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Upon hearing Mine’s refusal, Zhang Han felt a little stunned, and then immediately thought of the problem, he couldn’t help shaking his head and grinning.

It ’s a pity that I only refused to die, and I thought about going with them. Who knows Mine will understand another meaning …

It can only be said that Mine’s grudge against him is too deep, and everything can be seen off course.

This kind of understanding mixed with subjective emotions, Zhang Han asked himself how to explain, and it was useless. In this case, why not change the routine?

I saw his eyes glared, staring coldly at Mine, and said sarcastically, “I always thought someone withdrew from training because I was too strong to look down on the ink in my stomach. I was going to take this opportunity to learn For a moment, who knows that it will be rejected, maybe someone is not guilty? “

Jiji was really easy to use. As soon as the voice fell, I saw Mine’s jumping feet, pointing at Zhang Han’s nose and scolding, “Heart guilty ?! How is it possible? You this bastard, don’t think I’m afraid of you?”

“Since I’m not afraid, why don’t you want me to follow?”

Speaking of which, Zhang Han pretended to be suddenly realized, “Oh! I understand! Someone is worried about being defeated by Hill and loses face, right?”

“You guys!” Mine was almost mad, “Follow …”

Speaking of which, Mine suddenly stopped talking.

I wanted to talk and follow, who was afraid of who, but suddenly thought, if this answer, wouldn’t it be the wish of the bastard?

hateful! Almost fell into the other party’s trap …

After a brief stagnation, Mine immediately adjusted her emotions, holding her elbows, her delicate chin raised slightly, and said arrogantly, “You are like a toad, don’t bite a disgusting person! I’m afraid you will appear in my vision , Affected by nausea. “

“If this is the case…”

The first time he was compared to a toad, Zhang Han was very annoyed, and he was too lazy to mix in such fucking things if it was not to save Hill.

I saw Zhang Han turned his head towards towards the hill, repeatedly, “Hill, remember to remind me when I was acting at night, I will observe your actions in the dark. Note, if you fail, the next step will be more horrible training. ! “

Yubi, no longer paid attention to Mine, passed 2 people and walked out of the Conference Hall.

Mine wanted to stop Zhang Han’s follow-up, but when thinking of Fang Cai’s sarcasm, his temper came up and suddenly tacitly acquiesced in the other party’s move. I secretly made up my mind, the task at night, must finish the beautiful and beautiful, and then ridiculed back fiercely.

If Mine knows, Zhang Han doesn’t care about the accomplishment of their task, and I don’t know how to feel …


Late at night, the bright moon hangs high, the moon is sparse, and a few clouds float leisurely in the sky.

Mine and Shēre 2 walked quickly in a quiet alley with a shallow smile on their faces. Obviously after a long night of lurking, they had a lot of gains.

“That goal called Zibble, too cautious, is it too much? Fortunately, there is a romantic fort, and even his guards were shot by me. Otherwise, I don’t know how much time is wasted!”

Mine seemed to be a statement, a flaunting way, and the afterglow of her eyes secretly observed Hill’s expression.

This time the task of slaying the leader of the underground gang Zibble is not very difficult. The more difficult task Mine does not know how many times it has been done, and it can be done beautifully.

The so-called flaunting mind is because she completed this task from start to finish. Hill has basically done nothing except to accompany her to chat and pass the boring time during the incubation.

In other words, his competition with Zhang Han completely gained the upper hand.

“Damn! I knew it would be so smooth. When I left the base, I should inform the guy to follow … How could it be good to have a face-to-face slap afterwards?”

Mine was a little annoyed. In order not to be upset, she noticed Zhang Han not at all when they left the base, but it greatly reduced the sense of accomplishment of defeating Hill.

“No! Must fiercely despised the bastard when he went back to see if he would dare to be arrogant in front of me in the future!” Mine thought fiercely in disgust.

However, Yu Guang glimpsed that Hill not only did not feel depressed, but instead looked relaxed, as if he didn’t care about these details.

“Mine’s Spear Art is getting more and more accurate, and it is really good to be able to solve the goal smoothly!” Hill praised sincerely.

Mine pretty face was ashamed, and suddenly felt that he was too far away from Hill.

Ok! In fact, to compete with a natural one, it’s just that I think too much.

What 2 people did not know was that they had been under the supervision of Zhang Han from leaving the base to completing the mission. With Zhang Han’s strength, as long as he doesn’t take the initiative to appear, Mine simply can’t perceive it.

Zhang Han had no mood swings for Mine shooting Zibble. Slap on the face and slap, anyway from the very beginning, his mind is not on the task of 2 people.

In this way, following two people all the way through the streets of Imperial Capital. When he first entered a square, Zhang Han suddenly moved, gazing through the grove at the edge of the square and falling into the dark forest.

“Are you coming? Seryū Yubikitas!”

Kenbunshoku Haki sensed that one person and one creature was hidden on the tree branch in the forest. Combined with the impression of the original work, Zhang Han immediately reacted. It should be the grief girl Seryū and her Biological Type Imperial Tool, the 100-arm giant Koro.

The decay and darkness of the empire changed a lot of people. Zanku the Beheader, which was previously beheaded by Zhang Han, is a very clear example. It was forced to be perverted by the cruel reality.

Seryū Yubikitas, too!

The difference is that Zanku the Beheader’s perverted is for others, and Seryū’s perverted is completely for himself.

Seryū Yubikitas is part of the Imperial Capital Guard, and the original book later joined the special police force formed by Esdeath, the Kangar.

Originally a naive and kind girl, but because the parents were killed by the thieves, Master Oka was killed by Night Raid member Tatsumi, gradually psychologically distorted, abnormal hatred of evil forces, especially Night Raid, even hated the bone marrow.

Later, with the help of Dr. Sutairisshu, all his body was transformed into a weapon except his head.

At this point, she can see her perverted and crazy.

After a lapse of years, Zhang Han still remembered that when he saw the pure and pleasant Seryū Yubikitas being transformed into a weapon, especially when the barrel came out of his mouth, his scalp was numb and his brain was blank. .

A girl who should enjoy a beautiful life simply and happily turns out to be a distorted killing machine. What kind of morbid society will create such a tragedy?

Zhang Han shook the head, driving that nausea out of my mind.

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