtains.

And holding his hand, he also brought Owen in.

The next second.

The consciousness of the two people seemed to suddenly fall into a vacuum, as if someone held a one-thousand-watt light bulb and shined it into their heads.

When the bright light disappeared, everything that was fascinating also disappeared.

After the surroundings became orderly again.

Only then did they realize that this was the auditorium.

The Great Hall of Hogwarts!

Different from the real auditorium that is decorated with lights and decorations during Christmas, it is deserted here, with tableware neatly placed on the long table, and everything is so clean and orderly. It was as if the little wizards who were preparing for dinner disappeared collectively.

"This is Hogwarts? But it's different from my impression." Harry looked at everything around him curiously, especially the walls of the entrance hall. The stone puppets there had returned to the previous stone, instead of Now ancient magic golem.

"This seems to be the old Hogwarts."

"To be precise, it was Hogwarts seventy years ago." Owen also looked around.

However - it seems that the scenery of Hogwarts has never changed in more than a thousand years.

It stands in the Scottish Highlands just as every British wizard remembers.

It's as if it has been integrated with the mountains and water here and has become a part of nature.

Unchanging for thousands of years.

"Seventy years ago? Are we back seventy years ago?" Harry felt that his brain was not enough.

Where is this? What on earth did Owen do?

"Okay - let the genius explain it to you, a little idiot."

The two stepped out of the auditorium as if they were still in Hogwarts.

Follow the most familiar route.

As they walked, Owen explained: "This place is called Trance."

"Illusion?" Harry rubbed his head. This was the first time he heard this name.

And - the weather here looks like autumn.

Although he was wearing thick clothes, he didn't feel hot.

“It’s a state between life and death.

It is a road that leads to the end of death, and you can choose to walk on it - to have a great adventure.

There is also the option to go back - if your body is still alive you will reawaken, if not you will become a ghost.

The most common possibility is that it appears inside people's minds, but it may also be elsewhere.

Here is both reality and fiction.

What the inside looks like depends on who gets in there.

For most people, entering a fantasy world involves their loved ones or the deceased who left an important mark in your life. "

Owen's voice was light and graceful, like the wind blowing through the mountains. It was a natural response, "You may regard it as a revolving door in life. When you are about to die, you will be able to see the people who have passed away."

"Dead people?" Harry muttered in a low voice, not knowing what he was thinking.

And all of this naturally fell into Owen's eyes. For Harry, what he wanted to see most was very clear to him. "I won't necessarily see your parents either."

Owen reminded.

"Huh? Why?" Harry raised his head and looked at him, "Didn't you say you would see your relatives?"

"Others may, but you and I may not." Owen patted Harry on the shoulder and explained, "The people who love us are always there, but after all, they have died long ago and have not left anything in your life. A bold stroke of color.

If that idiot Ron lives shorter than you, then you might see him. Or Sirius, or Dumbledore.

Do you understand?

The focus is on the people who leave a deep mark on your life. "

"I understand." Harry nodded, understanding what Owen meant.

Then he suddenly smiled, and then said jokingly, "Then I think I might see you."


"Climb! I must live a long time, can I die before you?"

"Then you can see me even if you're dead." Harry added.

"Get out of here, man, you're not interested in men." Owen yelled again. "You must not come to me. I will definitely stay in the illusion and wait for Miss Granger to reunite. If you dare to disturb the scenery by then, you will walk out without a beating."

The two talked and laughed.

Inadvertently, I saw through some issues of death and became clear.

Regarding death, no matter on this side of the curtain or on that side, there are people who love you.

Think about it this way.

It’s like I’m not afraid of anything anymore.

The two walked around the castle.

They went to the Slytherin common room and other places as well.

But no trace of that person was found.

But Owen is in no hurry.

He was sure of victory.

"Speaking of which, whoever came up with this method is simply a genius." Owen kept explaining to Harry along the way, "Because everyone will see a different world when they enter the trance, so this is an excellent place to hide things. place."

"Hiding something?" Harry already knew that Voldemort's Horcrux might be hidden here, and he was not a fool.

He remembered that dream very clearly.

Voldemort is in this old castle.

"Yes, only he can enter this illusion that only belongs to him, so this may be the safest place in the world."

"But - why. Why can we - I come in?" Harry frowned.

So how did they get in here?

"Originally, it was impossible for others to enter here, but -" The corners of Owen's mouth raised, who let Voldemort split his soul!

Anyone can enter as long as they hold another Horcrux and the key of ancient magic, and Harry, as one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, can naturally do the same.

"For the specific reason, I think I will tell you after you have completely mastered Occlumency in the second half of the semester."

"Why?" Harry asked confused.

"I will tell you the specific reason after you have completely mastered Occlumency in the second half of the semester." Owen repeated.

Now Harry's mind is completely defenseless to Voldemort, and he can browse Harry's memories unscrupulously. However, it seems that Voldemort currently does not realize that he can do this.

So now we can't tell Harry the truth because it might leak the secret.

Even if this possibility is slim.

Harry immediately became unhappy.

Dumbledore treated him like a transparent person for half a semester, why are you now hiding it from him?

It was obvious that the two of them were talking and laughing just now, discussing topics after death.

It's really hurtful to be so cold all of a sudden.

But before Harry could get angry, a young man suddenly appeared in front of them.

That's a very handsome man.

He has black hair and dark eyes, is tall and has a pale face.

There was a proud and aggressive smile on his lips.

"Voldemort!" Harry's eyes widened.

"Wow! Senior Tom! So handsome!" Owen said with great envy.

"." Harry turned his head and looked at Owen, are you still in the mood to pay attention to your appearance at this time?

"What? He is indeed handsome! I can't go against my conscience." Owen said seriously, "A law-abiding, honest, friendly, and helpful little wizard like me has a sincere heart! Even when facing enemies, Let me say one more thing - wow! What a handsome face."

"." Harry rolled his eyes faster than Senior Tom's surprise.

Then he said without leaving any trace,

"You're not bad either."

"No shit, is this handsome?" Owen pointed at his face and said, "This is damn beautiful. Do you know how many people in the wizarding world think I'm a girl now?

I receive letters from all over the world every day. In addition to the letters of thanks from the patients’ families, more than 70% are love letters. His uncle’s - the contents inside can make me spit out my overnight meal.”

"Then you still read it?" Harry said.

"How would I know it was a love letter without reading it?" Owen replied seriously.

"It doesn't matter whether he's a love letter or a thank-you letter, just don't read them at all. That's what Hermione does. She can receive thousands of letters in a few months!"

"Tch - I'm not that heartless. These people are my base for future elections, Miss Granger. Do fans understand? Does MAGA understand?" Owen shook his head, "Forget it, for your political Even if the idiot says so much, you won’t be able to understand it, and it will easily burn your brain.”

"Okay, okay, I get it." Harry was a little stunned. "But before that, can you be serious? That's Voldemort!"

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