I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 310 Nightmares in Pairs

At night, Owen had a dream.

In the dream, he saw Chiron smiling gloomily at him, then tearing apart his disguise bit by bit, his flesh falling to the ground and blood splattering.

Finally an indescribable disgusting slug-like creature.

Then, a human face grew out of the slug's head.

Owen couldn't see the figure clearly, but it was definitely familiar.

After careful identification, I discovered that it was Voldemort's bald head.

Then the slug suddenly exploded, and blood mist flew like rain, dyeing his whole body red.

And inside the slug's body, a woman slowly crawled out, with long silver hair, green eyes, hunched body, stretched out her hands, and walked towards him step by step.


"Owen——" shouted.

Subconsciously, he started to retreat.

Although he didn't want to admit it, that 'monster' had his mother's face.


Owen yelled loudly in his dream.

But he was not talking to the monster. Although the moment he shouted, the young woman seemed to be deflated and turned into a skinny figure. The whole figure looked like a moving skeleton, and her silver hair also changed. It fell off bit by bit, and the pupils were missing from the eyes.

"Stop!" he shouted again.

Owen's Occlumency began to be used spontaneously.

Consciousness gradually becomes clearer.

Yes, he was making the dream stop.

This is the power of the magic of Occlumency. It can completely control your own thinking. Once you practice this magic, you will no longer have dreams. Because all your thinking is subject to self-restraint.

But this time - the dream did not collapse directly, but continued to change. Then, characters he was familiar with, such as Grindelwald, Dumbledore, Hermione, Harry, etc., appeared in turn, like a Russian trick Baby-like, one dies and then the other is rescued.

But the same thing is that in his dream, everyone is uglier, as if the most evil soul has been inserted into the body of the person he is familiar with.

Someone is torturing him, using his relatives, lovers, and friends as weapons.

And the other side.

The same strange dream was also rising in Harry's head.

He flew and glided through the dark night sky until he reached a tall tower in the sea.

The sea breeze blew wildly on Harry's face, and he flew lower and lower, finally landing on the top floor of the tower.

Then, as if his eyes were fixed on someone, he began to move, pressing against the black marble aisle. Step by step downward.

Then he seemed to come to a certain room.

The room was filled with some kind of grey-black, fist-sized clumps of plants with well-developed root systems.

The perspective continued forward, and several pieces of furniture finally appeared in his eyes.

Sitting on the black chair was a man with a stern face.

"Oh! Master, I didn't notice." The moment the man saw 'Harry', he stood up quickly.

He bent down, gave up his position, and stepped aside obediently.

"Did the goblins' invasion plan fail?" 'Harry' made a cold and cruel voice, "Those idiots."

"What does this mean for our plans—"

"Our plan is foolproof, Master." The man said slowly, "No one will notice us, not even Dumbledore."

"Okay." 'Harry' continued with a cold and biting voice, "But I should probably remind you that I can't tolerate making mistakes again. You know how important the next plan will be. If you do Smashed."

"No master." The man quickly crawled to the ground, facing the ground.

'Harry' stretched out a hand, which looked like some kind of broken pieces of flesh and blood. When it touched the man's shoulder, some kind of deep red juice would drip out. "How are things going in North America?" His tone suddenly became calm, full of a sense of slowness.

But the prostrate man would not make any disrespectful movements because of the change in his voice, "The goblin herald has come to see us, and the plan is being implemented steadily. We will get what we want soon. In addition, In addition, our chess pieces in the Ministry of Magic are also rapidly developing hidden lines. No one can refuse that power, and there are many people in the Ministry of Magic who want to join us."

"Really?" The cold voice said again, "It seems that everything is developing for the better."

As he spoke, the figure suddenly walked towards those plants, then picked off one, crushed it, and took a deep breath on the remains.

"What a wonderful death!"

Then a strange force surged through his body, and Harry's scar suddenly hurt like a burning fire, followed by a bone-piercing pain, as if every nerve was on fire.

The next second, he opened his eyes suddenly and found that he was still lying on the comfortable and soft four-poster bed.

Harry covered his face, the scar still burning with pain, making him cry.

The pain was real, not a dream.

He curled up into a ball, and after a long time, when the pain on his forehead disappeared, Harry gasped and came back to life.


Although he never saw that person's face, Harry had a hunch, a tacit understanding, that he seemed to have become that person.

He has several evil plans underway.

"Damn it," he muttered, getting up from the bed.

In the darkness, Harry fumbled to put on his glasses and looked at the clock on the wall. It was only around five in the morning.

On the four-poster bed next to him, Ron had his head covered, snoring slightly under the quilt, and his clothes were thrown haphazardly on the floor.

Across the way, Neville, Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan were motionless, immersed in their own dreams.

Suddenly, a ridiculous feeling emerged in Harry's heart. He had just turned into Voldemort and witnessed his evil plan with his own eyes. This was the second time that his scars had become hot and painful in more than a year since last year.

The span of time was so long that he forgot that his scars hurt.

