I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 140 Albus, that kid, he doesn’t have much time.

"Of course, I like the little wizard." Nick said happily, "I have always wanted to go to Beaubaston and continue to be a professor, but they didn't allow it. They said they were afraid that the little wizard would bump into me. Really, how old am I? Do you still care about those false reputations?"

"Haha——" Listening to Nick's thoughts, Owen's expression twitched unnaturally.

Is it possible, I mean, that by collision, they mean physics?

"Children are always rough." Dumbledore nodded, "Especially some fourteen-year-old children. They are full of energy and will definitely cause all kinds of troubles."

The old principal is obviously hinting at something!

Irving on the side was indignant about this, you, you, you - how can you accuse someone of innocence with empty words!

"It's a good thing to be energetic." Nick pointed at the sparkling water on the table enthusiastically, "This was recommended to me by a young, Muggle-born wizard. After I destroyed the Philosopher's Stone, I often felt When I feel low on energy, maybe staying with the little wizards can make me look younger, haha."

Nick's hearty laughter proves that this old man who has lived for six hundred years is still young at heart.

But what he said.

The corner of Owen's mouth twitched slightly. You really think I am a British guy. That Perrier water (sparkling water) is almost a hundred years old. The little wizard you are talking about is probably older than Dumbledore.

And the magic stone.


"Did you destroy the Sorcerer's Stone?" He looked at Nicoléme in surprise. It was the wizard's ultimate treasure! Are you willing?

"Yes." Nick said calmly.

Principal Dumbledore on the side also said to Owen in a vicissitudes and warm tone: "For people with a clear mind, death is just another great adventure."

"No. I didn't mean to live forever." Owen glanced at Dumbledore, who was educating him every day. Education every day, education every day. If he continues to educate him, he would really become a white wizard!

Why! Inexplicably, I feel like my conscience has been returned a lot by the dog now.

I still feel a little uneasy about killing a dark wizard! (funny)

"Only fools think about immortality, like Voldemort with his brain twitching."

"The most important thing about life is its shortness. Pursuing those noble things in a limited time makes life as brilliant as fireworks. An infinite life will only deprive life of its value, because everything will be meaningless in eternity."

"I just feel it's a pity." Owen sighed.

"That's the Philosopher's Stone! What a great energy source! The huge magic power is so vast that it's perfect for being used as fuel. Press it on the starship and I'll ride to the Centaur Galaxy to cut down the Trisolarans."

He shook his head with a distressed expression, "What a pity, what a pity."

To be honest, Owen really has no thoughts about immortality. As a person of the third generation, he has a completely disdainful attitude towards death.

Anyway, I have died twice, why are you afraid of dying a third time?

On the contrary, it was the other uses of the Philosopher's Stone that fascinated Owen, the majestic magic power and the incredible ability to replace metals.

Its value is by no means in making the elixir of life.

It should have a greater purpose.

For example - making outstanding contributions to the liberation of all wizards?


Owen's words seemed to have magic power, causing the two old men of different ages to look at him with suspicion.

Especially Nick, his eyes were shaken and shocked. He was shocked that a thirteen-year-old child could have such a kind heart.

For death.

He couldn't face it until a few years ago.

The longer he lives, the more fearful and cowardly he becomes.

He has been hiding from death for hundreds of years.

But this child - it's hard to imagine what kind of childhood he had experienced.

Albus, this is your best student~

Beside him, Professor Dumbledore also had an expression similar to Nick's, but he was not that surprised. In the first grade, he had already clearly seen the child's true nature in front of the Mirror of Erised.

But what he didn't expect was that Owen was far more capable than he thought.

"You surprised me, Owen. I never knew you had such views on death." Professor Dumbledore looked at him kindly, his eyes becoming gentler.

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Tch~~I am a great sage and wise man." Owen raised his head proudly and pointed his nostrils at the two old men, who together were nearly eight hundred years old.

"Okay, let's get down to business!" The old principal smiled noncommittally, and then motioned to Owen to take out the thing.

Owen, who understood Dumbledore's eyes, got up and took his suitcase from the chair where he had slept all day.

In front of Nick, he slowly opened it, and then a small creature wearing a tall hat came out of the box.

"Oh! Sir, it's you!"

Dobby held a hoe and carefully popped his head out.

The tall hat on its head is too high for it. This makes it necessary to hold it with one hand at all times.

"Meow~" Then, taking advantage of the crack in the box, a small white thing jumped out from Dobby's feet and jumped into Owen's arms.

Sirocco licked his cheek excitedly, making Owen feel strangely itchy.

