I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 395 Your king is back!

"Ha--one Sickle at a time." Owen said, glaring at Colin who was approaching.

Then he struck a tiger-like pose.

"No problem." Colin said generously, and then directed Ginny to take pictures quickly.

Ginny was completely indifferent to this. Maybe it was because she had just met Owen a few days ago, so she didn't seem that enthusiastic.

She held up the camera. As a good friend of Colin and Luna, she naturally knew how to operate this machine.

After adjusting the focus, I quickly pressed the shutter.

A simple photo was taken of the two of them, and then Ginny stepped forward and handed the camera back to Colin.

He didn't speak to Owen the whole time.

Not even a hello.

"Oh! That's great. I want to treasure this photo. Yeah - I have also been side by side with the legendary wizard." Colin held up his camera and looked at the film inside carefully.

"What's wrong with her?" Owen turned his head to Luna.

Weasley's little girl seems to be a little resentful towards him!

I haven't offended her, have I?

At least lately.

Hearing Owen's doubts, Luna on the side blinked and said in a gentle and ethereal voice, "Some time ago, Harry, Justin and Ron, a group of boys dug into the frozen black lake. No. Carefully fell into the lake."


Owen was a little confused.

He could understand why Justin fell into the Black Lake. Maybe he wanted to eat fresh fish. Hufflepuffs were like this. But what the hell are Harry and Ron? Did you go fishing in the winter too?

--Wait a moment.

I don't care whether they fell into the black lake or not, it has nothing to do with me.

"How come Scotland's climate change is now being blamed on me? Have those guys drowned?"

"No, everyone is fine." Luna stared at Owen and said.

"Tch—that's such a shame!"

"It's because they dug out the Black Lake." Luna continued. "Harry said they were afraid that the group of sea monsters living in the Black Lake would be out of breath due to the ice on the lake, so they dug out the Black Lake." Open on the lake.”

"Huh?" Owen rubbed his silver hair, and a black line appeared on his forehead. What kind of perverts are these, afraid that the sea monster will not be able to breathe?

Why aren't you afraid that the fish will drown?

these guys

It must be Harry Potter who is the leader. That guy's perfect appearance control, coupled with Ron's instigation, huh, these two people are already broken. It is recommended to cut the number and train them again.

"But I think that after you come back, they won't think about going to the Black Lake." Luna suddenly said mysteriously.

"That's - I will fence the Black Lake tomorrow, and I want to pay a fee for visiting the Kraken!" Owen raised his head and said arrogantly.

Then he quickly ran to Hagrid's side.

"Hey, long time no see Hagrid, how are the sirens I raised in the Black Lake doing?"

It was not easy for him to squeeze through the crowd.

The little wizards around him had already become confused because of his sudden appearance. They all gathered towards him and looked at him carefully.

They had not noticed much change in Owen's appearance since they had been together at school day and night. After all, this was Hogwarts, and George and Fred sold all kinds of deformed candies.

It is easy for you to have colorful hair.

But now that they haven't seen each other for half a year, everyone suddenly realizes that the Owen in front of them has changed too much.

A completely different person.

Hagrid felt the same way. It wasn't until Owen came closer and the familiar tone sounded again that he realized that the young man in front of him who could put his hair up was probably the same Owen from back then. "This change is really real." Big," Hagrid said.

"If you hadn't opened your mouth, I would have thought you were a relative of that Coatl from last year."

"Stop - don't mention this!" Owen said dissatisfied.

He waved his hand.

The change in his appearance is purely force majeure. This change has become irreversible ever since he came into frequent contact with foreign gods.

And what does it mean to become a girl?

To be precise, his body is getting closer to the perfection that the human species can achieve.

He has become neutral.

Both looks and sounds.

Well - boys look at him like a girl, and girls look at him like a boy. It's a bit spontaneous, and in everyone's eyes, he looks like what the other person most expects.

Maybe - this is a god!

"Where's my Siren?" Owen asked again.

"You mean those sea monsters?" Speaking of this, Hagrid's expression immediately became unhappy.

"How come they are not doing well?" Ever since you asked Harry to give me the suitcase and I let them settle in the Black Lake, Hogwarts has not stopped. The boys in the school have followed the magic. It seems like I want to stay by the lake all the time every day.

Professor McGonagall was furious and asked me to move them away from the Black Lake immediately. Dumbledore thought it was funny though. Allow them to stay for a while and wait and see.

Professor McGonagall couldn't argue, so she went to the leader of the Sirens and sternly warned them not to try to seduce the little wizard.

