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Entering the living room, Mitokado Homura was seated, and even greeted him with a few words. He directly challenged Zhang Han, “I won’t say more polite words. I’ll ask you, Danzō, but you killed?”

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the living room changed.

Wave wind Minato and Jiraiya looked calm, as if they had expected this. Nara Shikaku and Hyūga Hiashi were infrequently frowned and secretly wondered, which was different from the decision when they came …

2 People glanced at the wave wind Minato with afterglow, seeing that his face was calm, and he didn’t mean to speak at all, and there was more doubt in his heart.

As Yōndaime Hokage, he was distracted by Mitokado Homura, and his opening plan disrupted the previous plan. Can you still sit still? Would it be too much?

2 People’s minds are different and silent, as if starting from stepping into Zhang Han’s door, there is a strange breath everywhere.

“Yes and how? Are you going to avenge him?”

Zhang Han lazily leaned against the back of the sofa, tilted 2 Lang legs, swinging his toes, not to mention how comfortable it was.

“Hmph! Your behavior is tantamount to betraying the village!”

Mitokado Homura didn’t seem to have the meaning of easing contradiction with Zhang Han. He punched on the coffee table in front of him, and the teacup above it jumped, making a continuous bang.

“Then when I have betrayed Konoha, what do you want to say, or go directly to the topic.” Zhang Han said impatiently.

The situation is wrong!

Nara Shikaku and Hyūga Hiashi glanced at each other. Which one was negotiated, it was clearly a quarrel … It is better to send a large number of Shinōbi to surround here and go to war with Zhang Han, why not bother?

Mitokado Homura’s eyes narrowed, said solemnly, “Konoha’s Missing-nin has always been responsible for Root, you can think about it, if you betray Konoha, from now on is Root’s enemy!”

As soon as this remark came out, even Zhang Han sitting opposite was a little dazed.

Did n’t you say everything in the front? I killed Danzō. You came to avenge Danzō. Then you asked me if I thought about it … What kind of trouble is this?

Zhang Han didn’t understand Mitokado Homura’s words, but Minato knew it. This sentence was actually said to him.

To deal with Root, Minfeng must have a reason to put it on the countertop, so he chose murder a person with a borrowed knife and dumped the pot to Zhang Han. After the incident, the other Shinōbi even have resentment, and only hate Zhang Han, not his Yōndaime Hokage.

Mitokado Homura came here for the purpose of not simply killing Zhang Han, a battle strength exceeding Kage Level, which is definitely a nuclear weapon level in this world. It would be a pity if it was killed.

What he wants is to bring Zhang Han back to Root, put a spell on it, and let him drive him.

But the question is, such a powerful battle strength, not even Hokage, what is Root qualified to have?

It is for this reason that Mitokado Homura has spared no effort to characterize Zhang Han as Konoha Missing-nin. Only let him become Missing-nin, the rest is easy to handle.

After all, until now, dealing with Missing-nin is the right of Root. When they catch Zhang Han, they can do whatever they want, and Minato has no reason to intervene.

Selfish calculations are not without sound.

But still that sentence, having ambitions that do not match strength is also a tragedy.

Zhang Han couldn’t understand the purpose of Mitokado Homura’s attitude, and he didn’t want to consume brain cells. Blunt asked, “Speak, your purpose.”

“This is Root’s punishment for you. If there is no objection, just follow me!”

While speaking, Mitokado Homura took out a document from his arms and threw it at Zhang Han. Immediately glanced at the wave wind Minato and saw that he was calm from beginning to end.

Is it too smooth?

The document was only a few pages of thin white paper. Before waiting for it to fly to Zhang Han, it was suddenly shocked by an invisible force into a powder and drifted in the air.

“Sorry! I haven’t learned Chinese in elementary school well and can’t read the documents.”

Zhang Han’s eyes are getting colder and colder, “If nothing happens, you can go!”

The ants of the ants can’t see their own strength, and they dare to make a big speech, simply ignore!

“What? Impudent!”


Seeing Zhang Han destroying the document without looking at it, Mitokado Homura was furious and slapped it, smashing the coffee table in front of him directly.

Tie Qing’s face was low and shouted. “Asshole! I officially issued an ultimatum to you as the Root leader. I will die or be my subordinate and complete at least 1000 S-Rank missions for Konoha!”

“Nani?” “1000 S-Rank missions?”

What is the S-Rank mission?

Even Kage Level Powerhouse may not be sure to complete it. Let Zhang Han complete 1000 S-Rank tasks. Isn’t it to kill him?

How could the other party agree to such outrageous conditions?

Nara Shikaku’s body shuddered, squinting at the wave of Minato frequently, but found depressed that the other party was like a puppet, sitting there motionless.

As if everything that happened in the living room had nothing to do with him.

Opposite, Zhang Han glanced at the all split up and in pieces coffee table, his eyes twitching wildly.

These furnitures were all bought by Kushina …

“You are courting death … um?”

I saw him with a green face on his face, just about to go viral, but at this time, Root Shinōbi, who had been standing behind Mitokado Homura, suddenly looked up and looked straight at him.

At this moment, a little red awn in the field of vision expanded rapidly, and then filled the entire pupil.

Mitokado Homura, Minato and the others all disappeared, and even their own living room was distorted and dissipated, replaced by a bloody scene.

Zhang Han seemed to see a pair of strange eyes hanging from the sky, looking down at him coldly. Bloody background, there is a 4-corner windmill in the middle …

Uchiha Shisui! Kotoamatsukami!

Zhang Han didn’t react until it was calculated. Mitokado Homura is so high-key and tough. It seems that there is no negotiation at all, but it seems to be doing things.

It turned out to be this!

Kotoamatsukami is known as the strongest Genjutsu, which can invade the brain without being noticed by the enemy and permanently and completely modify the will of the other party.

As strong as Zhang Han, without any preparation, he also made a move!

The atmosphere in the living room almost solidified, everyone held their breath and stared at Zhang Han intently.

At this moment, Uchiha Shisui had already taken off the animal mask covering his cheeks, and two Mangekyō Sharingan were in full glory and looked directly at him. Zhang Han was like a statue, standing upright on the sofa.

In his eyes, the originally black pupil gradually changed and became bloodied.

The smile on Mitokado Homura’s face is getting stronger and stronger. As long as Zhang Han’s two eyes become the same 4-corner windmill as Uchiha Shisui, he will be changed his mind and completely reduced to his own Puppet!

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