I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 396 Owen: I haven’t been a big brother for many years.

"She is more hated than the dark wizard!"

At the dinner table, Ron yelled angrily.

Harry on the side said directly: "It would be great if she was a dark wizard."


If only she were a dark wizard.

Most of the little wizards thought so. If the toad was a dark wizard, they would have jumped up and kicked her ass hard.

How can I complain in depression here?

"Oh my god - when will Owen come back!" Harry sighed with emotion, "I didn't feel this way before, but now, every day he is away, we will feel uncomfortable every day."

"Yeah - when Owen was here, how could we have been so angry? What happened last year? The other three magic schools were not suppressed by us." Seamus also jumped out, with yesterday's glory in front of his eyes. Today's ending is particularly dazzling.

"Merlin, if he doesn't come back, Hufflepuff will rebel." Ron's eyes were bright. He and Harry were sitting next to Hermione. Looking up and past Hermione, they could see Hufflepuff's Long table.

Over there - Justin, Hannah, Susan, Gawain, Cedric, Ernie, they were whispering something.

It can be inferred from the unkind expressions of several people that they must be discussing some violent plan.

"It seems Hannah can't suppress them anymore." Harry also looked at the other long table.

Then, his eyes couldn't help but fall on Hermione.

If Hermione hadn't suppressed them, they would have shown that toad what cruelty is!

Facing the eyes of Harry and Ron, Hermione couldn't help but turn her head, and then she also saw that scene.


She certainly didn't like Umbridge either.

No one will like her.

But she had to hold the little wizards down. She couldn't let the wizards outside think that Hogwarts was a branch of Azkaban.

Beat up the professor

What kind of bad behavior is this? If the little wizard dared to do this, Professor McGonagall would be very angry.

"Owen will be back in a while, definitely before Christmas." Miss Granger took a deep breath, suppressed the restlessness in her heart, and said calmly.

"Before Christmas! There are still more than twenty days!" Ron said in surprise. "I can't stand it for a second."

Seeing that everyone's emotions were about to get out of control, Hermione looked around, then quickly changed the subject and said, "Well, where's Ginny, and Colin?"

"I don't know." Ron said angrily.

"I know." Neville said, "I met Professor Sprout at noon, and she said that when Umbridge was on her rounds - she was always acting up, as you know.

She went to Hagrid's Divine Animal Protection class, and then found that the little wizards were not in class, but were celebrating something, and did not look like students at all, so they were punished for cleaning up the swallow-tailed dog excrement and were not allowed to use magic. "

"Now those little wizards are still cleaning up excrement in the woods."

"Damn! She is simply a devil. Hagrid is the professor. He didn't say anything. It has nothing to do with her!" Ron yelled.

"Umbridge said the shit was polluting the air in the school and she could smell it in the castle," Neville added.

"Shit!" said Ron. "She's the smelliest in all of Hogwarts, in every sense of the word."

As he spoke, he glanced in the direction of the guest of honor table.

Then he found that the woman was staring at him maliciously.

"Okay, the toad is going to deduct points from us again."

Ron said something.

Sure enough, almost immediately, a disgusting sound that was so sweet that it made people pinch their throats floated from the sky above the auditorium.

"No talking during the meal. Ten points from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff!"

There was a sound of falling - someone in the auditorium immediately raised their head angrily and stared at the guest of honor table.

But no one had a seizure.

In any case, they are just students and cannot do anything to the professor unless they really want to be expelled.

Hermione's expression became even more distressed.

She felt that it was all her responsibility.

If she had confronted Umbridge instead of giving in blindly from the beginning, how could she have become so arrogant step by step?

At the beginning of the school year - at the ceremony, Headmaster Dumbledore announced that the school would resume the system of Head Boy and Student Council.

Hermione serves as Head Girl.

Ron serves as Gryffindor Prefect.

Only now did she understand what Professor Dumbledore meant at that time. At that time, he was secretly telling her that she should confront Umbridge.

As a result, I misunderstood the principal's meaning.

His own chairman was dismissed after less than a month.

No - not deposed.

It was Umbridge who abolished the student union and prefect system and established a new organization called the Search Team. Although it was said that all the young wizards in the school could apply to join, in fact only Slytherin's applications were eventually rejected. pass.

Each of the other three houses passed one.

"Huh..." Hermione rubbed her forehead.

If Owen were here, I'm afraid he would have raised his wand and given her a death spell to make the world quiet.

