I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 332 Reversal of the Battlefield Order of the Phoenix

Chapter 332 Reversal of the battlefield——Order of the Phoenix

Then Hermione bit her lips and suppressed the throbbing in her heart. Her boy became stronger again.


The turbulent emotions made her unable to stop the tears flowing in front of her eyes.

Tears full of sadness dripped on the ground, reflecting the flames and picking up dust.

"Don't be afraid - don't be afraid!" Owen rubbed her cheek, helped her up, and the wand in his right hand began to regain control of the blue fire escape.

Let it turn into a wall of fire to protect the little wizards.

"I'm back - I'm back!" he said.

"I'm not afraid of them." Miss Granger sobbed, "I thought never again"

"Oh my God, Miss Granger, how could you have such an idea?" Owen comforted her, "It's just a killing curse."

Hermione looked at him, the joy in her eyes turning into a real light, but the heart that was touched did not cover up her reason.

Now is not the time to reminisce.

Suddenly, as if she remembered something, she quickly put her hand into the leather bag at her waist.

"Use - this, this is a portkey." She took out a thick magic book, about several feet thick, from her purse.

"It was given to me by Professor McGonagall."

There is a thick gold seal on the title page of the book, which is a mighty lion.

Owen took the heavy book and kept his eyes on Hermione. He could probably guess that the little witch would have a hard time in the past two months, but after seeing it with his own eyes - she had a bad life.

Just terrible.

A girl of her age should be happy and free from worries. How could he make her eyes full of sorrow and tears?

What a failure he was.

"Careful-" Hermione squealed.

Owen, on the other hand, had already turned around and used Sanchez's force field. The blue flash flashed through, and the dark green curse was deflected and hit a certain Death Eater who was fishing nearby.

Owen's mind returned, and it was so intense that he didn't have time to make up for Miss Granger's trauma.

He turned to look at the mushroom cloud behind him.

The rising flames have disappeared, leaving only a patch of orange-red color in the tower, which is the flowing magma, the sound of "gurgling", and all the stone bricks it comes into contact with are melted.

The orange-red light gave the surroundings a mysterious color.

That is the furnace that represents the beginning of life, the boiling crucible of death, and the soup for the devils in hell.

At this time, the curse effect of Origin Magic is still continuing.

There is still a lot of lava growing on the broken floor tiles.

They flowed down from the floor tiles, and some fell into the sea, making a "thump" sound.

But Owen's attention is not on the lava.

His gaze remained fixed on the strange black mist in the sky.

Voldemort was standing above, floating.

At this time, his skin was paler than that of a skull, but it was not smooth, but very rough, like a snake covered with albino scales, especially on the hairless head, where the skin was dark and red. It has disgustingly complex lines.

The most eye-catching and frightening thing about that flat snake face are the eyes.

Flashing blood-red light, the empty eyes contained no emotion, only bloodlust, madness, cruelty, and a little anger.

The pupils of the eyes are two slits, like the eyes of a cat, making it uncomfortable to be stared at.

Finally, there is the flat nose, which is just two thin slits, as if they were randomly chiselled.

He was fully resurrected.

Owen sneered in his heart.

He no longer had the face of seventeen or eighteen years old last year, but the inhuman look of Lord Voldemort at his peak.

But this seems even more stupid.

Because if he kept his old body, then Harry would have to die.

Only by killing him can the soul belonging to Voldemort in his body be killed.

But now - he used Harry's blood to resurrect.

The protective spell of love only exists in their bodies. If Voldemort uses the Killing Curse on Harry, only his soul will be killed.

At this time Voldemort noticed Owen's gaze.

He suddenly showed a cruel smile. The folds on his face could catch flies. The two rows of teeth were quite white and neat. Can he be said to be worthy of being British? Even the villain should pay attention to the regularity of his teeth.

However, that expression gave Owen a strong sense of déjà vu, and it felt like he was laughing like "Harry Potter is dead—hehehehe" the next second.

"Today's little wizards are really outstanding." He gritted his teeth and said sarcastically.

Then he waved his wand sharply.

All of a sudden, most of the fire escape that had turned into a fire dragon was extinguished.

"Oh?" Voldemort seemed confused that he did not directly destroy the curse.

The little wizards, from their momentary surprise, fell into the ice cave again.

Antonin Dolohov and other Death Eaters rushed up again.

They had ferocious faces and cruel smiles on their faces. He took the lead and rushed towards Harry, roaring as if he was taking credit.

And Harry——

He had been tortured by the Cruciatus Curse and had long since lost his strength.

He just lay weakly on the ground. No ability to resist at all.

And this gave Anthony an opportunity to take advantage of it, and he pinched Harry's neck.

Lift it up.

A harsh laugh erupted from his mouth.

The same is probably true for other little wizards.

Fleur was the fastest to react. The gloves on her hands lit up with green light, and in an instant, countless figures of her appeared.

The clone rushed towards the Death Eaters on the side, trying to interfere with the audio and video.

