I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 331 Betrayal?

Voldemort looked at Harry with a smile.

He didn't have much anger towards his old enemy who dared to insult him.

Just raising his hand, he stopped the Cruciatus Curse on Qiu Zhang and Gabri, and cast it on Harry.

Then, the bodies of the two girls, who had fainted from the pain and could no longer scream, but whose bodies were twitching helplessly, suddenly lightened up.

Then a scream came from Harry's mouth.

However, the moment Voldemort cast the Cruciatus Curse on Harry, he knew that he had been tricked.

The boy in front of him spoke so openly, just to provoke himself so that he would let the two girls go.

"Haha——" After understanding everything, the magic power in his hands increased a bit.

He didn't stop until Harry was so tortured that he couldn't breathe much.

"I'm going to kill you, Harry Potter!" Voldemort walked up to Harry and looked down at him, "I'm going to destroy you."

His eyes were filled with a sense of triumphant pity and relief from the release of fear, and his complex eyes looked directly at Harry's eyes that could no longer open his eyelids.

"After tonight, no one will ever question my power."

He grabbed Harry's neck so that the other person's eyes could meet his, "After tonight, if people talk about you, they will only talk about how you begged me to kill you."

"And I graciously agree to your request."

Voldemort smiled, suddenly showing a cruel smile.

"Wait, Master!" Suddenly, someone among the Death Eaters spoke.

A wizard wearing a mask and black robes came over.

He was tall and stood out from the crowd.

And the sound is quite familiar.

Harry swore he had heard it somewhere.

"What? What do you want to say?" Voldemort looked displeased at the daring ghost who dared to interrupt him. If he didn't have enough reasons, then he wouldn't mind letting him become the ghost he was!

"Master, I have no intention of spoiling your elegance." The man lowered his stance, "But for the sake of our great cause, Master, leaving them may have other uses."

"Stay?" Voldemort looked at him deeply.

The man immediately lowered his stance.

He almost fell to the ground.

"Lucius, my cunning friend." He whispered, "I heard that you have not given up your past behavior. Although you put on a sanctimonious face in front of the world, I believe you are still willing to take the lead in torturing Ma Melon?"

"Yes, my dear master" Lucius Malfoy's voice came quickly from under the hood.

"You have always performed very well in seeking pleasure. But you have never looked for me, Lucius. Wouldn't it be better if you spent your energy on finding and helping your master?" Voldemort said softly. asked.

"Master, I have always been very careful," Lucius replied with a trembling voice, "As long as there is any signal from you, as long as there are any rumors about your whereabouts, I will rush to your side immediately, and nothing can stop me. "

"Haha——" Voldemort sneered, "Funny words."

"You seem to have found a way out for yourself, don't you?"

"I remember last year you seemed to be hiding behind the crowd and didn't show up. What happened? Are you disappointed to see me like this now?"

"No, Master, my loyalty to you has never changed in any way. Those - are all false rumors. You know, someone is sowing discord -"

"Enough!" Voldemort yelled.

Lucius closed his mouth in an instant and lay on the ground, his body shaking uncontrollably.

Voldemort disliked this cunning servant, but he was very useful, wasn't he?

Whether it's connections in the Ministry of Magic or some key positions in other countries.

Generally speaking, he would not kill Lucius Malfoy immediately, but sometimes cutting flesh with a dull knife is more cruel.

"Lucius, I hope you can serve me more loyally in the future."

"Of course, of course, my master," Lucius said immediately, "please rest assured that you are magnanimous, thank you."

"I hope you can carve these words into your bones." Voldemort stopped looking at him and looked at Harry again.

"However, you are right about one thing."

"It's really a waste to kill them."

As he spoke, he waved his hand and unlocked the chains that bound Harry.

A Death Eater on the side caught him with quick eyes and quick hands.

"Before that, how about we watch a good show?"

"Durant." Voldemort called to his servant.

After hearing his name, the wizard who presided over the entire resurrection ceremony immediately stood up excitedly.

"These are all young talents in front of me." He said leisurely, with a strange mocking emphasis in his tone.

"Yes, Master, it has been prepared for a long time." The Death Eater named Durant stood up immediately. He quickly walked towards the stairs and came back after about half a minute.

When he left, his hands were empty, but when he came back, there was something in his hands.

That's a corrupt thing.

The shape is like a flower without blooming.

Roots protrude from the bottom of the bone, like some kind of tentacles.

Then the Death Eaters who were restraining the young wizards all reached out and pinched their mouths, forcing them to open.

-The Death Eaters want them to eat that!

The thought flashed through everyone's mind.

This is obvious.

But no one knows what the consequences of eating that food will be, but it will definitely not be good.

what to do!

