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Hyūga Neji looked up suddenly, his eyes full of doubt and exploration.

I said in the front that I would take revenge, but in the back I would n’t let Zongjia be counted in … Teacher If you did n’t make a foreword in the foreword, did you excuse Hinata?

Without waiting for Hyūga Neji to understand, Zhang Han said again, “What do you think caused the tragedy of you and your father?”


Hyūga Neji looked embarrassed and lived with hatred for more than ten years. He never thought about this problem.

“In other words, even if you wiped out all the clan’s family members and turned over to be the master. Can you guarantee that there will be no situation similar to your father in the future?”


Zhang Han’s question is sharper than one. Hyūga Neji thought hard for a long time, but could not answer a word.

“In my opinion, your tragedy mainly stems from the bird seal in the cage, plus the control of the Position of Patriarch by the upper sect family, the generations can only become slaves for generations, and there is no chance of turning over …”

Hyūga Neji suddenly looked up, “Teacher means, let me find a way to unlock the spell mark?”

Zhang Han shook the head, “Hyūga Clan’s ancestors created the seal of the bird in the cage. The original intention was to prevent Byakugan from being acquired by other Hidden Villages. I have to say that this is a very good method. However, it has become a very good way. The Zongjia controls the separated weapons. “

“This is actually to tell you that the tragedy of the separation is not the curse mark on the forehead, but the rigid system of the Hyūga Clan family! What you have to deal with is not just a Hyūga Hiashi, but this decaying system!”


Hyūga Hiashi is still a bit dazed, always feels that Zhang Han’s words are like a mist, and he seems to see something, but it’s not very real.

Seeing this, Zhang Han explained patiently, “The inheritance of Hyūga Clan has always been the eldest son of Patriarch who has the first order of succession. If the eldest son does not work, then find it from other sons-in-law. In the hands of the family. “

“That is to say, one day is divided, and you will be divided for life! Even your children and grandchildren can only be divided!”

No matter which world it is, as small as an enterprise, family, or as large as a country, the ascending channel is blocked, which is equivalent to losing its own blood-making ability, and it is not far from failure.

The reason why the Hyūga Clan clan has continued until now, and there have been no troubles, not because the family does not want to rebel, but the bird mantra in the cage is too perverted.

This thing is just like the curse spell, the split faced the Zong family, and had no strength to fight back.

“Teacher means, everyone in the Position of Patriarch takes turns to sit?” Hyūga Neji asked again.

“Isn’t that a mess?”

Zhang Han has a black line and feels that this guy is an elm pimple. “Since you want to challenge the existing system, of course you have to come up with a better and more comprehensive system! According to my ideas, you can implement the last place. Elimination system. “

“Last elimination system?”

Hyūga Neji was stunned again, a pair of eyes looked towards Zhang Han, although he did n’t quite understand what you were talking about, he always felt very difficult to deal with.

The so-called final elimination system is not uncommon in this world. Almost all football leagues in the world adopt this system.

For example, in the Premier League, the three teams at the end of the season are directly relegated, and the vacated places belong to the top two of the British crown. The third to sixth places play an upgrade play-off and grab the last upgrade place.

The existence of this last elimination system is very helpful to his ability to make blood.

See how, every year the relegation battle at the end of the season is often more exciting than winning the championship?

Zhang Han gave Hyūga Neji a general description of the specific methods of the next elimination system, and then said, “If this system is implemented, a competition within the family will come once a year. As long as the family is desperate enough, they can also see the hope of unraveling the curse. “

“As a result, being caged birds can only blame their lack of strength, and the conflict between the clan and the family will be relieved to a great extent.”

Generally speaking, in one word, the strong family members are weak, and the weak family members are separated!

Hearing Zhang Han’s story, not only Hyūga Neji, but others also have eyes shined.

“Teacher’s method is really good! If such a system can really be realized, Hyūga Clan can not only alleviate the contradictions, but also the overall strength and competitiveness of the family Apprentice will be greatly improved.”

Hyūga Neji clenched his fists and said excitedly, “I decided, at all costs in my life, I will also implement the final elimination system in the family!”

Zhang Han laughed, said nothing more. With the experience of Zhang Xiaofan in Zhuxian world, you feel that your skill in fooling people is no less than that of Uncle Snake.

Hyūga Neji in front of him was crooked by him in minutes.


One day passed quickly in the desperate hard work of several people. The next day, early in the morning, Akame and the others had just had breakfast and were preparing to go to the Cultivation of the Grove as usual, and they saw Hyūga Neji hurried to the house.

Although Zhang Han had been to Hokage World as early as the 2nd World War II, the butterfly effect he caused was limited to only a few people such as Tsunade and Kushina. Many things still happen according to the original.

For example, Uchiha Clan was extinguish sect, and then Uchiha Sasuke, who betrayed Konoha.

Yes! Like the original, Sasuke betrayed Konoha and went to Land of Rice Fields Otogakure no Sato to take refuge in Orochimaru. This also disrupted Hyūga Neji’s Cultivation plan. Their team got the task and at all costs captured Sasuke back to the village.

Zhang Sa is not interested in Sasuke, who is in the second phase, as long as he does not affect his plan. Shake hands casually and send Hyūga Neji away.

However, today seems to be a special day, God is destined not to make Zhang Han comfortable Cultivation. Before he stepped out of the house, Minfeng Minato brought a group of Konoha seniors to the house.

This is … Was Minato ready to start against Root?

Prior to this, Bo Feng Minato and Zhang Han had an exchange, Root has always had a strong hostile attitude towards his existence, Zhang Han knows this.

The content discussed by the two people was that Zhang Han took the opportunity of Root to challenge himself, except for Mitokado Homura, and those tough main battle groups, Minato took advantage of the situation to dissolve Root, and placed all Root Shinōbi under Anbu, under his direct jurisdiction. .

In this way, he got Root, and he got Kyūbi himself, it was a great joy.

Zhang Han looked at the people who came in quietly, and gestured to Tsuna to signal her to take Akame and Hinata out of the living room.

Immediately, his eyes fell on Mitokado Homura, “long time no see, Mito Advisor.”

He was curious, what was the strength of Mitokado Homura, and he dared to challenge himself.

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