I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 406 Department of Mysteries

The statue is surrounded by many wall lamps, which emit a soft light and illuminate the entire hall with warmth and mystery.

The floor of the hall is paved with dark wood, engraved with various complex patterns, and towering stone pillars are lined on both sides, with some mysterious symbols and magic spells engraved on them.

"This is the Ministry of Magic?" Owen recognized this place at a glance.

That statue is so famous that it appears in newspapers every day.

Harry also recognized this place. He had also seen the statue in the newspaper.

"Yes, this is the Ministry of Magic." Dumbledore responded, and then led the little wizard around the group of workers.

They went another way.

Then stop at a security checkpoint.

"Good morning, Mr. Eric." He said to a wizard in front of him who was wearing a peacock blue robe and had a very dirty shave.

"Security inspection." The man said casually, holding up the Daily Prophet.

When he put down the newspaper and saw the person coming, he was naturally startled.

"Dumbledore?" The wizard named Eric looked at the person in front of him in shock.

His Adam's apple rolled, and he murmured: "What are you doing at the Ministry of Magic?"

A very harsh question, as if Dumbledore shouldn't be here.

However, considering the current relationship between the Minister of Magic and Dumbledore, his reaction is understandable. After all, he is just a small person. If he gets involved in the turmoil between these two people, he will not end well. .

"Mr. Crouch and I have something to talk about. Oh, and I also brought two guests." Dumbledore said, pointing to Owen and Harry behind him.

"Of course - you should have talked to the minister a long time ago," Eric said slowly.

"Um - sir, the ministry has regulations for me." He suddenly hesitated and became at a loss. He was holding a long golden rod in his hand, which was as thin and flexible as a car's antenna.

"Security clearance, I know, I respect the law myself," Dumbledore said.

He himself didn't need to check, this was for the two little wizards.

But what makes Owen feel strange is that the principal's office should have a floo network that goes directly to the minister's office. Why should they go through the main entrance openly?

Did the principal really have a falling out with Barty Crouch?

Even the floo network is down?

Eric nodded towards Dumbledore, then raised his golden rod and swept it across his and Harry's chests and backs.

"Ahem - young man, the Ministry of Magic does not allow any items under the Infinite Stretch Charm." He said to Owen.

"You can leave the things to me first and pick them up when you leave."

He didn't dare ask Owen if the infinite stretching spell was legal.

Because it's not his business, but he can't let Owen bring anything in. This is his responsibility.

"Okay-" At Dumbledore's signal, Owen reached into his underwear pocket and took out a cloth bag.

Eric took it and put it in the cabinet nearby.

"Next is the wand," he said.

Harry handed over his wand.

The wizard placed his wand on a strange-looking brass machine that looked like a single-plate scale. The machine began to vibrate slightly. A narrow strip of parchment spit out quickly from the opening at the bottom. The wizard tore off the paper and read the words on it.

"Eleven inches. The core of the staff is made of wind phoenix feathers. It has been used for four years. Right?"

"That's right," Harry said nervously.

"I'll keep this." Eric poked the parchment note onto a small brass nail. "Take this back." He put the wand into Harry's hand and looked at Owen.

"Here you go." Owen took out his crystal wand.

After just one glance, Eric's face began to turn blue. He glared at Owen and wanted to say something, but after glancing at Dumbledore, he swallowed what he wanted to say.

"A normal wand Mr. Not the fake wand you buy at the Wizard Wheezes shop."

Hearing the sound, Owen didn't have any explanation. He waved his wand slightly, and a ball of water flowed out from the tip of the wand. Then the water transformed into mist, and then snowflakes began to fall above their heads.

All explanations were pale. Seeing this scene, Eric frowned slightly, and then took the wand from Owen's hand.

Looked at it carefully.

He can be sure that the crystal that accounts for 40% of the wand is not a wand cover, but is actually embedded in the wand body.

Confused, he placed his wand on the machine.