Wait—how did I come up with the death curse?

Quickly, Hermione gathered her thoughts.

She has become cruel.

On the other side - just when the little wizards chose to swallow their anger and sit down again with each other's slightly mocking smiles.

The closed door of the auditorium was suddenly opened.

Keeping the door of the Great Hall closed - is also Umbridge's new rule.

You must arrive at the auditorium to eat before 12:20, and then close the door. If you can't make it, you'll have to go hungry, and the gate won't open until one o'clock.

In the middle time, they also read the school rules aloud.

The euphemistic name is - digestion.

"Hey? What bastard deducted all the points from our Hufflepuff house?"

Outside the gate, there was a voice that was suddenly familiar to everyone.

"Damn it, Snape, took revenge while I was away."

With that said, the door of the auditorium was pushed open.



——Deadly quiet, the little wizards seemed to be petrified. When they looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar person, they were all stunned.

Owen's eyes stayed on Justin.

"Yeah! Very good. Student Justin didn't waste food during his meal, so - Hufflepuff plus sixty points."

He said flatly.

Then take a small step back.

Glancing at the house hourglass.


Why hasn't it grown?

Is this thing broken?

Owen frowned, "Since it's broken, let's start over."

He took out his wand, and the majestic magic flowed toward the college hourglass crazily.

The gems in the hourglass are like boiling water, jumping gurglingly.

After a few seconds, all scores return to zero.

"Yeah - it's much more pleasing to the eye."

At this time - the auditorium was still as quiet as a library.

Owen walked in carelessly.

Everyone's eyes were on him.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me? Don't you recognize me?"

He changed his tone and continued, "Why are you not happy that my brother is back? Where is the cheering? Where is the applause?"

He raised his voice and looked around.

The next second, the little wizards in the auditorium finally came to their senses.

"It's Owen."

"Oh my God! It's Owen who's back!"

"Merlin! Our miserable days are finally over!"

The next second, the auditorium seemed to explode.

The little wizards immediately became excited.

They stamped their feet, slapped the table, or stood up and stood on the bench, some even stood directly on the table, roaring loudly, unscrupulously venting the emotions they had suppressed for months.

On the Hufflepuff bench, Justin's eyes flashed, and then he quickly pulled his legs out from under the long table, then ran all the way and flew in front of Owen. Gave him a big hug.

"You are finally back. I miss you so much."

he yelled, slapping Owen on the back.

There was a hint of sadness and resentment in her voice, like a young wife who saw her husband come home.

"Fuck you!" Owen's face darkened.

He raised his foot, hit him with a knee, and then kicked him, forcing this damn faggot back two and a half meters.

"Ah - that's the feeling, that's the tone, haha." The stupid boy seemed to be possessed by a demon. After being kicked away by him, instead of being angry, he patted his butt and the smile on his face became even wider.

"Damn it - what a perversion!" Owen spat.

Hannah was the second to come to him.

She also gave him a light hug, then held his hand and said happily, "Welcome home, welcome."

"Yeah." Owen nodded.

"Wuhu!" On the other side, the Gryffindor bench also burst into cheers.

Harry and Ron Neville ran towards Owen quickly.

Unfortunately, there were more little wizards in front of a few people.

Almost the entire Hufflepuff wizards stood up and gathered around Owen.

In the blink of an eye, he was surrounded by little wizards again, and the number of little wizards gathered around him continued to increase.

Crowds of people.

Harry and the others couldn't squeeze through at all.

As for Hermione, she didn't squeeze over with the crowd, she just stood there and looked at him blankly.

As for the Ravenclaw side - Qiu Zhang, Padma Patil, and Michael Corner were also cheering.

These are little wizards who are friends with Owen.

Others, although they had not had much contact with him, had excitement written all over their faces.

If Penelope Crevat, Ravenclaw's former prefect, was still here, she might have jumped for joy.

But she graduated last year.

Finally, there was the Slytherin side—in fact, some of them wanted to cheer, but they were stopped by the people around them.

As for Draco - he looked at Owen with very complicated eyes, neither cheering nor showing sarcasm to anyone else.

He just sat quietly, eating his lunch with no intention of getting involved.

Just then - a huge sound of falling hammer sounded.

"Bang bang bang——"

The sound came from the direction of the guest desk.

Some young wizards looked back subconsciously, and they saw Umbridge holding a wooden gavel and banging on the table.