Harry thought anxiously. He glanced at the restrained young wizards behind him. He saw Qiu Zhang and Gabrielle lying on the ground and still twitching.

This is all his fault!

Harry gritted his teeth and struggled hard. He watched the strange plant that was often seen in dreams being brought to him by Durant. In this moment of despair, he subconsciously looked at Irving.

Maybe even he thought it was ridiculous. Until this moment, Harry felt that Owen must have a way to lead them to escape.

Even he himself was not aware of this blind trust.

And Owen, who had been given high hopes by Harry, was currently standing in front of the endless memory palace in his consciousness.

He is not afraid of Bella's Legilimency spell, not to mention that he is already very proficient in Occlumency. Even in the infinite palace behind him that was built on the principle of regression of ancient magic, Bella cannot detect any of his memories. .

Of course, the reason why Owen didn't expel Bella's intruding consciousness immediately, but led her here, was simply because of some doubts in his heart.

"Senior Tom's plan is perfect."

In front of the palace, Owen looked lazily at the shadows flickering in the darkness in the distance. Those are all embodiments of external consciousness.

"Even now I can't guess who tampered with the game. It was Ludo Bagman before, but now? Barty Crouch Jr. I don't think I saw him this year?"

Because he sent Peter Pettigrew to Azkaban in advance, Barty Cratchit Jr. at this time should not have broken free from his father's shackles?

Of course this is just his guess.

To this day he has not seen any professor in the castle pretending to be one.

Then, he continued: "There is another question."

Owen narrowed his eyes.

Green eyes looked at the black mist with some deep meaning, "Why is Senior Tom so convinced that Miss Granger is the heir to ancient magic?

If anything, her strength was recognized by Tom, so he thought so. "

"Why didn't you remind him?"

Owen was talking about what he did in Azkaban during the summer vacation of his second year. At that time, he killed many Death Eaters, including Bella's husband and a man named Rozier.

Thinking about it now, that Rozier might still be his distant relative!

Due to the dim environment, viewing angle, etc., only Sirius and Bella witnessed his killing.

He had cast a spell to change Bella's consciousness, so it was impossible for her to forget him.

Therefore, if Voldemort's method of finding an heir is to respect the strong, then it is impossible not to consider him.


"When did you betray him?" Owen suddenly teased.

The sound was like a sharp sword, thrust directly into the black mist.

The next second, the black mist finally couldn't hold it back any longer. It materialized into a person, who floated in front of him, stared, and roared, "No, I don't."

"I don't!!!"

"Haha——" Owen smiled noncommittally.

He thought his transformation experiment had failed!

Now it seems that it has achieved some results!

"Of course, you must have a reason of your own, otherwise how can you convince yourself?" His tone was slightly sarcastic, then he rubbed his head and looked at the figure in front of him with a half-smile, "Tell me about your Reasons, I am all ears.”

Owen's words made the figure in front of her slightly moved, and a ferocious expression flashed across her face, but it only took a moment before she recovered.

"I am forever loyal to the great Dark Lord."

"But what?" Owen sneered.

Bella ignored him and continued, "The current Dark Lord - since he received some mysterious power on the island of Mothrace."

"He has become neither human nor ghost, as if he has become another person? Another person has lived in his body?" Owen looked at her levelly, and suddenly understood the logic in Bella's heart.

She did firmly believe that she had not betrayed the Dark Lord. However, the Dark Lord today was no longer the same one as before. Senior Tom must have obtained the power of an alien god, which caused his soul to undergo a certain degree of mutation, and that This change should be very obvious, otherwise how could his loyal dog have two intentions?

"So, do you want anything?"

If he doesn't have what the woman in front of him wants, how could she still be talking nonsense to him here?

Hearing the sound, Bella's appearance turned into black mist and became more solid. Owen could even see the lines on her face.

Compared with before, the elegant temperament of the Black family in her became stronger and stronger, and the savage madness seemed to fade away.

Of course - she still looks like a crazy bitch.

But the remaining madness makes her more like a witch in the traditional sense than a pure madman.

"What I want is the real resurrection of the Dark Lord, the real one." Her hair was tied into a headband, with a few strands of hair scattered on her temples and forehead. She was wearing a long black hollow skirt and a robe.

Wearing black boots.

With Bellatrix Lestrange like this, it is difficult for you to connect her with the madman before, especially those eyes, the black eyes are as clear as water.

Those are the eyes of only rational people, because they know exactly what they want. (ps: closer to the temperament in the movie Sweeney Todd.)

"The real Dark Lord!" she emphasized, even though she had stressed it many times.

"The Dark Lord - doesn't North America still have a throne?" Owen stared at her and couldn't help but laughed. (actor gag)

"Okay, no kidding." He responded with a smile: "Of course, I mean, no problem, I suddenly had a good idea - a brilliant idea."