After a few seconds, a piece of parchment was spat out.

He frowned even deeper as he read the font on it.

"Length: Unknown? Stick core: Unknown? Staff body: Unknown? Time of use: Unknown?"

"Well - maybe this machine of yours needs to be upgraded." Owen said leisurely. "You may not know that times have changed! Now the wand's material is a mess, and the equipment needs to be upgraded every few years. .”

Owen's words did not make Eric's brows relax. He cautiously said, "Are you sure this is a magic wand?"

"Of course, could it be a fire stick?"

"But -" He was in a dilemma, and at this moment, he suddenly felt that the little wizard in front of him looked particularly familiar.

Just now, his attention was all on Dumbledore, and in his heart he just wanted him to leave quickly.

After this unexpected thing happened, he had the time to take stock of the little wizard in front of him.

"You are - the French Rozier!" He finally recognized the youngest therapist in the world who had been frequently in newspapers some time ago.

Then he handed the wand back to Owen.

"Okay. You can go in." Eric gave two silver guest badges to the little wizard.

Regarding the wand issue, if it were an ordinary person, he would definitely not let it go, but Dumbledore was here, which made him hesitate.

After learning the identity of the 'girl' in front of him, he immediately made a decision.

How can someone who can save hundreds of lives be a bad person?

Offending someone over something as simple as this is not a smart move right now.

"Thank you!" Owen took back his wand and immediately walked inside.

Hmm - I always felt that the wizard looked at him strangely.

After a delay, Dumbledore finally led them through the gate.

They came to a smaller hall with at least twenty elevators, blocked by elaborate golden fence doors.

The three of them walked over.

The Ministry of Magic officials on the side immediately gave way to an elevator in a tacit understanding.

Everyone looked at Dumbledore in shock.

Don't know what he is doing here.

"Huh? Albus? Why are you here?" At this moment, an old witch with wrinkled skin and gray hair who was at least 150 years old came over.

She looked so old that she no longer had any obvious personal characteristics, such as hair color or face shape. Except for a pair of brown eyes that were still shining, she was almost the same as a 150-year-old man on the roadside. Both.

"Long time no see, Ms. Gsilda Marchbain." Dumbledore seemed very happy. He walked over and hugged the old witch cordially.

"It's been a long time. You're a busy man. I heard that the Federation has introduced many new laws recently. Hey - if you ask me, it's long overdue for reform." The old witch and other wizards were facing Dumbledore. Her performance was completely different. She was more casual and showed no restraint at all because of the authority of the old principal.

"Yes, keep up with the progress of the times. The wizarding world is really changing every day." Dumbledore said with a smile, and then waved to greet the two young wizards into the elevator.

"Ninth floor, Department of Mysteries." Dumbledore said after entering the elevator.

"Oh - you are here because of what happened last night?" Ms. Gsilda Marchbain looked at Dumbledore in surprise. After all, this principal would never participate in a power struggle. There are only a handful of times.

"Well - I suspect this matter has something to do with the mysterious man." The principal said bluntly.

"Oh my God, a mysterious man broke into the Ministry of Magic? What does he want?" Ms. Gsilda Marchbain exclaimed, her old face suddenly turned pale, but she still managed to calm down. , "There are so many dangerous magical items in the Department of Mysteries, you know [that thing] is there."

"So I have to come here myself," Dumbledore said. "I want to take [that thing] away if necessary."

"Crouch wouldn't agree to it," said Gsilda Marchibane.

"[That thing] is not the property of the Ministry of Magic. As trustee, you have the authority to take it and give it to anyone."

"I wish I didn't have this power." Ms. Gsilda Marchban sighed, the heavy responsibility was about to overwhelm her.

The elevator descended rapidly.

Owen and Harry stared at the two people in front of them in confusion, wondering what kind of riddle they were playing.

