I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 309 Anchor Point and Original Magic Power

After dinner, Owen urged Hermione to go back to bed.

They were all too tired, mentally.

But Owen can be sure that tonight will definitely be a sleepless night for the professors.

He watched Hermione walk up the spiral staircase, watched her walk up to the eighth floor, instead of turning around and sneaking into the library on the second floor.

When Miss Granger's thin figure completely disappeared at the end of the spiral staircase.

Owen then took steps, silently, to the entrance of the library on the second floor alone.

The Hogwarts library occupies a large area and has several floors. The restricted book area is on the fifth floor.

The library was already closed at this time.

But this does not trouble Owen. In fact, the door of the library can be opened by saying: Alaho Cave Open.

It is hard not to guess that the professor actually encouraged the little wizard to come out and do involution in the middle of the night.

He quietly passed the ban in the restricted book section.

Following the traces of ancient magic, Owen once again returns to the most secret place of the castle.

Underground secret room.

Or - Merlin's Chamber of Secrets

In the underground golden-domed auditorium, in the center of a forest.

On the stone platform, in the huge mirror, Professor Brigid's portrait was looking at him with a smile.

As expected, she was very happy that Owen was able to solve Weasley's puzzle.

In fact, she has been looking for traces of her ancestor, Shani Weasley.

But there were still no clues.

It wasn't until her death that a new heir appeared a hundred years ago, and it was she who told herself the secrets about the kitchen.

This made Professor Bridgend very ashamed. As the head of Hufflepuff, she had completely failed to understand the biggest secret left by Ms. Hufflepuff.

The elves in the castle don't just serve little wizards.

They actually have another identity, that is, the gravekeepers of Ms. Hufflepuff.

It’s just that as time goes by, over a thousand years, the sea has changed.

There was only one elf left who could remember his true mission, and the others were reduced to house elves.

The only reason for this is wizards.

The most important thing is that these elves today have no direct blood connection with the elves from thousands of years ago.

Because for more than a thousand years, every few years, outside house elves would be kicked out of their homes by pure-blood wizards for various reasons, and finally be taken in by Hogwarts.

These house elves spread the thoughts of slaves to other elves like a virus. Perhaps this is the real reason why they forget their mission.

As a Hufflepuff, Headmaster Brigid never paid attention to the elves who served her around her when she was alive.

What made her feel ashamed was that her grandmother was obviously a Gryffindor, but she understood the true meaning of Hufflepuff.

——Be kind to your humblest friend.

She is more qualified to be called the successor of Hufflepuff's will than herself, the Head of Hufflepuff.

"Good evening, Professor." Owen pushed the tree trunk out of the way and jumped onto the stone platform.

"Good evening, little Guduo, it looks like you are growing up!" Dean Brigid's face was full of joy. She had not been so happy for hundreds of years.


Don't panic, Hufflepuff's wonderful tropes are like this.

Professor Sprout also cares about whether they are fertilizing well (eating well) or pruning branches and leaves (cutting hair) all day long.

"Excellent! He is calm and calm, very much like me back then." She said gently, but her words sounded a bit like Ron's bragging tone.

Only then did Owen feel that the other person was a member of the Weasley family.

"Thank you, Owen, this is my wish granted."

As for the test, the previous generation of heirs could set it up as they wished. She had selfish motives in asking Owen to search for the Weasley family's treasures.

"Suddenly I felt sad." Dean Brigid smiled, her long red hair, long and straight, draped over her shoulders, which made her look very dignified. "Okay, now it's time for you to receive the prize. "

After saying that, Dean Brigid gently raised his slender fingers, and silver light gathered from the painting and finally disappeared into Owen's eyebrows.

In an instant, a bomb exploded in his head.

A huge amount of memories flooded into his consciousness, almost turning him into an idiot. His head was so painful that his brain seemed to be flowing out of his nose.

And this lasted for more than ten minutes before the feeling finally ended.

This memory is very complex, including the combat experience, intelligence, and ancient magic applications of the previous generations of heirs.

Owen didn't have time to understand so much.

He just glanced at the control of ancient magic by the previous heirs.

To be honest, he's really like a frog in a well right now.

Owen always thought that ancient magic was like a buff. In fact, it was true. As long as he mixed some ancient magic into it when casting a spell, the power of the spell would be enhanced several times.