"Oh! It seems to be very healthy!" Dumbledore nodded, his eyes passing over Owen without leaving a trace, and then looking at his old friend, Nick.

Then there was a commotion coming from the box, this time from Bakar.

The little dragon flapped its wings and landed on Owen's shoulder, its head slightly rubbing his earlobe.

This aroused the other white beast's desire to compete. Sirocco suddenly emerged from Owen's arms, and then jumped on top of his head.

The white beast raised its head, its sapphire-like eyes moved downward, and its mane-covered head looked very majestic.

Brother, you have to figure out your position!

"What two cute little guys."

Nicolème raised his head, with a frightened smile on his dry face.

"Look at its claws." He pointed at Shilok and said, "Those don't look like Zuowu's claws."

"Oh! God, look at its head, those two little buns. And the patterns on its belly. Those spots."

"It's incredible, incredible! Someone can actually combine the abilities of several magical animals into one body." A light flashed in Nick's eyes, which is the excitement that scientists only show when they see the most perfect research materials. expression.

"An old friend~" Before Dumbledore could finish his words, a hissing sound came from the box.

Dobby jumped out quickly and hid behind Owen's chair in fear. He stuck his head out and stared at the box with his big eyes fearfully.

Then a ten-inch python slowly crawled out of the box.

She spat out the snake letter, and her eyes of a beast glanced at everyone present.

However - after being taught by Dumbledore in snake language for a while, the python's aggressiveness seemed to have weakened a bit.

Maybe she was just full.

Nagini climbed out of the box and did not attack anyone. She just huddled up and watched them warily.

"This is - Najir?"

Of course Nicolas Flamel recognized her. He had studied the Blood Curse at Dumbledore's request decades ago, but in the end he had not found a way to break the magic.

In other words, if Nagini was still in her mother's belly, he might still have some ideas.

Before he was ten years old, he had some methods.

However, when they first met, the girl was already in her twenties, and the curse in her blood had already eroded her body and even her soul.

Even if he is the greatest alchemist in the world, he cannot reverse this trend.


"These are worthy of my careful study." Nick's eyes flashed. As an old man who has lived for more than 600 years, he knows best how to maintain enthusiasm and not go crazy.

Staying curious is definitely the best way.

"Oh! By the way, Owen." Dumbledore suddenly seemed to think of something. After Nick looked at each other, he said enthusiastically: "Miss Granger seems to have come to Paris with her parents. You have to go and meet her." ?"

"And this is your hometown, why don't you go and have a look around?"



"If you look at me as an eyesore and want to drive me away, just say so. Why are you beating around the bush?" Owen jumped up from the sofa, then took Sirocco off his head and held him in his arms.

Well - forget about Bakar, Muggles still can't accept the existence of dragons.

"How do I get back?"

"Use this!" Nick on the side gave Owen a compass, "He will help you find the way home."


After giving Bakar to Dumbledore, Owen hugged Sirocco and walked away, "I'm going out for a walk."

The small door opened and then closed again.

Dobby naturally chased after him. He was wearing a black cloak with an exaggerated length. When he left, his robe was caught by the door. "Oops!" After saying "Ouch!", he pushed the door open again and rubbed his head. Hold the robe in your arms and close the door again!

"This kid!" Dumbledore couldn't help but smile.

However, this smile did not last long and soon turned serious.

"Did you find anything?" he asked softly.

"I hope you can be mentally prepared, Albus." Nick showed a rare apologetic expression. Then, he slowly stood up, trotted all the way to the bookshelf, and pulled out two huge magic books. A piece of parchment.

"I didn't expect that someone would actually experiment with such forbidden magic."

He returned the parchment in his hand to Dumbledore.

"You should know that the highest achievement of alchemy has never been the Philosopher's Stone."

"Human alchemy is the ultimate pursuit of alchemists, the birth of life from inorganic substances. For thousands of years, from Aristotle, Abraham, to Xu Fu, Heinrich, and Paracelsus. No one has ever succeeded."

"This kid is a miracle."

As he spoke, Nick's expression became lonely. He seemed to have aged a lot in an instant.

His figure is like the afterglow of the setting sun, unwilling to sink into the sea.

The nostalgic red light turned into silk thread, holding Yunwu's hand, reluctant to let go.

"But, Albus." The words were stuck in his throat, and Nick didn't want to say them.


He is still so young.

Destiny is so cruel and infuriating!

He should have lashed out, not gone gently into that good night.

Rage angrily and denounce the unfairness of fate.

Rage, rage against the disappearance of the light.

"The kid, he-he doesn't have much time."

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