But the effect is not very obvious. "

"Then what are you unhappy about?" Owen asked again.

"Hmph - ever since Siren moved into the Black Lake, there hasn't been a day when the little wizards who are taking my class have not clamored to learn Siren's lessons. They are not interested at all in the lessons I prepared."

Hearing the sound, Owen glanced around and found that the little wizards' eyes were a little dodgy when facing him, as if they were a little embarrassed.

It seemed that everything Hagrid said was true.

However - he saw many black and white Jack Russell hounds about one foot tall in a wooden yard in front of Hagrid's hut.

No—that’s a swallow-tailed dog.

A magical animal bred by a xxx level wizard.

The appearance is very similar to the Jack Russell hound, the only difference is that the tail of the swallow-tailed dog is forked.

This kind of dog, well - how should I put it - any species bred by wizards, rather than naturally occurring, most of them have very bad tempers.

They can carry out attacks for more than forty-eight hours without stopping, and their energy is terrifying.

The advantage is that such creatures are extremely loyal to the wizard, but the disadvantage is that it is not easy to tame them.

The little wizards present all had thick dragon skin handbags. Before, Owen thought they were protecting them from the cold, but now he realized that they were protecting them from the bites of crazy swallow-tailed dogs.

Then, Owen raised his head and looked at Hagrid.

I really want to say from the bottom of my heart that the little wizards don't like your class, but actually it doesn't have much to do with the Kraken.

But when the words came to his lips, Owen didn't say them out, well - there are so many little wizards around, so let's save some face for Hagrid.

"Then just talk about the Kraken." He continued.

"Shall I tell you?" Hagrid's eyes widened, "What shall I tell you, General and Siren?"

As he said that, he quickly closed his mouth, and then looked at Owen with a strange expression, "Okay, you go back to the castle as soon as possible. Professor Sprout has been talking about you for several months, and my ears are calloused."

Hagrid waved his big hand and drove Owen away from here as soon as possible.

Owen had a weird smile on his face.

Hagrid really didn't have much to say.

Since Siren's most famous habits are inappropriate for children, he can't talk about them in class.

Although that would definitely be a hit.

What surprised Owen was that Dumbledore actually left the group of sirens behind. He thought that the principal would definitely drive them away. After all, raising sirens was harmful to the body, and they were still a group of children.

I really don’t know what Old Deng is thinking.

Seeing the weird smile on Owen's face became even brighter.

Hagrid chased him away more frequently.

We can't let this kid stay here anymore.

Otherwise - he might really have to talk about the habits of the sirens today.

Seeing this, Owen did not stop. After waving goodbye to Luna, he left in front of Hagrid's hut.

Jogging all the way, along a path exposed in the snow, which was stepped on by the little wizards who were attending class.

After walking through the Hogwarts grounds, we walked uphill to a ridge.

Then we arrived at the covered bridge.

The crooked covered bridge has undulating heights.

The three stone tablets are dealt with on the top of the mountain outside the covered bridge. This is where the famous scenes of Harry Potter were performed. However, it is a pity that because Malfoy in this world is too stretched and Miss Granger is too strong, the classic scene of the century was not It didn't happen.

After walking across the covered bridge, to Owen's right is the Black Lake. In the distance, he could only see a vast expanse of white, lifeless.

But when he thought that next spring, the place would be lively, he suddenly became happy.

After walking across the covered bridge, you arrive at a courtyard.

There is a magic fountain in the courtyard, which is enchanted so that it can maintain running water in the cold winter without freezing.

There are also statues of the four founders on the side.

This was produced by Owen.

Originally, there was supposed to be a money box in front of the statue, but unfortunately it was later removed by Professor McGonagall.

Crossing the courtyard and looking up, Owen saw a familiar wizard standing under the huge palm pendulum.

It's Dumbledore.

He was standing under the pendulum staring at him.

It seems that he is waiting for himself.

"Professor?" When Owen saw Dumbledore again, he felt that he was much older and his face was a little gloomy.

He had met Dumbledore before in Paris.

But they didn't talk in detail. Both of them were very busy, and he had just finished treating the patient at that time and was very sleepy.

Hermione told Dumbledore exactly what happened in those days.

But she wasn't so clear about some details.

"You should write a letter before you come back." Dumbledore said flatly.

"Who writes home in advance to inform them when they return home?" Owen responded with a smile.

"That's right." The old principal also chuckled.

"Let's talk," he said, waving for Owen to come along.