But now he knows that it turns out that ancient magic and wizard magic are two parallel lines. They each have their own spell-casting skills and spell effects.

It should not be confused at all, as that would only obscure the true purpose of ancient magic.

"I know you have a headache right now." Dean Brigid's portrait seemed a little darker.

However, she still mobilized her magic power and cast an unknown spell. Suddenly Owen's head felt light. It felt like someone had sorted the garbage in the trash can into wet garbage, dry garbage, and hazardous garbage.

Although the total volume has not decreased, it looks much neater.

"Phew - this feels much more comfortable." Owen shook his head.

At this moment, memory seems to have built a palace. Every room and every corridor has corresponding memories.

And when he needs it, he just needs to look for it by category.

"But I must warn you, Owen." Dean Brigid's expression suddenly became serious.

"I can feel that the things you are carrying are getting heavier and heavier, far more than us. In the past hundred years, without an heir, the power of the Outer God has reached an unprecedented peak.

From Merlin to a hundred years ago, the power of God has never been so effective in affecting our world.

It is foreseeable that the enemies you encounter will be countless times more than us.

This is unprecedented.

Owen, you must find as many anchors as possible that invade this world before going to the God's Grant Tower to face the Outer Gods, and destroy them. Although this cannot be done once and for all, it can delay the growth of the Outer Gods' power, and may even weaken it. role. After all, Zone's power cannot be generated out of thin air. Each establishment of an anchor point requires a huge amount of magic power. Destroying the anchor point may be an effective way to weaken Zone. "

"." Owen rubbed his temples. Although the Memory Palace was spectacular, the swelling in his head was still there, but it was much weaker.

"What? Anchor point?" he asked weakly.

"Humans -" she said, and then explained in more detail, "cannot enter our world physically, you should know this - but through the illusion

The so-called trance is a state between life and death. It appears within the human mind and is both reality and illusion.

There, you may see your relatives or acquaintances, and the scenes are diverse. The illusion will reflect a person's innermost appearance.

Foreign gods will use the words of relatives to confuse you when you are least prepared. No matter what the purpose is, once you accept the power of Zion, you will completely become a container for external gods. It is like a parasite, sticking to your soul and getting nourishment from your thoughts and emotions.

Such an anchor point is born, and the outer gods will understand everything in this world through your eyes and senses. It is more likely that he will seek out the Tower of the Gods and destroy the spear that prevents his invasion of our world. Once a large number of Divine Grant Towers are destroyed, we have no chance of winning when facing the gods. "

"Humans cannot kill gods, not even their heirs."

"Wait a minute -" Suddenly Owen frowned and called out, "Trance - I seem to remember this.

It seemed like Teacher Chiron before”

"What's wrong?" Dean Brigid noticed his doubts and asked.

"Before." As he spoke, Owen told what happened when he met Chiron in the centaurs tribe.

"He said that if I destroy some altars, I can prevent the alien gods from coming. Now you ask me to protect the Divine Grant Tower. He asked me to destroy the tower. I am a bit schizophrenic, so what on earth am I going to follow? Altars, high towers, and Divine Grant Tower. Is it the same thing?”

"..." Dean Brigid looked at him solemnly, "I just said that foreign gods will use the words of relatives to confuse you when you are least prepared."

"What do you mean?"

"If you insist on asking me for my opinion, I can only say that I don't know." Dean Brigid continued, "The gods are a collective term. There are so many so-called gods. If any of them leave any back-up plan, , just like what you said is the mental space of the horse people, it is also possible.

But you need to be cautious and cautious. Maybe the so-called Chiron is actually an alien god?

Maybe Chiron is real, and the alien god is disguised as your mother, real and fake mixed together?

Perhaps the high tower he is talking about refers to the Divine Grant Tower, and he is tempting you to destroy the mark.

Maybe the towers and altars he calls are those built by the puppets in the dark ages before Merlin to connect with the outer gods?

You must always remember that you cannot completely trust anything you see in the spiritual realm. "

"But, my ancient magic was blessed by the centaurs. Before"

"Ancient magic is innate." Dean Brigid corrected him: "Before you were born, magic began to gather in your body. But stimulating magic requires an opportunity, most of which are strong mental fluctuations. hour.

