I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 141 After being angry with Hermione, I feel much better

On the other side, Irving, who didn't know his fate, was still wandering around Notre Dame Cathedral with Sirocco in his arms.

Summer vacation is the peak tourist season in Paris. The streets are full of tourists from all over the world.

He followed a tour group and became a tourist.

Although Owen had lived in Paris for three or four years, he spent most of that time in an orphanage. How could the old Muggle director take a four- or five-year-old child around Paris.

He may not know Paris as well as these tourists!

"Look, everyone, this is the Sphinx Cathedral."

The tour guide led a group of people who traveled from places where they were tired of living to places where others were tired of living. They visited several important attractions in Paris in just a few hours.

I don’t know what these people are looking at?

Does just taking a look count as seeing it?

"The construction of the Spenter Cathedral was started in 1688 and was not completed until 1753. It has been a religious church since its completion." The bald male tour guide pointed at a magnificent Gothic building and talked about it, as if it had There are endless words to say.

"In the past fifteen years, this place was briefly transformed into an orphanage, but then a fire broke out. Due to negligence in management, a large number of children and teachers died in the orphanage. The government was forced to close the orphanage under pressure. After that, it was It was restored and is now a museum.”

Listening to the English-speaking tour guide with a hoarse voice and a thick French accent, Owen was suddenly stunned.

"on fire?"

Did you get up after he left?

oh! Then I am really lucky!

Owen was a little proud for no reason, and he didn't know why. In his memory, he didn't have any ill intentions towards the orphanage, but when he heard that the orphanage was on fire, he was absolutely relieved.

It is true that when I go to school and dream that my school is rejected, I am so happy.


As soon as he talked about luck, Owen's eyes caught the sight of a family of three walking towards him in the distance.

That shaggy hair, those sparkling brown eyes, and that body that was so attractive for the first time


Hey, did you make a mistake?

You bring a small notebook with you when you go out to see a scenic spot. What are you writing down? If you don't know how to go home, you should write "Granger's Travels in Paris"!

"Meow~" Before Owen could do anything, Sirocco in his arms jumped down and ran to find Hermione with cat steps.

"Hey, where did the kitten come from?" Miss Granger, who was recording something, suddenly noticed that something seemed to be grabbing her trouser leg, and then the thing jumped onto her shoulder.

Hermione turned her head blankly, and happened to look at the cat, "Well, you look really familiar, like Sirocco!"

"Meow~" Sirok called out in a pinched voice when he heard his name.

The temperament of green tea is fully displayed.

"Be careful, this may be a stray cat in the scenic area, and it may carry some disease." Mr. Granger warned.

"Meow?" Sirocco raised his head and stared at Dad He, with a very human look of disdain in his blue eyes.

Ignorant muggles.

"It's okay, it's very well-behaved." Hermione was very happy as she picked up Sirocco from her shoulders. She had wanted to have a pet for a long time, but she had never found a suitable one.

Maybe it was Owen's two magical animals that set her sights higher.

She doesn't like ordinary pets, and she can't afford expensive ones.

So this matter has been delayed.

Not far away, Owen was quite unhappy watching his cat being moved.

I can only move my cat by myself, except when I don't want to.

You can move it if I give it to you, but you can't rob (abduct) it if I don't give it to you.

Thinking to himself, he walked directly over the crowd, "Hey → Miss Granger, long time no see!"

Owen snatched Shilok back who was enjoying the fingertip massage of the magical girl.

You little thing enjoys it more than me!

Real name envy.

"Ah!" Hermione was startled when her love object was taken away. When she looked up and saw Owen's unhappy face, she realized: "Why are you here?"

"Me?" Owen put Sherlock into the pocket of his coat, and then said nonchalantly: "We are traveling during the summer vacation! Principal Dumbledore brought it with him, so he can cook it for me alone! Excellent students, you know."

As soon as the words came out, Hermione's good mood throughout the day was instantly reduced by half.

Travel with Dumbledore

so envious.

"Well - then" before she could say anything, Owen answered first, "Well, are you going to ask me who I learned magic from? Well! You are asking the right person, Nicola Flamel knows! The world The greatest alchemist, I want to learn alchemy! Hey, you know the troubles of outstanding students."

"Crunch." Hermione clenched her back molars when she heard the sound, her eyes changing from surprise to hatred.

This guy could always easily arouse her anger.

I originally wanted to ask him to have dinner with me, but now - eat, eat, eat! Eat whatever you want! Go eat with your alchemy!

"Haha - then I will continue to visit the cathedral." Hermione said with a stiff face, holding her parents' hands and wanting to leave.