Owen didn't hesitate and quickly followed suit.

Compared to last year, the castle was much deserted.

Not only in terms of the number of people, but also in terms of some details. For example, the roots of the vines on the fences on both sides of the corridor have spread over. This means that no one has been here for a long time. If people often come here, the roots will not spread like this. .

Pushing open an oak door, two people, one large and one small, arrived at the South District of Hogwarts. Going forward was the tower where the auditorium was located.

Along the way, Owen was talking and Dumbledore was listening.

He began to tell in detail everything that had happened since he left Hogwarts in June to the recent past.

Dumbledore probably knew it, and he could piece together a complete context from other people's mouths, but it was far less careful and smooth than Owen's overall narration.

From the Island of Giants to Ionia City, the Keystone, the underground warehouse, the core of the World Tree, the Great Vortex of Charybdis, the Tower of Divine Grant, gods, war, and Muggle weapons.

After waking up from a coma, he met Merlin.

After that, he uncovered the conspiracy of High Priest Raviu, and then opened Rosier Magic Hospital for the Disabled.

Owen went into great detail, and it took more than an hour to tell everything.

At this time, the two of them had arrived at the principal's office on the eighth floor.

"Your summer vacation is more exciting than many people's lifetimes." Dumbledore sighed.

Even he couldn't help but show a surprised expression. Only Owen could survive the danger. No wizard could survive the disaster.

"Master Merlin, he left?"

"Well - the night when Granger presented the award." Owen answered.

"It's really surprising." He had already learned from Hermione that the legendary wizard Merlin was still alive, but more than three months had passed and he would still be shocked when he heard from Owen again.

That was the most powerful wizard in history and legend.

"Merlin Ambrosius." Owen coughed slightly, moistened his throat and continued, "He is the manipulator of everything - no - it is not right to say that. As the most powerful prophet I have ever seen, He has seen almost everything, so it is not wrong to call him a trader. He himself has not violated the will of God."

He glanced sideways at Dumbledore, "It's like you were secretly planning Harry."

"Yes!" Dumbledore sighed softly. Behind the half-moon-shaped glasses, his blue eyes that could see through people's hearts looked very tired.

Owen held a cup of milk tea, took a sip, and then put the cup back on the table.

The body sitting on the chair stretched out, "Professor." He suddenly said.

"If, I mean if, you were given a chance to go back in time, what would you do? Still be the same as you are now?"

Hearing the sound, Dumbledore suddenly turned his attention to Owen. After giving him a long look, he breathed a sigh of relief. Then he got up from his chair and came to Owen's side.

Patting the young man's shoulder, Dumbledore said in a depressed voice with a hint of pain, "Child, I must confess to you that even I will regret and escape. If I could go back to the past, I would probably Trying to do whatever it takes to save my sister, and the rest - probably - is no different."

"But how could it be different? If your sister had not passed away, then you and my grandfather would not have parted ways. After a few years of adventure, you would definitely start a war with him for the greater good.

Maybe you won the wizard war, and the world would never be the same as it is now. "

Owen told, and then nodded slightly, "Anyway, the world we know has been turned upside down, so it's better to mess it up."

"As for what will happen tomorrow. Humph - never mind the flood."

Owen was talking, and the old principal was observing his expression. When he saw the young man in front of him, he gradually became determined.

His frown finally relaxed. After experiencing so much, he was afraid that the child in front of him would become depressed.

Just like if Harry were told the truth now, would he still have the courage to face the trials and even death in the future?

Dumbledore patted Owen's shoulder and said sincerely and lovingly, "It seems that you have grown to an age where you no longer need my care."

After saying this, the old principal became a little older. "Now that Merlin has prepared a plan, you can focus on dealing with enemies outside the world. As for Voldemort."

"Leave Voldemort's affairs to me." Owen suddenly stood up.

There was finally a smile on his face, "I have something to ask for your opinion about Senior Tom."

Then, he told Dumbledore in detail a plan in his heart.

"This may increase certain variables, or it may bring new opportunities, which are both good and bad. It mainly depends on whether your training in the past few years has any effect."


Dumbledore frowned again and paced the room.

While thinking about this plan.

Irving's plan, well - bold, very bold - but, as he said, the implementation of this plan may bring new opportunities and may bring unexpected benefits.

At present, although Snape, a double agent, exists, the information he has obtained is still too little. It is unknown what Tom is doing and what conspiracy there is in the new year.

If this plan can be implemented.

"You can try." After a long silence, Dumbledore said.