But they ignored her at all, everyone was immersed in the joy of Owen's return.

They all wanted to get closer to him.

"Order! I want to see order!" At the guest table, there was a broad, flabby face with a small black velvet bow on his short curly hair.

Umbridge, wearing a fluffy pink cardigan, shouted in a high-pitched voice.

"Hi - Owen, can you sign your autograph for me? My parents like you very much. They participated in the naval battle. Although they were not injured, they saw many wizards being injured and transformed into monsters. After hearing that you saved them, they have been I wanted to thank you."

A little Hufflepuff wizard squeezed forward, it was a third-year little witch, and she took out a piece of parchment from somewhere.

"Can Owen give me an autograph, too?"

"And I."

There was a lot of noise in front of the auditorium door.

A pair of eyes were staring at him, which made Owen feel a little uncomfortable.

He knew that he must be famous this time, but the enthusiasm of the little wizards still surprised him.

He was surrounded by people, and Owen thought it was good at first. Being popular was also part of his strength, which meant that he was much stronger.

But as he squeezed, his face gradually darkened.

It didn't matter that it was just crowded, why would anyone touch him?

She wanted to hug his waist and rub his chest.

Until someone was so bold that he wanted to reach out and pinch his face - he couldn't help it anymore.

"Retreat!" A powerful force of magic raged. It was just a simple levitating spell, but it was powerful enough to levitate all the dozen or so little wizards who were close to him.

"Back off, back off!"

After three consecutive retreats, the magic spell pushed all the little wizards back.

"What are you doing, what are you doing! Hug, hug, hug, why are there suddenly so many perverts in Hogwarts?" Owen wrapped his clothes and then looked at the little wizards in front of him angrily.

"And the one who just tried to pinch my face - who the hell is he?"

In the chaos, Owen also saw someone holding some of his hair.

He didn't want to know what those guys who dared to pull his hair out wanted to do with it.

All he knew was that these guys were itchy. They hadn't seen each other for half a year and deserved a beating.

At the scene, everyone looked at each other, but no one wanted to admit it.

Isn’t it stupid to admit it at this time?

“Very good—very good!

It seems that you all are really itchy, okay - I'll take the trouble to tighten it for you today for free! "

After that, he snapped his fingers.

There was a snap - the candle suspended on the ceiling suddenly began to change rapidly.

The candle was transformed into a long length of silk.

Then it fell like a curtain, and the guys who Owen thought were suspicious were wrapped into rice dumplings and hung up. Then they flew out of the auditorium one by one like cannonballs and flew out into the foyer.

White silk runs across the outside of the vestibule, and the Hogwarts flag hangs above the gate.

Hang those guys below.

"Who wants to go outside to cool off?" Owen scanned the audience.

Now - no one dared to speak.

Damn - happiness came so suddenly, they got carried away.

I forgot that the guy in front of me could be called the dark wizard walking in the school.

Everyone shrank their necks, and then pretended to look around at the scenery.

"As for the autographs, photos, etc. you just asked for." Owen changed his voice and said that punishment must be punished, and the money should be earned. You still have to fight for it. "One Siko for the autograph, two Siko for the photo, and a set of three Siko. Go to Miss Granger and pay.

Now - get back to your seats!

If anyone dares to take a step closer to me, I will hang him under the covered bridge! "

Under the covered bridge

That's an abyss of dozens of feet

Now everyone shrank their necks, no one dared to be bold anymore.

However, the little wizards did not express fear or anger towards Owen.

On the contrary, most of them, especially the little wizards from Hufflepuff, nodded with great satisfaction.

Uh-huh - Irving is still the same Irving.

That’s how fun it is to watch!

One by one, the little wizards who transformed into happy people returned to their seats.

As for Owen, he was finally able to sit back on the bench and enjoy the food.

After chatting with the old principal for so long, he was already hungry.

"Owen Sanchez."

A small incident, Umbridge watched the whole process.

And just when Owen thought he could have a good meal,

A high-pitched, loud sound blessed by the Loud Sound Spell sounded in the sky above the auditorium.

"Oh - my dear child, the legendary healer of the wizarding world, welcome, welcome back to this sweet home."

At the guest of honor table, Umbridge stood up, opened her mouth, and smiled with a smile on her face, pretending to be disgusting and affectionate, as if she had just swallowed a particularly delicious and juicy fly.

She greeted Owen with this gesture.

