I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 402 Apparition

Owen briefly introduced the magic spell called 'Phantom Flashback'.

And this immediately caused the little wizards around to exclaim.

"Oh my God - what a genius invention this is."

Ron on the side said absentmindedly.

"Yes! I have never seen - no - I never thought that magic can be used in this way?"

Everyone's eyes filled with admiration.

It's hard not to be amazed by such a whimsical idea.

"Now I have to admit what Snape said, I'm a wand-waving baboon." The Creevey brothers - Colin and his younger brother.

They exchanged glances, with shock showing in each other's eyes.

"Hey - it's a baboon, then we are the baboon heads." The twins shouted, as if this was some kind of honor.

"Okay, I only know that the gap between people is bigger than that between people and baboons, so now - you can start practicing. I estimate that you will be very good if you can master these two magics this semester." Owen said He waved his hand and said brightly.

And his expression immediately aroused Hermione's suspicion.

She heard what he meant, "Did you invent these spells?"


Owen rubbed his long hair, and then said with a helpless expression, "I just provided ideas. My grandfather Grindelwald invented it."

"That's what you invented!" Hermione said decisively, "Just like the force field magic."

"If you insist on thinking so - it's not impossible." There was a smile in his emerald eyes.

"Wow!" This time the little wizards really exploded.

After all, knowing a powerful curse and inventing a powerful curse are completely different things!

Most wizards can master the former as long as they keep practicing.

But the latter - without enough talent, a normal wizard would not be able to invent half a magic spell in his lifetime.

"You are so awesome! Owen." Qiu Zhang looked at Owen in amazement.

Seeing this - Harry immediately pouted.

And this naturally fell into Owen's eyes.

He glared and yelled back fiercely.

Harry still looked at Owen passionately with his mouth open.

However, when the fourth sight came in, the three people present quickly withdrew their gaze.

The fourth person is naturally Cedric.

As Qiu Zhang's current boyfriend, he doesn't want to lose face.

And Harry also remembered that it seemed useless to yell at Owen, and then he could only look back with a deflated look.

"I didn't know you could invent magic spells." Hannah, who was standing on the other side of Qiu Zhang, also said hastily.

She used to boast that she knew Owen very well, but she really knew nothing about this kind of thing.

"I know a lot of things. I also know Wing Chun. Forget it."

Owen said to the others as he walked towards Hermione.

"You guys start practicing."

He took Miss Granger's hand and walked further towards the Quidditch training ground.

Next he would teach Hermione the Disapparation spell.

Don't stay away from the little wizard.

"I guess you must have memorized the various casting conditions for Apparition."

After about a hundred feet, Owen stopped.

"Yeah..." Hermione nodded confidently.

She memorized everything in the training manual.

"Okay." As he said that, Owen raised his hand slightly and waved his wand, and many shiny circles immediately appeared on the ground. "Although you should have memorized the essentials of Apparition. But I still have to say it again, Apparition. The most important thing to remember is the three D's: Destination, Determination, and Deliberation. Let's start by practicing Appearance, and now focus on the circle."

He pointed to the nearest aperture and said.

Hermione looked at the circle of light, calmed down, and took a few deep breaths. The cold weather around her made it easier for her to concentrate.

The so-called Apparition is actually divided into two parts-Apparition and Apparition. The two spells added together are the complete Apparition Curse.

In addition, there is also the accompanying Apparition Spell, which can bring other people to Apparition together.

Disapparation is teleportation. Specifically in combat, it allows the caster to instantly disappear from the location and appear in another location. Compared with Apparition, Apparition is closer and only moves within the range of vision. .

The advantage is that the forward movement of the spell is very short. Once you are proficient, it can be less than one second, and what you see is what you move.

For example, Irving just now. What he used was apparation.

But if a long distance is required, that is, it is not the direction of the witness, then the wizard must first outline the appearance of that place in the back of his mind, so that he can cast the spell. No matter how familiar the place is, no matter how powerful the wizard is, Take a second or two to prepare.

Then cast Apparition, and a complete set of spells is completed, which is the real Apparition spell.

The former is generally used in combat, and teleportation can greatly increase the wizard's tactical options.

This requires long-term practice and the control and response of magic power and attention. If you are still stunned for a moment due to changes in the environment, then this move will be meaningless.