"But you have to make sure the initiative is in your own hands."

"That's no problem." Owen smiled slightly, "I'm going to find Victor to give him some hard work. I don't have ancient magic. Even if he discovers it, I can't get rid of it."

"Okay." The old principal nodded, and then Owen stood up immediately, walked quickly to Dumbledore's desk, and took something from his desk.

"Take a break Professor."

Owen, who was walking towards the oak door, suddenly turned around and said, "Professor, set an example!

Don't follow Miss Granger's example. "

Hearing the sound, Dumbledore chuckled. He leaned on the edge of the table and nodded.

Then, Owen pushed open the oak door and left the principal's office.

the other side--

In the Great Hall of Hogwarts.

Thousands of candles were shining faintly.

More light shines in from the window behind the guest of honor seat.

The sunlight illuminated by the winter weather was pale and pale. Many young wizards looked up at the seat of the guest of honor. When they saw a certain witch in pink clothes, they all looked disgusted. Look back.

The auditorium at this time was quiet, with only very faint sounds around. Those who didn't know better thought it was a library.

In the points funnel of the four houses outside the auditorium gate, it is a rare phenomenon that three houses have negative scores and one house has the highest score.

Look at the gloomy faces of all the little wizards.

It seems that they have not been very comfortable in the past three months.

"Harry, please stop provoking her, okay?" Granger was persuading Harry earnestly at the Gryffindor table, "December has only been a few days, and she has already detained her. We’re thirty.”

"I don't care," Harry said arrogantly, "No one cares."

"That's right, Hermione, don't worry about your house classification. Justin is ready to find an opportunity to corner that old toad and beat him up. He looks like a Gryffindor now, and we are Hufflepuffs. That's amazing," Ron said.

"That's all caused by Owen." Hermione said impatiently, "Hufflepuff's score is fifty points lower than ours now."

"This is a symbol of courage!" Seamus came over, "Speaking of which, Hermione, you can beat that old toad into a pig's head with one hand, why do you have to swallow your anger?"

"She is a professor." Hermione rolled her eyes at him, "She is not a dark wizard. How could I do anything to her?

Moreover, the relationship between the Ministry of Magic and Barty Crouch and Dumbledore is getting worse and worse. The headmaster now has to devote his energy to taking charge of the Federation. We should not cause trouble for him at this time. "

Hermione meant it.

This year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is a wizard appointed by the Ministry of Magic named Dolores Umbridge.

Sirius, Professor Lupin, Professor Moody, etc. were all sent to Europe by Dumbledore.

It can be said that the current strength of the Order of the Phoenix in the UK is at an all-time low.

Allowing Dolores Umbridge to enter Hogwarts was a compromise on his part. Of course, the old headmaster was also confident that the young wizard today is not what he used to be, and there is also a war hero Granger, Um It was not easy for Richie to train the little wizard.

After that, most of his energy was focused on the federation, and he even spent less and less time in school.

The International Wizarding Joint Action Group's operations in Africa have been met with resistance.

After all, it is necessary to identify the "pretenders" among a group of powerful people, which will inevitably lead to opposition from the local powerful people and the instigation of the "pretenders" hidden among them.

The action team was attacked by dark wizards every moment, but achieved little results. They clearly had a list of people, but it was very difficult to arrest them. It felt like the whole world was against them.

Three months already!

Three months later, they still haven't captured the four monsters in the [Pretender's] confession that Hermione brought back.

For this reason, Dumbledore has come to the real fire!

Several times I personally led teams to break into the mansions of powerful people to arrest people.

As time went by, he always had the idea of ​​asking Garrett to come back from North America and put him in charge of the action team.

But - the old headmaster knew very well that if Grindelwald was put in charge of this matter, it would definitely set off a bloody storm and involve innocent people.

Everything can only be done by himself.

Moody's is currently taking charge of this matter and has finally achieved some results.

And this is why Dumbledore tolerated Umbridge.

Opposition to him from the outside world was rising one after another, and he needed to gain the support of the British Ministry of Magic, at least not to hold him back.

Barty Crouch is naturally very aware of Dumbledore's current predicament, and he also understands that this year may be the year when Dumbledore has had the weakest impact on the British wizarding society, apart from his reputation. That's why she kept instructing Umbridge to stir things up. It would be best if she could completely squeeze Dumbledore out of Hogwarts, squeeze him out of Britain, and squeeze him into the Federation.

Only in this way can he truly secure his position as Minister of Magic.

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