And what about his roommates?

But he lay peacefully on the bed and slept without any reaction at all.

"Huh-" Harry breathed out and came to the window wrapped in his robe.

The dark castle outside looked eerie and scary. Although the two-month heavy snow finally stopped, Harry would rather it continue to fall.

At least it was snowing in the dark, which was better than pitch black and watching the two of them was more peaceful.

He rubbed the scar, not feeling sleepy at all.

He was wondering if he should tell Dumbledore about his scar?

Or Irving?

Knowing so much, he will definitely bring different ideas to himself.

Harry thought so, and then he leaned against the window and waited quietly for dawn.

Early the next morning.

The bedroom suddenly became noisy.

The sound of chirping, accompanied by yelling and disbelief, woke up Owen who was fighting a nightmare in bed.


Someone woke up slowly, and when he moved slightly, he realized that every bone in his body ached, as if his body had secretly run ten thousand meters with him on his back last night.

"Fuck you." Owen rubbed his head. He was in a very bad state after being tortured by a nightmare that was almost like a ghost on the bed for a whole night.

But in my ears, that idiot Justin was still shouting.

Immediately, he resisted the soreness of his muscles, picked up the rattan (bed curtain) beside the bed, and gave the guy a good beating.

Although you saved your brother from the nightmare, he should thank you, but if you disturbed your brother's sleep, you will still beat him if he deserves it.

After venting hard.

Owen couldn't sleep. His head was obviously dizzy, as if he had a bad cold, but he tossed and turned in bed for half an hour and didn't feel sleepy at all.


He got up angrily.

A pair of gray eyes emitted a death light, which frightened Justin so much that he jumped up on the spot, took three steps at a time and rushed out of the dormitory.

With no choice, Owen, who was full of anger, could only plan to go to the auditorium for dinner first.

Maybe people feel sleepy after eating enough.

On the way to the auditorium. From the moment he walked out of the dormitory, all the little wizards he met gathered together in pairs and talked about something.

And when Owen came to the auditorium, the noise became even louder. Durmstrang's little wizards were all in high spirits, their faces glowing red, and they were shouting loudly and gruffly.

Then he saw the huge torch representing Durmstrang burning brightly.

And this means that Krum successfully passed the level.

? ? ?

Owen was very surprised.

Then he looked towards Ilvermorny.

Sure enough, each of them looked confused and anxious.

Many young wizards at Hogwarts are also very confused.

But most of them have a look of gloating.

Look - you guys are really good. You can't get the first place even if you lied about the information. It's a shame for you.

Apart from my daily disdain for Ilvermorny, of course.

The young wizards at Hogwarts also developed some sense of urgency.

Where did Krum get the information?

It couldn't have been that Coatl told him, right?

If even he, a third party, knows the information about Ji Ruke, does this mean that other warriors also know about it?

Then why hasn't Miss Granger tried to break through?

And Cedric?

This made them confused in their hearts.

Even more worried than the little wizards at Hogwarts are the Beauxbatons.

After all, there are two warriors in Hogwarts. No matter how you think about it, it is impossible for them both to fail to pass the level.

And on my side——

Fleur had a headache.

To be honest, wizards from other schools like them have no advantage when it comes to the secrets of Hogwarts.

Hogwarts Castle is too big. Much larger than Beauxbatons' manor.

Even though Owen has written it clearly, go to the ghost in the castle (Myrtle) and you will learn from the ghost how to enter the secret room. (When Gandalf singled out the Basilisk, he was seen by Myrtle.)

I can't find where the so-called entrance is.

For Irving, the hints in the golden egg are close to the limit. And the hints from the foreign school are complete. There is no way to find the entrance like Hogwarts, and you need to know Parseltongue to open it, because Myrtle will directly tell you the location and how to open it.

That’s it, what else do you want?

He couldn't lead the warrior and point directly to the bathroom and say, the entrance is right there!

I am stupid, who can I blame?

As for Hogwarts, Cedric faced no less difficulties than Fleur.

As a Hogwarts warrior, his prompts are vague.

And even if he found the entrance to the secret room, he would not dare to enter rashly without knowing what was inside.

Among the five warriors in the competition, he has the least advantage. Although there is a plug-in and referee in his own academy, he is already in the shape of the witch from Gryffindor.

That guy now spends more time with Harry and the others than he has in the Hufflepuff common room.

If you were counting on him, you might as well pray that you would fall down and find the entrance to the secret room.

As for his dean, Professor Sprout suddenly became very busy these two days. He went to see the professor yesterday and this morning.

But Professor Sprout was not in the greenhouse at all.

After asking the ghost fat monk in the lounge, he learned that except for resting at night, the professors discussed matters in the principal's office.

It's a very important thing.

This made Cedric despair.

This was worse news, because if Professor Sprout didn't have time to help him, then he would really have no one at Hufflepuff.

Furong has an advantage in this regard.

Although her intelligence does not have the skill of reasoning.