This is why almost most wizards can master long-distance apparation, but it is difficult to use apparation in combat.

After all, in a tense battle, if you are slightly distracted, you may be hit by the opponent's magic.

There is no doubt that mastering the transformation spell is very helpful to a wizard. In battle, he no longer has to rely solely on his body to dodge clumsily.

Although Owen himself is a devout believer in the Tumbling Cult, others don't want to roll around in such an embarrassing manner.

With this spell, the wizard can also develop many unexpected tactics.

"Very good - focus now, Hermione." Owen was standing not far from the circle of light, with the crystallization spell already in his hand. Always be prepared for emergencies.

He continued gently: "The next step is to determine to occupy the space you want, and let the desire to enter flood every smallest part of your body."

Imagination - a very abstract thing, but magic is so metaphysical, and most magic in the Harry Potter world requires the power of emotion and personal will. This is why wizards seem so "simple".

Muggles with complicated minds may never learn the Patronus Charm in their lifetime.

Owen was able to master the spell quickly because, as the heir, he ignored the emotional power of the spell and could focus on the control of magic.

But others simply can't do it.

Just like Hermione - her personality has undergone profound changes since she delved into some dark magic. Of course, this change is gradual and not overnight.

Owen didn't know if she could return to her previous self, so he could only prevent her from going deeper.

On the other side, Hermione was following Owen's request, staring hard at the aperture, her face flushed. She was trying hard to imagine that she would reach that position, but she was not sure if she could really do it.

"Step three," Owen shouted, "wait until I tell you to do it before you do it - turn around in place and feel your body become nothing, move calmly!"

He said in a very textbook manner, these techniques are all found in the Hogwarts Apparition Training Course Manual.

As the old saying goes, magic can only be understood but cannot be expressed. What is nothingness? What is calmness? Who knows.

He wasn't in that mood anyway.

But Irving wondered - is this related to mind wandering? It's like a person who is distracted while walking on the street. When he comes back to his senses, he finds that he is already a few blocks away. He has no memory of the middle distance at all - does this count as disembodiment?

"Listen to my command."

Owen took out a few more bottles of magic potion from his pocket and held them in his hands.

"Three, two, one"

As soon as Owen finished speaking, Hermione immediately activated her magic, and a strong feeling of dizziness rose in her body.

Her body was spinning and rising on the spot, and was about to enter the void.

Then a tearing feeling came from her calf, and Hermione seemed to have squeezed into some kind of pipe just as she felt a pain.

The next second, she came out from the other end of the pipe and appeared staggeringly.

It's that aperture - it's off by a few feet.

When Owen saw this, he immediately opened his arms.

She landed right in front of him - probably because she was standing here, Hermione subconsciously looked at herself instead of the aperture.

"Poof" he caught Hermione.

Squat down on the ground.

The snow is dotted with dots of scarlet.

The little witch frowned, grabbed Owen's clothes with both hands, and fell into his arms.

Upon seeing this - Owen immediately waved his wand and cut open her right pantyhose.

With a 'Second' sound, Hermione's white calves were exposed to the air.

She shivered slightly, whether it was pain or cold.

Owen Baixian fell on the wound, stretched out his hand to smooth it, and then cast a spell to "heal as before".

As if pressing a rewind button, the blood in the girl's leg flowed back into the wound, and then the two-foot wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. It only takes two or three seconds.

"Very good, I thought you might have to separate your limbs the first time." Owen joked.

"Well -" Hermione's earlobes were slightly red, and her face looked very unnatural.

In fact, it was not a serious wound. There were too many injuries at Hogwarts, and that was Owen - when he stroked her calf, she felt like an electric shock, which made her involuntarily shake her heart. Become restless.


"Don't touch it." Hermione said with a blush while lying in his arms.

"This is a rare opportunity, of course you have to touch it a few more times, otherwise you will lose." Owen said brightly.

His hands kept squeezing the little witch's legs.

The girl's tight and elastic legs have no fat at all, everything is just right.

It's hard to put it down.

Moreover, the little witch did not resist, which was a sign of permission!

Ahem - Of course Owen didn't continue stroking.

It's a cold day. If it's exposed like this, what should I do if it freezes?

"Recover as before."

As the spell took effect, Hermione's damaged black pantyhose gradually became as good as new.