Maybe Chiron was really the projection of an external god. He invaded your spirit and inspired the resistance of ancient magic in your body. But when he found out that you were the heir, he changed his mind and used a set of rhetoric to seduce you. you. "

"Huh..." Owen's brows almost knitted together. If he said that, what should he believe?

"Perhaps his so-called centaur blessing is to stimulate the ancient magic in my body, and he is still a good person?"

"So - Owen, this is the scariest thing about Outer God. Once you lose your guard, you can't even trust your own memory."

"Then what should I do?" Owen said with a cold face, "About those anchor points?"

He has always been a man of action. Rather than thinking blindly, it is better to verify it for himself. He wants to face the alien god directly and see what methods he has.

"Find those people." Dean Brigid said, "The people who were bewitched, because the whispers of the gods are ringing in their ears all day long, so most of them are delirious and behave crazy. It shouldn't be difficult to find them - in the incident just now There is a solution in the ancient magic inheritance, and that was the method developed by Merlin."

"Unconscious and acting crazy?" Owen's face froze, "That sounds like Voldemort."

"But Dean, times have changed!"

"Perhaps there were very few such lunatics in your time, but now the streets are full of such lunatics."


"There are very few Death Eaters who are sane and don't act crazy."


Dean Brigid knew about this organization, and her portrait at Hogwarts was not only in the Chamber of Secrets, but also in other places, such as the Hufflepuff common room, when the young wizard talked about the Death Eaters, She has heard it.

"There is some trouble -" she frowned, "but there is a way."

"any solution."

"Hmm -" Dean Brigid sighed.

Then the serious expression on her face gradually disappeared, and her demeanor changed from rigorous to indifferent. She said, "For the sake of the world, I have no choice but to invite these lunatics - all to die!"

She said gently, with a hint of cruelty in the corner of her eyes, "Kill the enemy on sight. This is the heir. If you inherit this power, you will go with the killing. Although it is a bit cruel, for the world, I would rather kill a hundred by mistake than never." Don’t let anyone go.”

"Hmm -" Owen smiled slightly, "I like this method!"

It seems that although the Head of Hufflepuff in front of her, a member of the Weasley family, seems kind and friendly, her position should be classified as orderly evil.

She does whatever it takes to achieve her goals - maybe there is another reason for her character.

Then Owen thought of the heir who died in the resting place of Lady Hufflepuff.

How tragic her ending was. This definitely affected the person in front of him.

But - he kind of likes her.

"Oh! By the way, Professor." Since we were talking about ancient magic, Owen naturally thought of Coatelle Stewart. She also had this ancient magic, although it was only a small amount, but it was also curious.

Is there another way to obtain ancient magic?

"Is there no other way to obtain ancient magic?"

"Huh?" Dean Brigid looked at him, "Have you met anyone else who possesses ancient magic power?"


After hearing Owen's affirmative reply, the professor fell into a brief silence.

After a moment, he spoke again, "I thought you wouldn't encounter those cruel things until you graduate from Hogwarts at least."

"Owen, what do you think ancient magic is?"

Suddenly she asked a question.

"Huh?" Owen thought for a while, "I used to think that this was a legacy left by the gods to resist the alien gods, but now - do you mean that this thing was not created by them, but has existed since ancient times?"

"You are very smart and can easily think of this - nowadays, we always refer to ancient magic as the power of ancient magic. It seems that it is magic from ancient times. But it is not." Brigid Academy The chief confided slowly, "The name 'Ancient Magic' comes from the inscription in the Divine Grant Tower. It is a translation of the original rune. To simply understand, even the wizards during the Zeus and Apollo periods also called it: Ancient Magic.

In the past, the starry sky sent blue meteors to the world along with destruction. It is said that this later turned into the original magic power - this is recorded in the inscriptions in the original God's Awakening Tower located in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.

From the research of later generations of successors, especially Merlin, we at least learned that the original magic reached a certain climax in a certain period of time, and corresponding to it was the god-making process of the mainstream magic world. At that time, there were a group of Wizards began to abandon the title of 'wizard' and call themselves 'men of gods'.

It was an era of bounty and abundance, but unfortunately it was fleeting. "


Owen was stunned when he heard the fairy tale, and he could guess what happened next with his heels.

It's nothing more than the cake getting smaller, but the number of people eating the cake increasing.

But he didn't expect that this would involve the origin of magic.