At this time, Owen's voice came from behind again, "Oh! Speaking of visiting! I just visited the French Academy of Magic, Beaubaston yesterday, haha! That place is beautiful, with a whole sea of ​​flowers. , their principal received us personally, and even asked the best wizard in the school to take me around, oh my, Bubbaston is great! The air is filled with the fragrance of flowers, this is the summer trip for outstanding students!"

"Bang!" Hermione bit her back molar.

Tight, tight.

Fists tightened.

I really want to give that proud-looking guy a hammer on the forehead!

I can't bear it anymore! ! !

"Huh? Miss Granger, why is your face so red? Is it too hot in Paris? Hey! I lived in Hogwarts Castle during the summer vacation and studied various spells and spells with many professors. Magical plants have a lot of insight into the temperatures in these two places. Beaubaston is indeed warmer than Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall should come here to relax during the summer vacation. After all, she is the Head of Gryffindor. It's the most exhausting thing!" Owen said casually, his tone full of pride.

The whole person is under the sunshine of Paris, like a little prince who has just entered his official career.


The defense is broken! The defense is broken.

Hermione stumbled, but luckily her parents held her back from falling.

"You still have the nerve to say that! At least half of Professor McGonagall's anger this whole year is because of you!" Hermione let go of his parents' hands, pointed at Owen's nose and said, "Don't throw all the blame on Gran." Fendo!”

"I really don't know why Professor Sprout dotes on you so much! He doesn't care about anything and says nothing!"

"Hey! If you can steadily win the Academy Cup for the academy every year, then Professor McGonagall can turn a blind eye to you."

"Really? Which house is this year's House Cup for? Sorry, I seem to have forgotten. Probably, maybe, maybe it's not Hufflepuff!" Hermione pinched her throat and imitated Owen's usual sarcastic tone. said.

"That's what those Ravenclaws are talking about! If I don't beat them up, they won't know why the flowers are so red! Besides, I didn't cause any serious consequences. I don't know why Professor McGonagall detained me. Two hundred points. Huh! This must be her long-term discrimination against me!"

"Discrimination? Consequences?" Hermione stared, wanting to laugh, "Do you mean by not serious consequences, seven students were sent to the school hospital and eleven were injured?"

The little witch recounted the glorious achievements of a certain blackhead, and then suddenly reacted and said: "Did you go to Hogwarts during the summer vacation? With the professors? You went to Hogwarts after you came out of Azkaban." Watts?”

"Yes!" Owen smiled triumphantly.


I sent so many letters, but you never replied!

Hermione looked at Owen's proud expression, and for a moment an indescribable emotion emerged.

When she learned that Owen was imprisoned in Azkaban, she wrote countless letters and sent them to everyone she could know.

Professors, principals, etc. She worried all day long those days.

She was worried that Owen would be expelled and that he would be locked up in Azkaban for the rest of his life.

She was even more afraid of never seeing him again.

This is why her trip to France will be postponed until after mid-July.

In school, she had discussed with Harry and the others that if Owen continued to act unscrupulously like this, he would probably be caught in Azkaban.

But when this happened, she felt sad again.

She didn't know why she was so and so towards this annoying guy.

She didn't know why, but suddenly Hermione felt her eyes were a little sore, as if some liquid was swirling in her eyes. She turned her head quickly. All the worries and grievances from that week were buried behind her mother's back.

Mrs. Granger could tell at a glance that her daughter had an inexplicable relationship with this frivolous-looking boy.

Although she didn't understand those difficult magical words, Azkaban and Beaubaston. But his daughter's eyes would not deceive.

Mr. Granger's expression was even more ugly.

He was livid, with an expression as if his own cabbage had been eaten by a pig.

Of course, due to the existence of magic, they could not do anything to Owen. Even Mr. Granger was very happy to hope that his daughter could integrate into that world, otherwise they would not have had such a lively chat with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley last summer.

But this doesn't mean that he doesn't interfere in his daughter's social circle.

Brother Nan is not a good person at first glance. He is clever, exaggerated, and most importantly, he doesn't care about his daughter at all. You could tell just by looking at his tone just now.

The Grangers glanced at Owen warily, then quickly took Hermione's hand and left in a hurry.

The two of them sandwiched Hermione, one of them held one of her hands, and from time to time they would lower their heads and say something. Although Owen didn't hear it, he could tell from the shape of their mouths that it was probably: Stay away from that boy or something like that. if.

The boy didn't follow her. After making Hermione angry, he was in a better mood.

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