I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 401 The first gathering before Christmas

For all the accusations against Umbridge.

Owen denied them all.

He said that he just picked up a pen on the professor's desk and wrote a few words.

If writing was a crime, then Hogwarts should be closed down.

In the end, he even bit back, saying that Umbridge brought this dark magic cursed item into the school, which showed that she had sinister intentions, and she also arbitrarily punished the young wizards, seriously violating the "Minor Wizards Protection Act" - ah - -You said the Ministry of Magic does not have this law? Shit - it doesn't matter, Miss Granger over there has already written it down, and there will definitely be some in the future.

Anyway, she should be the one to be arrested.

Of course, in today's Ministry of Magic, Barty Crouch will definitely not arrest anyone of his own.

But it doesn't matter!

Owen said that he would write to Mr. Rufus Scrimgeour, then head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and tell him the whole story.

I believe he will definitely carry out justice!

First of all - the Ministry of Magic clearly prohibits the collection of dark magic items, let alone bringing them into Hogwarts.

In 1992, the Ministry also conducted a high-profile search operation, and even the Malfoy family was affected at that time - because the person in charge of the search operation was Ron's father, Mr. Arthur Weasley.

Lucius anxiously sold the black magic props at home to Borgin-Bock Magic Shop.

He even sold our sixteen-year-old senior Tom to Ginny

It can be seen that the search activity was huge at that time.

But it's a pity - only the ship of state started to leak from the upper level. After various insiders revealed the information, Mr. Arthur found nothing in the end.

But at least the law does clearly prohibit the possession of black magic items.

Secondly, there is a reason why Owen chose to write to Rufus Scrimgeour.

This is a little tricky to explain.

It includes the intricate power struggle in the Ministry of Magic and the power differentiation of various factions.

Rufus Scrimgeour's reputation in the Ministry of Magic is not low. He was formerly the director of the Auror Office. The war to eliminate the Death Eaters a few years ago gave his reputation among the British people a surge.

There is a gradual trend of threatening Barty Crouch.

As for our minister, he made a decisive move last year and promoted him to the position of Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, both openly and covertly.

Although it seems that this is undoubtedly a high promotion.

But in fact, he was cut off from the Aurors, and Mr. Crouch replaced the new Auror Office Director with one of his own.

As Barty Crouch, who has run the Department of Magical Law Enforcement for decades - although he was transferred to the Department of International Magical Exchange for a while, he still has a huge network of contacts in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Rufus Sk The director Lin Jie currently serves is, to put it bluntly, a puppet. After stripping the Aurors from his power, there will be only a few people left under his command.

Unless he cooperates with Dumbledore, he can command several members of the Order of the Phoenix.

Now - if Owen had told Rufus Scrimgeour about Umbridge - what do you think he would have done?

I'm afraid he can jump for joy.

Even if it's a small thing.

He will also vigorously promote and destroy Barty Crouch's reputation.

Fight for real power for yourself.

What's more, as the director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, it is his duty to supervise dark magic items.

Owen is well aware of these power struggles in the Ministry of Magic.

Umbridge knew better.

Could she be thoughtful enough to know that if this matter was brought to Rufus Scrimgeour, the most likely result would be that Mr. Crouch would abandon his troops to save the commander, remove her from her position, and even make her worse? Judgment is not impossible.

Understanding the truth, she no longer asked Dumbledore to fire Owen.

However, we still made a hysterical noise in the principal's office for a long time.

After all, the scars on her body really hurt.

Faced with such Umbridge, Dumbledore did not want to make the relationship between him and the Ministry of Magic so tense.

Moreover - the conflict between him and the Minister of Magic has become intense, and there is almost no possibility of mediation.

Anyone who comes to power has to compete with him for fame, unless they are willing to be a puppet minister.

If that were the case - they wouldn't choose to climb up.

And if Umbridge is replaced, who can guarantee that her successor will not be more disgusting than her?

So in order to appease this noisy toad, Dumbledore still punished Owen.

The crime is: using someone else's stuff without permission.

Since Owen was a young wizard from Hufflepuff, Dumbledore handed over the details of the punishment to Professor Sprout.

After receiving the instructions from the principal, Professor Sprout nodded solemnly, and then happily asked Owen to go with her to cultivate flowers and plants in the second greenhouse.

A few days later, Owen was even given thirty points for successfully cultivating a new herb.

This punishment - I guess Umbridge would be so angry that she would go directly to see Satan after knowing it.

But - it's a pity.