They simply didn't talk much, because the main hall of the Ministry of Magic was originally on the eighth floor underground, and the Department of Mysteries on the ninth floor was only isolated by one floor, which was of course very fast.

With a 'ding' sound, the elevator door opened.

Then a cold female voice sounded, "Ninth floor, Department of Mysteries, including the Hall of Brains, the Hall of Space, and the Hall of Death Penalty."

Ms. Gsilda Marchban did not separate from them, but walked into this and other dim corridors together.

This is the Department of Mysteries. There are only black tiled walls in front of them. The walls are empty. There are no doors or windows. There is only a simple black door at the end of the corridor leading to the Department of Mysteries.

The light in the corridor is provided by torches. There is a gap on the left side of the corridor that allows you to go down to the tenth floor.

After entering the door of the Department of Mysteries, there is a huge circular room. Everything here, including the ceiling and floor, is black, and some candles with blue flames are dotted on the walls.

There are twelve black doors without handles in the hall, which lead to different halls. Each hall is studying a mystery in life.

At this time, the hall was full of wizards.

It can be determined from their clothes and demeanor as well as the badges on their chests that these people are not all from the same department.

Aurors, Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and Wizengamot wizards.

Three parties of people gathered here in a mighty manner, and the leader was Kingsley.

But at this time, both Harry and Owen were focused on the huge stone arch standing in the center of the hall.

It is so huge and ancient, with thick curtains hanging down and fluttering, like a kind of gauze.

"Owen - did you hear someone talking behind the stone door?" Harry approached and asked seriously.

"There is a sound," Owen responded.

"Did you hear it too?" Harry said, "I couldn't quite hear what was said."

"You don't have to listen clearly." Owen said with disdain, "It's just the screams of my dead enemies."

"Huh?" Harry looked confused.

"The Ministry of Magic has not done much research on this stone arch, but what is certain is that these curtains separate the two worlds of life and death. The curtain is a symbol, and [beyond the curtain] represents the world where the souls of the dead live. There is also such a legend in the Muggle world. The Gospel of Matthew also talks about the time when Jesus suffered and died. “The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom, the earth shook, the rocks cracked, and the tombs were opened. The corpses of many sleeping saints were resurrected and they entered the heavily fortified city. Owen said naggingly.

"You still understand this!" Harry looked shocked, "Have you read "The Gospel of Matthew"?"

"Excellent adventurers have read it. It records the location of some ancient ruins." Owen rolled his eyes at Harry, "Do you have to believe in God to read the Gospel of Matthew?"

"Okay, that's true."

On the other side, Dumbledore had already stepped forward to communicate with Kingsley in a low voice.

The other wizards present were surprised that this person was here.

Everyone was whispering to each other, and soon their voices covered up the sound of the curtains.

"Yes - the spirit of Broderick Bode, the Silent Man, was seen passing through the Veil. It was Gilbert Whymper, a member of the Experimental Spells Committee. He happened to be heading to the Hall of Brains that evening to find Bode. Verifying a standard spell. He happened to witness the tragedy. I have checked his memory and it is true.

Of course it cannot be ruled out that Gilbert Whymper was a master of Occlumency, but I think this is unlikely. "Kingsley frowned and reported last night's situation to Dumbledore.

His current position is the deputy director of the Auror Office, but this may be the end of his career. The Ministry of Magic was broken into and an employee died, coupled with his stance of supporting Dumbledore.

No need to guess, Barty Crouch will definitely use him as a scapegoat.

"Mr. Broderick?" Dumbledore frowned. He was an employee of the Time Hall and an old wizard who had always been obsessed with time research.

However, since time experiments were completely banned in the wizarding world, his job has become dispensable and has instead become an office job of reviewing whether those who hold time turners have violated regulations.

So in recent years, he has been calling on the Ministry of Magic to lift the law on time experiments.

And just now - they saw the soul eaten by Voldemort from Harry's memory.

It was that poor Mr. Broderick Bird.

That was why he came to the Ministry of Magic.

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