"Okay!" Owen patted the little witch.

"Did you enjoy it so much? How about going back to the safe house to stay at night? Just the two of us."

"Hmph -" Hermione snorted softly and glanced at him with adoration, her cheeks flushed.

Neither reject nor agree.

Just like before.

But she got up very quickly.

It jumped up from his arms.

They were afraid that the little wizards not far away would notice the two of them.

Fortunately, they were silent in the two magical spells and did not notice this.

"Again?" Owen said.

"Yeah!" Hermione nodded.

Then he took a few steps away from him.

His eyes then fell on the aperture in another direction.

Owen also wisely did not appear in Hermione's sight.

He was the one who interfered with her just now.

Be aware - learning to apparate can be dangerous.

It is common for the body to be divided by space.

It sometimes happens that the little wizard makes a mistake, causing his upper body to teleport away and his lower body to stay in place.

However, although this looks very scary, it is just like a person passing through a wormhole, seemingly separated - in fact, his body is still connected in another dimension.

At this time, as long as the professor immediately takes the accompanying image and teleports the lower body of the little wizard there, there will be no problem.

But be quick - the space will soon be restored, and then you'll really be stuck in a tree.

Therefore, Hogwarts has a special training class for Apparition, which is to prevent little wizards from blindly appearing on their own and causing death.

Miss Granger's first time just scratching her calf - she is already very good.

He joked that Hermione might be separated for the first time, but that was just a joke, Owen didn't want to see it.


the other side.

After the little witch stood up, she took a deep breath and immediately began to cast the spell for the second time.

With a 'pop' sound, her body disappeared from the spot, and the next second, it appeared on a point of light not far away more than ten feet away.

This time Owen did not observe any wounds on her body.

"Not bad!" Owen shouted from a distance. "you made it!"

"Now I just need to practice more." He pointed at the circles of light around him.

Not far away, a delighted Hermione nodded, and then disappeared again.

As if in a flash, she appeared in other circles of light.

Then the speed of flashing and jumping became faster and faster.

Irving looked a little dazzled. Little wizards are like this. After mastering this magic, they would like to apparate wherever they go.

This enthusiasm can last from a week to a month.

This enthusiasm gradually faded when they discovered that there was no way to apparate in Hogwarts and that they had to run out of the castle every time they tried.

"She's really awesome."

Hermione moved around dizzyingly, and soon attracted the little wizards practicing magic spells in the distance.

One by one, they poked their heads over and said with admiration.

It seems that she has learned how to apparate.

Less than five minutes had passed.

Oh my god - is this genius?

"It's just a basic magic." Owen came over and said, now Hermione just needs to keep practicing and increase the distance she can travel little by little.

His care is no longer needed.

"Every little wizard has to study in sixth or seventh grade. Now it's just ahead of schedule."

Yes - most wizards can disapparate, but of course ordinary wizards can't use this magic in combat. They move forward too long when using it.

"That's awesome. Hermione just read some training manuals and succeeded the first time." It was Neville who spoke.

He was looking at Hermione who was moving around with complicated eyes.

Among this group of young wizards, perhaps his magical talent is the lowest. Neville thought so.

"Well - although talent is really important," Owen said, "hard work is also very important, because most people in this world have never really worked hard. Although they can't match genius, after hard work you can far surpass it." other people."

"And - Neville, I remember I said it many times." He looked down at the wizard beside him, especially the old wand he held in his hand, "Don't use your father's wand anymore. "

"Half of the suffering you are suffering now comes from this wand that does not belong to you."

"I" Neville fell silent.

There is a reason why he cannot put down this wand. Even if he is mediocre in this life, he will still hold this wand.

Owen naturally saw the struggle in Neville's heart, "You use your father's wand, but whose wand does your father use?"

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, "Maybe your grandma didn't tell you, but Harry and I actually met your parents two years ago."

"What?" Neville said with wide eyes.

"At that time, I had not yet mastered the magic of the soul." Owen said slowly, "I just helped them sort out their fragile consciousness. The soul is like the body. The scars will be repaired slowly, but it takes a long, long time. time. But now—"

At that time, all he could do was use the power of his own patron saint to influence the two patron saints and let them slowly regain their vitality.