After that incident, no one saw Umbridge in school.

I heard she was in hospital - at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries for treatment of her injuries.

The scars that Owen aggravated were not easy to heal. In short, she would probably need to treat them for a while.

Probably won't be back until after Christmas.

No one knows the truth, the above is just the guess of the little wizards. But it was enough to set off a carnival at Hogwarts.

Everyone was celebrating getting rid of that annoying toad.

It's Christmas in a few days.

They wouldn't see the pink toad for at least three weeks.

Owen didn't care about Umbridge, there was no joy in dealing with such a clown.

If Voldemort died suddenly and suddenly, that would still be cause for celebration.

In the next few days, Umbridge did not appear again.

The carnival continued for several more days.

Time flies and Christmas is getting closer and closer.

They're on the last weekend before Christmas.

Since Umbridge disappeared, Hermione didn't want to find any hiding place. She took the little wizards directly to the open space outside the castle for the first and last gathering of the year.

On the path in the mountains, the little wizards were walking in twos and threes.

Most of them are in the same grade or higher grades of Owen, and there are very few young wizards in the lower grades. After all, they can't learn much at their level.

"It feels really good. Umbridge is not here, and the atmosphere in the whole school has become much more relaxed." Ron said happily, looking in high spirits. "Well, if possible, I hope that woman will just resign like this, forever." Don’t come back either.”

"That's impossible." Hermione said, "We have to be careful, she won't just let it go. Having said that, Owen, you went too far. I heard that she seemed to be seriously injured... "

As she said that, Miss Granger couldn't help but look at the boy leading the way.

"She deserves it," Ron continued.

"Yes, that's right, but after all, she..." A young wizard agreed.

"Okay, Hermione, I think this place is very good." Harry interrupted her quickly, "Train for a few hours, and then you can go to Hogsmeade for a walk."

"Harry, we are here to practice the Defense Against the Dark Arts spell and learn the Apparition Charm. How are you doing with your Origin Magic? I haven't seen you in contact since I returned to school." Hermione's attention was diverted. No one is worried about Umbridge now, but everyone knows in their hearts that she will come back sooner or later. It is also difficult for professors to participate in their study mutual aid groups because they cannot openly violate the Ministry of Magic-Education Committee's regulations. regulations, so they have to do everything themselves.

"Uh-" Harry was a little embarrassed.

After returning to school, he didn't practice spells much.

But - there was nothing he could do. Senior Wood graduated, and his Quidditch team lost a goalkeeper and a Chaser.

He spent his free time playing Quidditch.

At this time, Angelina stepped forward and helped Harry smooth things over, saying, "He must focus on important things."

She is now the Gryffindor Quidditch captain.

"I think it is more important to improve the young wizard's combat level under the current circumstances." Hermione said sharply.

"Isn't that because Umbridge? She doesn't allow us to practice magic, so she spends her free time studying Quidditch. Our team this year is not as strong as in previous years. Do you want us to lose?"

"Can Umbridge still run into the dormitory and stare at the little wizard? Harry is just relaxed.

Also, if you don’t practice your spells well, it’s still unclear whether you’ll be able to see Quidditch in the future! "Hermione said bluntly.

Seeing this, Harry quickly spoke up and said: "I will find time to practice spells. Don't worry Hermione, I can learn magic quickly."

"I don't care." Angelina still refused to give in. "The activities of your mutual aid club must be separated from the Quidditch training time."

"Oh! And we are Hufflepuffs. Hehe-" Justin shouted, "We will definitely win the Academy Cup and Quidditch Cup this year!"

"And Ravenclaw!" Qiu Zhang, who was following behind, also said firmly.


Hermione frowned, she didn't understand - why did they still care so much about a damn Quidditch when it was so urgent?

"Huh..." Take a deep breath.

She quickly adjusted her mentality. Anyway, the mutual aid association only held one activity a week, so it was not difficult to find a free time together.

"Okay, let's go here!"

Owen smiled and looked at the little wizards behind him.

He stood on a wooden pier.

Well - this is what school feels like.

Noisy and full of energy.

As for the opinions of a few people - well - he actually doesn't like Quidditch very much either.

"Here?" Cedric looked at the field in front of him and nodded. This place is indeed suitable.

This is Hufflepuff's Quidditch training ground, a clearing burned by the mysterious Ravenclaw heir in the second year with a fire spell.

Last year, this was the venue for the first game of the Goblet of Fire and the Dragon Fight.