Her opponent is the Death Eater, Alecto Carrow.

The younger sister of the Carlo siblings.

She was a woman with brown hair and a sullen face.

She only used a magic spell to detect Fleur's true identity.

She cast a spell on Gabri.

Fleur, who was worried about her sister, rushed over almost subconsciously to protect her sister, and this gave Amycus Carlo a chance.

The older brother of the Carlo siblings.

He waved his wand, and a powerful gray spell hit her directly.

Fleur didn't panic and took out her wand to resist.

The golden light flashed, and Ju Li Ting barely blocked the attack, but this was not a good thing.

Because her true identity was exposed, it would take at least thirty seconds to use the gloves again.

What she will face next will be a violent storm.

Krum and Cedric were already at war with two Death Eaters.

The magic spells were flying back and forth, it was so thrilling.

The Durmstrang witch also joined in. She obviously did not have the strength to face a Death Eater alone, but behind Krum and Cedric, there was still no problem in carrying out a sneak attack.

Of course, this didn't last long. The Death Eaters were timid because Owen's fire shield had not been completely extinguished. When fighting with the little wizard, he still had to find energy to deal with the flames.

But the little wizards don't need it, the flames won't have any effect on them.

But once the flames were completely extinguished, the swarming Death Eaters were by no means something the young wizards could resist.

Among these people, the easiest one is Coyatel.

She had no intention of getting involved in the fight between the young wizard and the Death Eaters.

On the battlefield in full swing.

She found a place casually, and then sat directly on the ground, her black hair hanging low on the ground.

A pair of black eyes looked around expressionlessly, watching the show, and the Death Eaters did not attack her because she did not make any resistance.


Hermione's voice made Owen look away from Voldemort.

He supports the magic of the force field.

He looked down at Hermione.

He knew what Hermione meant.

She wanted to open the book herself.

Triggering this door key opens it.

Once the book is opened, the portkey will take them back to the castle.

But he never meant to open it.

The reason is that the little wizards are too spread out.

If he pressed the door key at this time, someone would definitely be unable to escape in time.

There were too many Death Eaters around.

They are not fools who just sit back and watch them escape.

And - there is a Voldemort over there who is eyeing him!

No one can hold him back, and no one can leave.

Because at the moment the door key is triggered, the fluctuations in space will cause loopholes in the magic of the 'Sanchez Force Field', or even become ineffective.

Originally, this magic was a kind of spatial deflection, so naturally it couldn't be used while apparating.

At that time, as long as Voldemort throws a killing curse, then he will be like Dobby in the original book, unable to escape or avoid, and can only resist with his body.

He didn't think he could really resist the killing curse!

Owen's head was spinning rapidly.

Countless thoughts came to his mind, and within a few breaths, he had some thoughts.

The next second, he thrust the book back into Hermione's hands and pushed her closer to the little wizards.

He was the only person present who had the strength to hold back Voldemort.

And Harry?

Owen just glanced at the wand in Voldemort's hand and knew there was no chance!

He obviously changed his wand, and it would be impossible for him to use the flashback spell to fight against spells.


Hermione hugged the book. Of course she understood what Owen wanted to do, but knowing it didn't mean she was willing.

She didn't want to see him sleeping again.

And this time it might be permanent!

But although she was anxious, she had no choice.

Moreover, she was already severely anemic and had just lost too much blood. Now, she didn't even have the strength to hold the wand, her head was heavy, the light in front of her eyes was disappearing, and darkness seemed to be surrounding her.

Every step you take is a test of your spirit and will.

She didn't have an emotional breakdown.

Instead, she suddenly breathed a long sigh of relief, as if she wanted to let out the burden on her body and release the fatigue and stress of the past three months. She stared directly at the book in her hand, raised her head and glanced at the boy again. figure, a revolving door of memories flashing through her mind.

Whether it is beautiful or regretful; whether it is expectation or regretful. As if death is about to come, the passing clouds and smoke become sea breeze, drifting in the lonely corner of the world.

The darkness gradually became like a veil, decorating her hair.

Just when she was about to fall, when she was about to step under the dark skirt, a dazzling light suddenly appeared.

Pure white light, like gathering mist, shoots straight from the ground to the sky.

Hermione couldn't help but cover her eyes.

But the light did not weaken by half, but became more and more abundant and brighter!

The other side - in Owen's line of sight.

He saw that the book in Hermione's arms suddenly started to move automatically without any wind. As if someone was holding it up, it flew higher and higher, and then suddenly opened, and countless pages rose out of the book like fireworks.

The sound of the paper turning was like a silent movement, with a strong, rapid, roaring sound in the wind.

The next second, white lights came out of the book. The white lights flew around the little wizards and then landed next to Harry.

In the light, a figure slowly walked out.

He squeezed Anthony's shoulders, and when the gloomy-looking man turned around, he was greeted by a huge fist.

"Stay away from my godson!"

