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Leone murmured to himself, full of self-blame and annoyance. After all, he often walks by the river. Why doesn’t it make sense to not wet his shoes?

When plotting against others, you should actually beware of the other party’s tricks.

Blame it on being too careless! Full of thought that the bastard is just a simple ghost from the foreign country who dreams most. Only under the care of such a simple routine.

Not far away, the beauty clerk stared at Leone with two eyes unblinking, with an inexplicable smile on her face. When Zhang Han left, she was the first to discover that something was wrong, but out of jealousy of Leone, not at all told the other party directly.

Half an hour ago, the beauty shop clerk saw Zhang Han with her mouth turned into the corridor, and immediately followed her. I wanted to wait for Zhang Han outside the bathroom, trying to draw the attention of the other party with thoughtful service and intimate care.

Maybe the Young Master of that big family is tired of cheap milk. If you want to change the taste, you can take advantage of it!

To this end, she also unbuttoned two uniform buttons deliberately, squeezed hard, exposing the not-so-obvious ditch …

It’s just that when you wait outside and wait for the right, you don’t see Zhang Han coming out. The beauty clerk was afraid that Zhang Han might have an accident, so he quickly found a male clerk to check in.

Who knows the result is that there is no one in the bathroom!

Until this moment, the beauty clerk could not understand how the cow sitting outside might be fooled.

“Hmph! The damn little bitch smashes you to seduce a man arbitrarily. That kind of superficial anger is exactly like the female on the street in Huajie. How could it be in the eyes of the big noble family Young Master ? “

The beauty shop clerk with a smile of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune filled with malicious speculation, “It really deserves to be the Young Master of the big aristocratic family. His thoughts are clear and clear, and he saw through the bichi’s tricks at a glance. This time was retaliated. ?! “

Thinking of this, the beauty shop clerk decided to help Zhang Han to stare at the ** cow, a delicious meal of the highest specification, which would definitely make the Bi Chi go bankrupt …

It would be better if you can’t afford the debt, and was sold to the Flower Street Brothel by Boss to serve those mud legs!

It took less than an hour for the guests in the shop to-and-fro and the beauty clerk to greet him, leaning on the bar and staring at Leone.

Feeling almost time, the beauty clerk stepped forward with the winner ’s smile, and said warmly, “Young Lady, do you need to check out? A total of 15,000 200 gold, in view of the boldness of the guests’ meals, I can take the initiative to discard the odds and ends , Charge you 10000 5 well! “

“Nani? So many … oh no! I mean, my companion hasn’t come back. If you check out, wait again.” Leone barely laughed, his eyes glancing at the expensive gate, secretly calculating The best route to escape.

Hum, the vulgar and crude ** cow, finally showing the tail of the fox!

Leone ’s first reaction failed to escape from the beauty clerk ’s eyes. At first glance, he knew that the other party could n’t pay the bill, and immediately changed the color. He sneered and reminded, “The old man had left the back door long ago, and the young lady paid the bill as soon as possible. , Do n’t stop us from doing business. “

Damn it! This snobbish bichi …

Leone glared at each other and stood up coldly, “Then check out!”

At the end of the speech, his body suddenly rose, kicking his foot on the beauty clerk and jumping to in midair with his strength, stepping on the dining table and running towards the gate at high speed.

Suddenly, the sudden explosion caused everyone to stun lifts the head, and nothing happened.


The beauty shop assistant screamed and fell to the ground, instantly attracting the attention of the guard.

I thought that the bull was just a vulgar woman who was showing off her body and clinging to powerful people. Who knew that battle strength was so fierce. The beauty clerk felt regret in her heart and knew that this would happen. She should arrange guards to block the gate in advance to prevent the escape of Bi Chi.

Seeing Leone getting closer and closer to the gate, the beauty clerk clutching her stomach in pain, raised her finger to the back of her escape, and shouted, “She hasn’t paid the bill yet, grab her quickly!”

“What? Someone dared to eat overlord meal in my shop?”

The restaurant Boss didn’t expect it at all, and he would encounter this kind of accident. When he reacted, Leone had already opened the door and escaped from the shop.

Suddenly flustered and exasperated screamed at his men, “Not yet chasing?”

The guards rushed towards the door in a hurry.

“Transform, Lionel!”

Leone had just escaped the gate and immediately used the Imperial Tool ‘100 Beast King, Lionel’. The seemingly ordinary belt, suddenly the rays of light skyrocketed, a virtual image of a lion’s face flashed from it, and then there were raging flames wrapped around the body surface.

Under the blessing of the Imperial Tool, Leone’s body changed to a semi-animalized state. The original golden short hair became large wavy long hair, his hands transformed into a beast-shaped sharp claw, and a lion tail grew from caudal vertebrae.

After the transformation, the body’s attributes have been greatly strengthened, and the whole temperament has become more wild.

Leone just jumped lightly, then jumped to the top of the building nearly ten meters high, and jumped continuously along the top of the building, just half a minute later, disappeared into everyone’s vision.

The guard who chased out the gate was at a loss for 4 Gu, and looked at it for a long time, but he couldn’t find the guy who had eaten the king’s meal. He had to return to the store with crestfallen.

“Asshole! Are you not the Elite from Kōken Temple? Why can’t you even catch up with a woman? A bunch of waste, what do you want from you? Eat rice? …”

The restaurant Boss slammed his head against several guards in a burst of anger, and only felt that his heart was bleeding. That was more than 10000 gold! Enough profit for the restaurant half a month!

The bodyguards dragged their heads in succession, their faces flushed extremely, but they had no thoughts of resistance.

It is not easy to find a better job this year. If it is dismissed because of this matter, it is absolutely difficult to heavenly ascension if you want to find a more satisfactory job.

Seeing the ugly face of Boss, the beauty clerk turned his eyes and immediately noticed his opportunity. He hurried forward and filled the indignant way, “Adult please rest assured, I have already remembered the appearance of that slut, so go guard The team reported the case, and the whole city searched for her! I believe that it will not take long for her to be arrested and tried. “

“Yes, very good!”

Boss didn’t expect, there is a clever person in a group of elm pimples, and he was relieved, raising his hand to the shoulder of the pats beauty clerk, saying with satisfaction, “You are very good! I remember there is still a foreman in the store is you!”

The beauty clerk was overjoyed and bowed hurriedly, “Thank you for your cultivation!”

After finishing his speech, he hurried out of the hotel and hurried towards the place where the guard was.

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