At that time, the Ministry of Magic and the school carried out large-scale renovations here.

Later, after the game, the place was restored to its original state.

It was still a simple open space with three ball frames standing on the east and west ends.

Compared to the Quidditch venue at Hogwarts, it just doesn't have stands.

At this time, there was a full foot of snow on the field.

But that's a good thing. At least it won't hurt if you fall to the ground. It's just cold


Owen shuddered, then looked at the little wizards and said.

"This time, there are young wizards who want to practice apparation, so they have to choose an open area. In the future, the gathering will definitely not be outside, and everyone will freeze to death!" He rubbed his hands.

Even with the gloves on - knitted by Miss Granger - it was still a bit cold.

The threads of these gloves are not tight enough and air leaks.

Owen's words resonated with many young wizards present. They were practicing spells outside in the cold weather, and their hands were frozen.

But they are very enthusiastic.

After all, they had long heard that Owen taught Miss Granger several of the spectacular magic tricks she used.

If you can learn it yourself

"Okay - first of all, first of all, we need to determine the name of the mutual aid association. We can't always call it the mutual aid association, the mutual aid association! It's too stupid." Owen clapped his hands to attract the attention of the little wizards.

"I propose here that the name of our organization should be called - British Wizarding Liberation Front, British Wizarding Liberation Front, or B.W.L.P. for short.

The organizational program - we want a violent revolution to overthrow this Ministry of Magic controlled by feudal aristocrats and big capitalists, and establish a truly democratic, new magical institution that serves the general public! "

Owen spread his hands: "Okay, I'm done. Who of you agrees? Who opposes?"


The cold wind in the Scottish Highlands in mid-December caused pain to the cold cheeks of the little wizard present.

But this was not as good as the chill rising in their hearts at this moment.

? ? ?

What kind of Voldemort-like speech are you talking about?

Did Owen want to create Death Eaters from scratch?

Among the crowd, Hermione was the only one who didn't look at Owen strangely, although these words did sound shocking at first.

But if not at first glance.

Okay, still appalling.

But in fact, Owen really wants to promote change in the magical world. In the past, he had planned silently, but he didn't expect that he would express it so nakedly today.

It's a pity that Hermione is the only one here who can understand Owen's good intentions.

Others responded with a long silence.

No one spoke for the past ten seconds.

At this time, Hermione had to speak quickly, trying to dispel the embarrassment around her, "Ahem - a good suggestion, but I suggest that our names should be more specific.

Umbridge has always believed that Dumbledore is training young wizards and that he is training an army. In this case, I think it is more appropriate to call it Dumbledore's Army - D.A for short. "

As for the British Wizards Liberation Front.

You can come quietly later.

"I think the abbreviation D.A is particularly good." Ron said immediately.

Compared to Owen's shocking name, Dumbledore's Army sounds much safer.

"That's right. Dumbledore's Army is better."

The other little wizards echoed one by one.

"Tch - you have no backbone at all!" Upon seeing this, Owen, who was standing on the wooden stake, immediately looked at the large group of young wizards in front of him with contempt.

Then he opened his mouth and laughed at the group: "Thanks to you, you are still the new generation of Hogwarts that I have worked hard to cultivate!

You don’t even have the ambition to have the world at all! It's so muddy that it can't hold up the wall!

I originally wanted to call it [Wizard International]. Work with like-minded wizards around the world to establish a true wizarding alliance that transcends national sovereignty, abolish the ministries of magic around the world, and establish a unified wizarding regime. "

"Forget it, Dumbledore's Army is Dumbledore's Army."

He glanced at the little wizards, "How can you fly across the Nine Provinces if you don't care about the world.

Look at my grandpa - they founded the Saints to overthrow the Federation, abolish the Statute of Secrecy, and establish a world where wizards could live under the sun.

Look at Dumbledore again - his team also took it as its mission to save the wizarding world, not to mention the later Order of the Phoenix, which was the vanguard against Voldemort.

Even Voldemort - his wish is to rule the world!

A dark wizard - an evil dark wizard has such a big heart, but as good young people of the new era, you are just content with the status quo, at Hogwarts, and at home in the UK!

Doomed to a lifetime of no success! "

Owen scolded him head-on.

He is heartbroken and guilty of the country.

The soldiers are not great, it is all the fault of him, the commander!

He wished he could depose himself

And the little wizards faced with Owen's superb acting skills.

They were deeply PUA.

They all stood there, their faces burning.

I really started to reflect on myself.