Patron Saint - is the sublimated product of the wizard's will and soul. If the Patron Saint becomes active again, it can feed back the soul, thereby achieving the effect of healing soul damage.

But - this requires Owen to act like a caregiver and go there only once when there is nothing wrong.

This was obviously not what he wanted to do at that time.

However, he has revived the two patron saints of Neville's parents, and the souls will repair themselves, but it is quite slow.

"What are you talking about?" Neville looked at Owen blankly. He had never known this, but from those words, he heard the implication that his father and mother could be saved.

"Be prepared to transfer your parents to another hospital." Owen said, "I will write a letter tonight and ask the Rozier Magical Disabled Hospital in Paris to issue a transfer notice. You just need to agree to it.

There will be new hope there. "

Owen said and patted Neville on the shoulder.

Then he walked away.

He was going to see how Harry and the others were practicing.

Yes, in terms of soul, Irving is far better today than he was then.

Problems that were difficult for him before are not difficult now.

Besides, Victor’s subject.

Ancient magic has also achieved some results in guiding organisms to mutate.

Stimulate the wizard's body to maintain vitality - the body is the breeding ground for the soul, and a fresh body is conducive to the recovery of the soul.

It really doesn't work - Owen can also sacrifice the few souls of those [Evil Omens] like he did when he repaired the sixteen-year-old Tom, and crush them thoroughly by himself to ensure that there will be no sequelae of the priest's use.

Now he has some results in his pocket.

As for how it came about

ah! They are all gifts from kindhearted people who are grateful.

There is no use of any coercion on his part!

Neville froze on the spot.

He looked at the boy with his long silver hair tied together, and his figure seemed to merge with the surrounding snow - the heavy snow that covered the entire Scottish Highlands and the Hogwarts Highlands.

There were indescribable complex emotions in my heart.

For a moment, he wanted to cry.

But there was another tenacious emotion emerging from the bottom of his heart, blocking the tear ducts that were about to burst.

Owen - Owen.

Neville sighed in his heart.

He's such a good guy.


The little wizards are very enthusiastic about learning magic.

It lasted from morning to afternoon.

At three o'clock, everyone's interest was defeated by hunger.

Then they dispersed and headed for Hogsmeade in twos and threes.

This may be the last weekend they get together before Christmas.

Christmas in 1995 happened to be on a Monday.

Tomorrow is Sunday and they will have a holiday.

Next week is the Christmas holiday.

It will be next year when we meet again.

"I think it went pretty smoothly." After a while, Owen, Hermione, Harry, Ron, Justin, Hannah, and Susan walked into the store opposite Weasley's Alchemy Workshop. H\u0026S restaurant.

Owen's own store.

Originally, the elves were taking care of it.

But after it became popular, Irving had to hire two people.

"It went quite smoothly." Ron said with some amusement, "Except for you who learned to disapparate, no one else has learned those two spells."

"Then you should find the reason from yourself." Hermione had a long list of people in her hands, which were the signatures of the young wizards at today's gathering. She put the list away. Said: "I didn't expect so many people to come."

"I think your list was completely in vain." Owen greeted everyone and walked into the table next to the wall.

There is a row of sofas next to the wall, which can seat many people.

"Except for some people in Slytherin, everyone else wants to join. Most of the young wizards in Hogwarts want to join. What kind of secret society is this?"

"Be prepared -" Hermione said briskly, she was in a great mood.

Owen ordered lots of food and drinks, mostly French.

It must be separate from the Hogwarts kitchen - otherwise how could anyone come in to eat?

Britain has maintained peace during this period, and the flow of people in Hogward Village has increased significantly.

Many merchants hope to open branches here.

His tea shop has been upgraded to a large restaurant!

"I'm just curious about what you put in front of the store?" Justin asked.

When they just entered the door, the stone lion in front of the door suddenly came to life and roared at them, scaring the little wizards.

But he didn't attack them.

"That's called Pixiu! It's a magical animal that means attracting wealth." Owen explained casually.

"To attract wealth." The corner of Justin's mouth twitched. Who would put something like that at the door to attract wealth? Scared to death, okay?

It was Ron who shared Justin's sentiments.

He was sipping on a grapefruit-flavored milk tea when suddenly - a familiar figure outside the glass window came into view.

".That seems to be Ginny?"

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