Once again, many little wizards made nauseating movements.

Owen turned to glance at Umbridge, then frowned.

OMG - so disgusting.

Sister, others are eating - can you not be disgusting at this time?

Owen had actually known for a long time that this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was still the toad, because Hermione mentioned it when she came to visit him.

But knowing is knowing, not being able to understand is still not being able to understand.

Why is the world still going round and round, but still going the same old way?

Even if the Ministry of Magic really wanted to control Hogwarts, why would they send such an idiot?

Has Barty Crouch degenerated into Fudge?

"They should have sent a tiger to take over. If they couldn't send a tiger, they had to send a dog. In the end, they sent a pig - oh, no, it was a toad. The Ministry of Magic is really getting worse every year. Declined." Owen said as he took a bite of steak.

His voice was not loud, but everyone in the entire auditorium heard it clearly.

The little wizards' eyes were shining with excitement, and they all stretched their eyes to witness this duel.

As expected of Irving - everyone had the same thought in their hearts, that is, they were irritable.

"Haha——" The flesh on Umbridge's face twitched, but in the end she endured it, and continued in a coquettish manner, "The Ministry of Magic has always believed that educating young wizards is a very important matter. Some of the precious talents you are born with may lead you astray if they are not cultivated and exercised under correct, careful and careful guidance.

For example, our [war hero] Miss Hermione Granger, her success is the final result of the Ministry of Magic’s decades of support for Hogwarts, but as time goes by, this lovely It was obvious that the little witch had deviated from the correct path. "

Umbridge stood up slowly. Her voice was high and high-pitched, like a little girl's voice, but you only need to look at her face to feel disgusted with this voice. You would never want to hear it in your life. This sound.

The little wizards around them exchanged glances with each other, and then sneered at Umbridge's words.

Hermione's achievements are not only due to her own efforts, but also due to the school's professors. She has nothing to do with the Ministry of Magic, which really puts herself in a good position.

Umbridge cleared her throat, and then continued, "The previous principals of Hogwarts have all made innovations when shouldering the important task of managing this famous historical school. This is completely appropriate, because if there is no progress, there will be no progress. If it stagnates, it will decline.

At the same time, however, progress for the sake of progress should never be encouraged. Our traditions have been tempered over time and often do not need clumsy revisions. To achieve a balance, between the old and the new, between permanence and change, between tradition and innovation..."

Umbridge was spitting on it, while Owen was stuffing things into his mouth without any image, while directing the little wizards around him, "Listen to what you want, and eat the vegetables!"

Hearing the sound, everyone reacted, yes, we are Hufflepuffs, it is not good to be distracted during meal time.

Then Justin and Hannah started fighting with the food on their plates.

Umbridge naturally noticed the changes in the little wizards below, but her expression did not change much from beginning to end. Maybe even if a riot broke out below, she would probably be able to recite the clichés she had already memorized in a serious manner. .

"In view of the current chaos in Hogwarts and the fact that Professor Dumbledore is busy with the affairs of the Federation at all levels, the Ministry of Magic has established an Education Committee specifically for this purpose. I, as the chairman of the committee, will be fully responsible for reforming and improving Hogwarts. various matters.

I have to repeat, I represent the Board of Education, I represent the Ministry of Magic, and I represent Minister Barty Crouch, and to fight against me is to fight against the British Ministry of Magic. "

She pulled a lot of tiger flags for herself and finally said, "Ahem - it's time to read the school rules aloud. I want to say - everyone stands up."

The next second, a small group of young wizards stood up subconsciously. Most of them were freshmen this year. As for the rest, many people looked at Irving, as if there were roots under their butts, not moving at all.


Owen glanced around the little wizard and said, "Look what I'm doing. Get out of here after dinner. Why are you gathering in the auditorium? Are you busy?"

"I knew it, the professors left too little homework, so you have free time, I..." As he said that, Owen suddenly realized something was wrong, homework? Operation!

Depend on! He didn't write a word of his summer homework.

Forget it, let's not mention this. It would be troublesome if the professors thought of asking him for it.

"Mr. Sanchez, these are the new school rules. The little wizard must recite the school rules." At this time, Umbridge's voice came.

"What kind of ridiculous school motto is this? It's abolished!" Owen said.

"Ha-this is the new rule of the Board of Education." Umbridge said in a loud voice.

"Then abolish that committee." Owen said again, biting off a piece of steak.

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