Are they really unambitious?

There was silence.

After about a few minutes, the little wizards who had thought about it realized that Owen was talking about overthrowing the Ministry of Magic of each country, abolishing the Federation, and establishing a unified global wizarding regime.

Merlin on top!

You are a darker wizard than Grundelwald or Voldemort!

What a treasonous idea.

Why are you born in Hufflepuff despite receiving the same education? How could you have such thoughts in your head?

Now even Hermione had to look at Owen with some scrutiny.

"Okay - now let's start practicing the magic spell!" Owen started the next step without any delay.

"Ahem - you have mastered a lot of regular dark magic defense spells. If you don't know some, just learn from each other.

Today I will teach you two new spells - by the way, Harry and Ron. Stop practicing your origin magic. You are still spitting bubbles after a few months - the Star Rain wand spits out too few stars - —It seems that you really don’t have the talent to learn this kind of magic.

Don't look at Granger - she is the heir of Gryffindor - there is an old man named Godric in her mind, do you have one? "

At this moment Hermione wanted to speak - but was interrupted by Owen.

"Start with regular magic!" he said.

"Harry - use the disarming spell on me!"

"Oh!" Harry responded, and then took out his wand from his cloak.

"Expelliarmus." I have to say that the Redeemer used the disarming spell very skillfully, fast and hard, and the angle was very tricky, but...

"Armor strikes back!" Owen cursed frivolously, and a pair of ethereal armor instantly appeared in front of him. Harry's curse hit the armor and did not disappear, but was bounced back.

The next second, Harry was hit by his own disarming spell, and the wand flew out of his hand and fell into Owen's hand.

"This spell is called the Armor Counter Spell. It can reflect most of the spells that can be defended by the Iron Armor Curse. In a duel, unexpected use can bring unexpected results."

"Oh my God - it's amazing!" A wonderful confrontation between magic spells attracted full applause from the little wizards.

Everyone clapped and their eyes were shining.

Owen handed the wand back to Harry and continued to hold it.

"The next thing is this-" He waved his wand, and a ball of flames headed straight towards the snow-covered clearing, the blazing heat vaporizing large swaths of snow.


"Phantom body flashback——" Owen chanted the spell.

The next second, another flame came out of his wand, which also evaporated a large amount of snow.

It doesn't seem to be any different.

But - soon the little wizards showed expressions as if they had eggs stuffed in their mouths, and looked at Owen in shock.

Because just now - just after he said 'phantom flashback', two Owens appeared in front of them.

They couldn't tell the truth from the false, but they saw that Owen, who appeared later, did not use the wand.

Use another magic spell "Multiple Freeze."

The previous Owen waved his wand and continued to release the fire spell.

In an instant, the two heavens of ice and fire submerged the snow on the side.

"This magic is called phantom body flashback." Owen explained this. The phantom body around him slowly disappeared as if it was fading after he spoke. "It can create a phantom body, and the magic wand casts the last spell. That magic is a bit like a flashback spell."

"This is a very advanced spell. You need to master the Disembodiment Curse and the Flashback Curse in advance. If you learn this spell, you can achieve this level if you combine it with Apparition."

After he finished explaining, he raised his wand, and a thick bolt of lightning shot out towards the open space.

"Cast your attack spell first."

"Then - phantom flashback."

The little wizard stared at Owen standing on the wooden stake. They saw the unknown 'Owen' raise his hand again, and another thick bolt of lightning fell.

Then - in the direction where the lightning landed, there was a sudden space distortion. The second Owen walked out and he also used lightning.

The two lightning bolts collided together, making a huge thunderous sound.

The surrounding trees were shaken, and snow fell, hitting the heads of the little wizards.

But they didn't react at all.

They stood under the tree as if they were petrified, looking at the two Owens with dull eyes.

"You-how did you do this?"

After a long time - Hermione, who came back to her senses, was the first to express doubts. Although he had seen Owen use this magic before, she had not paid attention at the time.

The battle was so fierce that Hermione could only deal with what was in front of her.

"It's simple." Owen apparated back to the wooden pile.

"I first created a phantom body and used the phantom body to block your sight. Then I took half a step back and quietly apparated. Because of the existence of the phantom body, the distortion of time and space at the moment of apparation was blocked, and you didn't see it. In addition, there will be a delay of one to three seconds when casting the phantom spell - it depends on your proficiency. This freezing time is just used to initiate the phantom transformation. So what you see is achieved, the two of me cast each other. Curse scene.”

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