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“It’s hard for you, instructor.” Najenda directed Zhang Han nodded.

Zhang Han laughed, “There is nothing hard to do, their talents are very good, but that’s all not fully developed.”

“Hmph! Hypocrisy!” Mine murmured disdainfully.

Although the sound is not high, it still clearly passed into everyone’s ears, attracting other people to look sideways. I don’t know which string of this arrogant Loli is wrong.

Especially for Tatsumi, who has several points of admiration for Zhang Han, looks towards Mine’s eyes are quite bad. I feel that the other party is just like a little child.

The atmosphere is instantly cold!

The conflict between Mine and Zhang Han is seen by everyone.

When they wanted to come, it was Mine who couldn’t insist on the weight-bearing exercise and quit automatically. Zhang Han always treated them equally and didn’t deliberately make her feel sad. I didn’t know why I hated Zhang Han so much.

One side is a companion, the other side is a Teacher, and everyone does not know how to persuade. They can only silently bow their heads, Quan Dang did not hear.

On the other side, Zhang Han calm expression sat on the chair, ignoring Mine. Regardless of accountability, fighting with girl, it seems that he is too measureless, and he has no interest in this regard.

Besides, when Rokushiki is taught, he is ready to leave this World. When the time comes across countless planes, basically there is no chance to meet her again, can Mine still cross the plane and chase Shinigami World to scold him?

See Zhang Han each minding their own business’s 2 Lang legs and a face of Serene. This attitude of seeing her as air made Mine anxious, feeling like she was hitting cotton with a punch, and no one would take it.

The suffocation was only known to her.

Najenda’s face was black. He spouted on such occasions, not only Zhang Han, but also disrespect for her boss’s performance.

I saw Mine glaring at Mine with a warning, and then changed the subject, “Today everyone is delaying Cultivation time, presumably you all have guessed. Yes, we have a task!”

As an important part of the Revolutionary Army, Night Raid is lurking at Imperial Capital mainly to help the Revolutionary Army buy people’s hearts, detect intelligence, and plan rebellions and assassinations as the dignitaries.

As for other assassination missions, the purpose is to obtain commissions, not as high as people think.

That’s why, when Tatsumi joined in with a sense of justice, he was teased by others, and warned him that no matter what the name is for this, what they did was ultimately killing, and there was no justice Yes, everyone present will be retaliated anytime, anywhere.

Of course, be that as it may, Night Raid is still essentially different from the general Killer Organization. People do n’t say anything, but most of them are kind-hearted and have a strong sense of justice and mission.

And they have their own bottom line, even if they receive a commission, they must also investigate in advance to confirm whether the target meets their standards for beheading.

In this way, both punishment and evil can be punished, and commissions can be collected. Why not do it?

While speaking, Najenda took out a document, threw it at the conference table, and lifted his finger to the top portrait to explain, “The goal is a group of underground trade organizations! This group likes to kidnap ignorant girls from Imperial Capital in slums and outskirts, Use medicine to control their criminal activities … “

Akame took the information silently, scanned it briefly, then handed it to side Leone and asked, “Is the source reliable?”

Since Leone’s identity was revealed and wanted by the security team, Night Raid’s intelligence system has been greatly discounted. The current order is their first single task in more than half a month, and the number is much worse than in the past.

Najenda nodded, “I have personally confirmed this information and it is accurate!”

“This time is divided into 2 groups, a group of Leone and Tatsumi, you 2 are responsible for destroying the criminal gang at Huajie, and another group of Shēre and Mine, you 2 are responsible for beheading the organization ’s leader Zibl, the others are not named People stay behind. “

Everyone said nodded yes.

Seeing this, Zhang Han said, “Since everyone has a task, today’s training is temporarily cancelled.”

Lubbock hearing this hurriedly said, “Instructor, only Leone has the task, we can stay at the base to continue training, anyway, idle is idle, there is no need to rest.”

Akame and the others have nodded one after another, looking towards Zhang Han.

After seeing Rokushiki’s tyrannical formidable power, everyone’s training enthusiasm has skyrocketed. Especially shaving and Geppō have a fatal attraction to them.

No one wants to soar freely in the sky. Although Geppō cannot make them fly for a long time, it is also an exciting thing to stay in the sky briefly.

Zhang Han gently shook the head, rejecting Lubbock ’s proposal, “Training must be relaxed to achieve maximum efficiency. I understand everyone ’s urgency, but you have conducted 20 days of high-intensity training for the body and The spirit is a great load. If you continue to force it, the efficiency will only become lower and lower, and the risk of injury will be greatly increased. “

“Even if there is no task to come out today, I am going to put you on a day off. It is not too late to adjust the spirit and train again.”

Lubbock was unwilling to be nodded and did not fight anymore. After a while, I started to chat with other left-behind members about the next plan. Since I have a day off, I must find something interesting to do.

All are teenager temperaments, and soon the training is left behind.

“Okay, everyone take a good rest, keep up the spirit, and act at night!” Najenda stood up and summed up, and left the Conference Hall. The others followed closely.


Just as Hill and Mine were about to leave, Zhang Han yelled at each other. In response to Hill’s doubtful eyes, said with a smile, “I will go with you at night to check your training results of the past few days.”

Even after a few decades, Zhang Han still clearly remembered that the first one to hang in the original book was Glass girl Shēre. Zhang Han has a natural aversion to such a dead sister. Since people are here, he will not allow Hill to lose his life to impossible to make head or tail of it.


As soon as the words came out, the Mine next to him stopped doing it.

Knowing that he dropped out of training and ran to play this hand … Even if it is to check the training results, should I go to the group of Leone and Tatsumi?

Mine instantly felt the deep malice in Zhang Han’s words.

Test your sister, this is obviously naked display!

“Want to hit this Young Lady’s face and say nothing can make this guy succeed!” Mine swears at the gnashing teeth curse.

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