As the most traditional kind of wizard, she couldn't even solve a quadratic equation. The magic potion reasoning that Snape left in the Sorcerer's Stone level in the first grade was enough to burn out her brain.

But fortunately, she has a good best friend.

Miss Granger is a strict disciplinarian. She has strict requirements for herself, but for others - according to Harry, who borrowed a lot from Hermione for his weekend homework, Hermione is simply the kindest and most generous person he has ever seen. of witch.

So it was easy for Fleur to get a straightforward hint of the Chamber of Secrets from Hermione.

For Fleur, she already knew that she had no chance of winning the championship, and she also knew that Hermione must have noticed it, otherwise, no matter how good their relationship was, she would not remind him easily for the sake of the school.

However, Fleur was still very grateful to Hermione for preventing her from leaving sadly without being able to find the level.

Such an ending is too embarrassing.

She kissed Hermione on the cheek, said a lot of thanks, and then went back to get ready to break out.

Sure enough - the morning of the third day. The fourth warrior who successfully broke through the barrier appeared.

With the Infinity Gauntlet in hand, Fleur dealt with the second level easily and happily.

But these are all things for later.

For breakfast, Owen didn't have much of an appetite. After simply eating four chicken drumsticks, two bowls of pumpkin porridge, and a whole piece of meat pie, he ended the battle in a hurry.

Then just when he got up and planned to go back to the bed in the dormitory to reflect on this meal.

Suddenly, Professor McGonagall walked over from a distance.

"You don't need to say much, I understand!"

Before the professor could speak, Owen nodded, indicating that he understood why he came to him.

No need to guess, just use your toes to figure out that it was Dumbledore who was looking for him.

Hmmmm - Professor Mewmew is so pitiful. He was a dignified vice-principal, but now he has become an errand boy.

Well - when my buddy becomes the principal, he will also find a pretty girl to be his errand boy.

On the fourth floor, at the entrance to the principal's office, after receiving the password, the spiral staircase slowly rose. Owen jumped up and reached the eighth floor.

The oak door of the principal's office was pushed open.

There were quite a few people inside, the dean was there, and in addition, there was Barty Crouch, the Minister of Magic.

He was discussing something with Dumbledore.

Moody was also present, and the old Auror's magic eyes never stopped checking the expressions of the people around him. Ever since Ludo Bagman appeared, he now felt something was wrong with everyone he looked at.

In addition, there was a strange wizard beside Barty Cratchit. Owen didn't know him very well, but he looked familiar. After a while, he remembered the other person's identity.

Hamish MacFarlane, a former Montrose Magpies player who served as Director of the Department of Magical Sports and Sports after his retirement, was Ludo Bagman's recommender.

It was he who pushed Ludo Bagman to the fore.

Tsk tsk - running here in a hurry now, it seems that he is really anxious.

"I will send someone to investigate this matter, Dumbledore, we cannot be enemies of Gringotts." Mr. Minister said in a low voice with a dark face.

Owen was quite familiar with it. After entering the office, he found a chair and secretly ate Dumbledore's candy on the dinner plate.

Lemon Olaf - durian flavor

After eating one, Owen silently put the yellow and orange candies in his hand back on the plate.

"Now it's not whether we are willing to be enemies of Gringotts, but they are already enemies of us." Moody's cane hit the ground with a 'thud' sound, and the urgency in his heart was evident.

"They are not our enemies." Mr. Minister glared at Moody angrily.

"Fairies are not all perfect. Not all fairies obey the instructions of the kingdom."

"Besides, this matter still needs to be investigated. Whether it is the goblin kingdom's conspiracy against the wizard still needs to be evidenced."

"Collect evidence?" Moody smiled. "While you are waiting for evidence, others have already invaded Mrs. Primpine's beauty potion store!" He said sarcastically.

It was a beauty potion store located at 275 Diagon Alley, a beauty potion store dedicated to solving the problems of witches' spots, sores, and acne.

It is a place frequented by the wives of senior officials of the Ministry of Magic.

Moody was speaking, but he was ridiculing a large group of people. Of course, by extension, he was also ridiculing Crouch, because his wife had passed away. Since the traitorous son of his family was imprisoned in Azkaban, the poor woman He cried all day long, and soon died of depression.

"What did you say!" Crouch rushed over, grabbed Moody's collar, and stared at him fiercely, as if he wanted to eat him.

"Enough!" Dumbledore stood up from his desk.

He frowned. Crouch's worries were not unreasonable. The economic lifeline of the wizarding world was now in the hands of goblins.

Once a war begins, the wealth that wizards have accumulated over countless years will be gone. Goblins can open your vault in Gringotts at will.

The key is only a means of authenticating the wizard, it is not a problem for the goblin.

Moreover, Crouch was right. Goblins are indeed not a piece of iron. The Goblin Kingdom generally has a neutral attitude towards wizards. In addition, there is an organization called the Goblin Brotherhood, which is hostile to wizards. Of course, this It's just a historical record. No one knows what the goblin's current attitude is.

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