"The above are all translations of the original runes of the Divine Grant Tower." Dean Brigid said in a hollow voice, as if an elder was telling an ancient mythical story to a younger generation.


"Zhen Zhen." Owen smacked his mouth, and it sounded like he was not very reliable.

Who knows whether what is recorded is true or false.

"Yes, we know very little about history. Everything we know comes from the translation of inscriptions, but this is not the key. There is a huge amount of magic in the divine grant towers around the world. If someone accidentally breaks in, although This situation is almost impossible to happen, but the world is full of wonders. If someone really breaks in, then that person may obtain part of the magic power. Of course, they will not be able to use it, but their bodies may undergo changes."

"Did ancient magic increase the physiological functions of organic matter to an exaggerated level?" Owen suddenly remembered Victor's words, which he always kept on his lips.

"Well, that's the truth."

"What kind of change? Is it obvious?" Owen asked.

"The Hundred Aspects of the Furnace stimulates the blood of magical animals in the wizard's body, and grows the appearance of animals, such as bud horns. There is a dark history here that lasts hundreds of years, but it doesn't mean anything to you."

"Budhorn?" Owen touched his chin, but he didn't see any trace of mutation in Koyatel Stewart.

"The second method is that you can take the initiative to give the other person ancient magic. This involves the causal principle of ancient magic. It is the foundation of ancient magic spells - one of the fundamental principles, which makes everything interconnected."

"Huh? What principle of causality? What fundamentalist principle? Why does this sound like mathematics?"

"You need to take the time to learn the knowledge that has just been given to you. It's very important."

Dean Brigid did not explain, but continued, "As for the third way——"


the other side.

In the principal's office.

The cabinet with the Sorting Hat opened automatically, and the obsidian-like pensieve floated in the air.

Gray-black light is scattered in the silver water.

The cold tone shone on Professor Dumbledore's face, making him look very mysterious and serious.

The last memory belonging to Shani's body has been poured into the pensieve by him.

That churning black is exactly one person's memory.

Just now he browsed through that memory.

Victor is right.

The memory is messy, with multiple scenes jumping continuously without any correlation at all.

But Dumbledore still saw some disgusting images from these memories, which were bloody and betrayal.

He saw a silver-haired woman celebrating the birth of her child. This was her most important memory and the initial scene.

When the woman saw that the child had red hair instead of silver, the happiness in the corner of her eyes could be clearly felt by the old principal who was watching.

He saw a shameful betrayal, the goblin threatening the child, coldly and cruelly demanding her flesh and blood.

He saw a mother with tears streaming down her cheeks, using her remaining right arm to hold the cursed child in her body.

He saw the witch with one leg on crutches, still betrayed by her best friend, and a long-sought dagger stabbed into her defenseless body.

He saw that the most evil, despicable, and despicable things in human nature were constantly being staged.

He saw a hero who led wizards to win the goblin war, had her limbs broken, her eyes gouged out, her entrails eaten, and finally they tried to tarnish her reputation.

Even Dumbledore - even he, the legendary wizard who had experienced many hardships and was used to seeing cruelty and blood, felt deeply powerless and angry.


The professor held the edge of the pensieve with both hands, his face ashen.

Some people may not be worth saving, but the world is.

Even a flower, a grass, or a ray of sunshine is sometimes more valuable than a soul.

It seems that - his judgment is correct, the truth about the heir must not be made public.

Among the general public, there is an abyss.

Others are hell.

————Return to the underground secret room.

Owen had a sneer on his face.

He probably guessed something, after all, the goblin's actions were too obvious, those altars, sacrificial magic, etc.

Today I just got confirmation from Dean Brigid.

"Then Dean, about the second test"

"I think you must at least master the basic principles of ancient magic before you can proceed with the next test. Depending on your talent, I think you will be able to proceed to the next stage around this time next year."

"Huh?" Owen was a little disappointed, "It takes so long, I think I can master it in a month or two."

Hearing the sound, Dean Brigid did not hit him, but a smile appeared on his face again, "You can try it first. If you don't understand anything, you can ask the person in the Hufflepuff common room. Portrait, if only pointing.”

"Okay." After saying that, Owen waved his hand towards Dean Brigid. He was a little tired.

It's spiritual.

Then he turned and left the underground chamber, returned to the Hufflepuff common room in the dark, climbed into bed, and fell asleep.

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