"But you have to promise me something." As he spoke, Owen lowered his voice and whispered.

The next second, Bella's expression changed, and then she said in a slightly mocking tone, "I think you seem to be completely unaware of your current situation. You are not qualified to bargain with me. I can kill all the other little wizards." Then I will just let you go, and I think the Dark Lord will never say anything."

"Oh - you are right." Owen waved his hand, "The basis of negotiation is strength. It seems that I have to show some strength. Otherwise, I will really be underestimated."

As he spoke, he suddenly waved his arm, as if holding a sharp sword, and swung a sword towards the void in front of him.

The next second, Bella felt as if her head had been hit hard with a heavy hammer, and then her whole body went numb.

In her daze, she seemed to hear Owen's voice, "Don't forget our agreement, bring me the things and exchange them for your 'little boyfriend'."

Then, the prying consciousness was cut off.

Bella's eyes returned to reality, her own body.


"Fire Escape——"

Just when Harry fell to the ground and was almost in despair, a fierce blue and white flame rushed straight towards him.

"No-" He screamed subconsciously and raised his hands to block it.

But when the flames passed over his body, Harry did not feel the slightest bit of burning temperature.

On the contrary, it was the Death Eater beside him who was restraining him, and the Death Eater named Durant who was trying to stuff something into his mouth, who let out a scream.

Fire burned from his mouth, eyes, nose, and chest.

The two of them were burned to ashes by the flames before they could even scream.


Several Death Eaters attempted to attack Owen, but their spells were consumed by flames.

One of them took advantage of the gap in the flames and rushed towards him. Owen just glanced at him, sneered, and moved his fingers slightly. The flames instantly and mercilessly devoured him. He screamed and struggled in the flames. It turned into a huge burning body, and soon the combustible things on his body were destroyed into ashes, and his body completely disappeared from this world.

Owen didn't seem to have seen this terrible scene. He raised his wand forcefully, steadily and calmly, as if he was a conductor of a large concert.

Under his guidance, the flames were given life, and all the fire pillars quickly merged together.

The flames seemed determined to burn all living beings present and to dominate the world with the will of the flames.

The heat wave surged and began to transform, turning into a large group of flaming beasts: fire snakes, chimeras, fire dragons, basilisks, and manticores. They rolled and roared under Owen's control, and slid from high altitude to the ground. , and soared into the sky again.

They attack the stunned Death Eaters, allowing them to experience what real hell is.

The first person to suffer was Lockhart, who dared to restrain Miss Glenkin.

In fact, most of the Death Eaters present fled, except for Owen's initial sneak attack and those who dared to attack him and die.

After all, this magic is not Shunfa, so they have time to react.

But Lockhart was unlucky.

All his talents have the Forgetting Charm, and he knows only a little about Defense Against the Dark Arts, and is even worse than some young wizards.

When this fierce fire burned him, Lockhart couldn't even pronounce "All Curses End".

He was immediately swallowed up by the flames.

"Origin - Earthly Flame"

Origin magic, disaster type.

This is one of the origin magics invented by ancient warlocks who observed the eruption of volcanoes.

Different from the three major stargazing spells, the power of disaster magic is more intuitive, but the casting time is also greatly extended.

However, Owen used the fire shield to protect himself, which bought him some time.

Briefly chant the spell.

He held a wand and quickly drew many ancient runes in the void.

These exquisite magical words are all integrated into the place,

Then, Owen suddenly raised his right foot and hit the ground hard.

In an instant - lava fire burst out from the ground.

Black fireworks and dark red flowing magma seeped directly into the top of Azkaban Tower.

The fragments of rubble were blown away with a bang.

In front of Owen, where Voldemort was, it looked like an earth-penetrating missile exploded, or like a volcano erupting.

Chi Yan raised a small mushroom cloud in the sky.

A quarter of the top of Azkaban's tower was reduced to ashes under this spell.

Then, Owen didn't bother to care about the Death Eaters' situation.

When Lockhart turned to ashes, Miss Granger, who was about to collapse, fell into Owen's arms.

After throwing out source magic.

The left hand began to cast spells without a wand.

"Heal quickly——"

Green fluorescence penetrated into her skin, and the new granulations began to connect at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon, her right arm was completely healed.

The skin was as white as a newborn baby, with not a single scar visible.

It was only then that Owen noticed how thin Miss Granger was.

"Miss Granger, why are you so thin?" he said in shock.

And Hermione, it was just a word from him.

The girl's eyes couldn't stop turning red, and then big tears streaked down her cheeks, as if she felt countless grievances. Dropped on the ground.

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