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The most intimate partner ever betrayed himself. There is nothing more painful in the world.

Zhang Han glanced around and calmly said, “Before today, I had nothing to do with Esdeath, but you also saw it, from now on, she is my woman.”

Accept it, just accept it. It’s easy to admit it. Anyway, when I was treated as a scumbag, I went more.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone felt angry and funny.

“You guy, don’t you want to express that you were originally prepared to trouble Esdeath, but the result is that you can’t resist the temptation of beauty, and you are willing to be a minister under the skirt? Don’t you think this explanation is too far-fetched?”

Leone sneered, “Don’t cover up anymore, you and her are already together!”

Najenda followed closely, “From what I know about Esdeath, she is easy to find a man casually. However, if it is for a certain transaction, it may be an exception once.”

what? what does this mean?

Esdeath uses his body as a bargaining chip and exchanges Zhang Han’s intelligence with Night Raid?

Zhang Han’s face turned black, and his embarrassment suddenly turned into anger, WhatTheFXXk? Who is Lao Tzu? PR male?

“You think too much.”

Zhang Han took a few deep breaths and strongly suppressed his inner anger, indifferently said, “If I want to target Night Raid, believe me, none of you can live to see the sun of tomorrow.”

All of them felt awkward in their hearts, and this was the reaction. The man standing in front of him was the instructor who taught them Rokushiki, the powerful existence that can oppress everyone to be able to move even a little bit by imposing manner alone.

If Zhang Han is really a group of Esdeath, it doesn’t need to be so troublesome, and a single horse can kill the Night Raid base.

Doing my best to explore the information, is there an egg?

“Since the instructor is not on Esdeath’s side, why should he do this?”

Najenda hated it indisputably, “If the instructor likes beauty, Akame, Leone, Hill … that is not as good as Esdeath? Of course, I can serve the instructor too.”

In order for Zhang Han to change his mind, Najenda is also out!

“Ah?” “Don’t talk nonsense!”

“We don’t have a crush on the instructor …!”

The girls who were clicked by the name instantly blushed, lowered their heads, and glanced at Zhang Han in the corner of their eyes.

To their disappointment, Zhang Han did not have the imaginary emotional expression, even from the beginning to the end, it was very indifferent.

“Damn! Why am I not so well treated?”

Lubbock clenched his fists, and Envy’s gaze glared at Zhang Han. Especially when he heard Goddess’ self-promotion in his heart, he only felt that his head was spinning, and the whole person was bad.

“Instead of this, let’s talk about the next thing.”

Feeling helpless, Zhang Han shifted the topic and said, “I will take Esdeath away later, don’t ask where we are going, and you can’t understand it. I can guarantee that she will no longer be your stumbling block. As for Next, whether the revolutionary army is capable of overthrowing the rule of the empire depends on you … “

Before finishing the speech, Zhang Han suddenly felt something strange behind him, turned his head, and saw Esdeath dressed neatly and walked out of the bedroom slowly.

“Her husband is too powerful, just a small strategy can lead the entire Night Raid to the mansion to catch everything in one net.”

Esdeath walked to Zhang Han, with his arms said and a smile charmingly, “You know, it took me a long time to find Night Raid. I can’t let them escape this time!”

While speaking, hundreds of bodyguards suddenly appeared in the dark courtyard to surround the crowd.

Taking advantage of the time when Zhang Han came out, Esdeath secretly notified his subordinates and arranged traps, intending to keep the entire Night Raid here.

The only thing that surprised her was that Zhang Han had something to do with Night Raid.

Although it was not clear how deep the relationship between the two parties was, Esdeath could n’t just sit back and ignore it, and then hurried out. As it should be by rights, the accident was described as a good result planned in advance.

Looking at the densely packed bodyguard in the dark, the members of Night Raid couldn’t help but look wild. At this moment, even if he knew that Esdeath was provoking, he had to face the next dangerous situation.

“Let your people get away!”

Faced with Esdeath’s self-proposition, Zhang Han was really angry.

When he flicked it, countless flare flew out of his fingers.

嗖, 嗖, 嗖…

Regardless of the speed or penetrating power of the light projectile, the formidable power is infinitely stronger than the depleted uranium armor-piercing projectile. Under the artillery coverage of this map, the guards who hadn’t had time to arrange their formations wailed tragically, and were ejected into sieves.

After the violent shower of light bombs completely disappeared, the guards who came to siege everyone fell down suddenly. Some not-so-death guards lay on the ground, howling with sorrow.

The blood stained the soil, and the air was filled with a thick smell of blood, which made people frown.

This hand immediately shocked Esdeath and Night Raid, any imagination is not as deterrent as the intuitive bloody wind.

In this World, Zhang Han shot very few times, one hand can count. It is also because of this, whether it is against Esdeath or Night Raid, its own deterrent force is actually not high. Until Esdeath did not listen to the warning and arbitrarily manipulated, it completely detonated his anger.

I saw him with a baleful qi staring at Esdeath, saying one word at a time, “I said just now, before you beat me, everything has to listen to me. Don’t try to challenge my patience, this is The last warning! “

A piece of ice on the Esdeath pretty face almost crushed the silver teeth.

If Zhang Han and her spoke good words, maybe they could reach a consensus, but the other party was in a threatening posture, and Esdeath also got angry.

“You know, the general of the empire is standing in front of you. No matter who it is, against the empire, all you get is the deepest despair!”


Zhang Han smiled angrily, lifted his hand away from Esdeath’s arm, and said hoarsely, “If it’s not that my understanding is biased, it can only show that you simply don’t know what despair is!”

After speaking, a violent imposing manner like a volcanic eruption rose from Zhang Han’s body. The amazing white light turns into a pillar of light, straight into the night sky.

At the same time, one after another light-white wave rises in the wind, turning into a terrifying storm, which rises wantonly and sweeps everything around.


Side Esdeath, as well as the members of Night Raid standing not far in front of them, flew out by the sudden Harikēn and hit the nearby wall heavily.

At this moment, all the soldiers patrolling Imperial Capital stopped and looked up at the white light rising up in small groups, whispering together in small groups.

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