Sirius rounded his fist and hit Antonin's head with one blow.

The huge force knocked him to the ground directly.

And other white lights also emerged from the book one after another.



More than a dozen figures were like divine soldiers descending from the sky, knocking down the Death Eaters.

The light dissipated, Mad-Eye Moody, Professor Flitwick, Kingsley, Nymphadora Tonks, Rufus Scrimgeour, Madam Maxime, Professor Eulalie Hicks, Wenda Rozier.

A group of professors and Aurors.

It can be said that those participating at this time are the most elite group of wizards in Britain.

Of course, how could there be one person missing from this group of people?

"Dumbledore!" Voldemort looked coldly at the white light that appeared next to Owen, and the wizard who walked out of the white light was none other than Albus Dumbledore.

The world's greatest white wizard.

"Fortunately!" He looked sideways at Owen and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he turned to look at Voldemort.

It has reached - the flowing magma.

Dumbledore's eyelids twitched involuntarily. It was obvious that the lava must have been caused by the kid next to him.

This kid - has become powerful again.

As for Dumbledore's appearance, Voldemort was not too surprised, he just had a more or less hateful expression on his face.

Nothing else.

The two old enemies didn't waste any time and just waved their magic wands to start the peak contest.

The duel between the two most powerful wizards in the world did not arouse the slightest interest in Owen.

He turned and rushed to Miss Granger's side.

Pick her up.

Then his eyes quickly looked around.

What he has to do now is to quickly get these troublesome little wizards away from here, so as not to become Voldemort's hostage and make the old principal afraid of fighting.

"Owen!" Sirius walked over.

He pulled Harry with him.

This damn kid is not obedient at all and insists on participating in their next battle.

"I can do it." Harry said weakly and stubbornly.

He was supported by Sirius, his legs were trembling, but his eyes were shining, the wand in his right hand was tightly squeezed, and his whole body was in a state of excitement.

There was constant white light all around, and each light would bring down an Auror.

For Harry, the little wizard who likes to show off, the momentum of a grand appearance is equivalent to throwing Ron into the kitchen and Hermione into the library.

He couldn't wait to get involved immediately, become a part of White Light, and work together to uphold justice.

"You've done well enough!" Sirius pulled him and said happily.

His eyes were bright, and he could see James' shadow more and more clearly on Harry's body.

He touched Harry's cheek, then continued, "In a few years you'll be an excellent wizard."

"I'm very good now." Harry still looked eager, and his irritable character was exactly the same as his father's, "I can help you."

"I know!" Sirius continued: "But this is my battle, our battle, and you have your own mission."

As he spoke, he looked at Owen who was walking over.

"Take that book and it will teleport you all back to Hogwarts."

"No - Voldemort killed my parents, this is my fight too, I -" Harry didn't finish.

At this time, Owen, who was supporting Hermione, had already walked over.

Without saying a word, he clenched his fist and gave the Redeemer a heavy hammer on the head.

"Ah!" Harry, who was in pain, covered his head, probably unable to say anything for the time being.

"Educating children doesn't rely on soft wind and drizzle." Owen glared at Sirius, "You have to beat them and establish authority, otherwise they will slap you in the face."

Seeing this, Sirius' mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything. Instead, when Harry loosened his grip on his clothes, he turned around and threw himself into the battle against Voldemort.

On the other side, the little wizards also gathered together under the urging of the professors.

Everyone held hands and formed a circle.

Then, Owen picked up the book that had fallen on the ground and closed it automatically, and suddenly reopened it.

Suddenly, countless pages burst out, and then suddenly shrank, surrounding them in a circle like a sticker.

The next second.

Amid the curses whistling in his ears and Voldemort's roar, the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

Their eyes were dazzled, and they felt a tug under their navel at the same time.

When they came to their senses again, everything they witnessed seemed familiar.

Room decorated with daffodils and daisies.

The crystal lamp that sprayed out snowflakes and fireworks fell brightly.

They returned to Hogwarts Great Hall.

"Huh--" Except for Harry, the other little wizards breathed a sigh of relief.

They had just experienced what was probably the most evil ten minutes in their lives.

Not everyone wanted Harry, most of them wanted to escape as soon as possible.

At this time, a group of people came over.

The leader was Barty Crouch. His expression was heavy, and under his brows where white hair had grown, there was a pair of cold, angry, unfamiliar and frightening eyes.

Behind him was Snape, who was still the same, not at all panicked by Voldemort's return, but more gloomy.

Then there are Madam Pomfrey and Professor Sprout.

The two professors stepped forward anxiously after seeing the little wizard to check whether they were injured.

"That's it again!"

"That's it again!!!"

Crouch got angry, and he stared at Owen and the others with a gloomy look. His eyes seemed to be saying, why didn't one of them die?

"When can Dumbledore learn to report to the Ministry of Magic before doing anything?"

"If I don't come, he will never tell me."

"This is a serious matter. Dumbledore doesn't trust your people very much." Snape said calmly.

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