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This condescending gaze made Esdeath extremely uncomfortable.

mercy? sympathy?

What the hell joke! As the most powerful Imperial Tool User of the Empire, will I need the mercy of others? Even if it is pity, it should be my charity to other talents!

Just when Esdeath couldn’t hold back and was about to get angry, Zhang Han said flatly, “You only need to answer yes or no.”

This strong style made Esdeath feel rebellious, and the trembling S character buried in the bone marrow forced her to almost blurt out the word “no”.

However, just when she opened her mouth, she suddenly seemed to think of something else, a mysterious smile hung on her face, and she stepped forward, her nose almost touching Zhang Han’s face.

“If I answer willingly, does that mean you will be my man?”

A gentle breath was sprayed on Zhang Han’s face, and the ambiguous atmosphere in the room suddenly rose, which made Zhang Han even more surprised that the other party’s voice just fell, and he sticked out his tongue and licked his lips.

It’s so numb, I feel that talking to Esdeath is more tiring than fighting with Aizen. Any topic about Zhenger 8 can give her a crook.


Just when Esdeath’s tongue tip opened Zhang Han’s lips and was about to be unsatisfied, a wide and powerful slap was heavily drawn on her hips.


The pain on the PP came into the nerves, like a burst of current flowing in the body. Esdeath only felt that the lovable body was sour, almost standing unsteady, and fell on Zhang Han’s shoulder in front of him, a little blush gradually expanded behind the ear.

Suddenly, the slightest shy thought flashed in my mind, why is it on the left?

“I don’t like my woman to be too strong, and I don’t like other people to make ideas for me. If you want to be my woman, you must listen to me! At least, before you have the strength to defeat me, everything must I’m the master. “Zhang Han whispered in Esdeath’s ear.

Since you can’t convince her, then pajamas her!

Anyway, this kind of thing is not too bad for men.

At this moment, the majority of Esdeath’s attention is on the big hand who made the blame on PP. Even if he understands the meaning of Zhang Han’s words, he has no strength to refute.

“Agreed?” Zhang Han reminded again.


Esdeath’s eyes are full of spring, with a bang, nodded.

The next second, Zhang Han lowered his head and kissed heavily on her sweet lips. Without giving the other party time to react, his tongue opened his teeth and a French wet kiss came directly.

Esdeath, who has never experienced love, can withstand such a strong battle. The previous charm is only that she deliberately pretended to be mature. At this moment, under Zhang Han’s powerful offensive, the brain was blank, and he could only cater passively.

Zhang Han put a little pressure on both hands and hugged Esdeath, kissing while walking towards the bed. It did n’t take long for the room to remember the rhythmic vibrations and insanity …


While Zhang Han was enjoying the bliss of the world, some people were unhappy in the garden outside the bedroom.

In the bright moonlight, all members of Night Raid stood still in the air, and at the foot were the wire nets arranged by Lubbock with a crossed tail.

From their perspective, it is possible to see the situation inside from the open window. The cheating couple entwined in the bed directly blinded everyone’s two eyes.

“Why is this?”

“Am I right? That guy is really an instructor?”

Although Night Raid left the base with Zhang Han one after the other, the time was almost the same, but they did not have the ability of Zhang Han flying through the skies or escaping through the ground. They avoided the guards patrolling and spent a lot of time and energy.

Until they infiltrated the Esdeath mansion, they did not hear the conversation between the two, and they only saw the pictures of pa pa pa.

When Zhang Han rampaged over Esdeath, the grumpy Leone was already scolding.

“Damn! I thought the instructor came to Esdeath to avenge Burāto, who would have been such a man! Damn bastard, we have all been cheated!”

“Damn! It’s how good I should be …”

Lubbock cursed resentfully, envying Envy in his face.


Hearing Lubbock’s words, Leone raised his hand and gave him a chestnut, grabbed the other’s ear, and fiercely said, “No strange thoughts!”

Lubbock clutched his head, his face aggrieved, secretly envious of Zhang Han, deservedly an instructor, even pa pa pa’s technology is so comprehensive ……

“That is to say, all the details of the Revolutionary Army have been clarified by Esdeath?” Najenda looked calm, but there was deep anger hidden in his eyes.

How much love I used to have, how much pain I hate now!

What makes the people have one’s hair stand on end is that since this month, they have not been prepared for Zhang Han at all. The revolutionary army’s spy whistle in the empire and all the subsequent operations are under Zhang Han’s control. in.

And Zhang Han is Esdeath’s man …

Thinking of this, everyone just felt Han Han’s brain trance.

“It’s over! Night Raid, Revolutionary Army … Everything is over!”

I don’t know who whispered, an emotion called despair spread among the crowd.

With the information held by Zhang Han, coupled with the huge military power of the empire, one can imagine that the revolutionary army will face a devastating blow next!

Despite this, a group of Night Raid members are still standing on the wire, without any intention of attacking.

Regardless of the identity of the killer, they are all a group of unstaffed girls, and they are a little confused when facing the fragrant scene in the room.

Honestly, when Night Raid entered the Esdeath mansion, Zhang Han had already sensed it, but the arrow had to be sent on the string, and it could only be seen as an ostrich, trying his best to take away Esdeath.

How could Esdeath, who had taken the lead in Yunyu, withstand such a violent offensive? It took only a few minutes to surrender.

Zhang Han opened the quilt to cover Esdeath’s lovable body, but he hurriedly put on his clothes and flew out the window.

“Everyone, um, all here …”

Even if he was already an old driver, in the face of this embarrassing situation, Zhang Han still had a little not knowing what to do, and he didn’t even talk too hard.

“Instructor, what is your relationship with Esdeath?”

Relatively speaking, Akame is the calmest one among all people, but the loss and pain exposed in his eyes still clearly fall into Zhang Han’s eyes.

Everyone and everyone looked serious with a serious face, and stared at him coldly.

If other people are standing in front of you, Night Raid has already drawn his sword and started to work, but in the face of Zhang Han, they are unable to give up.

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